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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 19'8 Bear River Highlights l i (By Cy Mrs. IL P. Rasmussen era will leave on Friday, April 8, for the South San Francisco Junior Livestock Show, where they will exhibit omenta for the senior nop 27 head of beef cattle. Friday are well under LeRoy Bunnell and Halvor Skinner to Homer Shurtz, agricultural instructors, will be in class. of the graduating charge of the group while on the trip. SSi Jt Max Anderson and Verl Anderson will leave on Tuesday, April 5, with the cattle. The other boys going are: LeRoy Oyler, Vera Oyler, Virgil Coombs, Doyle Udy, Eldon Munns, Ray Stokes, Voy Anderson, Rubon Arbon, Wynn Henrie, Ray Eliason and Thomas Eliason. Ray Lowe and Russell Barton of Z decorations of the Junior occasion. fll be left up for the of direction tte under Hop is weivin headed by mittee of Naomi Caddie, Richards and Lewis Allen, of the advertising comt Secrist' Bth Can" E3SC aian-consisti- S liters S2?: I stcUie Lish, lis Saunders- - ItCTCBB Your Newspaper Future good-lookin- , OUTSTANDING ASSEMBLY One of the most outstanding assemblies of the year was presented today by the Davis High School. A picture show of the state football game was one of the main features. Last Tuesday, the neighboring Bees exhibited some very outstanding talent from Box Elder. Bear River wishes to express their thanks and appreciation to these schools and welcome them back THEATEE TREMONTON, UTAH Friday and April 1st Saturday and 2nd 4 1 Monday - Tuesday April 3rd - 4th - 5th Sunday - "MANNEQUIN" and Thursday and 7th 6th April Wednesday THREE" "SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR" Sun. Mon. Tues. 9th - 10th - 11th - 12th April - - Sat. - "SNOW WHITE" "QUINTUPLAND" 15 All and 35 Children Must Have Tickets XAM'T WE EVEN EAT II! PEACE Dar-len- e, is I Tell that moocher this NOT a public If her friends knew what a nuisance she is, they would NEVER call HOSPITAL NEWS i tele-Phon- e! her." Bear River , Valley Telephone Co. Melvin Johnson, of Bear River City, received meedical attention the past , week. Mrs. William Muir underwent a minor operation. She returned home Wednesday. Mrs. Maude Hess underwent a minor operation Wednesday. Her con-- : dition is good. Miss Beth Smith had her appendix removed March 28. Her condition is good. Mrs. Willis Fryer underwent a Caesarian operation Tuesday. Both she and the baby are doing nicely. No. o Special EPisrcliase flour tbsp. tsp. curry powder tsp. salt Melt butter In a sauce pan. Add the flour mixed with the curry powder, salt and pepper. Gradually add the hot milk, striring constantly to keep the mixture smooth. Bring to the boiling point ard continue cooking for 2 minutes. Cut hard cooked eggs in two lengthwise, place on a heated serving dish and pour the hot sauce over them. Serve garnished with bacon curls and parsley. This makes six servings. Just a word of precaution. If you like the pungent curry flavor, you'll find that the teaspoonful designated in this recipe is none loo much. But if you prefer only a hint or, suggestion of curry use a half a teaspoonful or less. Question: Are brown or white eggs better for Answer: The color of the egg shell doesn't make a. particle of difference in the egg that is within the shell. Question: I'm having a committee meeting at my house one morning next week. They'll leave before lunch. If it were in the afternoon, I'd serve tea or coffee. But I'm not sure about the morning. Have you any suggestions? Answer: Why not serve cups of steaming hot bouillon? They would not only be correct but very modern. Question: Do you recommend having egg whites very cold when you are beating them up for a cake? Someone told me to have them warm. Answer: We've made a number of experiments and we've found that egg whites will hold more air when you whip them if they are at room temperature. That means you'll get more volume and they'll be more fluffy if you leave your eggs out of the refrigerator for some time before you make the cake so that they will be at room temperature. Question: Does it hurt if some of the yolk gets into the whites when you are going to make an angel food cake? Answer: Your egg whites will not beat up well if there is any of the egg yolk present. You'll find that you can remove any specks of egg yolk from the whites with the sharp corner from a piece of the egg shell. If you worry about what to serve, if you dread to start the next meal, Just drop a card to Betty Crocker in care of your newspaper, and ask for this week's menus. Complete menus for the week will be sent to you at no cost. Please enclose 3 cent 6tamp to cover return postage. - rs " hp Jut the thing for School Smartly styled in attractive fcolora . . . Washable ... A real buy I ... "Mesdames Irene Shuman, Birdie Peterson, Crson Jensen, Sarah K. Shuman, Aurelia Bosley and Ida Mil ler attended the Primary Union meeting and banquet in honor of the re tiring Primary Stake Board workers. Mr. and Mrs. Engvar Petersen and Mrs! Ida Call were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Palmer, of Logan, Thurs. Mrs. Conrad Fredrickson and Mrs. Carl Nelson were the guests of their sister, Mrs. P. C. C. Petersen Monday, quilting. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Johnson, of Salt Lake City, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Miller. President C. E. Smith was the stake visitor at the ward conference, Sun day evening. At the conclusion of the conference1 President C. E. Smith offered the benediction and asked blessing for Mrs. Olive P. Millei; and Mrs. May Marsh. We are glad to report that Mrs. Miller is convalescing from her operation as well as can be expected. She has enjoyed the visits of her neighbors and friends. PENROSE Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hansen and small daughter, Billie Kay, and Mrs. Conrad Fredrickson accompanied Fredrickson to Salt Lake City Tuesday of last week, where Delbert enrolled for. the spring quarter at the u. of u. : Under the direction of Bee Keepers, Mrs. Marie Petersen and Miss Delia Petersen, the Segolia Swarm entertained their mothers at a banquet Thursday evening. The program was held during the banquet and games were played. Easter decorations were Del-be- rt carried out. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. W. Morgan Miller were in Tremonton and Brigham City where Mr. Miller received attention for his dislocated arm. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stokes, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Petersen motored to Brigham City Sunday, where they visited with Mrs. Ruth Anderson's old son, who had been operated on for appendicitis on Monday of last week. From there they went to Dew eyville and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jen pen and daughters Martha Elaine and Mary Louise, of Ogden were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen and Mrs. Sarah K. Shuman. Mr. and Mrs. L. H Bailey had as their guests last week, their daughters and husbands: Mr. and Mrs. Haws of Bannock, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hardman of Providence, Utah. Tonight (Thursday) Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are entertaining at a shower and wedding dance in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Diderickson. Mrs. Diderickson was formerly Miss Thclma Bailey. Friends of Durward (Dode) Palmer of Park Valley will be glad to hear that he enrolled at the Mission Home in Salt Lake City Monday, and will leave shortly for the Australian mission. Stake and ward officers were in attendance at Sunday School at East Sido Promontory Sunday. Junior Dresses $1.93 tsp. pepper 2 cups hot milk 6 hard cooked eggs cake-makin- Parent-Teache- "PARADISE FOR By Mrs. Thomas Ault Danish people, Attention! See beautiful Copenhagen, Sun. Garland Theatre Wednesday, Miss Vesta Holdaway came from Logan to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James N. Holdaway. Wednesday evening the Association entertained in the ward hall, consisting of basketball game and dance. The proceeds are for improvements for the play grounds for the children. Friday afternoon a Daughters of the Pioneers meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Jane Heusser, a business meeting and naming the ward organization. Friday evening, the Riverside dramatic club presented a splendid play to a well pleased audience. Saturday afternoon, officers of the Primary attended Union meeting and Primary luncheon and testimonial for retiring members of the Primary stake board. Friday, Principal Blackham and boys went to Honeyville and played baseball with the boys of that school but were loosers of the game. A number from Deweyville are motoring to Logan, where they are enjoying the wonderful pageant "Another Witness" in the Logan Tabernacle. Mrs. Orville Nish and children, of Plymouth, visited with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser, Tues. Mrs. John Fryer and daughter, spent Saturday in Salt Lake. Thursday, Mrs. Lester Pierson went to Ogden to visit her sister, Mrs. Orvil Child, who is improving from a long illness. Bishop and Mrs. Marion G. Perry received word their son Clarence was released from his mission and they expect him home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Blackham and sons visited friends at Portage Sunday. Mrs. Addie Gardner visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orvill Child in Ogden, Thursday. Ward conference was held here Sunday evening. The visitor was K. H. Fridal of the stake presidency. CRAWFORD, in JOAN DEWEYVILLE j V se V4 Range" I r paring the Curried Eggs 4 tbsp. butter ( 'WISE