OCR Text |
Show - - WORTRFAN IMAM .... grimy"or TinemblY night and .Wedoes. dor; 'roamer Tuesday nigh; and oeider Wednesday. Toesday night . amd Weddesday; probabay tank or sober. mothers ponies; wanner -- - Temodey West, woodman porde.. ' : . - I ' 111161 . IDAII6-.41neesde- ' - ' . , f ' . Pala& FrvE I ....trrp.lk'' - ,.. 41.. . Iv r , - . ? t- , - ,,,,..t I; ... -- ,- -' r' :,,'1,4f - '' NPrel,..........".......---"---- - . , -- - eq.:,...----- ------ ,,,, ,.; , , - ' , - - ' - . ,4 crry-,,uTA- , TUESDAY 'NONEMBER 24 ' - :i .,-- .. i . , ' ' 1925. , a 2 of Bldg. Wank. - ; 2,' .... ,.: , ... , '- ' Roof 'Boston - 4 111DIPERATURZIL - - , 1 ' ' ' , ),,, -- -- . - ,........... H LAKE SALT 1 IP.) le ) - - - - I- - f)17Pn' V, , - CENTS Aft- e ' . - ' 1. '- - k,- d - ' . , . - ' , . , . - - - ' ' -- 11111071:TutIUM11CRISIS PP -, . SO C; EIS 1'10111.0 COURT , . ' . , Tax - 1 .., ing , Poilce Reform, Accord- to Lawrence. , - 6 , , t .. it. t w, , 1 0 im - ' ' ' i , ,..tt ' filifiSIICK 1011111 . There- ., ,,,, Hosmded - From --- e I, : it -- , - et , ;, , 'ff ,,,---e,.- '. - f , - st ' , - I - . ft 1 -- , - 111111331111 .,,., v. cop 1 " -- J . (INS)--Kereb- -- , - . , . ' ' - ., - - EX-Sadi- - .. iunrelated - , , ,. , sJ.; - . , . ' -- - n - -- a. , , V1alite(1: Mall MA' - Get Angry FOES; -- 'ETITITI , vo.racenst;? ilard , , 'Coverr 0)-- roe , ht. , t, , QUITS I I ' - 1 , , .7. , -- ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,..,,,, , - -- r...)-,.- . - .:,1 .,1-!- h O,i.,- ' 0 - , 1 eso ..1 -- - , t - , 1 . , - e ,. - ! 11. ..,r,--,---1- ' 1 1 ,,, ,i it; . - - It - , . ' (1 t, -Skill of Aviators Rather Extreme Branch of Party Than Improved Equip- ..!"'"1' Asks Others to Join ' in ' ARISTIDE MUSD. . ment is Reason. For Effort to Save Situa.. He Holds. tion Froni Disaster. Fatality - , , Drop, 1 0 IIANDITS JEAR,. IQ ,, ,, ,,,. , GROUP COALITION' GOVERNMENT URGED - . , ,. HIM Foreign MinisterRefuseg'. To Go on With Organs liation; Downer Call Faces Defett,i I :, ,,,, r ,- - - , , - ,- ' - , - ... - , - , 1. 3.,.. SCORES STATISTICS MISLEADING , 'AS Is,'DENIED . 74' , . naming ' - ,,,,,, V . , ,,t, - WHEN SUPPORT0 11 . Accused Colonel on Wit. ness -- Stand - Brands Planes as Obsolete Coffins. - I H EAT 1.1 I 1 .'" -- - . - . - : -.,- -'- Ity WIC KEUTCHI8ON. PARIS, Nov. 114...,ICAP)--ititlSocialists, atter. upsetting St. Brie ands proposed minitery, now op.rs pose byname Desuncr-- the peed-dealatent choice Icor the pre. miership, declering they velll be hostile to env XOW1WInliellt which does aot advocate a levy on cage. :: es WASHINGTON'. 11)JOY111:..011111; The war and navy departments have "betrayed the confidence of the American people" .by allowing breakdown in the national de:. Col. fense. William Mitchell charged this afternoon in conclud Ina his personal defense before his courtmaxtial - Questioned by tite;nbere of the, court, Mitchell declared his charges of "analmost treasonable administration of the national defense" referred to failure , to Properly Hawaii. the Philippine Wands. the Panama canal. Alaska tor;le develop aviation for use la ' BANK AND ESCAPE tat. Bind Watchman- Drive 4 Prisoners to Vault and Dynamite Door; Safe Withstands Blasting. . '.", . ,,,t .i: -' ', .'; . .,' It It rit, ,..,, I , - ". eleRmg,inuterlfovEtriandIt -, ' -- ,' Ilsi..,- , Allsitio---- atter4.10,, the preaklent'S lets'7 . 4 di. 1.0,, noon dectioed : quest to keys a cabinet. ',,,' N. likeland renotamended to-- the awn preoldres that be ltpoa Paul ' , The Socialitea mimed to itortlel' ,,,Z, ht a govertusseat beadatVay .1,.r .., , T,0.Limoor. Delius& , - b ,14 t,.. 4, .' vIllVOICAUSTIC,Z7-;.;;:".4-4r- ne - A ,, v-- 1- ;. ,. ?-'- t war, 24.-- 4 it. D..6r, et .k 1,4- ;Dent 35Wirol, Y''''" '''14 k,', Cable ,3o - News-Chim- hatgi (VF)-.-Artrie- ' - 14,--Aftti- e ' ' ' A - , s k t - - - t . , , ton-.duct- '- It" . 