Show MOTICE NOTICE united states state land lan d bince salt it As ia lake city utah july 1 10 1909 19 0 6 to oho hom it it may concern atar not notice ce la in hereby riven given that the state of utah ba bled tiled in this aflee tace alita of lands landi selected by tho the said state an indemnity boot landi under see fl i of athenet thenet abe act of con congram grem approved july I 1 d 1 L 94 the following tract tracts embraced in s alj lints are fo found u nd to be within nix mileson 11 a finla ing location n claim or entry viz lota lots i 13 j and 4 see soo 19 twp t II 11 I 1 bonte range 9 t 1 ast at a 5 L bt M embraced in list 76 F FH NW and lq 0 o 19 twp it 11 south j rane range 9 k I 1 cst S L M la list 77 NE abu nt X 1 ab nb ui 1 NE N 1 bee II 11 south 9 1 as mt s 1 embraced ft it list 78 sag see 20 twp I 1 11 I 1 south 9 eat has S 3 1 NI embraced in list 79 10 NH N aad ad nei alq sec see ja imp I 1 wp 11 I 1 I 1 south blange 0 baet east h b 1 I M lii la list BO 80 naji see bce 28 nh see 30 tp I 1 11 I 1 south 9 list lat S 4 L 11 embraced in a 81 ax 24 awta owr 11 south range a last littas L e embraced braced I 1 a L list at s 82 copies of said lists so far as they r blute late to aid said tracts by hy descriptive up hare haire been pouted in 4 for in leation by any an ia lot remitted and bv the ea public ll 11 generally 11 ibbia tie t ie next day 0 aig t abe a date of tha this notice under depart mental instruction instructions c cl january to u loot DO protest a or contests against the claim of the tue tute to any of abe tracts or traub sub di visions hereinbefore on the ground around that the aima ix im non more valuable 1 I leable f tor 0 r mineral than tor for al at pur put ime will be received and noted foi report to the ebe general ire land omee at UC mc t J allure so to protest or coolest contest within the time dovec id will be considered evidence or abe be on mineral chart sier ter of 0 the and the th 1 act 1 inq e tree free from objection w will ill be recommended for a 1 I I RAN IRAN RA 1 U D I 1 holaus S reir titer hrit pub july 36 26 lat last sept SO 20 |