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Show ,I. DzsraET 'NEws I , serriss-ohool- esemil Comist l - iFormeor 1 3 ad in - , Of CriPut Young Auto Crash, is Buried 1. PATRON, Roo; 24- (Special) -Funeral serricem leers beid Monday In- tabernatio for bhas tie treat Rona: lab weal isistanthr ad Thuraday night, in ait auto ac eldest. sear SprItor Loa,Haber Curtis conducted the Blabs, services: were bpsmitere William Kimbell; L. 0, ItingemaW Etati-erat. fie superintendent tor the' telepberre company; Roland Modest,. moue via by the First laud Fourth ward choirs with solos by Urn Ansa Car. boil. eyewink Porn Orson C-and Ramey. Parana- - - ' pails, Invocation arils Okorkel by and be:girth) by Jeatob Rates nternatier waS L. lb lepas-,1 Mb Pork earaeler7-- ' Miss Rona tea 'Lehi in Church Capacity tsing a learner in the Primary; sli,e librarian of that organization bite was stri employi at th Payson telephone fifties and Was IsnOwn among workers them the "grotto with a omit" Surviving ame bar parents Mr, sad Bona. two brothers Elias Mrspavid and Arthur Bona and three sisters, Gladys- Ella and Melva Boas Cady Guard at Curioed t I Prostate! 170TYLL save I VOL, I -- 7..!! teem , Irbo-,Des- ITer L.dLJI ns'io oiss all tE6::1:1 093 Waft . . w saiKEse rtinti pro LIIM:INESI 4- ecilat ,, ) as - baser, - BATTERIES 411.eguil are fresh, ired eries when m , Englairid-- bebot.1-toott- , - LLARD wligl&-kluel- , "A- ,) aty ,, ' apano you buy radio bit: a . Mb wand Inv ahead when - beconato .113oraGer eliemdl be iteeerel ,tere'ller Deeeetemete. eyed $ eese empee Lek Illarlos. erten, l'el moneybylo'okf Nov ot 1 ite sarviciandlikdais. aro masa, "Vintimation haziest Gem i:, . ne01111114. $eel Sanaa Shrive C. J. P. neat of Artsona. toGeorge Ja haws , state eatioutim enjoisod trout thoi , 177112mrd 0 for with Ma forest aervico permitting tbit 111100141311 01 dest IlLtDb0 en tho Kolboll'afttioaat Jorge- ,- act battery - ; to leanly G. Thompson. of 1; filo forest local atiaortiontotIrho !if '074.11 I returned mantas', groat 1.0611"6 Ur, Hunt Tbanipeos STIERSIMIVIC HIGH Bill has flatly rotatodsoyato Governor submit to tho plan of the forest tipartniest for 17 the of the ranks of the on the Nalbab. and 'leer dopletia, km is now preparing tho memory petition to filed in the dtatrict court of DGDMvt. Mew. AA '...4 (ilkiOcial) .-1 h : Mos. ' Iterapeolal..)-ra- 7,115Woo; Ofitinik 1The SIOSIII brongtit bees by Arisona After the petition M tone, COCOOLILLOO- - MAO" niatienal IL grille Poeta 'speakers at the cooed J. aalast for AL Idaho. 1. and .old pared Mr. Thomptes win return to priacipal Pmts. Malley. natal cmember of commerce man for Utak Americas Legion and L. and- filo theme after which dinner at the Hotel Eccles. "hartres0 Park by Pock Brea. At tbo Dudes Como' Arizona Pioneer Dies poet mate comtnandor la an address Tuesday forestsaid io service' lb. a to tho local poet Monday night. et- - stockyards Monday. bronchi price' Saasetod to algal. at watch Jammr and bum-leOf 11111.4e, Ake Witten 'nee ever mations mita kg plan of permitbat eon legion will renew as tams of At Santa Barbara, Calif. and full-pow.:- ,:forts to bruad about the posaase of paid for graze steers en tbo market' ting tho shooting of deer, winch to assitataves et theallcounty 'The yst e rep Industrie rept. are CL.LITON, TRICOrd, mitt to ho amesoarl to 'to- b a PARK (ITT". the lialwwwei draft Ism 111.ul guests of the chamber. have ,bees 4ga-wed mil Prot" troft.-Tfor- r convenes this teLL Wad inOrrr Wordeonatuseed for rgeable. threeH roceivad here! Melt prior rola danta PRESTON, Idaho, sever-nor Dr. Z. C. firam, Efforts trill also be madtjj'axlifora yeacolasteagoantlissgbli Owelscarl battinjunction itgalitit the Rarbars th drama there cial)--M- ts of Clay-- . inners& Edward od marair ZW. tho a rural of requires Thomas Peterson. thrties. economies ead sociology petittler Civic, a resider,' of Park tow'. 