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Show Condemned "Fox" T THESPIANS r itmHrnied f (wu page 0 r. I , . 4 r n 1 J : , - r ,- -1 Rita Mra Rhnd, is Unaffected 1 i n ."ii1 i - f . v n -1 ' I II - i t soeocK. was eau 4ouWu J . UT "TO LH T i- -- I,, a TO SJCt - i ) .1 i .... 11. .i 'ADIM UKK BUPDIE- S- BOOTS AND HER AUMMT . HOMRCC the newer. Costuming has heen ear-r-i-d I out to U fuest detail, accord ing to those Ux enarge. m The east: - EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 192S VEXING HERALD, mOVO AM OF-- r Ginea; John Rhead, Jean Poulaoa; Eunice Bird; Uertrnde Rhead, Kmnol Siblev. Harold Nelaoa; Ned Edgil Ulackhaai; Rose Sibley. Jewel Linebaujth: Webeter. Orln Puller; Arthur Preece. Elroy Nt-n; Kaney "Sibley, Ada Anderson: I,ord Wonkhurat. Harold Ouk; I Muriel Pyoe. Maurine" Hinckley; l.iehard Sibley. KranK wiuung; Thnm osnn Archie Williams: Ter- Lranre. Ira Uarkham; Emily r.head. liuth Clark. The play la a featur? tf N TH -- tX BUT "to 6erk m ,. m' study n- of .the affair, hla appoln-.fr.ir.- - in the dramatic work aection. cf V ,- WAR FIGURE Continued from pu;e ' I I M.I IH' I t ! A "vrr ' f . V V Xl J f r i A (Vrtl I Ta,, i, wxxvtxyi I -- " B I , UAM TO MORROW ; frt-r--H the time, unabe to reconi.- - I turned lata membera of hla family who had gathered. At 30 a. rv doctors notified hi family that ho e."mhl not live until POOR VtL THM6l I HAWtkiT LIMA (T 10 feoMl AMY hi! a ! "II ALL I II KtW tH TROM lUo a WUOT-- tt -I CAW'T COCO I WtRt ,T0U I TWO Hrt I eAcTIBAU. 1 --H 9CfAaiTST I OeiwS I Wl .1- W- - I WW CUB ' I tnrM r HWt WW-- Tl WlPPlM' con-stu- attention for the past fifty T I 4 4 WRW VCfJESOMS AMD AfAvO hours. At 6:B0 doctora announced Lord OxIoTawanjead. Aa the climax of an active career, he became prime mtn Inter of England In 1908 and held the poet until late In 1818. whan hia cabinet became dtaaaUefied with the prosecution of the war. He reaigned. Itwaa at that lima that hr end hla political lieutenant, David Lloyd Iter. I: , . .Xc - r.rlnj cornea, toremain In the -KOTSONARU9 W soiith, Vill lay her eggs tn Ihe" Jry PHOENIX. Arlx. 0oigs band somewhere and let the hot sua hatch them. But If aha goes Vop Angeles! heavyweight George, bla aucceaaor In office, beThe collective American hen laye north to Labrador, she builds a wrestler,' defeated . Henry Steln-ber- n came enemlee and thia breach had 790' second of it the tate never been completely healed. of Prussia here Monday night egglper regular nest and sits on the eggs the year- - round, or two billion la the usual way. In rerent yeara. Lord Oxford, whe 4 on, forfeit. la doxena third greatest in had aged rapidly, had remained Poultry, the- live stock Industry of the UnitRCHOLZ DEFENDS TITLE - Joha , McMuIlan, fairly welt out of political Ufa. f ornier Notre ."' ed States. .7!"J NEW YQRKerJarkeon Schola of ac! Dame grid star, who now learned to Certain birds an as- the Olympic club was to defend hla commodate their practices to tha ttlRtflnt pnnrh mi rrlir.itin ITnlAfl metropolitan title Saturclimate. The oaprey, for Instance, ' ritv, la in th ootato bualneaa In off day night at the annual Crescent If aha takes It Into her Head,' when seasons at Chicago. Athletic club games. I - praa i J ulV .. 1 . I " "as mryvct t'wrs e XT A strong coat and a, remarkable story combine effectively to furniah aa evening of excellent entertainment with more than the uaual amount of Inspiration, at the Para- Thaalar.. tomorrow, where the film version of Warwick Deep-ing'- s. hovel ' "Doomsday" Is now nt woven l 50 -- ii .js..J It la arhiom that a motloa picp'.sying. Florence Vidor la tha star of ture has the Intense story iaUreat thia aetraetiea ai4 Jary Coopr is that Keaterii -- Doomsday " Tht: rti'r mora than ordinarily handaome playera achieve the remarkable afand talented leading man. fect of making the audlenoe live "Dootnaday" La a picture with a with them their Jovea, helr fears, sorrows, and moral but dont let that keep you their bituroeaa, their from seeing It Tha moral is no their triumph. ' ee. FULL BED SIZE Pair Medium Heavy Weight Large Sheet ta 'Si urey- - 1 $3.50 '. - Special -. 