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Show X v 1 V GIVE TOIL WE Aa For only fl Ou Paper pr yrar. m' PEOPLE. Who do dc4 adverts Am ckv to opwti ftietr VOLUME IV. NEPHI CITY, UTAH. SATURDAY, JANUARY A NEWS BV TELEGRAPH LABOR-SAVIN- DEVICE. G Interesting Hems Condensed for Rapid trial- i of a From Far and Week-Happen- 1807. No. 33 Euteki city vs. Anna Marks. MYSTERIOUS HOUSEBREAKING. Verdict far plaintiiT Sentence to be pronounced tie fut day ofuext term (March 15, and 40 days Two NephiBoys and a Pretty Nephi given to prepare uojice for m w j ; The Gleanings 1G, ings or his Near. y The house committee, on J in congress, today ordered a favorable report on the bill fixing the times and places for holding United States courts in Utah. - ikuiu ,i j. io i'.n.k. as judgment given for, amminti ag to S'Uoi). Heft. jUie.ir. ed udi-ciar- Narrow Tires Destroy Roads. John Hamilton, deputy secretary of agriculture and director of farmers institutes for Pennsylvania, says all wagons hauling over two tons should be ide tires, as required to have a single load on a narrow tire often damages the road more than all the other traffic of a vear. six-inc- ash-inglo- n, Roads. Joseph Burkhardt ot Edwards-vill- e, shot and killed his fair young wife Tuesday night and then sent a bullet through his own brain. The deed was the sequence of a life of domestic happiness. Burkhardt was a wealthy contractor. PIIIM Oi wonder phwy tliot little Dngan always wants to go up d'the laddker forninst me? Mr. O, his trip to Washington on YvTednes-da- y night. He feels encouraged over the outlook and thinks something will be done for the sugar in the near future. Lehi Banner. ' telegram dated London, Jan. 11, says: Senator Edward O. Wolcott of Colorado, who is visiting Europe in the interest of bimetallism, called at the United States embassy today and had an hours interview with Ambassador BaySenator Wolcott tonight ard. dined with Henry White, formerly secretary of the United States embassy. The Bimetallic league has been besieged with callers anxious to see Senator Wolcott. A net sain an entrance to its confines. The club will have a special night open for the purpose ot bringing. lady friends and an evening of social enjoyment, to consist of lectures, etc., will be gotten up for that occasion. The president of the club is J. Win. W. Shiminiu,' Bailey; Secretary, Mont Whi more; and Harry Foote Treasurer. The membership fee is SG.00 with assessments if it is deemed G.OO advisable, not to exceed extra. From information received many of Jfephis young men are joining and we believe the club will have a most auspicious beginning. Vive-Presiden- t, . - Princess de Chimay who eloped last summer with Janos Rigo, the has been engaged to appear in a tableau vivants at the Winter garden, Berlin. She will be paid 750 a night. . A magazine of the Pennayvania Torpedo company, limited, at Shamokin, Pa.. eighteen miles from Pittsburg, blew up about 10 oclock completely demolishing the building. Two men and two women were killed and one was injured. Manager Cutler returned from NEW CLUB. To be Called the Naphi Social and Literary Club. Some of Nephi's enterprising bean-proo- f. for turtles. A storm drove them out of their reckoning, and on a dark night they went ashore upon the const of Cuba. No sooner had they set foot on the soil than a lotof vigilant senors thrust them into prison as insurgent sympathizers. young men have decided to form a club for social enjoyment. It is to be formed for the purpose of advancing them both in a mental and physical nature. The office now occupied by The Republic Publishing Co. is to bo used for that purpose and will be fitted up with a suite of rooms to be used for pool playing, cards, boxing, gymnastics, etc. No intoxicating liquors will be allowed, obscene language will not be permitted and no hoodlumism of whatever name and nature will terclaim, together with costs of suit. s. blingly approached and unlock, ed the door. On entering the room from which the light was seen to burn brightly; they found it in the possession of two of Nephia prominent young men, and one of Nephi's young ladies. We are unable to say what tho feelings of Mrs. Sorenson and her daughters were whea they discovered who had taken possession of their home nor were we present to seo th e punishment meeted out to the nightly marandersThe names of the parties are known, but out of respect we keep them secret. These are, however, the initial letters of their Christian names S., M., I. There they remained 62 days. Row, Spain feeds her army and navy principally upon beans, and the 'Spanish captors reasoned that what was good enough for the warriors of Castile was certainly good enough for rebel suspects. So beans they got, and nothing more. The weary weeks of confinement and bean diet were punctuated with cheering announcements from time to time, that they might expect to be shot within a day or two. Well, says Richelieu, they didnt do that, but its about the only thing they didnt do. 5Ve had nothing to eat but beans. Whether it was really the beans or the fear of death that did it, within a few days both the men were so ill they could scarcely stand. They managed at last to gain the notice of the American consul and were released. There was no Fifth Judical District. evidence against them. They came back to New York, victims of beans and Anthat Petit jurors summoned for this dalusian perversity, and demanded the United States government obtain reterm, come into court and found to dress for them. Boltons status ns a citizen was all all be qualified to serve. and the American minister at State vs. Clendenning et. al. right, Madrid has been ordered to present his The prosecution in this case failing claim for bean damage. But poor Pierre to have their complaining witness was in no such luck. Ili.s papers the first set taken at Ore., in 1872, on hand, nor could they find him, and the secondatPortland, Boston, in 1678 were the tramps were discharged. all made out in the name of Gustav Laymet. nis statements about them confiPlace not your Morale havo all been verified. TIE tale is undence in the promises of men, es questionably true, but he says the papecially when they bo the vaga- pers, which he had with him when he seized in Cuba, were taken from bonds who infest our streets at was him and kept by the Rpaniard-s- . this 3eason of the year, as the coun. Not having them in his possession, and the fact that he took them out in ty is