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Show PACE EIGHT , BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 1828 DANCE AMONG THE LOVELY Bt To the Music of KNAPP'S ORCIIESTR "1 TinTl ITT ITTIllm . HuUA r MUH1 " A1JKIL 1 hbIof Prom "HARBOR LIGHTS" -- at the Mrs. Ada Garfield spent last week in Salt Lake City as a guest of her sister, Mrs. Fanny Doan. j TmnrPUVf 1 ' T?ifpJ Hplfl " j i IVIIU 1 kj , ounaay ior ueo. uroun f., , Many Honor Valley Cancer W;u "iff "Fight C o u p 1 e On Golden Knowledge" Week, Wedding Anniversary to i5thf i"uist Miss June Hansen, of Los Angeles, Impressive funeral rites were held California, is visiting with friends and over the remains of George W. Brough The entire Bishop and Mrs. R. A. Johnson celeI relatives in Tremonton this week. Sunday afternoon under the direction brated anniverGolden their States lW Wedding will know 52.a-l Phone of Bishop D. B. Green, of the First Marjorie Hansen, Correspondent Shoes for Ward. The Tremonton Choral society sary Monday, March 28 with a very than ever before New Gray ,lBte of 70 members furnished the singing impressive wedding reception at the two weeks campaign Spring Cliff's Clothiery. Miss Bemice Bjom, of San Bern-Mrs. Ira Fridal and son, Edward, the caption of' $S2t with special musical numbers by Dora family home in Beaver Dam. The rooms looked lovely with spring with Knowledge'" that is ardiiio, California, arrived here Sat-- j were Ogden visitors Monday. Miss Florence McKay spent the and Eernice Brough, daughter-in-launlay for an indefinite stay with her weekend with relatives In Salt Lake and granddaughter of the deceased flowers, carrying out the color scheme sponsored by the Women's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bjorn. Save money, Pal Night, Garland City. and a solo by Agusta Brough, also a of blue, gold and silver. A beautiful the Control of Can ?et4 Theatre, Adult 25c, pal 5c ex., Sat. granddaughter, and a mixed quartette linen lace table cloth graced the din- cine and science and hundreds J Miss Mary Fridal spent last week W. H. Jennings, of Salt Lake City, ' by Ed Kerr and company w conTwt,v ing room table on which wa3 centered aerencies 1"- end in Salt Lake City as a guest This is Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Norberg vis- visited with friends in Tremonton on Speakers were Lewis Dodd, of Har- a large tiered wedding cake trimmed woman's arm,, v. of Miss Betty Mifflin, Wilford Allred, of in yellow rosebuds and gold leaves women suffer most from per, a ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday afternoon, cancer t). rti Garland, a lifetime friend, having with blue scrolls embossed. Daffodils, tha George Bradshaw enroute to their : smites then, Mrs. visited with her known Mr. Brough in Spring City be- snapdraggons and peach blossoms savagely in two Mr. and Mrs. Royd Stocks, of Harry Taylor home in Denver, Colorado, after spend locations, thT In Mrs. P. J. Salt fore nestled in around sister, of cake wreaths the Stringham, and at the home the uterus, where moving here; Cephus Anderson, Colorado, visited ing the last six weeks in San FranLake City last week. Mrs. Stringham a neighbor of many years; Bishop with blue tapers in silver holders plac- in more than their sister, Mrs. Jay M. Schaffer cisco, California. seventy percent left the later part of the week for Reed Beck, of Draper, a nephew; ed at ends of the table. cases, if taken in time. Womi H Wednesday and Thursday. D. C, where she will President K. H. Fridel and Patriarch th ,octJ Mrs. Johnson wore a black tiiple eliminate Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams, of Washington, um. their,. wi: her make home. "rttu P. Christensen and a tribute, sheer James between delay thf a with Lake Salt gown Danish people, Attention! See beautcorsage of gar City, visited here Sunday H. Kate of "Ii:c"dnceft! read by Bountiful, Zesiger, which sims denias and lilies of the valley. iful Copenhagen, Sun. Garland Theatre and Monday. Comes the time to paint! The place by Wilma Anderson, which is prinpnysician. Whether 07l About three hundred relatives and to buy GAMBLE'S ANNIVERSARY ted here. . Our lowest price on Roofing In 2 SALE. friends called during the afternoon any signs or symnto Mr. Bickmore, of San Luis Obispo, Prices reduced on