4 ' :e Mitch. - ed - ' '', (Special I CASSON:ill4 Vick.. Noe, , e 4 terrorine4 d The flying colonel wits excused 1 1 ootitoult. 4Nov. PARis. t after paving been On the stand for Cassopolis for neatly three Pours int with all prominent zeowbere of ' :. tiltarty today. firing at every resi- the Socialist parties, IL Briand Al. ,,12 hours. ,1 - Mitchell denounced the ..1N ant dent who dared to Allman and cided to decline the offer ed', to 1,, ' DeHavilard types of planes as finally roared out of town to the him by the president of the re-- ', ',-- i ,, 1 ',I "liamirs coffins." He declared toe staccato accompaniment of their public to form a new cabinet.- ,. . es', fall Siam vs be of the the the were cabinet. , knew '',,,. "going they flyers 'I killed" if went into the air In triese own revolvers after falling to rob real truth about French finanoes the First National bank. :. gmalually is leaking Out. it appears obsolete machines . ' in voted that the The 0,000,000 bandits flation H estimated i , named by variously Mal Allen Guilion, l',.,' 4 "'"':, the army general staff as essittent at beterben five and ten in num- by the chamber of deputies Difin 7 dafternoon. wee only a drop in 1 p.., trial judge advocate,- again the questioning of Mitc- ber entered Baseopolis ibortly after the sea. In December the treasury .A, f f, ,r, ; hell.The flying colonel. serious and I a.m. They bound a night watch- requirements will be much larger. Even if all taxes are paid in. the calm. answered every question man and three other mm In two new ' government will be compelled' readily. all night restaurants, cut telephone to make a new inflation of at "You said Abe DeHaviland planes least 9300,000,000 In order to PaY were flaming coffins?' GUMMI be? and telegraph wires leading out of S1041.080,000 due Dec. S. nearly the city and ruled the town. The front door of the First Na- $20001)&000 to cover the 1925 f, Stands by Statements., .. tional bank then was forced. the buleetart deficit and Ii "I did an4 the JN's are danigar- robbers taking their four prisoners for pensions and the sio,seceee , devastated one, too." Mitchell retorted. inside with them. The outer door districts. Under the circumstances. . "You said the army pilots know of the salt was dynamited. no ef- It is easily conceivable that no when to killed be are ' I1 fort being made to deaden the Prong!) statesman, is willing to they going thesein aaloft to and go the flaming wend noise form the, cabinet. brought people agree - .tz, tti, coffins?" to the streets. The Socialists feel. however. that l I did. and its the truth' P.ve charges were exploded, the their dnistic plan might restore or- it Mitchell replied. ."Thos. ma- outer door of the vault being torn der to Prench finances and today 11 , chines built during the war are away but the inner- - door with- the executive committee of the ee., obsolete and dengerous.4They ought standing., Over a wire which the treme Socialist party decided to - a, - 's to have been done away- - wit at bandits felled to cut a Mrs. August . ask all Socialist groups to Partici- the end of the war. It constitutes night telephone operator, notified pato in a Socialite coalition goy. criminal negligence to keep, our officers at Niles, while the bandits eminent. In case Socialite troupe - , , still were at the beak. and roads terse to join forces and the leaders pilots flying ships of that type." "Do you know there ,wore only leading Out of Caeeopolbs were im- accept the responsibility to form a 914 flying hours per fatality in mettately placed under guard. s . Berriot-Boncogovernment the army sir service in 1111 and ' . , l ' ',,''' , Vincent Oriole combination isI like- 6.269 flying houre per fatality in Blum ly. , - ---,r preferring to remain - tom, ft EWSPIPERS RFA WORK- persrilt- - in the 1916?" naked Gullion. background.