14 on,l-hn- t to compensationofact ,assastled. eetorana body guard a former was 1 Rocetloo tit tjos stockyard Mon.1 in a diatriel Court after witich the at The Univereity of Plortn Carolina; Car for nearly deceased matter is hoard by throe judges. one Clifford S. PotLer, president and II, )dr. Cups' was a years held - here. depeadonts 1.611 Toting. .re ......, ter active lJt cattle. - hrighem mood not show dependency In order day, .....: mnahet hogs.' les-mum of 'chick he a judge of a atom UtahRarriek,Vire. President Joh lel "Sendsr; noesterit erne, to- 'taw Tort is adlootod - to reap tha yo:1 attrecelociisionaliyeAlem Vetted Slide ma, Walleye Heed, 'Patriarch yrum creoderir association. young maxi share ha was engaged .7...eobt berme bald theta conspenattioirt. Mr. Erneet tomb. Preeldent of Geddes. Prot. L. A. Meakuut; 'Areal, court of anneal& tha Preis-to- in carpentry, la company with Jack la no dettinettea botema tie aortae Idaho, chamber of commerce. Bishop Johnson.. Bishop MorteuasS. nrunwell wl li caereenti ow Of t011 4. 'they fuenieh Paps a formes grail 'moire random, and of ono who OF dead and otte now lig- - Orden Mere thaa 176 tattooist have bees of Livestock Show. Int-- . Peril' this place he cam. bore in Hill werebishop Lorenzo Hansen, Puete' tbs. steady is She Legion's ,wont of view. Died Mooday tor the dinner scheduled be- whim reserved Sat, Mr hire William and hi' COMA sung ha the resided with tiOILI until shoat threa 1 Toe ceaferenco department aten at 1111 p.1111.. and 16 samples at years ago when ha BRIEFS - tarteat that Shalimar and Mr. and Mrs. Hat-newas formed re.I Iva' of disposed commander" and netintente at la- - Tbe organization Cache be 'overeats and moved with Airs bewitatua 4 wardedcounty wore reported by Depart- cently when it wan decided to build full-powerse each, products Copt , The from LOGA4..-R. I. matters California-WhilIroar set - eitanapolte testified to the accordieg to speakers marriage liceam moat Commaador Arthur Woolley the- bugs livestock eoltattom "tow boon isantad to &armour. Tbotapeon. Morey, secretary or the ciahnibsp, Deeds to berm Ur. Colin Was enitaf- - scrupulous honesty of the old istien who returned Saturday. He also under construction so noon which' Clarkston. end of OUTS H. sail wag ha POLIteen ed Wart hill lighter. in many enterprises with outlined-plasof Um teflon for tins 'meld Progroos is being Malik jusaitty. hest 'did Dot, Dim 111' its and gartner Thal board of trustees of trio or. ginithilent always hopeful. Drum and arm 'mooted A. E, F." to Dill-- . mann( Jack active, Papa Entertains Corps in club and tovi4 affairs. At the to ccur wealth alma that arrandumesta &re fast being; ganication consists of C. H. Ration. LociAg--AllegiprOSKIP-Ot-: made for melding Gni cenventloa A P. Bluetit. deaortion, Pram. At Dinner For Farther limo of bis death he area a member tooInterment was made la Um Plea.. McCann et tnisitlifte14. flinn er thanks lodge sad the Park city for (he, z- cemetery. that year in Patio and prank J. drena. vit.:rest. els Earl in the dlitrict court Friday, for ran11km to Prance &ad- the Walla--- Ident; Mayer r. Yi Kirkendall. John nit TA)GAN.', lodge of Odd Fellows- a fields- - ' ' divorce AL from McCown. Clara are two bar widow of end of emirate1 It the board STATE oBrruAluta gareiving turkey dinner and dame, was given mid, w. Is.1 McCann alleges that thay opera mar. illaturtley Department Commander Goodsell Otipit Jr, arid rommi"),"" evening at the Blueboard ehlidrelk, Thomas la tall. have three childron and Ikea by member of the Grand Army of the Republio eenety of the Legion Vire Mrs, Annie kitazabarvt. ail of gristly CTICEL. LAVE:MA. Harris, president f ' tho ' Ogdenl nod IrrilJAws. ilif Ulan anwns bnafir tePillnant- - chamber alto of that left hint la Aarki last lead Drum corps; in compliment to of commove,. James Bren.! Pneeral berviten tor Cecil baVelle Olden Poet Pon ila ...real trenanror sad Jeans S Bich their partnere. - - wife Awl Sundays night-wiWallenta. men: cittoudasco and entbuciasen. U. it nagde, lasecretary Alt et, been Tbe follow-nibe Mid