GIRL" "Powder Smoke run. Duuuua t j; a.: anuI bihbiui. V..J iuuu ucvi--lastiiiawug Biiuj uisuncuve think of associating it with such a dish as the ordinary creamed egg on toast that you fix up for lunch when you can't think of anything els. In fact creamed eggs on toast may seem very uninteresting to you. But suppose you went to a friend's house and were served a thick yellow cream sauce filled with wedges of hard cooked eggs nestling In a crisp brown toast cup with perky flaring corners. You'd start wondering how it was ever achieved. And you'd go home thinking you'd had grand new dish served to you or else marveling that creamed eggs on toast could be made to have such an air of distinction and to taste so delicious. If you made bold to ask your hostess for the recipe, you undoubtedly had a new surprise for their frills were so very easy and simple. Just a little curry powder added to the white sauce for the eggs gave that rich yellow color and distinctive flavor. And the toast? That ws easy too. Simply cut slices from day old square sandwich bread ar.d remove the crusts. Or trim any other loaf of firm bread into square slices minus the crusts. Butter each slice on one side taking care to butter the edges where the crust was removed. Push each slice cf buttered bread (buttered side up) into a well greased muffin cup. YouH find the bread will shape itself easily into the little basket with the perky flaring corners. Now place the muffin cups in a very hot oven, 476 F. and leave them there for 15 minutes. There's nothing difficult bout that, is there? And here are the complete directions for pre- arm- - DAVIS PRESENTS OEPHEUM prepared by Betty Crocker Homa Service Department Perhaps you've been startled when you've seen a neighbor strollina; g down the street in a new spring outfit for you'd forgotten how she really was. It's the same with food. Curried Eggs in Toast Stanley Johnson and the Utah State Agricultural college will act as instructors at the high school while Mr. Bunnell and Mr. Skinner are away. Bear River -- NEW FRILLS FOR AN OLD STANDBY FARMERS iJXvE FOR SHOW een 1 J BEAR RIVER CITY By Mrs. C. XV. BraUsford TO CLEAR STOCK LaGra Shop Parent-Teache- Dr. and Mrs. T. William Stevenson Salt Lake City were dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland J. Hansen, Sunday. of Mrs. Hairy Taylor entertained the F. Sewing club at her borne Friday evening. Mrs. Glen Mason was a special guest. Refreshments were served. V. G. The Tremonton-Garlan- d Literary club met at the home of Mrs. R. D. Anderson last Monday evening. Miss Edna Burnham, Home Economics teacher at the Bear River High School gave two short stories, "The Saluting Doll," by Hamlen, and "The Black Gods." Special guests were Mrs. p. B. Green and Mrs. Roscoe Heppler. Luncheon was served. Mrs. Reginald Brough gave a Bridge luncheon for eight friends at her home Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Duaine Lower and Mrs. James Ransom. The L. L. Bridge Club was enter; s tained at the noma or Mrs. jay m. Schaff er Thursday afternoon. Mrs, E. H. White, Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Douglas Cannon and Mrs. L. J. Cummin gs were special guests. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Cannon and Mrs. Cummings. Refreshments were served v rs Mrs. Ray Pitts and baby of Salt Lake City, spent Thursday visiting in this city with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iverson. Mr. and Mrs. Frildo Anderson and two sons spent Sunday in Brigham City visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Larsen. Howard Thorsen returned home Monday evening after spending two weeks in Oakland, California, visiting his sister, Mrs. Lowell Carruth. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Holmgren entertained a few relatives and friends at their home Tuesday evening. The evening was spent in playing progressive card games, after which a tray luncheon was served to thirty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jensen and Mrs. Mattie Hasell of Honeyville, sjnt Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Jensen. A party was given by the Ladies Literary Club of Bear River City, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Moroni LundbCTg in their new home, Friday evening, March 25. Games were played, after which a delicious luncheon was served. The club presented Mrs. Lundberg with a gift. Covers were laid for 26. drama "Little Sherlock," a three-ac- t will be presented by the Evans ward at Bear River City ward amusement hall, Wednesday, April 6. It is directed by Aleen Hansen. The cast includes Ruth Lunberg, Irene Holland, Verda Nelson, Carml Campbell Marvin Hanson, Harrison Miller, Voy Anderson and Steve Jepperson. The public is invited. Lydia Peterson Marries J. L. Parker, Friday Mr. N. R. Peterson announces the marriage of his daughter, Lydia, to John Leon Parker, son of Mrs. Sadie Parker, of Rexberg, Idaho, in the Lo- gan Temple Friday, April 1. Mr. Parker has a government po sition at Dayton, Washington, where the young couple will go shortly after their marriage and make their homa The bride is an accomplished anA charming young lady who has been active in this community in religious and Bocial circles. She has a large circle of admiring friends whom this paper joins in extending heartiest best wishes and congratulations. 