- -- "I- do The writer understands from Nov. , 0.,' ROME. Don't you know the increase in close to President Dolt-- , newspapers Avanti and sources the number of flying hours per Socialist mentue the that , the Communist republic twain& topresident of the in those years indicates a Giustigia, 1 fatality lierriont honk. which were suenewspaper Unite; 65 in increase rent the --- -,' 7 ,' safety pended after the recent Zaniboal fancy to accept the premiership, is per --of Dying?" , i Boncour.to form a cabinet ti plot against, Premier Mussolini, urging r not will -. to he IMMOagree Statistics. Prime were today permitted to resume .4 Vtitalenges , 1935 Chicatto ..... It , ..,, "'MeV...a' very Misleading state-- , publication. , , , Daily News Co.) , 1 Meot." said Mitchell. I , s ....,,,,.....,.,,....... "What is the per cent of increase in, the safety of flying?" . '' .' CARRS ROBBED. 'There Is none... Mitchell re- THREE DIE OIL - TWO ' plied. "There le a decrease in the . . VICTIM IDENTIFIES . safety." - - - - . '--- ' - ' - PAIR' "What about these statistical" MEXICANS ..' "Ii.11 very vest to trust tette. , 1 - Police are 1 tics, said Mitchell "Our pilots , ROCKS TOWN asking thentseivek are the best In the world and the Tuesday whether the lawless eleair equipment today is constantly ment in Salt Lake is ,: conducting d growing more dangerous. We are - - a systematic campaign against ; the. now running out Air opera parts.' , - .,. ,, " East. ' 7 ''Y military an4 cross country flying Residents Fear Quake. reported that he was held up at while today the army air service . I:20 a.m. Tuesday by two Mexidoes very little. There isn't as ,":" Flee ' cana and robbed of 1117. , Early Homes; Windows , much crow country flying and all Frank 453' Carr. Monday north As for - Break Mile flying is more restricted. ' 1, rind West, reported he was strong-armAway. the Dellavilands, they. are better I and robbed of , 'loam br'a , g 'sine they have been rebuilt but :' -' ' ---. and a The $ill watch. gold mea two , cot,. I still think they arc- flaming claim no relation. ' '' tioaz' ARKANSAS CITY; Kan, Nov. 24. The robbsry: Of. which William Gullion attempted to Introduce 4 the victim occturred at Pourth .(INS)Three mon were killed Wall n t by Nab. Gen. Mason M. patem An objection by Repr- and damage estimated at, snore West and I' trat. North street. Carr of the Mexicana etientafro Reid. itepublicen of It. than $100,000 was done when the reports one e" I threatened him with a knit. while linola Mitchell's counsel was comOil Arkansas City hie money. took the other Refinery and court. Gutlion by the ' Patrolman W. W., Garrett and L. - , annount4d he w'outil call Patrick pany plant exploded here today. I P. two arrested Mexicans ' . McGarry . e foreman of blot Tuesday at a rooming house. Viet . names lica retterves were nre.mi out to ' the Pedro of gave Vasguel. -e Waiter and Wilson stills, pressure Pl. 230 Viuurues---"ie meet the aeighborhool 31, and P. Grua Thomas and still Calls Pole, on Cooper, operators. Negri, Ali were blown to pieces. was kientilled by Carr ass the man The henna of Donley ( !lief Po- Actor , 1 . lies lama rtor George C. Liebere had the knife and Cruz a. tho . , is Charge Window. were shattered' Clock Steals for who :, ;'--. damaged-Jardine . yea repotted --- -blocks and the ensire city was man- who took his money. They - are held for further investigation. , ..." '''""--""------ LOS ANGELES, Nov. $0.(AP) rocked by the exploSion. Big plate . ' - Rosian. himaelf an actor glass windows in the heart of the Peer Meets Iowans ' , and fond of associating with stage downtown section, more - than - a RIDER 100 TEARS. TRW( FAILS , and film folk, was passing tho time mile away. were cracked.-was To Talk Corn Market . ' Fire ,which followed GRAND CANTON.Aris, Nov. xtinaway with other guests at Pohl tutsheit4 within a couple of hours 24.(AP)-.