Wednesday. Nov. yk, at reirpoaded to the Funeral Servic. es Held Ilta'rallal J- RaP Ward- - a marabalr at.' aro tb liewnoes have toastrot Harold V. Mr. Whitlock incorporators.I p.m. in the Ogden Eleventh ward ,Trettrien: Oloa the poet. gave an intorwilinr will be I moral inanntres- of thel boort issued to Russel Dean Tilton 'girl. M. W. Branithans. Comet' g. 1.. , with Bieber Jensen if. Riley chapel of its organization. sod Melba Park. Provo; LAurreneo Romney. Mr. and - Itra 011ie Ed- For Joseph Shields Bevan fticsattas. '''' Tho poet revolved & ItillaDir Kent Harper, Eureka. and Agatha wards, Peres Smith and ?reg. ' We Forget, as a tin'I'' "Lest 1 titled George Bornice Fullmer. apringvilbr Ed- tSpertal) ToortE, 'Coy , from Gus gergeneral lnanntler Four Solon Partridgo sad 11.ernica The corps member' irate& to at trttneral servieets went Itid 4a the swivel forCErtitriE Guilty .. . ward A Sone. St W. If. Wright, , Wrightwarn George W. May were bell ward after Sunday afternoon Fonder Vasco. gooth LI. tend U. thapet the Provo, V. va A. C. of footGra' in the Lindquist laillatrd The following -. for Shiettie 44, To Offenses Federal Bevan, ball Joopts came A. Garr. at Salt Lake, ThankagivL. Alice Bortiond. Dr. Pr. (1. Armstronw. with chapelYit)nden. Do over a after an illness et ofng there in trme tor the lobo 41,4 C. M. Doe Tore Ir Hudson. Christian et the First Ramie chureb stssr-guilty' of Poison-Wo- o int Soo- - 33tilpecial.),...OrlDrN'.' ibabole l'oter elegy prerade4 .On .Year of tolonscatIng liquor,. Eph- rally the night before. the :. paltrWillirlwitamil ficiating. end delivering Fiiitutettibese.""PPIorIterj3.15l'''''Illabra wall Pall" liPan four dowere mon. at the services. Speakers lestoo.--- , Mimi Myrtle Price Moat rata,' wag bantioOttim by l"ndente In tke fraderal court Mon. fined 1200 Monday by Judo George, Matthew' Ittaetrit W. tik. Atbt and and Mrs. Annie Brfan The body will ' Tillotama and Harold T. Tripp. day tiv Judge Tillman D. Johnson. Out of Ba Uit. Ho was arrested Saturday, One Preet., C.,. Atria Ormc, to Santa Ps. Clan, tor all fdtsr M oodier ruin ,' In chines. The loft forntrbed tbe mate interment D. J. and by Sheriff Boyd williem A. Browning...3A. thorned evehing Threeis with eel by, Mrs. reetym lagreeo. in Cache B a Otto When was b irk Deputy Secretary of Chamber Lucky no, . with Violative' the Mann art and the hie way to dance is Genets with , with vtottn ohitgato ty Itrent woRoNt. - Dyor act was mo t ::: IN)CITgn. is the state prison H. Oetter, aCe9Mbolo. November foe Morooi S. POURSr were bottle' of oloonabintr An Mis LOGAN. . for IA months, Wit. several it Washington The ?be Pg.:101S held Ponder afternoon in the rinden tone by one. are parae4 by st,tetartet. elk bunters. poavessicia. liam Majors, oegre for ',citation the IV- - Lon lob' w 14....4spee4e1)..-se- e Doom. Kay. Richards W4S artrird hi T'orelftir-th mountainseast prayer ard 011115..1 with Bsshop returning frontAbel-iof the Og.. Mann art waa OPOt- - to Salt Laim :fem. s ',tee Loren and ono out 'or as- -, gre.ft an4 the abasing prayer tor Devid maTio-4:-of:testing. Mastic Ifif.lleliginor- - etalleTWard, at will lit;;Tertiltrtrittit ery three bas big coveted prise. A. Walters. Floral olterings ' wets was by Seed Gemmel. htra. Itary wi ls,:c1 In "tit, There c..ws Lite western regional coaveu. lint said he intended to marry the ward ion(arew were 11 Emma Lawrence Unsay. profuse. Parley, swat ward ara huntleg woman sundae permits - Pl'oling chapel but had not everseig yet under so dirresioa tots of the D. S. (coiner of emut Malan and Vero jenel Speaker r4 Stake Surf. sued toon the Cache Cause Preserve, ,.., mercy Dec. 7 I' tiocured Si divot.... from his wireEL &attic tAemt, moven:10a WheelThome Mahon and It o'er date estirwated is EU that of Taunn Anton . was Mawis;its a ksva,k.nits. brakeman. gt, Fina! Paid and t and a stressful. to Tribute H1151, Patriarch 45 wards GPor. r of be been wright. sak have fined Sinn for the onlawful use of it sae doculeo by the direr, A. Pi:reeve and Mahon Willbee, blot , lb tin intoratete free, peon owes endeserwing to begged.catchFifteen Citizen ?Inmost tor Monday. scpmWhilo son. The grave In Ode,, cestnitterT , Spzingville at the LOCK registered I.Mion Pacific for Pearl Rie gle alias climb comp, the to the top or ts. bewstark their ,teet vas dedtcated by Bishop Witham C I. up camp desiguated as In: rhea; !Lal'ie,g lfrit.... Antrt..7,a urti fie was diven Wodnositsir. Georgie, W. twat fell roam of gPittN4INILLK. Noir. 