OCR Text |
Show dolk, t: . 1 I AT BIER TEL-22;4-:4 , EIChafige ti) aCide, Treaty Parleys HAlted, Theatr-es,-1-to Stores - Close on Funeral , , - - Ry .1011X GUNTHER. . '1Epecist Cable to The Deseret News and Mileage Jell3r NevaL. , LONDON. Nett , it. (CPA)- -Friday will be -st day of grief for Rowlan& se- the natio mimes 7 ' to storeit ,its homage when the - tutieral services ere solentetred Westminster ' abbey., for the dead .,.110etsen Mother Alersedra Ad forma of social sat 'business' die will come to a standstill. , Not s, only smelt tmeieties , se theatres. , Fames and racing haws bee called , important dip aft but also highlywhich bad bees tamales fulictiess. Manned ter months. All formalities steatites os the 'meanie meeting, et:cent the actual ef the treatyi have been cancelled Melodies the kings state balmiest and the prime mbileees dinner at the Guild Hat. se well ea litany privets ceremonies tit lionor of vhdting estuaries. Tits stock teahouse the house of- manneue nod the basks likewise-week-midprobably . will be closed for the Daring the 'tereseou services. IOU bee at 6,11T retgablit heal '.otiftlis as the whets affistal life of , ,' . - , , a. c..12 1:reLiaJas Mot igNom Some, p or lb.. AL , doom Oosottal lbw loot, Moro a 4 tro, otogi OW , - 10"abqk 4 wig elsoolloortmo 11" Imo boo. rind , Bom, Pototogio 46 00,rdi A"'.4b 00000000000 4 lb. litalloilm Is as M, ,of,11110,10 4 ItOkolloo a a naka,a a a an, Om gre. It lett belt liWomisetin I sa. Iee linammte - tots : 11.4 a Bibted Callati4 - E-- .. on. of Nonni; King Chriatistat'et, Denmark and King George.' The wervices proohm to bi as of simple aa possible, consisting only g stow procession trout the -- St. James psitire.- -Daily (00pYrtirbt,, 1225, by Chicago - Now 4 rOyei dispel at a PHOTO. Nov. mat OW. $treet, ibliote - raAwacivrNa Ceke, lb. Cremberri' Pie : t' 1:,14 123 t: coma Jill ; 17114 v I rc: Alt Ziftnis L07.1N LOIT gilo,al 'SORDID DETAILS NIE?AcE TO AMERICAN ROME, CLUB DECLARES , SIOUX FALLS. St D., Nov.-ss.--- that the "sor- - Ilemry 1,7ocl bog t wAgsllip - AID r '- Girt , i , v , - HALF. Chile-Per-u Nego- tiations Are Feared; . Agents Quit. t ii rn Ed miion . t Toys! 114, II v -, Ir. gli, 1r ,' zit ,- ,vp 1;;ai . Alto Iva, , :, eat - lilt 1:biladren l'ommoirow I -- ....M.5.0011, 1 02393 n it ..r IttoosisM ottyiet limo halt oollaro mod ometto41 moot pook- -, emote mit voila mompor ohms ool f )1 : rl 1 - 1111111111 Vied 7"1 rites C:31' S3X ) S;t da -- - , cd A 41 -N 1"..dc -- v 1 Only- 1 Store ut LAM. CITY CO-0CA- - 27 E. Tie ICI 1!:11 erderli , 11026. ....,.... .. ... ... 1024. 1,149163 Ma 61 - re-T- he 441.161 1920. - .0,2440 0 1.229,10 482.164 1.666.731 2,091.691 241,371 111,122,1111 p 1,701.370 2,431.141 111124 $111.311.9117 - rEE CLOS 5 I t , 1 2.699.017.1.713.7411 1,6118.693 COST FAT 1.71.171 01 Contidering 'throe Items the increase would be between $1.100.00 and $zAttc000 more the,' the Pretanott year of Figures are unofficial but are Ism IItpulOLTZEO ! I In prepartg33 tol Ni11 e e, 11 loom O I llodolfrk 'destine, went, daik cooed wife, - blows as - ' ": , - lia;ttboos, .fi looked for, glazowm- kee - - refusal to give )t 24t; 140--:,:-4-$.0.'04.- oso 0 , p,T,0:0';'-:-:',.t,.