-41upi- a " Smiley, & Rao., Negra bungalow hero last night. ', WASHINGTON. Nov. 24.(AP) Ho departed,before the others. and and an accurate estimate of the asupai Indian. seldom bast been Jardina met today with a lints later was jailed on suspic- damage can not be made. How- thrown from his horse. Sunday ''14, group of bankers. ......moineamtm ion of grand larceny. Polies imperilI ever, it will exceed the 1100.000 he eras unhorsed for the first time ' ... e and governmeM officiate to Mama that whew Rosian parsed out of the! preliminary estimate, refthery of- - in 100, years. 'rho previous cm-id,.1 -d 1 2 was when lie ecare,ead means of aiding 4 Iowa bungalow the ttmo passed away i ficials believe. four Toargr" : farmers M lrirsi is fled from their old. ills now IS& Thin time, ,, Many rwridents martietbsgof this with aticca the shape of agold ) -, r' years earn crop. clock, , Negri valued at,31,600. homes. , fearing an earthauake. bovrefer, be was critically hawed., . - iy P)- o Help Science - bed-resid-ed 1 to ' 1I Ifs OSBUPPOirr BAJAND ISFOCAIISI miTcHELL ...,, , 4.;---- nt liughes.---(Copyrig- A SATS - lageeteoo,'"Istoeeeo-eacli'rugottectit:ose- to '. w ilr, rLIERsrAcE ErDTAINB - -- - ' - - 0 : -- . , ,. , . it to Sneeze at riot - L , 1 - , 4 -- ,. - II , . ,111 , are Id (Josses . ; Suspect 'Dieliof Beating; Officers Comb Hills For Brother of Bandit. . - ' .. t mains no doubt ,i, ,... , , , - . .;', - -, MaChh.ses; '' Hose Torn the bill ''.' 1 tthat be cleared ., , ,,- , ,,,, , ,,, , both , ..,-tr' -Loose, Knotted, Stadium , , s, , . houses before . .' 24.- -Nov. . I T FRANCISCO, CAN March I,- but Torched by Mad Mob lAiv'r, HUNTSVILLE SEES , in order totter ' , . , time and moner Andre IL 'Seligman, w'be 7 : ''',a'; 4'.:4' s, I AUTO U S CIO USPI S measure the &Mica to be a big exhibitor of ...; 4 .,' , be . little 'miff boxes, is here today. ', DOWNED IN - . , , euBmedght tyt; Feb. and if he is asked, be will tell ' I al- - -1 ao to Prince Felix why he Is suing -' ', 7iTRYING' TO SHOOT Self-Style- d COmes Tenaecistpoit brother-in-toof low the treest Burglar , for ury to print . the late emir el Russia, . . diatribute Yarnand From ... I , Respectable $15,000: ' new tax forma t -Join Guards, Haire Believed to 11 ' - t - Action by the Issenate on the tax o ' ' bill, however. tomer val:ed at $1:000.. LI curiously' onotiab ' - tied to Lake; Drive . Ha-raAlias. snuff Under up with, something entirely sea Setignoamt declared that ,. Operated, :,,,,,, t to revenues, ' , , the prince signed a contract namely the i . NOrth' : .,,.,, --- -,. Otaallign Loot proposing American ad- -giving him the excitants, right i - herencs to the world court. ' ' ' to exhibit the snuff container. i, chief. aoo77t"oot 1 - 7 Nov; An agreement was reached said, - the . Seligmann Later, .al. Nov. -' ...1,....... wisNINGT0N., 'broke Ow i . ,, the extra session of the senate last . ...,,sonato la expected to 24.(cp) , refuse to Upon a hospital bed in Preiston, prizing' delibmitely f ,, The March whereby the first place on suit, In French ' Alt his .1 eglactace!:-'' admit Gerald' lc brys, ibditoll owned Jdbo, With- a courts. followed: the 1 calendar ,..would be nitow-oMr-Nov.Gov. A. J. Sortie of North Da21 years ETANSTON. by Noorlander, Dec.-1411alii" ejaculated Seligmann, to the world court, debate Waiter Dill Scott kota. to succeed tho late.iitenaxor of age, eon of respectable Ogden to continu- o- without interruption as he reviewed the rase in re. Edwin Ladd, because, it is told, until a vote is taken. to confessed "this. Russian nobletrospect, Mayor of Northwestent university. lb. governor has not tho power parents, Monday night of man demisted me with the Charles U. Bartlett and Police under that 'Unto's constitution. to participation in an amazing , Double Crow The world court M too bles sub- Chief W. tho appointment.. Special crimes, accordine to L. W. Pock. Miltberger eonferred to. mak ject to be dismissed with curserl day' action election is sot to be held until identification expert of the Ogden what determine to debat& litany tnembent have should be taken as result of a police department, speeches to make, particularly gest- riot here last tlight be staged ator Rooth.