'Monday night, whic h to pay the trews a high., post, were ustassing two, toglperienced in bold Torino for etipnott voted tne 'Orden ..,...' uneral the services hunters who were nit Firma broken ribs and minor "nitwits. 'vial 4a etaNt it,r SualAy two )1wAvyr.t10;k att.1,itohne,rto t,mooi theutildonintistuidu; and three devil Prier to the Nvomreette120...m. smeourbtri;e1woctunn I.., SI. ably Relief Society of peelnir. state that tt is their opin- Offill Carnaltua Van Learan. arrrOhi-,-Tto arrival of a '10- - ion ree.tlenco fortnoo atiolsned nOnrtciarl-laJohn- i-5March S. la2d. there are not warily se 'many d,rd at tits fatally - failure Nebo Stake Meets dm tato road nowemtoeton for its eentenced of boart enn ea,d the jualeneeht Juice4a,tand pound girt at their homy. is 1;attnaday dee thia avere ars axe bowel pp!. , In charge efforts in having the geowville road upon tho behavior of the defondant by Mr. sod Aro 0..P, Nia tie was Bird Emmet Btahop warmated cattlemen b7 game Pr. deeinated ail , totem( road lend 1, 0.. 10,,ant,mo. et the soretroa 53twaltcre trore Pros, PATIallf. Moo. dens. lirKIDO the commloolon to continuo 'Prod Cooway land ParleY P- Nor- rrank Bringhorag and Ilatvarch Nebo 'litho Relief misty season his to IttrRITAT,Prior Music a.as hr its effort" to obtain toderet aid for Roth. we B Huottlogtort, departure Ogden attorneys yowls MI to TlitglITONIMOrtell thrai pro5raet. , the Western 4mleition. States Imes: tie, was bold flundar la Itta atA were aoltoltted tho Viral ward nararaotIr to practice in the fedinvitatioe :. re t I Beltitien, or" ',of Mr and Mrs Tbe board ettended lie.ion vaitt.yrnart, tabernacle vett Mra flezrs twirls a Ines Wheeler and liiov. LOGAN. , , , in COIVill BrOIVII, organization tw. Wennton, Jr, ot Tittorevtile &aunt,' firs .,..... avec. John tlatter: and Mrs, Mn? departmelit made a num barIone rade, w ilt be honored at chamber of conk. e yr e tereweit war. wer and charS1 pert of the Il Trenton, ktioday aftertioon by a tier, Was byt t'ityrna - Ida stearin, Welts Cannon represantod tho V meree to address the directors and Nor. 21. at the Tayoratille to ms w a Anna boardertton Pee J,bn Dmipson which for a teaston at home the At board. genera: destroyed he newt. whilst March I. ward chapel. .. member go Boller dedloated ate grave stake and local officors Mn. Lerman 117.1r. regain, beret the depart- IlVIrant torical Contest le In Ptah, The dtrectore 'stilted Floret offerings nook. on 'Roller Society fronds and Aran( 141111 ment eill.Mated In CB", retnetrry. The arrived. the Orden plant of the'Amalgantat- annual ronterettes iron!, nrctaao and Ina balm could, Thai? Cats.' and le a Pound itnbio Pier- ,. .4 snga. company Ta,adar at soon TrOODEN. etIrritnSTThe the Cottonwood stake Relief Po. not hoi4 sa who tams to pay tbatri tbacumion of .reliet work Mrs. Can. o elven find etety at the itreetatten Of v.k., preeldeer Plane in the Relyrrwoe3. Groot was held Tuesday. in the nen Gook on "Ethics for Ifloettuff orerbrParent-Teache- rs J. Oteoft Douglas of tho company. tesi cosiest at Granite stales sesMN MI tabernacle. with of ward P)e111.55 Wolter gollore Mon. sions at 3 and Id am. and reactors. 'and eondartod , 3 pas at was and 4ar an wills presented yyrgoc-rLyygurstinaratra. a Ito general aesidon Accident Mine Ochir trrrovirTs.. . School Rold Meet raw-Voned Wtth autograph, book from President High report of the 801175;111rtrieAltrett OGDEN'. Mag. Grent. The oration we. noon the Burning Brigham Way et tha tanks br Mrs. Mossy Nov. handcart pioneer of !SS. and 1Merre Victim Buried ritova dent attendinc the eitY school will sublect. nrity Read the periptures, resident of tbia Pla,o re thtt than 10 menribers ad the 1.141 be theeeetteted eeeinet dipbtOrill 17,,,rlyn Motto. we stigmt second 1,7) Th. roontoana afro trel4aleit: Tants BRIGHAM crry, pa asepetailoo.. 