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Show - , , ,,.,1k 4PP NM 7,4,,,P.774, uk; DESERET )iE13 TUESDAY , TOTAL Pld Of 331 1,111.110i1 Is LIPOil LICHEE ' Before Gc) Dec, 7; Fights To Change ' Minor Provisions are Predicted HOUSS ot Dember S. engross. Pro-rid- per-lan- ai - committee,- predicts earl when it reaches that body leaders hope'. tohave the enacted , into law by meager March 1. 15 days before the first Income tax payments of the new rear are due. ,. , '.'''..' While the IOW was framed by lie committee on to,, oasis and was given unanimous approval, members reserved the right to. press for changes When tt is tonsidared.i- no.1110 floor ...of the ' 7 ' louse. are expeeted to be snide Fights there against the proposed'. rut" the Inheritance tax rates the provision for a pro,. -- sctivit reduction in thie tory amid' , - -- , ) ( 1 iv 1, li '' 1 n, - 1) :, ''',. op , m'ely Offer of . if i Il ! ) ( ) I OliTel vdtl....,, ,. i Worthwhile ' '' ; - , t Values in ALUMINUM- ROASTER BARG15547.111- Scott , ovAl. von- - , , E0 , $i 23 2tLumiNtat tag ,,, D0001,D0-0- .4, D x.rtteD. 1,00 LA,Irvz -t ga NS. - ' - DRy opeelot , newts 7 s2 - - ALUMINUM DOUBLE BOILER' ALUMINUM' KETTLE TILA ALIITMINT11'.PERCOLATOPS 7 . - . i 1 7. eP .. .... . 777 14-4- 11 001 A R Al,eletVirM MLR 110111ER.-soot- t," pitelal price P ., ..... ARe 41431P ' '. .44, , Coles's' Poitiers , ' Ail.INIUM Teo, Kettle- -. worm re-- es. pitict 001 tonc$01"1"01 ''FOQD 'CROP..rflt SETS VAL 11;.i I ,,2 - I Unto ilistiN fetaimity Sear kid4ou boa ,.. ' Illaw.2 AT A OPECI AL Al"liceerrs Pao- 4 ,i , Toy ilrOUR HOWL 6100 10 40 P Plait '. e .,1, 79c irks , imenrismolimmommo. , STEEL I iirvo ',glib , Buy Today it 1 lig - tiltES-I0111- f - Price - - I , Scott's and Save! WAY 168- AAAI N 7 ful VVhit-,,ThiiWonder- ..Medlcute dall ' Says B Y Will - .. s Savry IlLrfined barstium setrrrs Stect PRIV"; ,. Mark ... Kelt- sPI,14 1 .73 - 1311-tit- hog itonsiter. toimpd feet. Joe irtirpvit, wrtrrrtt PENAL t 111 I egji e&ol , 'You wilt be itstounded when you see what fine coats they are amd at such attractive prices.', hildren The :popularity of Karnak wflhl never ditaiMsh oolong as humani beings are Subject to the ills Owl are for there never was a medicine to briog the quick and lasting results thatAhis wonderful prepare,- tiOn does., - And the people know this--- No- -, body can doubt that Karnak does suet what Is claimed for It when' they have such statements, ati MEI of R Y. Randall,. of Stet A. iStatel street. Salt Lake City, matt 'every, day by people on all Mdeitof them.I "Suitt fiend anybody to mewho doubts what Karmtk will do and will surely tell them a plenty about' this wogderful says Ur; -Randall, I tell you therVic,tiounit Hats for Boys an s felts-- induding 'many Girls , at b I, IP. (74 ',Coat ind - Make your selection now Hat Sale in Infants' d 1 0 . : Floor Dept.-:::-2n- 111"1"1"OUR nommommommommol11-1141- DRUG STORE IS A 4104 GUN OVRICIfft 1 IN gt,P&.2 'r - d. C. M. L GROCERY DEPT. , - Pocatelloans Celebrate 57 Wedding Anniversary ' POCATELLO, Woo. - kAA:sgi...4,:jog..