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Show sir, "Pardon, by the Big Page Four but I go Hand Cafe FACULTY .HAVE FUN Hill s ir " ) on Holiday 'night to standard. sandwiches , the the Black y faculty-part- those .delicious p-V- .all reports From every day.. You should try one of was up ' With Lee Mr. Hafen, Bentley, Mr. Garner and. Mr . ' Woodbury cooking the no one could ask steaks, for a bettor meal. supper, Following the Corbett led Mr. games' and c ondu ct ed in some Rasmussen cosnun it y Miss s ome singing. In charge of the party were: Mr. Hafen, Hr. Cor- bett, Mrs. Morkley, Mr. Woodbury, Miss Henderson ' and Mr . How- - Hunt s man . . D manyhavc tried out .the "Wot Paint" sign just outside of the biology lab SEMINARY- They are GOUNCIL TO MEET B. K. Farns-wort- h, door? watch supervisor of sec- that had better ; The spot something inSeninary Council' ondary education for Utah, will meet on- Monday, Oct-o- b arid E. Allen Bateman, an terest ing is due there er Go, to c ompl et e plans administrator in Cache soon. D for student activities for county. You : 1 - MRS. ROBINSON, former P.T.A. con- - . instructor in homo economDarrel Esplin, forence will be hold in ics, is now teaching in Dalton, the Salt Lake City school. and Neva St. George next Thrusday. Marion ATittwer ' the;year. New-- members of the ''council are: Norma D A REGIONAL ' ' a Woodbury. INSTITUTE J : . 'Such Institute is plana ning Halloween party for the end of next week. The The exact date hasnt party,will on Why didnt she go be ' the evening Hill HAND 01 been set, holdlin the Red PRESSED and every one attendmust be ing, in, costume, Game'sa and are picnic ' being planned. Prizes, will be given tume. RIVAL. for the best - ..,? cos- .... WELL CA'pibATES vVfSIT ! l ( Rival candidates for the office of state superintendent of public instruct- ion-. visited, the,-. ..local, schools during the' week end. -- to the MODERN CLEANERS PLANS PARTY HALLO'.-PE- .The clothes. DK3SSED i, , .J r .V?,)' |