- - and the remnant of Northwestern The climax of bis career. accord, mindsets in whkb the old 'Irreconcilabk" , group who considerable damage waa done both I ing to bla confession, came Sue-da- y the ratification fought Ver- to of the ' . sailleg persons and propertl. night,,when he was shot while DEFIES treaty. - SIX students were beini held ea robbing the Walter Scadden Acre Congress. and particularly the shames of disorderly conduct. Just-Tear Pocatello- .- Police senate, will be alutious to adittere Four were arrented during the dis- informed wereScadden died hers --A-ove- r there---the as nsmes be It holidays. turbances and gave their limy -: in a Pocatello hospital fore that when both houses; resume Cecil Cron& 11; William Tell. It; 1UTS DOOR UPON today tit January. the senate wiil still Grath Nooriander had refused to dia. It. Bentley,- SS: D. O. Cady.were name until Pack reached close his have the world court proJect benames Two more.- wheels next his bedside. Pack fore IL ty withheld, were arrested today. Cite If much time door to the Noorianders for seven tonsumed. in Stalls, of Evanston. said most Id Ms answered 'January it will interfere seriously Attorney years. readily be would all siz now in custody CARMEL of Peck's questions and admitted! psrpk.A. with the oppartunity' to get the bald pouting further inveoUgation.' tax bill acted olt Pressure from . osonit siatitog redeems asaire. str-- ; - - it,' lb. taxpayers may eonteivably be burglaries an .the Time Find, I who Patterns 0001ge regalia. instrumental in getting mistice. ,dar., the robbery of 'eight! i. veto wa , sr to Was thrown the outside the ground world stores In Good court itmiteeer t miler Olden, tr. ing Subject', that it may be put out - of the we beatea by students whoa be drew Texas robberies at several towns in north:Refuses ern - ' of bin revoPrer le in Francis hoop the tax bilL . Utah and one in Camper, Wyo. office had word pital with two broken ribs. PO. To Answer Ultimatum thatThetwosheriffs ' By ROWLAND -- The men In an automobile redecorates of American en- !iceman Herman Winn was beaten. WG01). Banes. Edward Pfeiffer and Harry eembling the one used in the Ink. (Special correspondent of The Des , - try into the world court feel sure chimes. Session For , Extra Signwere at obtained trampled. om robbery had get they have the votes. All the Vona eret News.) According to Mayor Bartlett who taken thus far indicate at least nine was 55 Legislators Huntsville east of here this morned NEW TORE, 'Nov. 24..Any t struck in the face when be votes more than the necemeary two. to the Pron.. commis. out rioting. of atop A telephone line nubile spfrited citizen who can get thirds. When It is apparent that attempted arty damage will run into thouMon in Huntsville. aided in the esHi. rosolution will pass good and mad without becoming therw may sands of dollars. brother 4 , be other Fred of Nooriander, cape sectors in favor of it Ammo Tex., Nov. obstreperous and is willing to hay. of Mike Nooriander. who Sr. not now definitely, com- THREE THOUSAND TEAR Gov. Miriam A. Ferguson today re'Mike Nooriander, according to his shins kicked in the interests of mitted either way. LOOSS THROUGH CITY fused to le Representative Alfred information received hero. inform- science. will confer a ' The reOhltiCtil, which is expectgreat benefit ' ed offleArs that his brother Fred upon humanity if be will tomed to draw substantial - support CHICAGO, Nov. Peach when he called at the gov- was bandits sad other of one the front both the Democratic and Repolice