Interior and . .,v e that every Urm l' (I "California, arrived here Thursday for years. Good quality, asphalt base, per Exterior paints. House Paint, In 5 A TRIBUTE TO GEO. W. BROUGH and evening. Light refreshments were a complete physical examinati a an indefinite stay with his sister, Mrs. roll with cement and nails, 98 cents. gal. lots, $1.79 gal. Flat Wall, $1.65 served. A very delightful time was once each year by a co least The curtain is drawn on life's drama had Gamble Store Agency, L. G. Rose, '.Robert .Simonsen. Gamble Store Agency, L. G. Rose, by all. gal. Of a a a friend. husband, owner. father, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were the re owner. Sweet to us is that blest assurance The cure is accomplished bv 1 of many beautiful gifts, flowd New Gray Shoes for cipients We know not 'tis the end. ers and poems, for which they desire radium, a discovery by MadaneC-Mr. and Mra. Bernard Stone, of Miss Elaine Reeder spent the week Spring Cliff's Clothiery. to express publicly their deep appreOgden, visited with Mrs. Stone's sis- end at the home of her parents, Mr, We know God had a purpose When he placed him here on earth. ciation to their kind friends and neigh Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rose, Reverend ter, Mrs. George Bradshaw, here Sun- and Mrs. M. L. Reeder, in Brigham. bors for their generous felicitations, afternoon. day In a humble covered wagon, and Mrs. Goff, and Mrs. N. E. Shaw their visit to their home and the gifts Reverend and Mrs. Goff were Is His dear mother gave him birth. attended the Sunday conference for bestowed. visitors in Ogden Monday E. Mrs. J. is of TuesThim, Lake leaders Satl at Logan, City, youth Outstanding He endured the many hardships, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. day and Wednesday. the desert land. Pioneering Duane Lower and family. of Utaf He was ready and ever willing d New Gray Shoes for The hit of the HOUSEWIVES To extend a helping hand. Miss Virginia Carter, University Mrs. A. D. Sargent was in Ogden Spring Cliff's Clothiery. Coronado Electric Re. Mail yer The new TTtnVl nrvc rt rr. on afternoon business. on cubic 6 Save our When a Monday $50.00 frigerator. country called for soldiers, was named the ft. model. Only $109.50 $2.00 a week SALT LAKE CITY State Chair- student of the outstanding .bravely he marched away. 4tamble Store Agency, L. O. Rose, University of fj New Gray d With his comrades, faced the enemy man, I. A. Smoot, Salt Lake Shoes for City, an- business school by members of Del wner. ur me Black Hawk war day. t ADS Spring Cliff's Clothiery. nounced today the following appointPi, commerce fraternity, j ments of District and County Chair- Sigma Miss Carter, a member of cf he Nobly fought life's battles men in the State of Utah to carry Where ever his footsteps trod. Omega social sorority, was elerl He was honest with his fc.lew men, forward arrangements for National last week to membership in Phi k Air Week, May 15 to 21, which is And honest with his God. pa Phi, national honorary sehofcV B3S-IKI2- 99 being sponsored by the Post Office fraternity. Her scholastic averaw 1 M..JM He bestowed upon his children Department: her three two An honest and upright name. District Chairmen; Nello Christoph- - work in the years and school cuaitof kl university One they will always cherish, erson, Brigham City, and J. W. ness is z.bs, midway between a Even greater than power or fame. Provo. and an "A" grade, which is consider. James Walton. Tremonton. was excellent by business school are They A AT S justly proud of their father. appointed County Chairman for Box since Miss Carter is majoring 4 Proud of the record he made. Elder county. uimcuit field of accounting. They feel his work has been well done Governor Henry H. Blood has acThe daughter of W. G. Carter, And his passing could not be stayed HOSE cepted the position of Honorary State inent farmer of Tremonton, she 52 x 52 CHEVOT Chairman of National Air Mail Week lived at her Altho his health has been failing house during PURE SILK and has assured the Post Office De- first three sorority The later years of his life. university-the at years EXTRA SHEER partment that the State of Utah, beWe feel the Lord has blessed him, Miss Carter will appear at a sf cause of its keen interest in aviation, dent