10 'Rabat upon tho written pramprossion of par- - place and Ernest Wet& third The tim& celebrated hut 17th birthday Khoo' (MUMS i.n '''Attitudo of rws Pocleta ire,Cvieen far met in the high scree' auditorium elal elite. It in announced by Supt. W. lodges were Prank Praise's: sent Wednesday. Thins: Mrsadella Teaehare bees D. for tn. restdont Baird. S Monday evening. Aznotig the speakommbogn Karl Hooking., Dr U. A Bataan. B. A, Wobe! comer achoole , who met his death In dm "Opnortutoty of 'Ward Workors Lnany yea et And H. A. BelnwP. FAILICMGTONA . Elower was ers were Supt. 11. Claude , eity pitysloan. wrii tem charm (Vita,' mons aeottleat- - wtera held Mon. --ths R. if SeCtett:. Ifrs. trwatel tendered Str, and Moe Rose Steed. Principal 1.. g Baronet. litrs Lewil,1 the IInoculation which will be car. SLADE WOOLS weed of tbo RovrdrgetrItualls. His FINE OF ward Mir South tits la chapel. of board ,tat yew. the week. ono in president tied on at irtiervela newlyweds by Mrs. John IL Stead education. Twitrie gorrixt tICZNIED., of widow and three children. Phyllis. Mrs. Cannon ralarotteo to tha Moth. Prest TM-- I COTTON 111, Dr Deinap tr;l1 be aestated 197 11 aoirtttual link botaroen --roan Den, sod mareo Bated Ramie: also er att Doting. Nov. 74...4speciett---Methe Moine & Reboot LeAgne and,.bis stave front the Dee hooPital. Flatrd. rb Pres mother Taylor: and 'grit. rialto heenews were stood itiloneay It Parent-1 Ch;istens god or A. Prost. the Smoot, 0 111P. FARM...VC:TON-Dots ant toll...stuns brothers ins Rollo totelato a to rt,,,m the Reputation 1a vorna WilSeventy ig renal of and nilait Clawson association. vows. co liamnon: Daniel E Morro, and Vl- deughter at their home is son nee- Teachers Pird Mothor! !Loh rennellor ton Pas:. Tho crowded condition of the bleb tors: John J. and Gewrre Mole so Fis.444ade WM, va p Fandnaky- - alt Herkine. od by Dr and Mrs. Wafer(' ltararier. achool building& were told by PrinI and Ides Iltua "Health Probletna" Dr Ala f.. Cor Orln: OrIPEN, Nov. du A Bolt Baud. rossectios game cadgind sedate chats as fol. rets Lenn Burnott. TrIPtIonton, and Earmen who xpialamt that 'Owl Cltr. Joseph flat tonteral samba? war YvaIt. Inc prwdont of the t opal PARMINIJTrt--Fattalizton &sat, Mr ore,. Clinton. misdealt". are 66 Solo croardd loner' ward as high as child, fral Lead é Intermediate Crodlt GUARANTE,,ED NOT TO SHRINK narmond Clairton and C. It rerrort earnoval et into one room. making it extremeir bank et Berkeley, Calif-- . a former presented a three-daLieut. Modlom sod Homy Weigisis sm,tal ball. Thunder. Friday sal difficult for the teadter to grime the Ooden men one brother of Bletrict ca Image rAttultr 0,10. Mrt. lona Ditto and Ur. Ada Postmaster Esspht Castles Inompsons Saturdar. o'lasten:' ettartat take hoard 114,71 BNone, woe to OGDEN. Nov,. necessary individual attention. Attorney Josephen E.room . meet attar are to provide la rimmed againat 0225 to 18,00 pee Gamma Genie Monde, Is Laid at Final Rest a aaatarenes of beak, ottleeolo at CluirlosTitomito Rood by Lena IL Huntington high school dramatic FARlint"1,7014...d. re. wedding Rood In a Moores Wilt 1140 rotor-da- 1 eoptioa was held in tee West Emits. arts Maio. under the Atrection of Waabliartaa. D. C 1.40Alt Weer. 74 4atperiall--.1coe- ., dramatic InKnitting Co. tint annteemettt hall Wedneedsi Mite Stella Leonard, They war married in - Canstonberg COM. 1erste. fer William Meador. IDAHO BRIEFS cast includes Mabel rens Nov April 1., 1171,, aid boo Elko, ' Wt. IPoram Moat. Ttosiebt Pisa tare (nimbi for Aetheir Maarela g. eon el structor. The Brown. abaserabgen ot reel. ea. bet Arkansan of native LeonAdeline theamplio Con loom ?too, Me. end lira George t.:. Meaning. Defiler. Edith rarnatas,sovi, wisidosaba....bort who Bertha Day. ee t in tits county sine.)o lardWont. Mod- -I Di& Soh Loko o NalltheCit Ottinabolonor roCATE7.1.0.