$- - professional career and devote herself - to wile ond solely -- (:, - ,Itomentakre. Ski sir , bead of - "czons at 10 a. - CLAD2tIt nectiver 5; - ty isdephient roditesoft "'ripens, Her. merest iphate, )1r1st - tag,' , el her refers trout tarrope.., - :- elo' :44 CAZT WAIIR.S1 LA ago to tho New 'fork Yankee had an echo today in a decision of the board of tax appeal. which held that the Boston club PI Ult pay II adititional 321.675.39 income tax, on profits on the sale. ' : NTH OELL The $140.100 paid for the 'IWO players fell due owe( 6. three-yea- r period. and the Boston club contended that thep roM should be - wAimmaTom iCov. 240(AP) taxed in installments over three years tilos reducing the net rat The baseball deal by which Babe of tax levied. The tax board held Rath and Carl Nays were sold by otherwise, upholding the Internal the Belton Red Bel several years reventta bureitt, , 'Sar hotel: Tuestiai Wight, Empress night. by means ot vans key and stole $it In cash. three pairs of trousers. two sweaters. overalls, and a silk shirt. according to a re,- port treeelved a; the nolicestatios. 0 1,165,6116 State general fund, "net' A. C- -4" 441,444 U. of U., U. A. C. .733.011 schools and District high Cities and towns 1.640.64, Counties . ..-2332.31$ 01,233 Bounty . .. ...."111.172.431 Totals and South. , ellaw0II fram 'St fiZ; LT CCC:ZZA1 - : I- - ors, t ' 'Claam. venom in lock. ci, 1)1; I tentaLlyely4 compiled- - Deputy sheriffs arrested Ida Wile head and Minn. Monday night when !son and LeRoy Westbrook Monday his buggy 'was strurk by an autonight at Granite And charged them mobile driven by D. C. Tamer. A still Ninth Maat street Iwith a. possessionofof liquor. to Deputy Sheriff G. quantity 'liquor were eon- fiseated. ComPlaInts Well) WM.& W.Aceording Carlisle the bum wsl carrYComPla nt Ira elm issued chase- Mg no lights. rarkred was given ing Meda Bader with exhibiting a first aid at the County beephat . deadly weapon. Charlee K. Carter. , .. former husband of the woMan. to . goo cow. ooto so lott000do. , . I the complaining witnims. Carter al, end so a Preventive, take Laxative he was tete. to tritalter lelee QuiNINE Tablets, A nate acre of land to his former Ireland 1 The box bears whe n ilhe appeared at his homel tn. prIal,,, Remedy. of E. W. Grove. 30e with, a, frown run. , Ade.t mobrogkin t:'!tzrked '1- General property taxes establishserools and the roads have ed a new peak level this year of 119,172.4U or 1100.274 titers than proved the. tire big items of in4.7 soma isnd 1924 et'etteed per was levied in putito expenditures If eel cent h'sher than the former peak team as- - shown by the following '" ,7 table: year of 1970. -- Move". Kinn, siftnil straps aumberiackci r4 This exeltudee of the special taxes such as gasoline sales taxes. motor 'rebel!e rerietration fees. $990,- - cigarette taxes and other special Year's Levy Totals 374 More Than for 1924, '--' Highest iii History. hPogra Item lostbegt E ) CASH AND CLOTHING TAMAN OODEN, Nov. tit..(6pecial)-4turOa- rs entered the room ot Let Vern TAXES li'iCilEASE .' I Time ' - Still and Liquor Seized; , 42 et trerkret Geer. s Two Arrest l'suffered cuts and bru ises Garagehr. .Deputie , . 'r1J - dagam,iioCean All PROPERTY .... 1111 ': .. " - ,,. PinII Ia. 1111. oLowrosee 111Weatiaba.0 , proof progressed. Glw ,)T-111-).