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Show The Salt Lake Tribune UTAH -Trust-Busting: What'sin Itfor the Little Guy? better products. I bought my computer so long ago my friends just laughed at my suggestion that I mightgiveit to Deseret Industries when I saved enough pennies to buy a new one. They suggested an busted this week. Laurie J. Wilson is head of the Department of Communications at BYU TOM BARBER! antique auction might be more appropriate. And I also need lower prices. Once I have saved enough for the computer (evidently throwing my I am sure the news was heralded in your world as joyously as it was in mine. Microsoft has decided to choose its battles else- next millennium. It reminds meof the other fa- RESPONSE Bells and higher phonebills. (Or at least I've been told they were higher. I was just a babe at the Ah,-Capitalism, if it were only run by socialists. Then we, (you, me and the otherlittle guys) would all be getting a piece ofthepie. ghumpchangeto the Gatesman. : The winning legal team is being treated to a week in Tahiti courtesyof their better than $80 jmillion windfall. The former and {present Noorda companies (Nov- time. You, Tom, were full-fledged columnist and radio talk-show. irritant by then.) A $250 million settlement is geta bit. But what about thelittle people? What about you and me, Tom? that settlement for me! I need So who really wins? Theplain- trickles down to the employees. The attorneys on both sides do, the handis played. The lawyers act as dealers working for the house wins in termsof industry stature, powerand namerecognition. But thelittle guy loses again. Wepaid the higher prices; we were slighted in terms of product quality and availability; we were ma- off the chips. that’s for sure. Even Microsoft Unless I am mistaken, the whole idea of antitrust is to break up monopolies that eliminate the benefits that competition brings to the marketplace. Benefits like better products andlowerprices. Surely there is some room in Thatisn’t how it works, howev er. In our system, Laurie, only the players take the chances, place the tiff wins some and we hope it tell, Caldera,et al.), will rake in a {percentage to build their product { lines, and favorite charities will nipulated byfalse error messages that undoubtedly caused a few heart attacksat the thoughtoflost date. What do weget? Squat. Tom, I guess that means Microsoft’s wasn’t the only trust my head is the tobacco settlement The state of Utah is standing at the “cough trough,” waiting for its check. bets and clean off the table when cut. They win no matter who rakes damaged by tobacco who were injured, but I don't see the state asking anybodyif they are sick or are in need of some ready cash for an operation to fix anything associated with tobacco usage. If the tobacco companies are paying out all these billions of dollars, why isn't a dime finding its wayinto anyone's mail box? Lawyers who argued the case Utah will realize millions of dollars And, no thanks to Gov. Leavitt, are getting some $700 million and the states are receiving billions. from the tobacco companies. Atty. Gen. Jan Graham pursued the law. The people can only stand over the shoulders of the players and watch worse. It is people who are mous trust-busting case. Ma Bell got busted as a monopoly and we ended up with a bunch of Baby Bells that now infest our country like ants at a companypicnic. The deal that has me scratching winner in the tobacco lottery. My question: Who gets the mon. ey? The state doesn’t smoke. The state didn’t incur any medical ex. penses for a hacking cough or a penny shortage), I have to start saving forall the peripherals. And the software. Well, maybe by the where, obviously not in a position to wage a successful war in this case. They havebigger fish to fry. Green put a stop to all that fineness. He created the mutated Baby suit. Through herefforts, Utah is a local branch ofFirst Security into Well, Tom, Utah'strust-busting Caldera has prevailed. The Microsoft giantis going to pay up. Sunday, January 16, 2000 its shareholders and customers were doing just fine until Judge while they ask the person next to themfora light. Ciao. | Lormery The winning numbers drawn Saturday night in Idaho's Powerball lottery worth $12 million were 1, 6, 21, 33 and 40. POWERBALL: 2 The winning numbers in Idaho, South Da- kota and Nebraska's Wild Card lottery worth $541,000 were 6, 12, 21, 29 and 30. WILD CARD: Queen of Clubs For winning nwmbers and prize prize amounts, pla;ers: can call the Idaho Lottery:1208-334-4656 or log on at Tom Barberiis a talk show host on KALL-AM. Tired of | www.idaholottery.com Now living with There’s lower back eyed A Real Big business is beyond me, but as one of the observers standing over the shoulders ofthe players,I am fascinated by the game being played. The consumer sometimes gets a coupleoftips, but it is those Solution. at the table who winbigorlose. We, the observers, are the ones Scientificall Proven who provide the stakes and the chips. MaBell wasdoingjust fine and -In a clinical study, 80% of patients tre: ated with this brand new technology were erfectively corrected. ° Medically Su pervised ¢ Non-Surgi ical. Procedure * Auto & On-the-job, covered 100% PRE and degener. 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U.S. News & World Report seems to agree.They've ranked Westminster College in|the top tierlof experience, and 91% of them have employment waiting for them at Commencement. colleges and universities in the Western “= . £ | ee be bE schedules, which allow you to earn your don't need them. Instead, we preferto keep an average of|{7 students perclass, we simply | private colleges nationwide. No other Utah college rates as highly. Complementthatwith our flexible Soif you're looking for more.than just a degree, call to attend oneof our Regionforfive consecutive years. And they're not alone. Peterson's Guide free open houses.) Because while auditoriums and microphones to Competitive Colleges lists Westminster in the top 10%ofall public and have their place, it shouldn't be SMART THINKING in your education. bE > 3 Masters or Scrmyce ano Nunsino Oren House = > Ar rue Fowrex Lounor Caut ror Mone iwroRMatiON. : } Januany 27 rrom 5:45 rw unre 7:00 on Davis County adada aod |