$000.,i4ls:T. ou,mak rely,upon getting clean, fresh, wholesome groceries,' at Z. C. M. 1; Our and our rices alwayi reasonable, Emioring the wedding of her plr41(3,A1,.. end anno,..r4ar1 Mn. A. C. Wilson, Mn. G. A. Par' sons entertained with a dinner party StmdaT act her home in West Pore- steronGitoreere. anode rderlih.04.1L Rtellry Lire. oleo chudrocr an at whom nve b a America. except one daughter, Presbyterian missionat7 worker in fifty-seven- th RANGES! ' ORANGES .. to be sometbing.unusual about, a inedicine that will de what twe,bot,- ties of Karnak has done for WIC '1 am getting along In years soft, and the peat year I felt out of whack all over., ,I suffered from wtomach trouble and constipation, and catarrh of the head end stomach caused ma' no ond of misery.,i Why; I'd cough ult phlem and awake Inapt all night too nervous I to sleep.. My kidneys swere la bad shape, too, and I sure-waill of Karnak., nowt' n've lust finished my second of this remarkable- nmedleine0 and believe met already feel no I hundred per cent better in evert Way. My liver,nd kidneys are tularnowl I eat toed, and my attlita sch trouble are dltuippearing' 10 rapidly they don't ;Me MA tenth the trouble th.ydId I Walk fivesmiles down town to lot Kot' nak- -wouldn't be Without the best medicine over pat lit a bot, tle." i Karnak Is sold In Salt Lake City . ozoinotvell. by Schramm-Johnso- n drugs- -4 stores, and by tits Owl Drug Co., Main and Sad South and by the leading druggist- breve?, town.--A. m , , dr. Pinny Sunkist Washington Navel' ages. 150 JO; extra large - Special; dolma- .2.-- 250 'axe; medium- ... SPezial, idze:.tanal-t--.; 2a .;- -, 140(dak donna , -- - ' 1 4 ,0 , - ' , C e ' : : ,. go ..Lo4c Lemonn,,--4- , - .. , ma : for C3d . Tual Thicama-- ,' ' " .1;. t Piller' - sips, sneer sow, ter 4 il a t , TbssksortviSs soma,. Metkestr, SPO41111 Arlo, Dieser Ago RIMS. ibi ....WV 111.416 IsSCIPILIS) 111111Seallts Chose. - ;:ta 1 -- 1I. - 1 - 2C 17, 115 : ! - ' FOR : . :CANDY". ,..,T:SPECIALS ....".tissii , Fro, 4 sake '..M,U.!,be0,011k , d 7C-ly- Fis11B"' 2 c CHESTNITSJunt what you need for 25c ' c - tarkq-,!essing---7- 1 'vadat,' fit rant,' Caattosi Fralt a a d akiWel. for . :Yoft SPeciat FiZs ae.-atil- - , aa arpetizhis year ; Potatoes LOU r S. - - ABOX 19192911 - -- 3 or 6 k LBEL-21- 0', 15 Da. - ,. ': oLl .' rird gal," Gretala:9 -' , . , - . ; . .' ' ': 2 lbs. for 41i' ' Hubbard Squiullt, Ib , . , , .. . sr ir I . 5weet ; 1 LB& nA LRS. 'Fancy Rozaan Beauty rshode .,,' Medium, 80a--. .SPedal , Fancy Cruberri lb.: á, . ; . . '... - ,,,,,'41. lanre Large, 64c 3 for 41c ' -- . V. 46c -'; C ' ., dozen -- ft FLORIDA , GRAPEFRUIT! El Ira large' , Luse fancy Sunkist , 2:' , , - - .' - .. r The "'cry finest new fall and winter modelsmany fur trimmedof the. highest grade materials. You will find the Coat here at just the price you want to pay., a. 1(11111,1111i To Me Who Doubts ", Relater. slue t2s1 UT (lj Rill-yar- ' "Just Send Anybody ROASTERS .., A REttrCTIONS mute old PA116.. opeda rwitw On Mirror 'Aluminum'-',Articles, I also Reed Enameled Roasters. on nwntwee raj aeorrs ralcm..wPsswit :uui:i. DISH ., , ' Mint; IN CHOPPiNG $4-- 41 $6.85 - $3 - 85 .; Our Greatest ildren s Coat Sale l Mon following Smithfield were successful in getting an elk each in an elk hunt the latter part of the week in and near Lorin canyon: Oliver Eileen, Leo .0. Low, Charles Huai. IL N. Sorensen, Ivan Geary. Theodore Geary, Alma Rillyerd, Ivan Hillyard, Prank John Etch. Bert Thorniey. Allen Erickson Roy Tidwell, Prank Tidwell. Parley Balls. W. C. Screw-Ms- . thee. Parley Cliambers and Moses Richardson, and Jack Ewing and Et" Antal.. , .au.ou - ROANE II 5 torr . Nov. SMITTITTLrLD, 3111.AKEtilA11.11hIECS'., CA 12C ICH ',,,, , , Withou't a doubt this is the most spectacular sale- we itiive had to offer in Children's Coats. , CARVING SET sccerrs - , . 