- - - Break in 0 ----:: c ii ol gliaps . - - , ..........)rsi6. eil. C. S. alassiseks Anny Banshees. one elseha ass rapidly torandleheit mese se doses Mashies ars apse betas nbasis sow. ere esseeet es. pass. ebesi...Beerryt Bay Teens , teteri wonderful 1924 leather ts and vests in boo- lately good condition at a SAVING OF IlEARVir Cuttr( , - , lNow'ijour chance ti gt, ' Let , ,,, vests Edt, rt 3 . :, .. --- ... , elleev4 . ( ) 1.65.00 Dellight -- r. ' De. Avenue& - - let sad laskioned loy myosin at owst., Antior ossodi IPIAdo sag outta, in glen winner ohatolkes. A IWO. LrTuvir WOW AID MOAK , " T nvIrrmm s-) diamelesdbiagg-- - Malektommr , -- ti.k , , kora. - 1.1551...11 V- ,,,, tYcz1 Lumbertnetp r, ,J of Aar -- FOR TIELNICIGITTIM Illinstrineur ansittr, inualtIty knitt I:.12,4 : ,.,- - . ,..,00110. ro lob. 41r waled "'' 0110111116 1 14....d , 4 ,,,,,,, COATS 71 do III) ,: r......:. 2...AS... son 4 . , Le:: 1::: ". lb ,..,.,. i begirt " t (C1) mod dionsibolgiM 11011 illor loom sod mom e ' aM MOM Czyt; , Suite- roys!- .,(1) - (46, 1 , . d Soft 0 -or Et basemblinnor waprall; mos, timer" M. : ( li.- - irlomoblesoL shot Widow" Om To prIsHilio .. FOR THE KIDDIES Vercid Ms- ,) etkorao g '4' 7 More Than a 1 rot Sodom ---- .- Her Finance Your Xmas. Little Now, Balance Next Year Pay a - Dino tot:sehosediellillak tar, 111Wirconto IMAM gensers isle eons, is - IIViSFLFERIoRDERs Fü 0 BAT. !BUR (AP)Contending - or 1 Tbarctnivitx ' (-I- I N.3 .7.1 WI ' That Dcfy 'Any -- ,. Glad --- -- Nora Nil West Root, nth lioetb on 110Telele'4, st IP co ..1 taa C. Ware st tko Visi I,. r, , 1JTnt , .64. , limeab i-- , ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo., Nov. of the (Special)Installsition chitties In .the now $76.804 North Side Catholic church has been completed and upon the completion of the new dine, all masses will be rang on the belle.willItbeIs expected that the building completed in the Ile&F future. i Roam 111111:111'11111110 est 6xlirtai8)12atiljallrATZImy 41- - LJA - Aok I .7111". Ilia. NO. iiiee ammo ant matte wooed volt Ser. ' tot pa to Dates, 10 oz. tail Cadet liallowee le Cocoanut lb 12e--12 lb t23 1 lb. pkg Zy13, Potato Chips, via pkg. C3 large ;173 I C3 McDonald's Cake Chocolate Session Ltidvale,School Tat -- bamboo I 4,4.) 11 ..01 !::ct3z J (:tFporobI - lUattIer al RS 'r t :: Nol ilmvogi : 84:itiet - riala 1 ,-r j I leek-stor- ! , f.W 5;073 a 'ffql - .:: IT. 00 EiT74, ' did details" were a menace to the Americen home. prominent club women here today virtually elimin- ... &tad dewe from the celitmee BALBOA. Canal Zone, Nov. St -news- Falb' The of Press. Sioux the kw1 h-4 was theirs to edit for the day. (AP) ara IT . IL IL Denver as re The bells weigh 2008. $40 and $OO paper ceived wireless from orders Rear ream the at Unaided by member, grATZ, patinas. respectively, and are pitched In It A and C. The bells were lar staff except in mechanical mat.' Admiral Julian Latimer to stand in to Arica. given te the church by parish mem tem members of the Skits Falls' readiness to proceed himory club . the oldest and largeet,. Chile. The Denver coaled yester- in the ell, took women's,. club atuad that and it ta . charge of all , dePartments from 'elle Will Will aaartittatty IPS thdar. to nevrabors. manager general Admiral Latimer has ' been' In , Crime news disappeared