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Show 1 I i Ti I A NIGHTMARE ' LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis POSTER. he Wm Sore of One Hood red Dollar Least for the Picture Be Fainted. at Dis'-nver- CURED BY USING She awoke with a start and there was a little cry of alarm on her lips as she Chen7 sat up in bed. For a moment she did not fully realize where she was. Then Pectoral ajL X she missed her husband from her side and a hopeful expression lit up her face. A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. Propping- herself upon one elbow she to listen. It was os she had proceeded Three months ago, I took a viohoped. In a few moments she heard lent cold which resulted in an attack her husband out in the other room. lie of acute bronchitis. I put myself was uttering shrill cries of terror and under medical and at the treatment, seemed to be trying to rout some end of two months was no better. enemy. I found it very difficult to preach, lies got em again, remarked his and concluded to try Ayers Cherry after she had listened to the wife, sounds for a little while. I thought h would fetch him that last Getting out of bed, she went into the other room and lit all the gas jets. Iler husband was rushing up und do r. the room in a frenzy, first pointing at one of the corners and then running his thin, tapering fingers through his long hair. you see them all? asked his wife, anxiously. Yes, he replied, in a hoarse voice ; there is the girl with the green hair, over near the bookcase, the pink dog is up in the chandelier, w hile youll find the horse with the purple mane in the Wardrobe, where I chased him awhile ago. There was a happy smile on the wife's face as she ministered to her husband's needs. First she wrapped him carefulPectoral. The first bottle gave me ly in a large shawl and then led him to a chair, in which she fastened him Ly great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost xneans of a clever arrangement ol' entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, straps, which allowed his arms to be and I feel sure that one or two bot free. Then she drew an easel with a ties more will effect a permanent fresh canvas on it before him, tied his cure. To all ministers suffering from pallet in position and placed his paint and brushes within reach. throat troubles, I recommend Ayers I'll be all right now, he said. If E.M. Brawley, Cherry Pectoral. D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt youll only give me a nip out of the bottle to brace me up. Publication Society, Petersburg, Ya. I hope so, Lorenzo, she returned. We owe two months rent and the grocer has become rather tiresome. GOLD MEDAL AT THE WORLDS FAIR. After putting her arm around his neck and kissing him she went back to bed. AYER'S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILLAS. When she awoke in the morning and went into the other room to turn out the lights her husband was putting the The length of my life may be increased e fininshing touches to a of lessening the dangers. The majority will fetch $100, murmured by the people die from luag troubles-poster. It the wife, as she saw that her husband These may he nverted by promptly using had faithfully reproduced all the mon- One Minute Cough Cure. A. Lunt & Sons. strosities he had, seen while in the X. Y. World. AVPPQ Lrfly O - f i hot-scotc- ( i t There la bothlng r-- Goo- Tber s nothing just as aa I, fir onsuwptit, King New Slip Colds 8) l!lllll.d It .uj not the dealer to sell yin rune an s'i'nte He wil luitclniui then is an tiling better, but in ord-- r to m ke mo to profit he may claim seim-t'-inX just as good. Yon wa t I r su Disroveiy you k on it t, , to do good i and reli rile, and : For (Vdda, Coi money refunded. und a.!! of Throa iumpt-n- nothing o goo Cheat nd Limns. the-as is Dr Kings New Tri b ittle free at all I)ri;-ttore- . su i Dealer) l.eg liar sizes fill cents and $1.00, Co-lgh- to ) 5 SxTy, in, 15 EipafciU, Kajii, i Ayers Cherry Pectoral 1 hei-au-- e Ibse-tverr- Churslng Done In One Minute. I have trie! the Lightning Churn, voi recently dt scri!d in yon paper, and i ia certainly a wonder.' I can churn ii less than one minute, mu. the butter i! elegant, nd von uei conste loral) e iron a common bntW t! an when for the ehurr churn. I to k th-- here and every lnr:or maker that sees it buys one. I h t v oM t hree dozen and they give the het of sat'sfaction. I know I can aell lort in this township, as they churn so quickly, make so much more bu'ter than common churns and are so cheap. Some one in every township can make two or three hundred dollars sellJ. F. ing these churns. liv addres-in- g Casey(Vi., SI. I.ouis, you can get an dtull iniormat'on so you can make higrnone.v right at home. I have made the past two weeks and I have never Mid anything in niv life before. . u-- ag-iie- -- - PLEASE TELL THE cir-eula- is i A , How Farmer. xi n to Prevent Croup Boms that will pro e iuter sting to y. ung mothers. Ho to guard acnntst tut) disease. Croup is a terror to young mothers and to pot-- them concerning ttie causa, first symptoms and irea: men t is the object of this item, The ogiu of croup Is a common cold. Children who are subject to it take cold very easily and croup is almost sure to follow. The first symptim is hoarsdess.; thia is soon followed by a rou gb cough. which is easily recognized and will neyr be forgotten by one who has hesred ll. The rime to act is when the child first