Show MILLION aillo DOLLAR MILL IN 1 ION BY RAVEN there ie its a rumor apparently well fou founded ndel that the jhnon mining corn cow pana nrc seriously con si sideling delling the tile proposition to build n million illIon ru dollar relining plant near their mines on the file Duclie eno aler sit a heber city a wave their great plant in tile ehst enst wu wits recently de by lire und and they aru arv invests In vesti kitting getting the feas reusability ability of building wilding near tho mines if it it its I 1 decided d to do SO tile will lc IK iotch bcd bencen blakc canyon nod Theor theodoro lore should this scheme iw curried out it will be of vast importance to the de tile res reson oration atlon landa lands it waittis the of a large force of laborers and artisans the building of a thriving city the die dis of lurge large burns of money in the neighborhood la in short it means the creating enting cr of a market f r nil all kinde kindis of mere handle produce labor oto eto |