out about $175 in this case. have sadly blocked his a false Ellertson V3. Molyneux. Judg- claim toname, damages for the bean treatment for defendants. ment. But he lives in ind.gestion, and the whole muddle about the Bodge vs. Topham. Judgement hope that w'ill be straightened out very papers for 44.80, from April 30, 1894 and soon, and that then he will get money interest at 8 per cent. Judgment enough from Spain to live on plum for the remainder of his days. for defendants, for amount of coun- duff N. Y. Journal. Died. A resident of Amesbury conLomax Died of nei vous debili ty at The Nebraska lower house have signed seventy-fiv- e barrels of No. 1 240 Fern street,. Salt Lake city, on passed a resolution sympathizing apples to Boston parties, and af- Sunday, January 10, 1807, at 1:20 a. in , with Cuba. ter some delay received word that Alice Green, wife of John Lomax, late he was in debt to them $5, they of Derby, Englaudpage G7 years, 1 month and 22 days. Washington, Jan. 12. Attorney having paid freight and cartage. Sister Lomax was baptized into the Gen. Harmon was asked today Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day about the probable course the govThe duke of Fife, the husband Saints, August 20, 1818, at Borrowash, ernment would pursue with respect of the oldest Derbyshire, England, by Eider Henry daughter of the prince George. fundtho now Pacific railroads, to of Wales, has a private income of The deceased was the mother of Mrs. the failed. had Beyond bill ing $400,000 a year, and is among the XV. L. Itoe, of this city, and she leavestatement that some action might richest of the younger members of behind quite a large family of chlldred within be taken thirty and grandchildren. probably Victorias family. to discuss the Queen days, be declined matter. It is believed, howevtr, tlie first step will be against the Union Pacific, inasmuch as foreclosure proceedings instructed by the first lien holders of that road are now pending in the courts. ALL BEANS. Diet of a Uoston Frenchman While Confined in a rrlson in Cuba Sixty-twdays. Three, meals a day. Beans for e ery meal. That was the record of Pierre Richelieus imprisonment by the Spanish authorities at Santiago de Cuba- If Pierre was a native Bos to nose he would porbably have liked nothing bettor, but lie was born in France, and is a man of the sea withal, and that proof subsistence tracted upon beans has left rancor in his heart and utter demoralization in his interior conomy. Pierre had taken out naturalization papers in Boston previous to risking his life, liberty a"nd digesthe machinery in Spanish territory. He hoped fondly, but vainly, that this ceremony would render him In his travels about the world he had heard of the vast use the Spaniards made of beans. He is now standing off and on about the corridors of the United States djs. trict court in Boston, waiting for the authorities to look up his citizen papers, and with them as a basis to file a $20,000 claim against the government of the dons for the destruction of his intestinal equipment. Pierres complete name is Pierre Gustave Laymet Richelieu. In February of 1895 he found himself in Port au Prince, Ilayti. One day he started out in a little boat called the. Yankee Doodle, and, with a companion named August Bolton, wen,t fishing along the coast o at Monte Carlo recently refused Alexander Graham Bell, the ventor of the telephone and a resident of Washington for a number of years past, on Tuesday renounced allegiance to the queea of England and became a citizen of the United States, Professor Ball was born in Scotland and subsequently removed to Canada, but ior 15 years has resided in the United States.' On the 17th of June, 1S93, Professor Bell first filed his declaration and today the allegiance was administered to him in the supreme court ot the district. h A Pointer for Farmers. The better the roads the easier it is for a farmer to make a dollar. Good is understood that the Casino in- Last Sunday evening when Mrs. Sorenson and her daughters Annie and Carrie hied their way to tho meeting held in the tabernacle, they locked all the doors as they supf osed and felt secure from tho inroads of After was over wended meeting they their way homeward, having no thought for the security of the security of their domicile, what was their surprise, however, when on nearing their home, to see lights burning in the house. Unable to account for the occurence, knowing full well that their house was left in total darkness when they departed for meeting, they tremhouse-breaker- The executive board of the National "Wood Growers association has been called to meet at February 9, to arrange for a conference with the wool manufacturers in the hope of agreeing upon a tariff schedule. It is stated that baroneSs Ilirsch will give two million franc? (400,-000- ) to build a hospital for consumptive ohildren on the Riveria. admission to Ellen Terry on the ground that she was to ill dressed. Girl the Culprits. - Bank vs. W. I. Broun. Suit on prom "usury note: Counterclaim: verdict given IV deft. !'r amount of counterclaim. .1 . E. Hickman Jlv'k J It re. - MONA NEWS. The Nebo Mining Prospects are Doing Well. To the Editor of the Republio. Sir Thinking a few lines from this part of the country might ba of great interest to tho some of your readers, I desire to say that the Nebo mining prospects are all right. We are having good weather here, and there is less snow on Nebo than there has been for many years, at the same period of the year, and it is more, like spring than winter. r. II. Campbell came down from the Noble and Morly mines on Wednesday and reports the mine lookin'; in splendid condition. He says they have about five tons of ore on the damp, with a vein of five feet in tne mine. Mr. Campbell says it is very rich, and they are finding pieces of horn M D- - silver quite freequently. The new smelter will be completed in about ten days and they will be ready for business. He also sta jes that two men can take out four or five tens of ore a day. The road they have been grading wras completed Wednesday. It is now nicely graded from tb mine to tho smelter. j, be recent These finds have to work the people up tl pitch of excitement, and they fcu pect a great rush to the district ay soon as the snow is gone. It is stated that Joseph Jacques mine is looking in fine condition, and the ore taken out assays very high in silver and gold, and that he has a three foot vein of ore ia WEXLOW. sight. |