becomes hoarse. If Chamberlains Cough Remedy i all tendency to croup w ill soon disEven alter the or ju pv cough has appear-. t will preerl the attack developed There is uo danger in giving thia remedy lor it containa nothing injurious. For ! freel-gtve- n sale by A. Lunt & Sons. new-styl- . jim-jam- s. All who are, or expectt'ibe, interested in mines will te glad to know that N.Copp, the Washingt jn.a D. C., land lawyer, has revised Coop Prospector'.. Manual. The mineralogical part of the work has been almost entirely rewritten by a Colorado mining engineer, who has had years of experience as a p'ospector, asssyer ard superintendent of mines and United States surveyor. Tne book is a popular treatise on asand will be found saying and mineralogy, nseinl to all who wieh to discovr mines. The first part of the work gives the United States mining laws and regulamining tions, how to locate and survey a valuable claim, various formsand much 50 cents at the information. The price is principal book stores, or of the author. H-n- ry 'COLORADO. Ayers Hair Vigor, Which has outlived and auperseded hundreds of similar is undoubtedly the most fashg ionable as well as economical' in the market. By its use, the poorest head of hhruoou becomes luxurian and beautiful. TTyANTEDSEiVERAL FAITHFUI. KIN or women to travel for rsopoostbl tabltslied bouse! in ftah. Salary fT90, payable SIS rxpences. Poaltlnn vwrnanent. wlcly aiv!Enclose Reference. aSampod The National, Star1 BBlldlng.Ofcie-agenvelope. hair-dressin- o. lb-- il That we pay more thanothers self-lieui- self-heatin- g NURSERYMEN, DENVER. A Wife Equal to a Gold Mine. Will some of your readers give me a good reoipt for making a cold starch? I am selling flatirons and iron a little Ht eyerv ho iso and have to uso some starch every place and want know lmw to make a good cold starch. My husband was in debt and I beinganxioua to lielp him through I would sell flatirons and I am doing splendidly. A cents worth of Cuel will heat, the iron for 3 hours, so you have a perfectly even heat. You can iron in half the time and no danger of scorchir g the clothes, as with the old tron, anu you can get the most beautiful gloss. I sell at r erlv every house, as the iron saves so much fuel everjhody wants one, I made $1.50 on each iron and have not sold less than ten anv day I worked. My brot her is doing well and I think anyone can make lots of lnonev anywheie sell ing irons. J. F. CASiEY & CO., 8t. Louis, Mo., will start anyone in the business, as they did me, il you w ill address them. Mrs. A. Russant,. i Wheat and give as much for the money as the cheap store. If these are truths why not patronize the oldest store in for town. Good Wind Mill Make it Yourself! I saw one of the Peoples wind mills which I saw recommended in your paper recently, it only cost me $9.40 and is s splendid mill; my well is deep, but it pumps it alt right and with very little A wind; the neighbors all like it, and as I am a kind of a carpenter, I have agreed to put up nine mills already, on which I can make a nice profit, and there are many others for whom I can put up mills this fall. I don't see why every farmer j should not have a wind mill, when they can make it themselves lor less than $10; anyone can get diagrams and complete directions for making the wind milt by two-ce- sending 18 nt stamps to pay post- - age, etc., to Francis Casey, St. Louis, Mo. and there can be dozens of them pnt up ih any locality by anyone that has the A Farmer. energy to do so. Marry This Girl tulck. I saw in your paper that a 13 year old boy made $1.26 the first hour he worked selling the Perfection Metal Tip Lamp-wic1 ordered a sample and went to work and the first week I cleared $10, the second week I cleared $15, I expect to run up to $25 a week in the near future, aa the Perfection Metal Tip Lampwick makes such a beautiful white light aud doe away with smoker chimneys and bad odor and saves oil, It is easy to selL If you wish to try it seud IS two oent stamps to Miss A. M. Frita, Station A. 8t. Louis, Mo., and she will send you sample outfit, this is a good way to mske W. money aroued home. Alias L O 1 j J j I h k. Tut Because 25 jeers By parchasinggoodii from ns! Why? the wants of the perience in business enables ns to know ex- peo- SECOND We boy for ple and select .goods accordingly. When ciuh and take advantage of all discounts- THIRD the debts of others. yon trade with us you do not have to pay STRICTLY 1 PRICE TO ALL. 6has Foots NEPHTDlTY- - Row the Dipper Saved th Farm. Father waa aiek and the moitgageoa thefsrm was coming due, I saw In he Christina Advocate where Idle A. M. Fritz of Station A. St.Louis.Mo., would tend a sample combination dipper for 18 two cent atsmps, and I ordered ana. I saw th dipper coaid be ussd as a fruit Jar filler; a plain dipner; a flu etralnar; a fuaael; a strainer funnel; a alok room warming pan and a plat maaaare. The aight different uses make the dipper tuoha aeeeeaary article that J west to work with it aad It as 11a at very user 17 house. Aad la four la oaths I paid off th mortgagee I thick lea else as mueb a taw a as oath. If you aead work trial. wa a vail by lrUg tfcto yea Lets A. tt. w rite. taUo A. Lou, A two Ida , wlU and yoa a ample aval stamp write et oaee. G. 9. SMI t arid Sons, UTAH h1 Jm AFts at et8itodiwmpu tw m gnstp. nottadve asetas sad risk, inu fteas Ui Ae IhU llthaa.(i" Wtataw deUamepnz- - nettaatan, Fta V esajta. fig Jtrr.ig 1 John D, Ord, Ospciintandsnt. |