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Show J For Sate =? tant tablet ME Sow ee Te core ow Stittan one fang Somenaiyg Ratoni sien ones evertier Saas| aapeee te ee Sg en ition CainaieBR some. Trotemernecarens, ameRaa 2bata 2: = Comoro omnes jbamz tahowen sencaeee Te diver ioe ie Ogee seepeterconemtsen |"nresiseabanpe Sezbang 2, TAYLORSVILLE $972.900 LARGE condo 2 Dam 2 DG newly rernocteted. TOORE 2000 sq 8. 256 Donte! Or. vest be erage Son WordleyPaine, |e Eh Sam Som eweroo ‘owed 1 tore chocPaar Sor sDMonee. 0.8672 eo St ‘abate PLUMB &CO, rosy $1159, 2eq/2bam a inal Pose, swis “henetoc Cossnoel” Softe Grantee PE PR DEON SrOeee Saatbale DENSON 2400,$43988ardHO DOWN naam 3408 $ 8000 W ‘28H a homes 975-41 ‘228782 by appointment ony DOWNIOWN UVING Tbe, $746 low Gown owt Sczesteenret jsqomcwarermrrer Sng Honm tedElcheordbresinent Sa od in ockll park. Coll 975-1608 bo ed Manufactured 2 ba. locBle alesaSlaeSl ogvaloncecdle aker8l gc.3808] acerenedl el Go-Londosb Towno7et Go—CondesATowntomes 435—tbodSe Homes er Homes. CARION VBE So445o.2000foH-3 2bah ee ‘oe’ Toon 2320sa, $159,900.bam, CallDon 12 Wig bam. Bo. me: on mon Mette 8.Recess 2645400 rok “Sosel2 pve 126 POS.dba, Don {bah Sopot sean 1422 5g 8. $449,900. eittects 2515400_| ONLY $445,900 sonpune: sa08149 eee SAR cchuine: seozbet endvepoamad Noor 34235 755011 Pe colAlnat ese.con/pkanb oy ecu 891-0952/501.0994. Home oa toner MAGNABacbah NO SDOWN NOCLOSNG COST |vREUANCE HOMES (ou peamapete Soca SedvBean ath 807 | ODOWN Srarusarersorcyoecome racssse-s00e eateries ENTtel AVOID A WAIT OPELSAMEDAY25Sanaa PONDERBEACHREALTY beim. [ComoRWOCD 2 1 ba, new ‘Allareas, ail good bad credit. Call at Uru Saicgort MIKE LINDSAY| S80-SSC) conay'Szz9900lx 0 fel ‘iowa PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD WerdloyBetlor Homes&Gardens great SOON foc. 2bam.nowy| recone. $106,000 2543204 COTIONWOOD, Tham, 25ba, RACQUETCUB. ‘APROX. 2400 $0. FL! $205,000! 77430Soulh Wasatch BLVD. At Rent fo. own. Low down, croc won't slop move ‘inthis wookend, 9104357 |_—_Mektive Recto 26 8. Stucco Rambler. in igw op 2082552 boaly PPP je teae TVNCNG - $5000 dow ficken same, bate reine 199% 2.400 $149 entrance. Neat 59-6857 wowonevoown Nemes ‘th coat coasCoane "oi WaSterbvecausessoo no. te Signature pono ene home Popped pone houtote room sabia ai neice” ‘wowclpinehomes.com Now Homes $100'-$150's e-mncl ct col800-350-8456 {or tee ito packet | BUY AND LEASE HOUSES Anyawa, conden.ce ee> ROLADAY Ti tance, ‘580-1166AVON vA Place, 2bam, ‘9x, $119,900 484-7317, 274-7315 2 bam up SALT LAKE NEW LUXURY CONDOS: ‘Open 1:00-4:00. $469, 000-$499,000 NoDownl ‘FRE__Wéeldy tet of props For Sale Sioa em peces Graton TOUADAYaoeee bam tbaGee "5574958roagents. TOLLADAY,Beauldcondon bee {ps2 kage bam. 995K. 2779987 Pace ‘GOVERNOR'S! bee 120: ee 2pea) eae SAT se St EVERGREENVIEW AVE. from 7:00 AM. to 8:00 P. MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. FRIDAY 2572000 WSVAIE Condo, usta Poa SYAS00 Resves ae ‘Shenll Wood ae Cpe ee WESTIN Famcows Tarrto (2260) ‘fomdyim foun, ba we SANDY CONDOS. :$107.500 ‘9200S. 700 W. OPENSAT /SUN 10-4 BRANDSPANKINGNEW!2Dam, rom $106,150 3.86/SBATHVGARAGE + Adcabout NoDownPayment Debbi Roos20.1514 negenamrsag Sin nba (Open 11ck 400w. 69008. Setteatos WESTIOROAN WO GRATES Dtis Ps ucaon gern bua a 2eto egondewoepee, o fer onty122,500, AoDem, troduced to $107.900, A 3| Save Sahn w/garage ene rd atta syasaa PianAtoSodmhobot sciSo8coyPSIONS707 CR ieet MURRAY- $76,900 SANDY |_iisisst?sore satrafe ene acer| SANDY MOB cu ce| MOMEEDORR |Greatlocation! Located in a 2 bm. 3 ba tele. new “new kx $91,900. Payeni os low cue! Sandypark. Maud sil In| py OWNERCRAY$300 aut condo, greatviewsoverfeckingcegkand poat Woveln ‘Condition, won'T fast! Cindy & Andy Kiler 859-6754 ‘sechxied area with creek. starler condo.Priced lo sell SANDY eat once lo new light Rak dalion Ee Bess oeseer Craig Recty 4 heen235-79 8 $670. For info call Mork 748-] 4262. ULRICH REALTORS 255-7999, maculate 1 tingle wide, 2! raat hats Ge 379,900. BINGEHOY. Riced Townhome,won ay, sons9183900. cALVOY imbem. (34206) fetta misolandicoped teeiel EROS ee pirdeiownasro9ir0 Sh byOmer Sara SOUTH WILLOW Ft, now Brgghee wonder Mary. Prownes $1006 toe se ama Aorcageterssen. SANDY/SALTLAKE eaemea teneccarana Own For Only nis $730 /month TWEDOUDER ‘new corpal op s 2:ATBAL Moaa0CANYON se2eined’s “fnaahAsn FRE $595,000 fo $850,000 evels, "VOD AWAT PUCESSFEDYOURAD is TawShimatha hanes MoySeretinsel pre-qucmicaionmens 43 TME BUYERS Roc Estate ‘ealional NBsBOOS a cen, $198K/ote. 723-2129 'octe. $70kcearene can be divided to |; tere’tun (2)big.lols. Joannie973-1108, iat McAffee 942-2111 WC 2 bamn/i.5 bo townhome. ae wast, New pal,cor 79.900 100%. france.) errBBSO2E/SORSTIO ‘CONDOS FORSALEBY OWNER, Heifin Meetower Tabcaya T0808 $7200. ndup Cot MURRAY! Updated 2 bet. 38 i f °°* ormtoreegama 3 Yevoll Patio on Creek! $79,900. a $229, Esa we Weartlerdown annefo wity $2 eAetitangeneae| REPO RPO |e epcare aes "@bdidoascom RPO |toteermarmbdet guianousca 564-2905 or 573.3337 TU rerEa | Beemer | are | EStare) Secon qeenenee, aerare 93045. : ‘ohwoyVoce seem eesWhe Wardbata econ Wiis Lascoon iHI spacious, quolty. at ac ehouryhomes. Great |F ee CHRISTINEWASON, bath, ig8 eee katech Tom taeaio Paes icoydeterHomes8 Sardar iope, tele, copra 1460 0 fel. hen anced rough American Pool and hal $136,000, eee ae. 33 2Now bdm., ape remodeled sine sett poeel i EASTSDE LUMURY 1 BORO. $64,900 NoTuichens down, pms. $485/imo. hardwood New ondrom baths, ond” Mle fis. poot, ‘entrance. SeiRecity 30 nae 2 = "Solachcedtnauance 6806 ‘$89,900. 599-2877 MO. inHome ext. 2222 feoeeceehOMePROT. |_ForFastaaie,938091 = oe on Progam wate iuryconos free.et toswa 161. Noagents Man, ARB, Aroniaedn Ray, ve as| Washer,Dyer, Refigerator’ Mus soll. igupoaed bam.toa, |South WIlOW Creek 576-0606 WesrvAler jonmodbetaone, Berenssenile EASTIOVAE 5409900 Sars ies hie ‘CallAnn 494 East Draper Park Lane SHORTON CASH??? Soe ere ry col 573-6056. Directly East Of The encwin anny Rookips ond FeaMeade Cond, barn. RAY CONDO 7 Beal VEFoctry Outlel k ow tot$8000 money Ertercocray fotassro8awoodneatos poked,nt” Cot| OWNER MAYCARRY Senneloge ovate -remaese astene tbo Bear.Wary Oarket toner) ETE ba hae, PREMIER REALTY ©; bade DeedFar! ‘Toll Free (600) 272-1497 12Pay $80 | aso18 parcelsNevada andCall. Spon 2025607 13 mave res PRR= SENIORCOMMUNITY 2825htras at. ina nietwee ee CAREFREE LIFESTYLE fasli Cenihary 24 All West. aoe oe soos,coma |eetaates| S7S0DOWNand Bersitcysr Dally, Vatey VuVita. 965-3997 05. eee $325 PERMONTH! coeeyFee, qo lo ef ova? ese agen yous ong’ page? agc® svops seess 2. a2" SEBEe EReees ose! r= = $5porwrwoe faerieum, eee casas SeaStacie =Ss A f ESTATE) [REAL 772¢ tn3 7000 condMegattsted ret2000 at vediosabode? "God pice hardwood Socktoa yard.Aad 1BSen SoestSoe OAKVIEW REALI Blossorn (895 £) or NEW CONDOMINIUM HOMES LOCATED IN A PEACEFUL NATURAL SETTING ISTE [<-]e Trae CNT Ye PREMIER REALTY |e a RO ee Tue $129,900, Daring4. 2bed/2 Bre wit aaac BeyMCKESON 3682029 ColchwollBarker Precrier bam Newer cable. 7 |