95 $-11'. - and Plaid3 Values to $3.50 Special e Fabric uloves $ H 95 IHrwV ea4Vj, A ilw t amT. Et J UQlCUIr - pflLlttfT ataxUlrig JjysblQtt througs, Special Sheet Blanket Evesit uvt Plain . . So many bank robberies occurred In Portland, Ore., that the police department now stations from one tc three officers at the curb on each bank, armed with pump guns, and under orders to use them. Here Is QPC vS Spring Frocks Spring Suits and Uniforms Turnover Qutfs and Sllpona In the new anadea for Spring. Plea Beats "Fox'? Figured For .Nurses Beauty Shops Night, and Gowns House Uses In White, Peach, and Pnk coors. one of the guards. Crepe and half sleeve ength, made of Fruit of the Loom Cambric, carefully tailored and finlehed. In long - - .at .' - J ' - Baby Rompers r 4V White, .,, Tan $1.19 SllMlt0 O Broadcloths, . Prints and f DOC tO Baiting. ftlue Each aaaaaaajaaaaiapaaasaaaBjWMa ew Spring Dresses ( it-- 4t 20 Samples if. in be plea of Assistant District Attorney Fofreat Murray is considered B! the final straw that awayed a Jury to find William Edward Hlckmao sane, and guilty of the murder nl Marion Parker in Lot .Angeles, -F0R TOO-LA- TE ! 1 CLASSIFICATION Capes arc Important on the Newest Models ' - 77f: s ; f21 FOR RENT 4 room modern housi furnished. Garage. 388 No. 6tf East ... p3 .. V f. .v T A MALES for sale by Mrs Gra ham, for all kinda of parlies TT Prices reasonable. Phone 928-- . f 1- SALtM3frd used DeLava Separator, good condiUon. Phom JPOTt - 786-j-- a. Ton . SALE Pleklee In brine. H East 8th North. CH1MNET SWEEPING Brown.. Phone-- &23. m 4aasaaaaaaawaaaaaatakaBMs1ha i , New for Springs fl4 Frank flT PONGEE y 12 daily from New York .City holds within EVERY new box some"" wrappings' delightful new Frocks, introducing the season's newest necklines, flares and various and sundry' important details- -; f that mark5 these Frocks distinctly of. spring, 1928, Youthful modes for ."" , every type and every figure. . arri-in- 85f - - 1 B- . -f- I TNCmG.theirvayWithelyintothe . - ' Coat mode for spring;, thia decidedly clad women. Lovely materials, such as kasha, tweed, imported plaids and heavy silks are decreed for spring, 1928. Our collection of Spring Coats is "superb truly the finest 'we've, ever shown ! ! iX)R SALE Rom Peauty applet and cull brooder, oetxplcte. JJhon' 664-- Glors of Rose Hommle Govern-me- g . - . . . Stamped. . w iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitnHiHniHWHiiiHmuuHmiiitiiiiiiiumiff gmrminuniiiiminiir Values cT- - ; tha fabric of m lore story taken from life aa it actually U. A. kv story that la aa different from, -tha uaual one as day la frot nighUA disillusioned girL. weary at and leas drudgery faeoa a moncntoua decision. Love or luxury T She h her choice and aje makes, her decision only to find that she did not know All about dice or' aJf Ahwrt-wr- k UJanKets f - mmWm- a, v Guards For Banks rim I ' inwlA Apparently undismayed by the Juryverdlct that may mean the death penalty for the staying of Marion Parker, Los Angeles school girl whom be had kidnaped, William Edward Hickman, the trapped "Fox," grins In carefree fashion just as he left the court room after hearing himself pronounced sane and guilty of the murder. OBSERVATIONS gictEHsnx t lJ-mou- M saaaavaaal sugar coated broroidte ..DCSriKO aV : aaaaMSBaaai ADDRESS L - - an NAME A COULD r- -- aaaal Of food h was rcry sonpicious, "?" f tc iiaca win tninK iju'ic stmnuutuu. lhit be Berer wu scared , ; ' Of what mother prepared, OUT Hia wife. Mnrgot Asquith dawn. whoW memoir- - caused sjeniiatior. some years back, waa already at tht bedside having born almost In for This Limerick Must Be in Evn!nf Herald Office by Midnight of February H. - j Tr&KT-&u- ' I .3 I 1 I!! Otus U rf A ' ! P -7 17 the Lst Lines IP! .7 'V'-Biad- e f of his a.r1."..' 1 r bbmbb. f Prof. Pardoe Ij ta.lonrl'f 1 ? SO 5" -- t - - ASV T0Mt6MT .' I'.'-Hr.- i - AVRAfli 1 1 I itf-- 7- reramcucty Eater p COMfc OJVH VjOT ..siJKt OOrt TOrVXtSOW Am' Vli -- miM BtQ lrm owl, forwifnaeuV.-- ..vo. Ittl torn t v Ol St ' 1-1- " 111 To be Sold ' HI Printed Georgettes 1 at So' h; HOSE , A ladles' stylish, silk stocking nt " .59c yard UfiUOR BROS C0MBWY OEPAIilMIVr JltJd QR.POCMD- - |