11 ,;.: tit at ....111"61W(IF XENrm Iteirear, CARVING, Iletn-r- g RORER - ' t ' 'f Sizes 2 to 6 . Regularly priced frotrf 10.00 to 22.50 , extra special at , , 1, MPRCIAL I v. loP - ';, 7- , ..' EF Smithfield Hunters of Elk e erheir Quota , ....Tee ! nest Fall and Winter ' Models ....... , ' A New Shipment Just in . Impressive funeral services , wore held h the Zest ward chapel sun- day for Samuel Greats Whit, one of Beaver's highly restmeted sena and a Utah pioneer of , counselor Mark Woolson". preeided. Muaic by combined , ward choirs with selections by a male quartet under the direction of A. E. Johnson. !Speakers were C. PrankOf4farris and 'Charles Murdock, each whom bad Been aseocinted with the ,decensed John P. Lilly-and in the biehopric. covered the white. Floral tributes casket. Whits "owed woo ,hoco Bauvoo. Deo..17.1S44. the eecond nhild of Samuel Dennis And Mary Burton White who migrated from Navin In fl4L .TTitng In Batt Lake th Ile& The first thrto years were spent at Lehl where, Mr. White drove an os team t6 assist big rate- or in breaking up land. The family wee called to Iron coulity in Lilt coming to Beaver hi intl. fp to Miring of 11164. Mr. White 'andel" trip to ttbe ltlissouri rhibr for a mitkbototom cattle them gristChurch the until the fall of the Year while be waited for the delivery of the mill. During the winter of Dill- se be hauled paper for the Deseret News front California. making ari. - - -- -- 21191111 . , I Nov -- -.- ,..,. - ..,. 0119P eV V CARVING SICT,.... Real 11)1! ;-- RIGII-GRAP- IE CASE...? corm I) eirgiOW, DISH PAN,: , CARVING no k "' k.. ...,. dor . - .A'"x AVI7MINUM , ' 11 .!.) to-- k , Ifundroda of turkeys on hor daddy's farm at Swanton. Vt, are being primed for Thanksgiving: dny, but Arlene Tabor's pet.- Excel-- sior,will Bye to ride about on the saddle with ,bor miatreao. i across the Plaine with his 1110100g an estimated loss of $ee... other trip or 1146. 400.000 annually, the committee ,.father n the spring 11en Woodhouse Mary voted for repeal of the- following married 414 the entiowmost October 4, lel?, excise' taxes.: house lit Salt take. "Vern this Attli011 $8.Automobile trucks, yielding were born five and slit 000.000 a year: automobile tires and sone, the mother daughters dying in 1412. accessories. $22.000.000i comonts,, rrom Jun. 22, 1836. until Jantiarr films and 4, 1603, be was second counselor to $760.000; photographic plates $750,000; fire arms andsam- bishop George Muntord of.th. East munition, excePt piztoI. Ia.15,4"; ward. He married Elisabeth OudItt Nov. 1464, to which union smoker articles,. 150,000:' coin- won born-Wson anti fent daugholierated machines, le50,000: malt were ter& are the widow. tour longs eats. 21.000; works of art,' sons. Surviving 26 grand . seven daughters, $050000: jewelry, $0,200,000. children and three The - committee also approved dren. eliMination of theT. taxes: ...Final Tribe Paid Brokers. yielding $2,000.000: billiard room, and bowling alley proUtah- - Pioneer of 1848 prietors. 