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Show no RIVA'TEG PI p.-g- no e Seven coming? than going Vell that's consoling.' me Oh, gain I. did about the most interesting not pardon TAKE NOTICE SOPHOKORE moan to sit on your GIRLS thing you can think of; stomach I just tripped Special advice given on" for instance, the bar of over your face.' was "How to Catch a Freshman. 1812, or it 1218? This .is our bed? Oh, This can be yes, subject there's the spot First, aretake your pick. out them of dragged where endlessly. I spilled the pop (There plenty be Insist that we in you and by what.' I have to slep on .girls dont mind.) were bad (Too you It makes 'no difference if 9:30. it tills time? bT.y, not ) 8. some until other ready he's girl's boy then it comes to saying citch my death of cold.' friend that only makes it bho's singing,or is that more interesting. goodnight, bat those glamsnoring? You'd like to go orous Now tack him. eyelashes, You've sighted tilt to sleep? All right, all ready for the your head' invitingly and be quiet. Hey, my foot vje 're are cold, who's got the lessons. Be sure to foll- shake his hand. wasn't "T" or it ow them to the (Lovely evening, The covers?.'.' floor's , won't work out right.-1sit?) hard? let's turn boll,' intnose Follow' simple over shift.' There,' that's step bait until you KEEN back -- , I'll I'll t see . one innocently structions stand-in- g frqshmnn girls happy again! P. S. If any on a corner,' then runup and throw your arms around him and tell him that you're just carefully,, ana belt or. "be-- we girls sophomore simply hill. ; enow , . b,Ik.t bny, I ; y it's, 6r?0 already? haven't everi'becn sided yet fpf the This night.' Good, A-- is . ' y :,J .... a justsome of typical" cat chin' experience of or., a. date, 4iIf he technique of the $ " -. ;boyr,-tfhe bophomoie please then' "'slumbep.-.podoen't Respond', .rty .girls; bp out j the "riih Last Thursday. All; ip ;all lightly :baSh. him- over arid1-i everyone had one? ft ell head, drag him home, SNORING? bHO'S Girls'1 Club and him the the lock in closet. tL'ie, m o , b u t wo ul d n Uh rdo , pa that This method is guaranteed officers .saw to exJ he-- . Vo hat-youp fed! ho. elp you e s andf ho removing avcrypnl t ,'wasjwcll by bow from my 'ey.e?i Not It hat enteribiriei. ; perience. T mink,-- but 'I 'Vo got to get 2nd steo--I- n (ba.c) .private Greon; dying,.-f- , p it , -- it . ' : i : ; ; ! .yourself to comb ' glamorizing advisable it is my toe out of somebody's D --; BLACK. m.EblT? - , aid ,0h, ; and baxirie. ..you say? FRna' make' efDish ra-:rake. '.a. to too many olives?- new a have Heaiori you fective "rats." "Sperries" recipe. you sick? .No points required.' The is the latest fad in pan- and;;: it- made even my I didn't get rare delicacy was ..'suggest-- .: bell, cake makeup; the results was head in Cherri share ed are surprising. by Lr. Smith as he Lipstick '6f me.' ", I 'patched the pair dissec: aoplied without the'yid of ; bh'at?' Yali wish; you had. an unusually r mirror makes. a more lbs- -' attractive Sharlono !' an soecLacn of pajamas earth worm. cinating line.' " ask 's has?' go ,nd we quote, su rely not' bolly let Last, 1 :t " thorn. "'she '"a live writhing specimen got" least, onions and' garlic herYouwhere Neither see? can't creof potential possibilities. eaten for dinner will I Oh.' I'm sorry Immerse trio creature in ate an enchanting .perfume, , .can I. Now you arc ready,'; .stepped in your face oops rich, creamy milk until it . 3d step Drag him .Out pf 'what was filled; to the propor- -; your hair with a mouthl . ; blat Gar-dine- - : ! ' ' ' ' ; iT.-.i- cc, ; ' ; ; tj.nat.-r--b, doing in , bottle closet and shake hint no, I did Borrow your that spot?:.' together, myself, I just neighbor's motor bike for not hurt back.' transportation. Knowledge broke my Hey.' Sharleue, where 'd of how to operate it may be useful, but not entireyou gut your darling pajayour second ly essential. The ride mas? ' They're on your lather's leaves your ha.ir in a uncle huh? bull, gou. stylo side, carefree, . thanks that men simply adore .' You it's darker say 'Then on your date, talk the - wind-blo- wn miniature wanner. Roll in crumbs and fry in butter. Dispose of it as you sc tions of a; cr-ck- or fit." In the her excitement ovr football game, the volleyball reporter forgot next her report. liayoe week, huh? |