--Thsad Ethel Clayton et aolottifai. ard. Bra "Vertover. Drool,. aty, Nov It. were held the am mo, Wog ilk INDelbelog Wanes W. nom whose reerriattli to A place to the leak Oreen. Olive 01171S1011, Vivian died oeal totooeation oettertabtod with Deana man hall Wednecdad Maude Johnson. McKee. Dr. Chariot! W. 01.1111111 al Coo L. Salt Lake Tommie. WeduasSalt, h000rtitir loot nottot 11, WeinCog W. Dry were gods Bishop Nan"Auretts Speakers Andersen. Johnson and ofirbt at thee DONDoloplid Co., Soo PromoWoo. Immo. and Peratron Irriden mond and the Par. Rev D ..... ?Ammer-meOr. preps loft Min- I at the grave was norit for'hotel he teettmoulat the burial serve' OCIPTOA. farewell whore Itnta. o De almlsoo lac boys and wire of Apprtsztoranti (school ace are ds'. by the Odd Fellows ettestent dinreror el tit. absent from school 'without scone, was even bt Dia imminent hall real At., the time Ant hie death. lor Ilrrodlarrns for "Are Jenson. who Meador aboronlosis - hownital the Davis eounty school co Mille Friday venni, wax a merchant and the vols. a term Im abort left of rtee Moines. Monday I With if 9 ktiril r lond mind mon in Dallfornhe A the city hospital toaarmantor at of Thompsonc anti portrnaster Program are lilt et the 1047 boll and w.Irmrod wag rot ems given and music roodo hi wore speeehes Ithere of thia orldrov000 &Most in county eeee,eit -- 11iSSIDETT OS mAltillr DrEri. N. Pt by Aanclum Or ty, eritooley Monett andwas foilow . The brionatt Nov. retorts. following rElrE,I screw-Jr of snout IYARMiltV70MThb the neentii opening , far lam Mary Abe. ed by a smoker. ball of the Acip'o "Ihr Men rersi servitwo , forried club if the 'ohne beekta el. former resident of team will be played with tress in YOrran who ' civic etinetaillooir day of home. In schools fifth and Mirth died her at , mat Morgan grades ' Scipio amueemeat ball Thanks--I of Fresidott. Jobe Peterson; otos Pres- the )4ertit, Saturday, vfill be held here tritoroVroot Wool' woo observed Went. Fern Gregory secretary. Ed. glirtnet sight, to the neer future, the body hay.. oho Malad With school by a warrens Sickly child responds qtdckly to Nonnoolv. Mason: Albert Ethel berial for bete p...nd reporter. Om seniors. May. a CelirlDITBDIV,--.Aoverall aril so- Ins been brought Presided The She gra a the wife of nreolitont of the etas. preparation. re dancing party vas Oro flats-da- y RCM Tanisc treatment 011 Devitt MOIllta AO had re- frolodel- - band lotto: club. ttroorsoi the oomprised ',obtain by e tor tba Gamma Tau of the assashotte SentManic Sided at ShIc elIrAlthltleGTON---TbMationt, Hama Pmesdorisr, guntillion klub afeliooA BOA toolmendel rtio Caotioton and charism - la Epley Iwo 1 link as Carotrond's rosy Areluill salt Mrs. C Anat. toorard ?or a registration fee S1.00 Vie Deseret News bretinae-1e birthday Set inlay WOMAN Toyer: talk on odneation el000lia SOMME currtroATe SEAVLrit.-Barr- ei Becks," my heart goes out itt roll:mit to Ttodae., sito MIRO. Lielf., antis a done to Itoo city hail Meted On statutory Mese easrpre Loeb Chandler: St rosol'hlr t RIrbartio: and sew subscribers this unusual e: eefing te-elond was eight 'oars .hi site was JO Ant loan .1. was worried. Ile neat loot. rano Richards I maitenced to an indeterminate Nov, tteeellpeetal)--Ph- ... MATIPIrttl.E...-Th- e, a was arrhel of a slant Irrodorletutott. by in to flea Thirottrr Abs Ann of from term years tOr eerat tifra ddied Mary policy. Far details call Was. 550. "orouldn't tel. Iter skits was yellow. At star ander weight--as at their home tn Port- tha state prison by judge Burton . Ward. services i daughter reetdent the, senior orrandistl be Milms former Caatiegat i land. Ora, is sanouriced by Mr, sod last wank. the Retortion i want wefestal site wadi get by a home of sit the &era nottobans: who died Seturday Mrs. Walter 0 Carr. o ' Mrs. Cer , her .dauettiter In Salt Lake where h,r4 and ddress by Win. Camp-hel- l, i rico yeas formerly as Mies Lo Della Woof' roarer arid Mr. Scriale, RICRNiellfrlThe ?greet-Wa- r she repotted. wore held al Castle-rat- e P111111-41lirg of Kan r 'it. ., Bas ,Gieght irrIPI7Inir f marl In the son, a anon of Norway. :Inhrment Eridar tbe ter sakhrg reales a few Sunday. ageoelatine de AlIFYI:11.1C19iTIO11. Mr Blanche Mar- Pries elt1 semeterY WATSVTLLE.