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Show . j1' rxxiy- r - ' .1 r .t f. . . r 'i .rs t ' F A B H E R S' ' T H E O R A; C L i .4 fi 4v A.' i- i St . ?'; PAYSON.? ARE - j. log gbistmill FISUYSOY:-- TETOEY at : ,:i stand manufacturing the ths-ol- d SPINNING-WHEEL- SAI4TE ! ; ; it' fa It.is a complete Adhesive SASH, FURNITURE, and k hundred other an excellent strengthened it Plaster; cures Pain in at reasonable prices;-things, the Side, and Breast; it. cures weak and ' Also; in connection, a WOODWORTHS lama Backs; it cures Cuts, Wounds and PLANING MACHINE for planirg floor- Sores; it is good for Burns and Scalds; it ' tbiekneus from is good for eVrybody, of any ing cvry family should and any width, up toin. to have it.' ,.i Prices for planing flooring, for any amount His above,' together with a 'complete from 2 to 4 cents ptf foot,-- according to or. S, w. Eancock's Geneworking order ia in firt-rat- e to,all. ral aaUsfaation can-- be.guarantead f tenth bushel charged ,, for grinding. Tha SO-i' customers from -hat ao airanged Bulns be kacc6mmodated other iiettlemenls can " immediately. ':i :i" :i?-:BENJAMIN.HANCOC& mUler. j amount and quality of lumbar. The flooring that is planed by this- machine is of U. . system; they add- lsugth to lifsj they ere sn universal curt. .rh . V - t - Adveftiselents; .. w - r E ; : and'-lumbe- 3-i- n., , - 2-t- n. - : ;V5i iKTqWEJ?. , .;.! equal width Pdlhlckneis, . and any man ein lav double! the amount and a fetter floor than he can. with' flooring that is planed by hand. Grain and country - produes taken in the highest premium allowed payment, and - thW place, a yearago.iixee IROH about O 'described , as near a a memory white allows, U: follows! On a red and a brindle On? well ''fo shaped.' qij; five j from lir t sight Tears, old One red calf en Gold. 'OlL.:..i5ad:a red heifer P.S. A few. good Carpenters and' Cabion h. tilth her a year ego. Each row;&aving net makers wanted tifi-inc-- ; j f'V f i SiV ' f h lho-4efa,5t ehooider Wj eirelo, ith J.iathe centre. ; I with 4me brand j ercral ' .Alao, yearling, v ' Alio', a roan speckled cow, .three years. ; oldbrandwf ED on the left hip.' ' ... Any; person giving information cpneerri- i Editor, infrany of. the above stock tothe ' t ;v,r r . ' . will b liberally rgwafded.; v FtSTX&KXCX a I - f-v. . -- immediately.. T',. "'I .OOTTAOS, V . " PdTO.-- l: 7 ' to .reht; the elty of Pr6vo, the STORE - ivJ . Are prepared at the laborat'rjr of the In- vontor Spring Lake Villa, Ujtah county; Deseret- - and'nold by himself arid. Agents f '.i the State- through ' . . I . - . f ; - . - J; E, JOHNSON. . EetpiniibU Jfgenft, f' errry supplied on fecsonable iirms. MtttUmenij - ('Msirois proto. ; I cq - a . 7 : -- AAr t-f- -- - ur-ye- aj j !: assohtmkxt FAMILY MEDICINES, L, I . undersigned, at the old stahd. formerly occupied by Bireh. A THE building, keeps a full supply of all .needful .family medicine, including . !iL Stubbs, situate on Main street, corn.Centre.'- Rbeu-- : er-of Ginger. Composition, Caator-Oil- , to W. NUTT E. Bishftp barb. Essences, ALL, Cloves,' C.ampbor,-Britiskj Apply Prove, or. to E. W. CLARK, Spring Like Oil and Mutches. Most .orts of Guais, k Roots, Herbs, Tinctures,1 Pills and Salta, 4. nils; A supply of Fancy Goods, j Actions, Ac. E8TRAY NOTICE. ' I . - : r" nr' - - ' of Tomatoes. Canli flowers, and Import it. of Choice Seed and Plantsj know the where thaPlants to pereou wishing finest' varieties of Cabbage, good list, in POT choiee ANY of f four-- y ear-ol- d STEER, at 20c. doaen. or $1 per 100J WILL have;for amate. ! . Several kinds of within pr crqpi and hole in each ear;' that has Butter, Oats, Pork and Tallow Eggs, OABB AGE PL ANTS, raised from pure run ikon this range for noyrly two years- Iri payment also 1000 foots of English fHYHE. may fequirs of tha Pound-keepof Sin?' H. L. SOUTinvORTir. B. taquin, UTAH ;V , . FRUIT. .?r eW-da- iv yv a-r- ed - rt-ceiv- it. er ir. X . ' s I: SHOP pi: CABINET ' v.y--e w. tttTIDJr. & fl. H.CL1J1'F,V - " r ;' - : . jRespectfully, 