front) k page one. A South Dakota murderlArica since August, when he trims-tri1 E verdict. normally a first Page, ported the American members of 11 11 10111-11"streamer: story. according to the Tacna-Aric- a plehiseitory enure.. Christopherson. the publish. mission to their destination. received a secondary bead on panel . An Arica dispatch yesterday mid Rhinelander - divorce authoritative Chilean circles y eight. The .' ed for a break up of the Plehieett- was not used. .. cry eommission headed by General Pershing and set un in the dispute One Guilty One Freed between Peru and Chile. The Chilean 1s dele ga les have withdrawn . In Ogden Liquor Trta over the because of difference 0;11DEN. Nov. preparations for the plebiscite SS. or West, ile Warner, ! slyde was found street. Twenty-Fire T0 guilty on a liquor poeseselea charge SEGOCI Not:bine Woisla-Pleisin the federal court Monday. Detest,' 1 1 4 I LI D. Mohlman H. Peter and sheriff' ' ' Bowman. a federal prohibition tarn- . ear. tomtit iltd thnt on Oct C. 1174 , EEI.EAT ,. they found a tunnel leading to SOa '' '' ' rave in which were two stills. 1 , barrels. of which ST contained mash. , The defendant they aid. claimed he had a lease on the property. At the A ntissionarr testimonial and trial Warner denied be was the owner of the tills and denied all Christmas benefit in honor of the knowledge of the existence of the IS misodonaries in the field from tunnel and cave or its contents. the Second ward ,will be given In c47'.' "11111. nay Campbell. 40, of Orchard. ecee She ward chapel. Fifth Zed and ,11! On a . i liquor acquitted possession Seventh tiouth Friday., llov. 27., at 1. Lhacge. Tbe trial concluded Mends , Lar t , p.m. afternoon and the ease was sub- - alg The missionaries . honored .. mittad to the Miry Tnesday. Sheriff . . seerLester LOUT. D. ssovel. 5 Richard D. Pineock ling ' D It. Mohiman end D. F. Stem saidiew4 Eimer APPlaquist. Hershel S. fi! W. Gordon Rom. Ellis Lea- that on Fb. j 7, HIS they . 6,41 1 , of liquor at the defendants' ter Brown. COrarn B. Holt. Mil- ,I,' L. Peterson, Carl W. Solder. denied all knowledge-fire'quantity : and said the preinisosi berg. Stuart A. Gallacher. David -another person. A. G. Thomas. Jame E. Trowbridge Iwere leased to -- . John Byties and Bari and John T. Dick a character 'wit- -appeared of whkh is A. program dancing' . , -- - -the concluding feature hiss been Idtimpacia we are offering a very beautiful 6 Piece Set, , ' , fdllowst as Selections. Silver Bobo chorea; Entertain Bountiful - ' arranged finished in ezquisite French Grey Enamel at a selections. Bytnoboott,gtring guar- Price that !stakes It a Man Going on l tot compesed-h- f Seth Leidy, Don- ' aid Alfred Itordante. Jr.. . . Bargain 1101:NTIFilk Noe. 25,(Speciat) and Otope, W. Lund: tenor solo, M. C. Ilothook wee tender- . Max 0., Callister: reeding. Manna ed a farewell party ' ''i testimonmial 4a, Elggren: Us selections. mixed quartet at a Sunday evening the Bountiful leinit ward with an, composed of Wilford. Reed. Lola program and Monday eve- - and Ann Leonard; vemorke. Riehoo t scellent ning a nodal by the Seventy quorum 'A, I Miggren; sopritno solo. Beth which he is se of the touncil. . . ,,... Iof to leaving tor six months hal , -California nitulsiOn. HP, filled s Eitetern