--Celehretin- g The taberriecte oteeki,ConsEtte developed arta" ap lea R Russ. rice throfflo Throng Ma1'01'07.--H- r. of Arnold M Barnett. Mra cie proglitent', RaPaul birthday 3,forrill arc. 3tra CHILD urairto. Ladies Availlaet Vent nic EVI.Prit priLsident; the Parries Saturday 31. enterpetite and kgmelo look isle. She David tityrtsined OdKey, . Regnant and rice progidertl Earl Fredrick-sunvoted to tained at a home octal. thu gained twilit and enjoys tiro Titarsday 'retains' It leas Ham PRICE. Net 'secretary and tresersrer. the Herbert to a hos rood oriel Mee tor 17,1146.01 travel and pedestrian Aefor Elsrebeth the service I harsh, spelt' of tbe Munk cache Well iten healitt. To me liters is too to tho vet. ,, eidearet Polley tenived by the Centinsatal Life Inettranee ComPrArsirtuzno Keratin. ward ban Jackpiesed rourty soldier Numb. In. 4euerbser of hir. and Mrs. Ak 'swami violist Bois& Datong of tentat., rano Primary Friday afternoon brought echoed who at Lett the Kutch., hospital seettgine Ida Tanket" John gebeoribers et The Deseret New's pony. szelestvely tioaa. the games rollowing meeting to sacceasful a conclusion neenthere-eat 111 left the mere played. l howeeholde betweeti the ayes of and bottle se Helper ',Pride", of heart arrstiromont and parkin. Iowa their eat lir - - Aotheatie testimonial. Aaclress as 711. 1 tactless reitattettea !soviet ;LSO end certify' that opert bongo its annual 'enthral. trouble. were held Jdondey le the to Mrs. E. Edward of lopringliehil Reiner T. )t. C. A. Interment wan In ItATsrtuz--Pdo- r tO bie depart. The Pee sem goatee the Pries ettv elteletervf-ounot Ntrett Itirop4r-1- A doable friloolottoey tare on a itizonorittite minims to ?Omer, bemire' entertaheee Pia tir0 y . erM sly rtidao the Southere Mates. Robert Bruce at the Immo of prelim rifxo orrierynnt Burnom nnurn. farewell on a telpther allistoribee of Into Disogsrei Nowa Iola oral TVs h only one of the thousands of anthentie mini of Eldora A. W. se. flint, ?her If for Melee will be honored at a teeth-me- n granted at Lairiaton n berme et Mrs who leave Emig trolittneon hemelese me web Arks the looney peeled. R. 5 rmon and a I. mender evening . la the op. PRICE. NOV. tardat's be:soles we have on Ids at Dayton, Ohio. L. Fobineon secretory retiring' erekw for Mrie, Isahelle Mid- - on Om. t for a obort torus Interiors. era AOUSA of the boat& The irieei inelo4e41 rral to the Northern P lane .fiettat env ettheentod s tip 'The beeeret Wry tow If you'are ill and (rucouraged, remember that what Taoist fd. wIfo or Wmtom Mr. Wilkinsonthe mermattra of the Primary bserd (Heroin Lowder. who 41.4 Friday of states and Mor Oilmen to tit soothLowder. Jr.. sew POMP let wallah I ewes to pet weepiter terms, teem-1 Las LATTOMTire arrival of a sort is with tI4r artberg and the done for others it can also do for you.' , Sonta ers Elate. the Iinriounced bt Mr. tied Mrs. Archie here of Me Banana Wake pregidnc'y typhoid fewer. ware bell Infer- s Mrs. Robinson was presonic-Altera wit at arside wardin (ape'. Sends?. tremolo, fanlac Is . Compounded after a rho Olden Litr relao,. .4 wait a.a. sokee itivreciAtion cf. her. labora, meat IP-ASO e linos Nattre s great tonic and budder. It revitarnes s1,47gish Lowder was a satire of tory LAYTONTbs.'lltroe-ite- t comedy. Mot or oral Ipielott with Palteti-t- uk Clurch blood, tones tp stomach and fryer, restores lost appetite and England. but hal reaMed - in- - Son- - I will be presented .;;Tbe. nnerzbinfooe arabAt law pont is years, in the amusement ball Toretley on, pirgwre, : yritiOtaodktogseoWtbackro . faded cheelm sinetathe Pinaitors biT4 Cluttr meeting at Ltbterr, Ptak, t.ft.fconference Flog. A-Rev. llama Maroon 90 00 Laytoo 1111114rt 412NGEIA21 ' Dont 1.11att 'MP , Hall the If. I. tele, teal hold their annual go on feeling steak and noserablie., Gass Tazdac a 'retie Ira fete! bt Mr.. 