12.100,000; shooting galRICHMOND, Nov. leries. $10,000: riding academies. $12.000: automobiles for Mrs. 81., Punend nerviges were held In the tabernacle Sunday after120.000; tobacco manufacturers' Richmond for Mrs. Amanda Andrits Egan. tax. 81,120,000: and yachts anti noon 111, a pioneer of 1341, who died at the family residence In Richmond Wednesday following an Illness InThe tax on physicians dispensing cident to old age, The eneakent ea-1 were W. J. Harrison,Prest. J. W. narcotics wee cut from'$3 to $1 Punk. Walter Hill of Smithfield and nosily and the levy on deed. and 'George conveyances was reduced from 401 music with a nolo by furnished Sampson cents for each $500 transaction 'to Webb,. duets, Willis Hendricks ireMrs. former involving an annual and remnant and Annie V.Jder. loss of 1313,000, and the latter $2.- - MI and compsny. Invocation was offered by David Merrill and bona. Ji00,000. Reductions in the cigar taxes diction by E. M. Higgin. Tbs grave would cut revenue from thie source at the Richmond oemetery was dad. by Lafayette Hendrick. $12,000.000 annually and $4,000.- - kilted Mrs. was the widow-- of 000 will be lost to the government Howard Egan an 1SO pioneer of R. next year if the progressive reduc- Utah. Skis Egan, was the mother of 13 tion in the alcohol tax is approved children, eight of whom survive: Howard hf-- . George E. and Charles by Congress, this provision callingl E. Egan, Richmond: Johit R. Egan, for a 22 per cent cut each ye er for IL Walter Egan and Mrs. two yeare.., Inez Itaben, Los Angehm: Mrs. Linnie J.IlaIr. Sale Lake: J. Alva Egan, II o Idaho: grandchilCentral, fort'-ninUtah Pioneer of 1850 e dren; II and ono Is Buried Beaver i2 INKRI'OLA. 07114 SPEC! 4 L PRICIIV 1 411 &CCP A EC MINI IN JPIERCIPLA ron-scorrs IIPIICIAL PRICE 1,146 . M tAmkm, MUM CIAL ALCIRENCII PERCOLA TORscovro srvici 4 I, AIACIIINII VNIVtINAL ' ar t 'BEAVER. , - e - 014 at , ' Ittilmoss V ixty-tw- SAVE! I '', ' A ..;::. ; IL ALUMINUM ROASTERS D 0 1613got ' v. . (I - ,, ...Argil 111111 11111111 2 ', , ' . ) "1 '6 ' 4 r lk 1011 vat - . . , Id .:' , PURE ALUMINUM , ' r , ! following-ooeupation- ---rn ., , ' "' III I 4E0 - 1 ' ' ' 11011!A . .:, I ' 1 ,, ' -- , - , oh ' , I' . vam,....LLALia " :: .., : , , Eistter.--Ehe-cho- s - ' ( .. ft ,t .11 BUY! - ; ; 0. .401Lis - ' : ' - , ' .... - 111 1 , I -- ", tows , . the first 14.00, of taxable income; front 4 to 1 Per cent on the next 14,000 and from 1 to 4 per cent on the rertutinder.Reduction of the surtax rates. beginning with, incomes of 110,000 so that the graduated scale would have a maximum of 21i per cent plying on the amount ot Income in excess of 1100,000. Present maximum is 40 per cent applying on 160,,000 and veil.-- , Increase of personal exemption frora 11.000 2o 11,100 for single persons And from 13,100 le 13,600 for married 'persons. Increase 'of Mot aniount of tn. Come on whkh 'the 11 per oent credit for'earned. Income" Is allowed, front 110,000 to 130,000. 