Ram d Hurt states when 1111hYoung thee Granger, . , , - When Auto Hit. , Buggy Z34 mgmWta',,;,i';.,f . C--'" -- Ripe Olives reltd errel1111.111". .C:3 Campbells Tomato Scp, 3 cz. Street Naial Orazizes . Sweet Potatoes,' 5 lbs.: , tate Howi Crimberries, 2 ' , Jelko, 3 pkgs. s. Bulk Popcorn, 2 lbs. :114 Aunt Marys Pie Crust, pkg. 2 Mincemeat Marvin p..cs. C3. Heinz Mince Meat, 1 1b,Th27c21s.47 3 Snditt Kap Peas Chimes Installed in Rock Springs Church Zbles 0 Heinz Worcestershire Sauce,' small 243 large .370, 1 C3, Sego Peas; 1 C:, Spring -C3arden : ern...clAu; Pser;iht Pie ..;. . ,-- e" d 0-- - 1.Y lip 1 Pork Shotdders, Wor whole, the , 220 Del Monte, sliced Peacls, No. 2Y2 can le3 AT111011111 Grape Juice, cts. . r:3 Cots.TidkIlutIZMayonnitise, 8 oz. 27:, pts. 453 Min et preparation tor the Timaksgbritte haillittaya throe ono act playa will be pis.st.4 in College ball W y evening. Nov. 25, accord of log to T. Iasi Partmh head dratelle an department of the the B. T. G. All of these plays. according to Prolesaor Pardee, are of exceptional interest. Special costume', bort; boon outlined. Ono will be given Under the direction of Grace Weiland, Shatiler under Julia Anderson and last wader Professor Pardoe-A- li la Will be oupervise by him. The first of the plays will begin St I pan. The casts follow: 'Poor Bar. Aubrey,' by George Kelly. CarlHarris litsurice giallo and Mary Taylor.-"Tb- e Apple Toes." by Harold TiridghoustWilliam Nee Haftoor4 W Albert Corless, Mary Los and Mabie 'Cinderella Married," by Richardson, Wield-A- rm Lloyd. Page Jenson. Camille Creedal!. Florence Adams, Slim Irialayson and Clark Larose. Li 7 Jr, Lir,. oat.r2c7,,epeo,erl." of ,,,, 0 riLirntobk.rsszt.troosts M. J. B. toffee 1, ..57B :1,.:$1110 1..C2C3 176 , Currants, 15 oz. pkg. 2C3 Chopped Suet, lb. One Act Plays Will De Put on By B.Y.U. es ,' ' ,,,.,..,,.3,,,,,v .... 7,.::. r & 0 tiz. . 3 Ill.-I,- Sr, ,e : ,-- rIllanatr:G11.51 , Deds-Ltothe- 1 1 Angelus Marshmalkows, 1t1 C3 kg 2 C3 :chilling Pure Extracts 2 oz t7.3 oz C21, Pumpkin, Del Monte 170 Lavora 2Y2s 1 C3 : 256 Heinz Catsup, large 35c bottle grutchem-Ki- ng the VdUth asU Albert, of the Belgians; King teak. NaCulminating' the observance of local tional Mutational week, the 'wheel tondUcted a Dads' and Mothrs seamen Friday evening, the tornoon session being postponed until evening. tor their benefits- - A covering all scholepeeist program was astic toctivitiu . dived by the pupils. ,Nen Milton Bennion of the pr U. lectured at the Midvale ward chapel Wednesday eVittling ea "Character Saucatios is the Rat Isii 01 ISO cic'.' 1t s::S3 N. '..,,,, Heini MIDVALE.-- , tow, . j (,, - !.1111. - 4" . ,;;m T -- , perg. ( N.S...' Turkeys, exra Shelled Wahmts Powdered or Brown illiant-McCoa- rd. r , 11110111,t :3 Old-ra- eon S 1.414 room& . al000tood Mosta; , Da)y. : i 1 () sufficient supply of Utah Whole Grains from wkkh to 'grind kis Triumph GM, 'largo rood Pro. dads. II b thankfrd as well for tiro Beata which isms in hint and all 'those who use the various whalneetnal compounds wkkh be has originate& , e - r. Gam tiro ensamodty Market ?Mei, prockhas Ids thankfulness for a StOCIC - W:: ...D, i ; PrcchimtE:3 OF BRITO'd QUEEN - roirElirt . ol 0 adr - I s Goss , ---- .r 'd..o.. - - , 11131(1;:CS ' ' 4 - . tt tart, |