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Show Bllscellaneons. XlnlKmoa. ::t.No. II.; I,ain composed of 13 letterZ, . s tj : - Tbstbeak our nightly rest,:. ; 1. . ! come from sheep, off be famlllar-tstationers, : Should ' To Lap-lan- dpacked or totoBaby"lon ' v Brest 4j 13, 2,' 7, 12, 5, 7, is a disease. , oer Frompit-head.CootoGt;ace go ,"'1Is a 11,' name. 7, 2, 9, boys Aad while thcmiser waits ;v. v 7, 11 2, 9, 1, is an article of ladies :His : : wear. : passage to. the Guinea coast, -- , Spendthrifts aye in the 'Straits., And ray whole is the name of an: interestshould to ihefNeedleh go, Spinsters useful v' institution, log and i Wine-bibbeu WHOANTS;rT6 Ox babes' The litile snarling, caroling ii an adjective New: Advertisements.' Bows, Straw Alum Mountain Bonnet Boxes, Hats, Capper as l Saleratus, Starch, r. Fine foil. Shoe Pegs, . I Shoe f Blacking-- ' Red,. Blue, A;. Black ana Indelible I n ks,,'. . ! ;. . ks , - 1 1 t . U-'- - T.&GaiOGS. - . J?To. . v.V 13. - ; composed of 10 letters.' 2, V 9, 4, is a household requisite: ! 8, 9, in, 2, o; what all snould be.; ;; a ' 2, 3. 3. 10,' a religious official. , -' 9, 10 a common stimulant. calves. ' 2, . 1,1, 610 by produced 5,' 4; 0j V . 2, 9. 9. refers to every person. .10,9, 9, 7.a prHty females name.to. 10, 7, la which at l ars compelled , is 8, 2, 0, 9, Jin Invitation.-- ' V; 9, 4; story. . v . 7, 10. 1, 1 i 4, 6r sometimes welcome 1 aVn , A. Alyl. ;,v- - i -- ; 17, : ; ' and unwelcome: 5 1; 4, 2, a pleasing beverage. known to every ona. And my whole is - ... . ;V )$: ?".' rf:'. . Axoto-AMsaica- A : Isles, Waterproof JatcMS, I. viBAltTxi. r : :: ' i' i? ; : Wags at' the Bay of United States to flee the Bachelor,? Maids to the Isle of Let Gardeners go to.Botany .Bay, . .vs ,.;i And Shoeblacks to ,Japah, and men, Thus emigrate, misplaced ;. Will then no j v longer rex us; And HI who siu6 provided for ; ' Had better go to Tezas.V afflicted husband was returning , from the funeral of hid wife, when a friend asked how he was Well; he said, pafeel tho' better ' for I thetically, I think -; : little walk. " 7, .that j ''l tii ... am happy, Tom, to Lear there-po- rt that you have. succeeded to.largo Iau ded property.. fAud l am, sorry to say U is groundless.. y. i handsome womaa pleases the fj1 pgAwoman a good pleases the heart ; the Odd is a jewel, the other a treasure.-- , ..'I A Country girl was; spilt from a wagon at Columbus, Ohio, and had all her finery mussed.; and dirtied. She lav for some time insensible: Her. first; trembling exclamation on 'recovering was, I hope there is no editor ig sight. L v. r' sailor dropped ont of the rigging some .15 or. 2G feet, and of a shiprof-wafell plump ou the lieutenant Wretch, aid the officer, where did you come from! I cime from buld Ireland, jour honor, Call itt ljl7DLiP8 Depot i,. Match ,: touth Fun-dy.V- ? : (Ah L- " ' m"i QTI Chalradea. I atn.'Hoakx-wann- i' The Factory First-Pris-Z jinningi.! Store. . of 'hu agents in all parts of 'the; send and recruit their Territory stock ;o( Matches; Ac i forthe dsmapds of' - He Invitee J r -- the. Summer: PeHlej?s and reliablepersona ea reasonable terms. ; supp'ied wholosale. J add all kinds Old Bottles, Grainy Rags of pay taken.i Is' - .HAdD ' r go. I - vi ( ' ' I . 4 4 BAKJZR AND CONFECTIONER. EALS served at all. hours' in 'his omi, ,r Sweettneats, . Ice and beet of Fruits served' Pastris Creams,. in their season. - Can Fruits, Oysters,' and other dainties always ready, Every deli: e&cy the market affords, err edup to order T I I No. 13. trouts syllables placed right, a noun will K give, , .Whlch in your heart I trust, will never He; ' j ti For. every breast whereto affection lies, yhte word of eleven letters must despise. DBSERET E7E NFIRBfARTs k - "i Bad 3,11,4 MAIN "STREET,. PROVOp; y . 