Show save your raper paper itaas the inhabitants of utah are requested to gather up and ave bave their worn out wagon covers and every description of 0 cottor cotto cottonard nand and linen rags fot lot paper makings making and deliver them from rom time to timey time to the bishops of the several wards or the news and mountaineer mountaineers offices or their agents for which when clean they will be allowed five live cents a pound the rags can be cleansed in pure water without soap it Is expected that in a few months all who wish can receive paper in exchange for rags 9 tt EDWARD HUNTER presiding bishop 01 alual notices I 1 HAVE in my poss possession ion ton one small red COW and a large white SOW S FOSTER pound keeper MUSICIANS I 1 HAVE just received and have for sale a very superior lot of roman and italian violin violoncello and guitar STRINGS also a very nine fine quality of BOW HAIR ciari Clarl onet reeds and music paper prices very moderate WM caldee CALDER at the globe bakery batery THE GREAT GREA greaton Toc 00 OF 1861 P HELPS ALMANAC tali iral 1661 li is ready for the press all advertisements or information to be inserted in it must mast be handed to the almanac maker soon the great conjunction of the sun suns moon and planets will ha happen apen sept 4 liay HAY WOOD number LUMBER AND PRODUCE W WANTED maxted ANTED in exchange I 1 lor tor r furniture spinning H wheels and mule collars s also on hand band and for fer title le J JC 0 LITTLE PS wheat and corn chopped every even evening trig at my ray machine sho 34 3 SMALL ARMS W WILL ILL be sold at public auction in front of the ordnance store rooms koom at camp gamp floyd UT U T at I 1 pm tuesday the of Nove november raber rater a number of rifles ritie rifle muskets shot guns etc directed to be sold by the colonel of ordnance terms of the gale sale cash J J DANA 34 32 2 ath arty orda officer STOLEN TWO tw 0 gry hones nones were stolen from farmington on 01 tuesday T yeas day night nights dinst oney ones oue a light grey horsey horse nine years rs olds old oid sixteen hands highs hughi no brands visible bleg bieg colla collar r marks on the left shoulder the other an iron gray eray marey mares mare eight years old sixteen hands bands high highs branded II 11 S son on the right hip pigeon toed whoever verwill will give information whereby they can be regained to henry or thomas steel at farmington davis coun conn county will be liberally rewarded 31 at STRAYED FROM erom F ROM ward G S lo 10 L city oct fth a mail small bay MARE one white hind foot two sti sir brands on left thigh fore tore feet newly shod aige five years olds old oid had bad on a jeather leather head stall at the time whoever will in give rive v e information to me at Grants grantsville ville or to bishop ilu liu hunter n er in this city that will lead to her recovery shall be rewarded 34 2 JAMES CURL GROES BECKS NEW NEAV BUILDINGS four doors east of the post office J NEWMAN tin and sheet iron worker begs I 1 to 0 lil ill HJ inform the public that he has bas commenced business in the above line where he hopes copes by good materials mater iaia lalA and moderate mool erate erale charges to merit a share snare of public patronage NB X B all ali king kind s of job work done on the shortest noti notice c e and reasonable term HE undersigner undersigned Under signed wishes to inform the inhabitants of butah tur tun utah territory that they are prepared to CLEAN and REPAIR watches clocks jewelry etcy e teof of every description materials on hand band watches batchis for sale terms reasonable casby cosby cash produce cnancy work and tithing taken for pay ursenbach 11 REISER at gill squires barde berbers rss east temple street 31 2 G S L city FOR SALE n lately from F france r ance once a choice s selection ion lon of the it following varieties of GRAPES and MULBERRY MUL berry BERRr SEEDS SHEDS GRAPES muscat red mollar malaga do black clarette 10 lo do white Il jai cardan large do grey mai Mal VolsIe po do spanish marceill Marcel ll malaga do tokal agne lombardy do violet olivette do frontignan f P if an osqui a Can candour dolle very large spanish MULBERRY I 1 0 I 1 mulberry mulo MulU cau dau caule daule le hy hydride bride i ewt do do type do M morns orns orus Moret retina ions lons yi MV itz n do don white i af e A AI ra 4 1 oatave OCTAVE urse FOR SALE A GOOD THRESHING MACHINE eight horse po ker ner er as good as there is 13 in the Terri territory tori tory a complete cylinder I 1 and straw carriers carrier all in good order for threshing i also a good tanning fanning mill I 1 will take one third of tle the tt pay in casha cash the balance in mules or oxen sitt S D HUFFAKER ath ward NOTICE I 1 IS S hereby given riven for the convenience of those who may wish to receive certificates as school teachers