pistols. tear bombs istficet the petition they were in a shack which their munkats with the psychology depublican sides, has not been made and streams from firs hoes. knee rnor's Paradise 11111 canyon. Early partment of Columba univereity. in built rs house of b3r the on and signed Northwestern but public univenrity provides for no real a young mon answering to Mortimer J.Adler and George O. change in the constitution of the names students last Diehl OPlobrillt- asking her to. special aession Tuesday e Noorlasedof Henry the description court but does' contain reservatione ed the prowess of their football of Schoonhoven.-graduatstudents at house to Inlrestigate er drove Texas 1t the Jefferson to the OVOr all team lines laid down by Secy. along the by rampaging quiet in the state.-- Entire itori at Huntsville and pur- Columbia, let it be known todaY Iteanettia. alleged and aristocratie graft MI.) , that their researches in quantitative Before thew entbwriaern waned Representative Pasch - left the chased gasoline for his automobile. from a measurement of the emotions are vacua fraternity petition with Ghent Sanderford, the Recognizing Nooriander - early today. newslocal in a house was in ashes, a policeman governor's private secretary, with description given Rum Runners Kill Two night, attendants at being sadly hampered by the fact had two broken ribs. scores had the request that he deliver it te paper Monday to telephone that they cant find a. subject who and cracked heads. Mrs. Fergueon at once. Tbe petition the store endeavored Morgin Guards, Claim black erss Richard D. Pincock but the will get toad enoughwithout getMayor Charles IL B. Llett, meriting asks that Gov. Ferguson reply be- Sheriff commission. of out was line a bruised bead. declared North- fore Dec. 10. NEW TORK. Nov. It is thought that Nooriandev tink too madto enable them to Suspicion that two employee on western would never have the new The ultimatum. drafted late yes-- I went to Salt Lake. Maurice Johann-so- n measure the emotion of anger. , stadiant has It the country estate et J. P. Morgan planned. of Huntsville is said to have terday, stated plainly it was ,the' t is very difficult to arouse at Olen Cove have been murdered ooncensua of the 11 signers that the traveled with Nooriander in his real anger in a subject." Mr. Adler acofficers such and by rum runners in the last two should "take to ware The police and firemen automobile Ogden, legislature years is entertained by Long lel- helpless when the Subi Intim' be- tion as necessary to protect Texas' are now seeking the young man to mid day. "It has been tried by and ponce, socertain what may have developed kicking persons is the shins and by plan. about welfare." Cherie. Clayton. a guard. eves gan. 9 oclock. The cafe were stripped , Neithr Mrs. Ferguson nor her In their conversation., subjecting them to other trodden shot dead on the night or October of their A. Jame An automobile camped at the and unexpected indignities. but so who husband. and Ferguson. vie the made badge, SO last. in far we have been unable was impeached eight years ago in mouth of South Fork canyonmaces. Ume of own Firemen. their to get is A man named Price, another em- dashing and other Ogden e valley 'Monday night to answer numerous connection with highway loot the reaction we wanted.- a statement thet tame the been ploYe died under mysterious have to stakeatterewould most them of lame alarms. and in- thought become "Either the subject ' others resulting from bonfires. had this morning.two 'oar pjo. was driving Tuesday. I Noorlander and tin. and obstreperous dignant ' eemoiseeee in been Island have shore or Noortanders Mrs. Both Long property Ferguson intimated she may their boa knotted and equipment willing to continue the experiments. wealthy persona unguarded. except dumped and scrambled. have a statement later in the day. trouble in connection with automo- or surprises nab.. in this city and were er else the indignity is bile thefts private watchmen, believed of him- - and hie reacriot rnallycame from ' to have been used extensively by squadsrecently- pardoned from the stet tions are not those of anger. and Chicago 'muddlers to land litmottront rum 40 World war , veterans were Sent to' Get One Lion "What we need is a good red , row. Theonards whops deaths are mobilised. The students retired who will get Idaho. Nfrt; 14.