BROWN - HEELS . A WOVEN CLOTH With a faithful, devoted wife. CLOTHS assembly in Kingsbury hall F will cooperate in every way to make 11:30 a. m., sponsored by at COLOR FAST day . this an outstanding event. With a love and devotion unceasing, wmmciue iiaiernuy, ana will receif Local committees are rapidly being an ouc juaa smotnea nis every care. of roses from Dean Thoc award And' when he needed comfort, completed in 46,000 post offices thru-ou- t A. Beal, head of the business sch He always found her there.' the nation to commence the 20th In ,t recognition for her outstani MEN'S of the Inauguration of anniversary ti We at GEPHARTS pray our Heavenly Father the air mail service that was started scholarship. ti The is now scholar employed May peace and comfort send. by the Post Office Department May T MEN'S HEAVY Ing afternoons away from her And grant her every blessing, 15, 1918. a; 36 Trust INCH compa First Even to Security the end. ROCKFORD The Post Office Department has bythe p &ne pians to stay at work for a two announced official cachets m for the years and "has no intention of f The spacious chapel was f illed to SOCKS occasion: one for Kitty Hawk, North je she said Wednesday overflowing with friends and relatives married," ting be from far and near, with many beauti- Carolina, commemorating the birthSalt Lake Tritif Spring Colors: place of aviation and one for Dayton. ful floral tributes. The speakers paid ECRU high tribute to Mr. Brough for his Ohio, commemorating the home of Pi BLUE faithful devotion to the principles of Orville Wright and the city in which Hawkin the first airplane was built. There Eli Wm. tit and nght GOLD righteousness a sronrt hn. will be no other at GEPHARTS official cachets, how ro; band and father and a Chiropractor and Masseur good neighbor. ever, every town and communitv PEACH is wi Interment was made in the rntv autnonzea to issue through their lo OFFICE PHONE 138 $1.00 HEAVY LAVENDAR pk vc.cuci.y. onaw & 1Verson funeral di cal post office cachets which an mav Ro SM Ra Over p;iror rtviors. GREEN DOUBLE THREAD be of local or historic interest. die Ze" Two-Ton- ed foUoS' , uer 1 w wN son-in-la- Den-ve- n, I , Two-Tone- Virginia Carter Named ffl - H 4-T- its off to Gepharts for BIGGER VALUES! .... TAKE PEEK fl SHOP THROUGH THE LEADER FIRST Two-Tone- 66 Student Chairmen Named for Nat'l Air Week Two-Tone- THESE EYE-OPENER- Dan-gerfiel- d, .... in CHIFFON p: LUNCHEON SHIRTING . . .... PAJAMAS c: clas; K CURTAIN NETS WORK pr. Cm TO Dr. BEACH TOWELS STRIPES, etc 10 ONLY MEN'S ALL-WOO- Junior Prom . . . DRESSES $1.00 Challenge Alarm Clocks Be L BOYS' MEN'S FANCY DRESS SOCKS Sure to See These V ZIPPER JACKETS 33.00 at GEPHARTS ANKLETS MEN'S FAST COLOR STRIPED TOPS DRESS SHIRTS 39-INC- H at GEPHARTS CHILD'S OVERALLS MUSLIN LINOLEUM RED AND BLUE Bandana Hanks 5c REMNANTS 18 x 36 15c Regular 30 of Broken Sizes In $1.49 Shirts. ALL SIZES ON HAND p Plan a Visit to GEPHARTS " w ninniiimmnin-iii- iiniiLA,. 89c ....CANDIES.... Lb. box Miss Saylor's I SUNDAE Bi! m spt ho 50c Upjohn Aspirin Tablets, 100's at 29c Liver Oil Rubbing Alcohol, pt .... TOILETS Hinds Honey and Almond Cream 39c Lucretia Vanderbilt Face Powder .7'49C 50c 29c 25c Rose Hair Oil Solid Albolene - 39c Milk of Magnesia Halibut Liver Oil Capsules, box of ."0 29c By av "0c Ipana Tooth Paste $1.50 Military $2.25 Prophylactic Brush Set Arm Bags I 39C .... I Ser qua 1 3c Bill its Frc RE $2.29 W $2.95 Prophylactic 47c 100 ...CLEANUPS... $1.98 Under 4-- c 29c ed Brush Set 19c Fal wh Brush Set g9c fac TVf 33c Vicks Vapo Rub $1.00 Super D Cod 39c Easter Basket 755 Miss Savior's Easter Rabbit . Ib $1.50 Hershey's Mild and Mellow bar ioc z. Fresh Strawberry f $1.00 Marrow Oil Shampoo Jennptf p Se 1 29c 49C yoi DRUGS atio u 2?C Hide Bag $8.50 Steer Hide Bag ral a pi aPp: last Con ur $7.00 Steer.. imp Prot haa ?3J and Look Over New Spring Goods That Are Arriving Hen spec facil tria Daily. Gephart Stores Co. 17 . . Hospital Seven Blades De Clean-u- yd. 39c Cotton - lb Dorthv Pa Candies - lb EMBROIDERY 7 SUNDRIES . 69c Favorite Hair Brushes 39c $1.00 Thermos Bottles - pt 79C $1.00 St. Regis Poicket Watches 79c 69c Gem Razor with Values a idt Help YouTBeM so Tliese Barpains BROADCLOTH PAJAMAS IN BRIGHT COLORS CARNIVAL f '.... I i of p, 22 Cr.nc SERVICE 1 Hon Ti no C( |