that the board of examination for the county of great salt bait lake late will convene at the city academy in the ward on saturday the ad of november next for the purpose of examining those who wish to teach school schools throughout the county by order of the board oct 22 1860 34 2 CITY F por FOR OR BOYS and GIRLS will open pen 0 M monday nov ai 19 the winter term of twenty beeks weeks TERMS reading readings writing and numbers per quarter luo english grammar geography algebra surveying geometry and other bran branches chesy per or qt goo boarding and tuition per quarter no pupil admitted for tor a less term than one quarter G W principal NB baym payment rayment ent required in in s advance vance 34 4 PREMIUM SUGAR MILL bichard cuard CHARD B MARGETTS MARGETT 3 wishes L S rl it to inform I 1 the he public generally that his SUGAR MILL will wili run forth season at E F at 31 casts castle water power rowers directly north of t the h e limekiln in the ward those a superior article and a good turnout turn auty out can make maze application on the premises FRUIT TREES por FOR oll OIL SALE a large quantity of APPLE trees of the th best varieties and thrifty growth many of them of f large size and two years from the bud PLUM trees or large size two years from the bud the above will be sold as low as can be afforded PEACH trees of large size and healthy at very low rates also the black cluster currants CURRANT 9 an excellent varle varie variety Ys at tour four dollar per large currant trees of good variety that have borne full crops 8 for 1 WANTED in exchange wheat butterwood homemade cloth merchandize merchandise dize cash etc 23 3 11 L HEMENWAY IN INTRAN TRAN VAST TAST ell A A HE undersigned undersign under signed edy having had a long experience in the THE T business would respectfully inform his friends and the people of utah generally that be he Is on hand to make laak out POWERS OF ATTORNEY LEASES ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT and ail other documents of like character also aepli applications for PENSIONS BOUNTY LAND and other claims on government i made ade out on the shortest notice ne lie la Is connected with responsible persona persons who who wila promptly attend to the collection OF in the united states and in europe no charges made for any information he be may be able abl to communicate on these subjects to any person who may my favor him with a call by a strict and rigid attention to business he be hopes to receive a liberal share of public punic patronage for reference in regard to competence integrity and just dealing dealings refer reser to any person who has been acquainted with him for the th last ten or fifteen years OFFICE in geo cronyn cos coys oos stores store sign of the th big T east temple street G S L city 34 ty call AT JIT WALKER pt BROTHERS F por FOR OR new and excellent qualities of CALICOES fine dress goods summery summer rummer fall ail all and winter stylo shawls Blanket blankets ss ac tcp acy ac call at WALKER BROTHERS I 1 ron for GOLD JE JEWELRY comprising plain gold ben bed mosaic mosaics gold stone stoney stones rancy fancy lavas lava iava cameo coral onyx pear pearl stone and enamelled enamel led sets aar ear knobs of 0 every pattern plain ear rings iava lava and cameo ear rings breast pins plain fi lagree valree tone stone and fancy sets gets gold finger lines lings or of every ejze quality and price Bracelet bracelets sp plainy plain tancy fancy atone and fi lagree gold fob and guard chains gol goi J lockets dockets of 0 every size fize gents genta bosom pins ping sleeve lut lct button ton toc studa gold pencils and pens gold and silver watches ac ac call at WALKER BROTHERS for BOOTS and SHOES CLOTHING and CAPS S notions hardware har dwar hosiery stationery cutlery crinoline crino iines lines ac call at WALKER BROTHERS east temple street G GS S L city call at WALKER BROTHERS main street camp ployd floyd iw N GOODS NEW GOOD hlib SIGN S I 1 G N or 0 F irig U I 1 G HOOPER 1100 PER pen ELDREDGE CO AVE received and are NOW ISOW OPENING a mash mih assortment of new fresh and soa BEAUTIFUL GOODS consisting IN PART or 0 r ladles ladies and genela DRESS GOODS staple and domestic ri dry goods well select selected edy edl GROCERIES 9 hardware and glass points oil our varnish and putty ALSO A complete and well weli selected stock at of ladles IDIES GIRLS 4 INFANT BOOTEES AND SHOES BOOTS SHOES GAITERS liars ac ac dress press TrImmin gp bonnet ribbons IT hog Hos iery fery Glove gionti ii and a full stock of notions ac they are determined to SELL them THEY LOW FOR CASH OR READY PAY hil nil w wiil wili take pleasure in show iio lia ae them aless call tail nd s see bee ee na uso 91 sa 31 remember nem rem emberth the tie sign situ of the BIG T tt 1 l 86 rd 86 oct Is 1 if 59 21 |