-- -1 blooded American ' Comes Back With Five I POCATELLO. under scrutiny are presumed to to the Lake Michigan front and er &Addeo. Inkom angrybut not too angrg'..te go have known .0ttiso smudillor's ao. finished off the evening with huge 'Monday tthhee alividwitwhienth expeetperintenyeartaa grocor, aseaulted early I. . REDDING.3 Calif.,' Nov. 24,--,. bonfires. songs and cheers. . greet . , President Waiter Dill morning by robbers died today at deal of progress has been made Scott. who Sent by the state. to capture a the in aesault The hospital. general bad been out of Evanston. said the lion which had been killing sheep remesau Mr. Ad the of fear." been mbeenrte Archers Wing 2 ATTOWS , university would not interiors in in the mountains of Trinity countY. twaled byaalieaa4 itndhave allanit are four other let said.' Milks No of students who bad violat- I. H. Bruce. state lion killer, not the pupilometer. and Beadden resisted their at- teats besides Into Bear; Bear Succumbs behalf - combined d city ordinances. killed the lion doing the- when Mr. holduO and use we feel with..theiaonly the tempted , .... . . The melee started when students damage but brought in four more. , that we have demonstrated fear the store iwoprietor bmug measured All - five were caught along scuffle WALDPORT. Ore. Nev.' 24.-- - fired the fraternity house. which be can bulquantitatively,- into play and one e rased and reelected by a Squaw Creek. Bruce &aims the alet.revolver In wag thought to too the grits "But we are up against- it in the ')What chest, of Mike the lodged ' new in bear killed first measurement of anger. There are quedrangio. The interior bad lion killing record for the Pacific Oregon "rich 1;.Nrialltaderd.or bow and arrow by whits men was been soaked vrith oil. Others oiled coast. ' even a scientist is under heavy tru'ard some chances thattake-moslain on Drift Creek, soar Watidport sod Ignited the old wooden Sta- ' doesn't swaintto re than . be will and hospital Preston the at C. VI. ... ca, dium: , Thompson of nenday by returned te Pocatello as soon as once.", Chance Sees IMMO and IL W. Lyndon of Wald-por- t. Kenneth L: 'Tug' Wilson, ath- California. be recovers. We brother said to be ' letic director. and gridiron stars. leading archers of Oregon. For Early- River Pact traveling in a isme ear bearingin 'A Tbe beer was surprised Awnless succeeded in pernuading the stu. Dynamite Blast in- Bronx license Number git,(143 "toles range and archers drew and re- - dents to extinguish staditun not , the had Pocatello .night Sunday P) . LOS ANGELESNos. , are, , leaped together. ,' at a fate - hour Sends Crowd into- Panic been apprehended Of various southThe two arrow passed through , The police chief and fire depart- , the bears heart, enteeing the body ment head were equally wrathful. rn California interests advocating today. -litEW iORIK. Idaho and Utah officers aro of an ineh sets Orders to shoot down anywise who the ' Bwing.Johnson congressional with only between A dynamite explocion hills a buildin Logan the mooring bill of Boulder . construction .., for, ,. ; and arattng sems-holthegasbna - Coming -out attempted further trouble were isIn excavation. the Bronx and set4elela nt--1- ?.. today tw.fefe ing of the sued by Chief Wiltberger. ' - -- canyon dam ,and an Is for blocks e rnited islidiforo Fred 3.003,2, doht canal, imporial Valley. for miattercd hundred a arimlowa - , and ' ht water of Idding., power. Irriga volopment to word reeelesid by threw hundreds of remdeata of the 4. Hon and domestic supply of water According aid" Edulon late W. Henderson dt Itli IL faction Pilo a Sheriff tlits ..i Were pante. Het of lower Colorado river. r I Aunt I irdge -An ambt lance was mane, to the 1 assembled at the Los Angeles waterl Monday night Mike Nooriaader Old Patent - , , a ' Idaho GrocerWho Shot 'yy, -- , - .