7 with dispatch at . their shop in Proyoone of the Titbing-ofiio- e block. block north-ea- st SO-- .! Oil BEDSTEADS; TABLES, AIRS, 1 &Ci order. rood in made 1'AS, LOUNGES, .vF, JCash:,kn kinds of grain and.lnmhsra t' 'tVeu in exchan ge. : ET1 ; jS A good wheelwright wanted, also two " ' J or Ihrce- good pabinet makers; - r ' ' . - . t. - i x of Nativs" Bowen. anawsr alimitsd BBCOME INDEPENDENT A HAPPY ! number of ordirs for seeda and tools of ' V, DESERET CURRANT, ' BALM IN GILEAD! GILIA- LONGAFLORA, Scarlet. ' SCARLET PElfSTA MON; a beautiful THI MMENT3 07 FRQ5FEE1TI llOUT DS! , , native evergreen, of drooping habit.-- ' ' .Thousand-flowere- d CONE' CAtJTUS.' .VARIEGATED bekutiful WHITE A Ho d e for all yovr wahts I LILY. 'And a few other desirable and beautiful jpATRONXCE H0Me11F ACTESE AND .i Or we will exchange for, other de- sorts, BOMB INDUSTRY. S sirable articles for garden, nursery. Orchard or lawn: , J. E. JOHNSON. AZN VALUEY-TA- VARIETIES NEW fruits. We.can announce to the in County; that they w orders for FURNITURE fillall pleparedto - N0YFLTIES AND OTHER , - s . ; . - me-ma- . : I t-- ; v . :irANTSb;--c-v-'Vf:- . - THS SUIT iTiriETcABINEYSHOF, X.-y- ,7,000 feet' of 4x4 scsnthng. ; 0 Mar 4.;. .do.eW;.u ' ;.600 ;; . 5,00t feet if pine. cottonwood and 5fl0 tf feet of '. . f - - VVVlt .T'jrr.nn LIF ELi r- '- ; 'j eir, ch Frot-bitten;itact- rf ; y; :vi ;; ; t - vm .v Have you, any, Sheep I . HE ;; ' i- snbscriber"havfnfrloeated at the rri A head of SPRING between J jCREEE.' ' but johxsoxs 1 fNerve and 'Bone r - : , fiy liniment ! enres Ringbones abd Spavins; it cares SpraindBraises; Galls and Cats; it cures Burns, :Scs Ids. and CraIced Skin; it cures Gout andhe.umatism; it cure Sores. knd. it cures Inflammations" ahd Swellings Pains; it is good for man and bsait. l-- It - PeysOn'cnd; Santaqtiin. tipon Cue of the best r.v and in this Ter--' sheep : .. . opeten ip uke1 sheop on shares j'oy 'itqry...pf herd a limited number for the sea son; VBUT goodand attentive shepherds.' r.:'-ibnsps's; ' ?, .FiifS mountain a ud bench' range. j . 2 Bring along yeur sheep from (he bare ran- -' r Compound Boneset and ; cure Indigestion Dyspepsia,They Pain, in the Bowels wool apd lambs may. not bo lost Jaundice j they relieve Khm par Cure' aiid ' Agues. Chills-anStomach; they all Bilious jidyoariheepbeccme victims of the scab.' Fevers; they cure 'lv ,. .c.IKPWOBIJOSL? . they cure ' Colds, ' Pains "andComplaints ?:; Headache; Spring Lake Villa, June L ' ' they girt tone, vigor arid health to the j... - ' . most-extensiv- e -' - f - r Filial 1 - 1 -- ' ' "v : 11 7- - f.-- .? J DE8E R KT CURRANT native currant is TlIIIS easily props gated rcxceedingly . B; BENCE.. O WiJ : It relieves pain instantly;' it cures Cholera and Dysentery; it cures. Cholera mo'r- arid bus and Cholics; it cures Toqth-a'ch- e corl of qnaktngasp timber. in and' the Faintness face; pains Furniture of any.Jdnd will be .For which the relieves it Coughs; made iajaymepts, j , '' t ,;.r-(t- V : magical. CLUFF BR0.8,j! quick 'and ' ,' :w' ,; a ; f, 3-in- ...4: PRINCIPLE I N highly-improve- d a desirable .shrub 'for the Srolifixv isfor the beauty and fragrance of its bRom. The fruit is very excellent for or.for eating, for pastries, sweetmeats,' w hie. Some; grow to'' a 'great size from two .id 'three inches 'in circumfarence. There are three distinct sorts Red, Yellow and Black. The CQttiiigs and roots are easilu and safely transported' by,. mall to sny portion of .the United Stales. The Editor, hes some very choice roots' of the abb vse,and willfill orders for reeds, reota or cuttings the. coming' autumn;" br 'will make exchange for ' roots 6r; cuttings of chpiee hardy grapes, fine? "roses or other flowering shrubs; r choice fruit or roots, bulbs and seeds of rars and beautiful YUTtr-r.I. flowers., vi;! V.i " Orders ; should " b accompanied with as or articles pbeve money, postage-stamAll roots or .cuttings of .tha currant- warranted-to he received in good order. J? E. JOHNSON.. ; -- - ps . '- . |