'kg Gilt , TA Rovegtied ' Repeal of the gift 'tax. involving 12,000,000 revenue- annually. Reduction of the 42tiheritance rates front a maximum of 40 per cent to .2 0, per cent and,utilification of the .increased rates carried In the 1924 act. restoring the lower 1921 rate pending .enactment qf the new bill. , In addition to the reduction in the nutomoblitt'pftssenger car tax. , ' ' : ' ' 4.' ' for ,reptualof the automoble passenger car tax which tie committee ,cut from five to three per cent. AVtile the reVikiona voted by the committee art ',estimated bl the the total reductreasury to Carr over 'the fifore tion 136;236,04o it originally set by approved this total, after rectifyfrom the &ter treaeury ing reports that the surplus thia fiscal year would reach 4230,000.000 instead of 129C0Cr0,000, as find estimated. The committee Voted yesterday to make the revised ,excise taxes,' many of which were repealed, eq.' fective upon enactment ot the bill into law, and to make the revised occupational levies 'effeetive July 1.,1116. , To Meet Deo. L Chairmitit.,fireen will cell the committee together DeceMber t to ratify the work 'bf drafting clerks and o charged with the Clearing ;up 1110111.. genenti provisions., The principal tot reducing pro-- visions of the ,stow completed bill , include: Reduction of the normal income' tax rotes froM, to a per Cent on - ., I I ' ; . - - , fid :' T''' ' relief ler, every . federal tag sayer and through increased Would relieve ofemptions Attorto than a million poreorus from payment of any federal tax. The principal portion of ;aim). lon-i- s given to Manna tout payers obese annual burden would be cut by blitta,675.0001. beginning .With axes to be paid 4 the net cat'oder year. Cute in the normal rates end tartest sticount for cost of this. Chairman Green of the commit om is confident that the measure sin be dispeaed of in the Kowa before the Chrtstmas recess. L'hairman Smoot of the senate armee- .,1 nt estimatedlcut tof 423441301,101) onnually in the federal tax burden. Pre...The measure. which looted to limbo:ma ths ,operting lay e. a' doscis necessary. Be constipation. One ,Might as Well fore another it is stbsolattiV harehlasa ap refuse to aid Weak eV" with glasses . to take as to neglect a gentle id to eeak pleasant 'bottle at Buy a large store that sells 'medicine and lasative, in what- any see for yourself. lit,,trpreeeot , ever form, 4erenToting regularity for lust weeks and often for months Must you ,"purgett-,-an"physic? every day or two to iiveht IMF Ile headache, dininess, ,,blitouttnerA colds, or nom rasay stomach! One' dome of Dr. ,Celdwelrs Syrup will establish natural.. Fe pmln healthy bowel trovernent for weako a at timat even tor these rhronical, "il Dr. Cold weirs' ly constipated, tot , 1925 Moot mien and 'women past fifty ittyrull Pepsin not only causes a most give to the bowels some occa- gentle, easy bpwel movement but. SiOnal help,". else they ,auffet from best of all. it Jo often months be- WASHINGTON. NoV. Me- tag reduction hill no oorriPlotid and tinanimously approvett by toe wage and Means 'obtemilice op go to Ihe house providing for aft, ; DIL W. S. CALDWELL AT THE AWE OP 83 , , It I 24 VP .on.. 04. ot Win Bin', , a mild 17 NOTIMiBER ro LOT .,..ilk,...1NRA,01. ' . . lets tirsitsow non .. ,', paiise, , ..'.. ,: i te3 044,.... r - ' Hard Mixed Faad, terbeed Pots. AAA sat Welton Pieces. speini. res. a Ia.. WWW DRvo 8..911: mimmeamenennommomenommonollmonwou. Kiwi arrium, "..114 |