- .- 2 ;Burglaries orth-----Utah-:z' -- ' 4's '4', i II S Wo undpclOgdemteHeld US N -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,, :.'' ,,,,, ;,''''''-''-' ....,-, - . , . xt .,,,-.- 1. , I Ill AlIGHT FRENCH CABINET ,. ., . . It Iv $ 'Students Hunt Others' After 3 000 Burn House,' Club,Officers; Beat Mayo r ' a ,... OUT RULE m " ITO BE SENATOR , YET EDITOR? OR 1111101ILSORFIK ST DAVID LAWRENCE, 34,--Mir. WASHINGTON. WPA)Now thatthe house ways and means commitiee has finished drafting 4 DeW tag bill and pain-b-y month the house early-neage la .eoneedetit.the question 'of how 'action by the menate'may be expected le ,really the biggest piece ! of uncertainty facing the tax-Parer. - . - , ' - . a lir , Trap.-- - 2 , . , lay Senate Action on , :''. ' ' Debate Threatens tope. - . jti , , ur .. . i T: ------ - Jar than-annoy- " .- - ....--- (AP)--Walt- . , - -- , r- 7 - , ' .. . AS ' . r. OF -- -- - BST , to-b- '' , - - e ' -- ii ' ed . ., , ' . , Nov224.----flik,131- , , . ' , 4.7, - - . I.t. 1" - -- . - ' - .- r , - . ';:" . , ..' ., t oi) : 1... '. ' - ,' 111) - , , but , . 0,. , - , leave nobody to blamo ETTellt for that take fallin'. I '1 didn't ! ; - . . 411P ... I ..... ' - ......., . ' . -- , - -- - . WASHINGTON. Nov. 24(AP) out and canfornim ' A. Edison and Hem? For snore Hum twol'woeks Ford gm. among the 2,000 smolt- halm been under way in canto for aome of tho Illikb00 old hops of agrosniont on proposals le patent officio models now being go to Clov. Hunt of Arisoria as -- a meted by weemelebbloa - liatheTtled compromise. Officials hope to reach - by CongreaL today or tomeorrow. Nr. Ettionli requeot for origloole - 4 4 of his earlier inventions covers fir. ' ST WK. IC HIMIIINION.. i,' , elomir lrPorrrittou Pogo& Mr. Ford wants to preoarve 04. WAIRINOTON, Nov. 'ie. of inethattiest togineerias do' ...11111P411111tart the witness Jamul to "icon tor otedir, sod Prot. Coal N. his own defense, Col.: William million. II member. of rip aela., Machofl today charred the war demimeos and mulatto etwalineering partneat With - "criminat Deal. at Um Ibnithemtian Institutive ,le treater hi foreleg army &tors to collection lbws for tbe outonsobile nee obooloto Mamba crake atr, - ,:' manufateturowl. .., - - .., , ..itlegelle' - -- - ,'47 . -- I &Its . i, I :pm forgot to en"be, night. pray for the heath. , , v , ,, . , . -- - -- , , --,- -- , ,..... ' FordWant, It . - I L . '''. - k ' . , . . ' that he and his brother robbed the office of the Home Lumber eom- pony in thin city Sunday night. stole the automobile and committed the assault on Walter &Addeo . . Inkom. at - Pholograntut of the two-a- ndtheir descriptions and finger prints were received bare this morning from Curtis Allison. ehlet of wiliest at Ogden. The ed in Ogden for burglary and robbery according to word received here today, Salt Lake officers be.' neve Mike Neorialder is also known aa Icy Bair& wanted in Salt- LAM lIn conuettion with operations of a gang or burglars. -- -- I,. . , '," Z. , - ' , . ' .- es -- t la-th- e - , , - . ---- ---- . - - - ' .". - :, ' ie-,-....--.- - - sus-tent- 11.. T-I- .111..11r11, -4 ,, V. --1So . 'V II. .2. -'.; - - - 't- 1,000000tuyi, ,- ii,;,-- ; 4,,,..-- . .. .4 Z;AZ.3 ,, a .. .. .,- - fa - i - ., , , - ty!..." - --a-. 4- ."1' a .... 77.: Aw A. e .,...., ...- - .....4, '', it. k A , 11, - A r , .........,.......t 41. 1 t '1kibta2,- - -- ',- -, |