1 Garland Theatre Garland, Utah Sun. - Mon. - Tues. April 3rd - 4th - 5th Greater than "Great Zisf e!d!' ' rrincn jt e CSr,,V ..,. X. -- - V " rj ' " , . :i of"VJ gay roaanc Th fa.ndfom and W a ( PoinUr . . . oloufi.d with mu.io . . . ap.c. VcIo . . . Uughf A- P - r ' 1 no-ho- st JZ 1 Consult I Thousands Upon Thousands of Mm i R AT?n ATM MATTNFF? SUNDAY-Adults 13c :30P.M. ; 2 Extra Added Attraction "COPENHAGEN" a beautiful tour of Denmark in color Sprang is Hereof and so are my latest styles MEN AND WOMEN'S Smart Suits Priced at $22.50 All Kinds - All Colors COME AND GET THEM SALE AT OUR PLANT All Breeds UTAH HATCHERY BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH PHONE 272AV and Up THE STRAND CLEANING AND TAILORING CO. TREMONTON, UTAH PHONE I lOd Children Come in and see for yourself how little it really takes to be well dressed and up to date. ON ) Two-Tone- MAMMOTH CHICK SALE SfZ2b In honor of Mrs. J. P. Christens en's 80th birthday anniversary on Friday, April 1, her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Mor- tensen is inviting relatives and friends of her mother to call at her lovely new home. Mrs. Owen Rasmussen was pleasant ly surprised last Friday when a group of her friends called to wish her a happy birthday. Games were enjoyed and refreshments were served by the guests. Mrs. Davenport and Dan Freda, of Nampa, Idaho, spent the later part of last week at the home of Lewis Hunsaker. Mrs. Davenport is better known as Mrs. Zeyers, formerly of Elwood. On Sunday they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Browning of Brigham. Mr. and Mrs. Rue Sanders and Luby Rasmussen, of Salt Lake City were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen. The party Sunday was in honor cf Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen's wedding anniversary. All their children and a few friends called on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Christen Hansen, of Mink Creek, visited friends and rela tives here over the weekend. They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansen to Ogden on business Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bates, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank White of Ogden were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heslop on Tuesday. The organization held a meeting Monday evening. The welcome home party, held in henor of Reginald Hunsaker on Tuesday evening, was a grand success. A lovely program was prepared and the dance was enjoyed by a good crowd, who were happy to see Elder Hunsaker home. His compaion, Elder Jensen of Brigham City was present and spoke at the program. Mrs. Hunsaker related some of her experiences while in England, during Relief Society, which was enjoyed Tuesday evening. At the M. I. A. Mrs. V. L. Hansen related some or her experiences in California during the winter. Many people attended the funeral of Mr. Brough in Tremonton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Brough lived in the Elwood ward many j'ears and endeared themselves to the people here. Mrs. Brough tiuly has the sympathy of her many friends here. May she be comforted in her lonely hours. members of this ward Thirty-fou- r attended the Temple excursion, sponsored by the Relief Society, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oleen Nelsen are the proud parents of a baby girl, born March 17. Mrs. Nelsen is at the Valley Hospital in Tremonton. d Shoes for New Gray Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Christensen anCliff's Clothlery. Spring nounce the safe arrival of a baby girl at the Valley Hospital n Tremonton, MBHiHHM Saturday, March 26. I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ohman are the proud parents of a baby girl, born March 24 at the Cooley Hospital in Brigham City. Mrs. Ohman was formerly Miss Pearl Hansen of Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christensen are the proud parents of a baby girl born March 28 at the Vally Hospital 1 in Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Aired, of Brigham City, announce the arrival of a baby boy, bora March 19. Mr. and Mrs. Allred were formerly from this city. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitts, Mr. and GIRL DRESS SPECIALS 75c Social News ELWOOD I Bear River High School Journalism Department) L,P ARRANGEMENTS PAGE EZYIl 5 ' t 4 |