'tone nrebb autlitor'utri in the ITINCittAlf 21, Knit, 2i44, ilnntler. how see buikts (air trial and back it a and duet Willi reed...v.I to StOto ea IlVTON--MrFern quiddy you , d, by par. Ito Oki tor Tows Genre Tintriee wee buildina. fourth Sim Llowelbro croft otf the fttshope tool...loot of thi. placo tor 24 room, Vont Orogen preffidatit of the Leelea Ate McGann sied Lydia Bell Mitatbire the general Nom: For Constioatiou;take 'Ionise Vega. 111116 'Mat tiorremorl,' to USN tilos,'" ihder on; SAO The f4111o4rino hopesonest Col berg 114444sy Lion4or ociety of the Presbyterian church. preettleser will be preeent. Stake aksdi -to-IN. bemoset Rowe almilivolbmik Deloto, $abi Liskos - tablo Pilo, wade by eas makers of Tula& am& ParrbSdr44 Thursday , mteennling Mrs. Dan Bar. ssrrrfrnELT"--Lienet , 11 a at meet will atembore board rantIpm, 1311,PS. .10404c 107 VIhrhom: Sirob ry who loft recently or rboeyor., snit Of mr, id.Mra. L Mankato Chilli Novas Ilkopolor solos mod toms ot'poit000t aver ts'ati sub.- John R. --.1440 ari Xrp, Con- and at le St1 ont- - officer ' or Ittnithflel& wan tendtrod a tare. Ootr: logrirdsee onisrall to otontooloo wait polkdoo. 321 Jocebeert. lire. Bemis leaders end hitting teacheto The troll prearata Pardar tnaing in um &onkel. &it take. ironer'? mottlet forst ?amber, twill by etinvitation for trirat ward chanol tinder tho Or...wone toolbar diollito or tolos000ttot plume oft eta tosustret Isms. Tor flaniellftroomaIR - nee,. in the nnot ward damages( and lit coma the hom or thp ward tnottionart drontbe hef4 it Woo. to& I MO MN IC VICTIM , trespass rase of G. A. Harris om it telt, F.:octal Mitaton music tont be perietw-ochariot.. ( vs, to an ...on arrow tor George Mayne cam. tt vrAlillg. eaeArnert atmupt le and 211,tetwrisn, all It artiona rendered at Wednesday. lohn I.. Plartrynan: orwleo,.. tnt Terri? Huy. errteit that Irosoldttion to all Be- Pry,Malkit: Nana. J. F. Vanden and rom- ,Itspubebt Irks wag ')1111111 it workers. trtembere of 1.1111;1:11ti lees a Late! The play. "A ps1r; oprorhes, atomt,ers h:thnn.. Piorhs, Ig'ss.. In a qvtAglittO Secident Chance' the first Tin. mtealonry Secnnd the eau inrestdtmeo Welt council tbs. W.V. heti roma:Mon dtad. Of NMI era! hitherto of the school year. Will be pro. Has ward, Mr. Datilettee ward chapel.. oteat taltialentary. widow, Kra, Ids seated Wednesday'. lliov-- U. at the leave, I Art Interested aro brake& liss.lth lissTS7. susylses. eak tor Sweden- - boom allsosams TO ' - -- win CEO LAI Pol Sall gab Clitst we Jensopik W. Outbal. IsPousamaillirou Aland 1111100.11. (311:,ITUAZUES. 19. 24 NOVp1BER Payson.' Girl, Imam rn VICiN I - I 11,0'0) FDA TYS ! TLTEECI5AT -- t.t errian'eeI,-,4atutritte- ... leitt---cante ho &- eprolem-court--or-ti- n. , : trrAti - recharge keepiihem fresh and all the time. on ed A e - ,-- , ng , - ' "4 1 Sales and Service throur,h ll i - - PROVO---Marrla- go . 1 The177111alr , -- riela -- ,,a,-- PROVO--111Mtm- d day-goi- - ElkHunter meet . . atterjr mei 1 Pil., en - and their At;thorized Radio Dealers L gen-74..- 4 INTERLIOUNTAIN ELECTRIC CO: JIL, erol--solyethetot - it 11. - ). Distributors tit"cfnjuorlse- 4 he n , "- 3913 Etisi 4th South' Was. SALT, LAKE CITY - RI. 1111 IS ... wed-seede- r. J. ,A- 4 ors tans kV WV1. rAtNiii , at , cilet att - ! )Feral Pew-leo- . - , ---- r rr IN L. . - (lb 6 . - , rears of lolltt,-Thatoa- y - y. 11 ...1 ow Caroline hà rosy cheeks!" f Wit-W- A ommokos. r d, ....P.IK$T,M(AN,..;4i iiisTpAvn:po.LIcv: - et inn st ts " . IIIII, dm , - pe1 Ti t e - ,. t. retar . -- , . . t ' E: -- ' workl-famon- a, Notios r - :; evemo - - a -- N 11,YOUR MOAlli-v:Settl- Minia. HEALTH -- - 11arz7 Inve-rsda- tee-ia- tr oprg , 14, .41, a .1.'4" - , . . .,0 : ., ,OF 4,.,:ortawtly lit e! |