6,1, my youll beast A savage you may have seen before; R. CpOKSLEV announces to the inV my 4, my 5, and 8, I much dislike of the Territory thathe will habitants Though tls a creature less in size & weight DISEASES OF THE EYE of every treat with 3,11 and 8 .'P 8, :V description, illy those who3 j 9, 2 hold straight; is liked54, by , Those who a re blind with CATARACT . And Is there one to whom health Is given, would do. well o confeult Mr C. In rejatian .Who can dislike to 4, 7, 10, 11. to the same.i v ' If never greeted by 4,' 5, 7, 2. . Flowers and herbs my 10, 1,11 would do; .;;ROBERt;GBEER; To 3,.7 5, 2, add 6 or. 8, J hlATCII WottK-S,- . ELECTRIl And you will see a man of size and weight i 'XAix nkxxvGaiAT salt naks cirrVs4 And now thle verse my 11, 2, 10 shall giva; 5 net Will afraid wife yon your & STORV. COMMISSION .fiy'Are If you are 6, 1, 4, 11, 10,' forgive; when you' die? . I EXCHANGE matried. get again ;for RctaHi 'Matches Wholesale Best ; And for this space which tis my lotto own hope she ' may, as there will be one who V ;f i I give my thanks, ' and thus my, whole dis- will khow how, to pityrno- - Allserts of j gram and Country, produce-- ' ' own. bought, sold and exchanged Salealo'w for. .fls"A rebel .Miisissippl ' paper says: Ao. cash Also fo.sale, GreersRat Destroy Pins, which formerly soUl at five cents .a' er. Bed-bu- g Poson.Vv.--y.V''f.'t';':-- ; A delicious when it: fih now command two. 'dollars In'" our i they pot paper, : " Greers Depst of Erchange; ' Is He who ,Rnanber, to meetlt; M market.' alwaysglad south side of Alain' .... ... ; '..rv1-:;66 Where it stands, when he has got it, has" H''issued spoilage , iU Just" before he goes to eat Tigksr1 just been the. Power Join these three, : ' onlylong stamps, having ' in Europe thahhae not used them. t Arid von will see i A. including i What rich und powerful men should bo. fields of New Zealand hre lei.- V erbenas, Geraniums,' Ice - plants, i Vt now yeild.Iag atthe rate of : 20,000 - ounces Pansies, Antiifrihinum',' &.c., also fcholce j ' Rebus. : ' i: Parnationfe, ') Had wigii" China !graes' and ''MfA er week'f :; other .4:4 ;No.i5j :t ; Pink rool s in autumn a I 'A wod there is indicative of mirth, OJTTliereiSan establishment at Royeris j; e;johnson. On being altered by ;a single letter, '4 Ford, Pa, in. which' paper, is manufactured L .Will name all women at wood. from L of white their,birth,is yrood . SGIIOO L Any. jcud CARDS. ' . ..The pride and hope jof many a father. USCd. 'V 1, 2 an(l.3.ofa torUe of SCHOOL-CARD- S ' now ready and fdr'sale-atho: Richmond, acording to the papers of that city; the price of a bushel of corn Former Oracle : "We are a score nav, jsomethlngm ore, ;?t . .And In a cave reside; is $7,50; of a barrel of fionr S31. " 4 And though we seldom disagree', -the adult population 5: ., We very oft divide.! ; ., f 1! j Of 8y?or(ihi'of ,t . California men are without wives l YT7E are to attend v Jobs ' s. If we fall out, it is s doubt. . ' 1,a? prepared ..diseaae little known in thft coufl-tr-y V T. bt ;PrintIng wIth ; punctulityv net- - r' i V If eer we meet again; V-i? Both beau aad bell e oir worth can tell,' called the potted fever; has woken heeaanddispatOnWewillget;upat.the , ' ususl prices; BLANKS,- LETTER; A ' ' out jUiWashingtom ' f . ..Though oft we causal them pain.',;, HEADS, CARDS," Plain, Ornamental Mft In' white array tho ladies gay Is staUd in the Englishpsppas Colors; : dRCNLARS, - TICKETS.OTIt BILLS Are very apt to show us; i the that Irelliid men POSTER of ' young PAMPHLETS, r SEED Z LABELS, rom what is said wo are afraid are leave! ug for the.Unlted States, - to the BIOS, and erdtythingw that Anl, f e d- -. may-bi. number, of fifteen hundred k week. fh'-- , ; YouwiIl too quickly know us sired. b - . ' 1, GREKI6, . ir. - : Medicines fer tile I ici,' DsatL MutEes for allTi rs : ' Firtt Prizt - to Burgundy; Gourmands should' lunch at Sandwich - ' 1 . i s c 7, ; - ! 1 : (A 1 . . . 1 i r, . . . - I ' :' ; . , r V-- , I - ' . . - ; . - e . , FEW-1,ohdic- pot-planl- s;l . ' :;7 J ; ' ' - '' - T- . - V-- - ; - rj-- t ,-i . v - JOB'PKIIVTmG.' - - , . to-al- , - : V 1 . ffc - . : able-bodi- ed axAv : .. . : s . .. v ' , j'v . , ; ' C ,,.A , - - .t .4 s r ' jr a-- , - v ' 'V ' f a V i.4;- .r ? .1 s.aiji, ,'lP: A r a - f r r VV:;. s"- r ( 3' Mi I ;! |