Show DEATH OF JOHN TULLIDGE ONE OF UTAH PIONEERS I j + I l 4 I II I I + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + JOHN TUILIDGE + John Tullldge dledat the home of his soninlaw Fred J Mack 212 State I street In this city at 6 oclock yesterday yester-day morning The deceased had been complaint ill 1 but five weeks His ailment was liver This announcement will bring sadness sad-ness to many people in this community i nat rt Mr Tullidge had been a resident I of Salt I Lake City for thirtyfeix years He was an artist of unusual ability and many of the houses in this city are adorned with the product of his genius He was a native of Weymouth England Eng-land and was 63 years of age at the I time of his death He came of a gifted I family his brother Edward W Tul lldge being the well known local historian his-torian He was also a man of the finest fin-est traits of character and had endeared en-deared to himself all with whom he was associated A large number of the painters and decorators of the city with whom Mr Tullidge was associated in his work met last evening in Hamlins establishment establish-ment and adopted the following resolutions 1 reso-lutions Whereas I has pleased Almighty God to take unto himself our dear brother and fellow worker John Tullidge who has lived in our midst for many years and has at all times led a life of virtue and I probity leaving a noble example to those whom he has left behind be it Resolved That we tender our heartfelt i sympathy to all tho members of his family Wo share their sorrow md with II a I them mourn his loss to them to us and to the community We pray that his iler J lh j I I virtues may long live in our hearts and 1 IKS practiced In our lives So that while we grieve that he has been called away from our midst we may endeavor to i realize that his l noble example and vir i I tues 1 have left behind a lasting fragrance I I to us and all men Signed on behalf of the united committee commit-tee of laIntersSCOTT SCOTT ANDERSON J H HAM C J WILLIAMS M H WILSON The funeral services will be held in the Seventh ward meeting house on Thursday afternoon at 4 oclock and Thuray all friends are requested to be present The painters of the city will attend the funeral in a body and Helds band l has been engaged to furnish the music for the sad occasion |