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Show THE PAGE SIX TIMES-NEW- Friday, July 23rd, 1926 NEPHI. UTAH S. Moira Happenings TP 1MI Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon for Elmo Carter, who was killed last week when be fell from a wagon and was struck by the wheel. The speakers at the services were Jos. F. Newton, John S. Niel-soPres. Thomas H. Burton and Bishop Garfield. N. W. Ellertson offered the opening prayer and Ernest Kay the benediction. Music was NEPHI, UTAH n. and Supertwlst All-Weatli- ef furnished BotSi "-M- a M1 , VA Goodyear Tires, and only Goodyears give you the famous Treads, and Grooved and a carcass of Supertwist. Super-twi- st Cords flex and yield and stretch W v All-Weath- All-Weath- 5&7 ra!3''A er Mona will celebrate the 24th of dollar wij,u. a three-hundrsport3 program, beginning at 10 o'clock Saturday forenoon. Included in the program are a rodeo, horse races, ball game, foot races, wrestling, etc. Many out of town visitors are expected. July h, er President T. H. Burton spoke on the subject of evolution at the Sacrament meeting here, Sunday Good Tubes are TIRE ECONOMY. Always carry a spare. How a long wearing, money saving Goodyear ? We have your size. $9.60 Mrs. Eliza Williams Jensen and Mrs. Jennie Terry Jensen of Gunnison, both former school teachers at Mona, are visiting here this week A shower was givven Saturday Lira evening, July 17th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Garfield in honor of Mr. and Mrs. La Von Belliston, who Death Claimed Young Poet were married June 30th. The bride was formerly .Miss Erma Garfield. A Lull Junquelra Freire, the Brazilian poet, died at the early program and games were enjoyed by years, in 1855. He a hundred and twenty-fiv- e age of twenty-threrelatives was a novice of the Carmelites and and friends, after which a midnight of in the cloister wrote his best poems luncheon was served Many beautiful his order. presents were received by th The Home Painter Praise of Enthusiasm When painting anything at all be sure that the first coat is dry before applying the second. Ton will only waste time and paint and make a poor Job of It If the surface Is not thoroughly dry. Nothing Is so contagious as enthusiasm. It Is the real allegory of the tale to Orpheus. It moves stones, It charms brutes. Enthusiasm Is the genius of sincerity, and truth accomplishes no Tlctories without It. Bulwer. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kay and Mrs. Sarah A. Newton were Sanpete visitors Sunday. a-b- 30 x 2y2 Cord over sizes . .$10.60 29 x 4.40 BALLOONS ... $11.95 ed The Nephi base ball team played here last Sunday afternoon in a farcical ball game that resulted in a 21 to 11 score in favor of Nephi. HOW ABOUT TUBES? CORDS.... A Saturday for Mrs. Erma Garfield Bellis- ton A large crowd attended' and many useful presents were received by the newly married couple. saving price. 30x3 choir. A shower was "given st All-Weath- the ward out-of-to- er far beyond ordinary cords. They make Goodyear Tires ride easier and Don't neglect Super-twilast londer. when considering tire value nor the wear resisting Tread. We have your size in a Goodyear, at a money super-toug- by group of little girls sang two beautiful songs; Miss Isabel Evans, a solo; and iMiss Helen Cowan rendered a violin solo. The meeting house was overfilled with the many mourners and the floral offerings were profuse. Interment was in the Mona cemetery. relatives and Many friends attended the services. eele-brate- d e Point of Importance in Successful Canning America Leads Nations In Lfse Of Ice Cream canning. The hot water bath is practical for all kinds of canning, including fruits, vegetables and meats. This can easily be made at home in a washboller, or any large vessel. Simply fit a rack in the bottom on which to place the lid and Jars, supply a tight-fittin- g presto ! you have a serviceable, efficient hot water bath canner. Be sure to Inspect your Jars und rings. The glass Jars are vital to successful canning. Whether made of green or white glass, the Jar shoul 1 be clear and smooth without any large stones or bubbles. The sealing shoulder of the Jar must be made so that the lid fits tightly to the ueck of the Jar after the Jar ring has been placed on It, (18 you are using a mason Jar, examine the cover carefully.) If the porcelain liner which fits Into the top of the cap Is loose, press in the zinc on the top of the lid until porcelain becomes tight. Mason Jar lids may be used several years in succession. If a glass top Jar has been used several times, the clamp which fastens the lid to the Jar sometimes becomes loose. If this happens, simply remove the wire clamp and press In the wire at the top, so that It will fasten the lid to the Jar tightly. The Jar ring Is a very important part of your canning equipment, because only a "live" ring insures a perfect seal. It Is false economy to use an old ring, or to place two old rings on the Jar. Always use a good, reliable, new Jai ring because this saves time and money in the end. If any one food may be considered as America's national dish, it Vis ice cream. Ice cream is a food particularly adapted to the needs of indlviduuls of all ages, giving as It does the best type of nutrients for the repuir of bone, teeth, blood and muscles and for energy. Today thousands of housewives make their own ice cream. As a consequence, the making of this highly nutritious food at a reduced cost, yet without in any way impairing the product, is of importance. Home economists have found a means to this end In the use of evaporated milk. There are three Important reasons why evaporated milk Use your washbeUer for home canThis homely universal article ning. Is perfect for the hot water bath method. The following instructions are given by Ina S. Lindman, for five years a government demonstrator in home Levites' Fall From Power The Levites mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible, were descendants of Levi. They were selected, probably by Moses, to care for the tabernacle and its services. They guarded the sacred symbols, administered the rites of worship and transported the tabernacle and Its furniture when the camp moved. When Canaan was divided among the various tribes ef Israel no especial part was given to them, for they were scattered in forty-eigtowns, thirteen of which were set apart for the priests. The Levites reached the height of their power during the period of the Judges and the united kingdom among the Israelites. They came later, however, to hold only aa Inferior position and to discharge the minor duties about the temple. Exchange. waaw MI m1 S3 W Will be gi ven to person suggesting a name, which is acepted by the management, for the New Open-Ai- r SAME WILL BE GIVEN ON JULY 24th PROVIDING PERSON SENDING IN SUGGESTED NAME IS IN ATTENDANCE AT DANCE. MUSIC BY 23rd- - Arlington Orchestra SALT LAKE CITY 24th The Troubadors J Ul MM Ml llllllllll ORCHESTRA I II Ill.l .III , mi j j, , , mmm nl ht Story is in ordinary market milk and, since It is the solids that give Ice cream its pleasing flavor, this fact is of moment. Then, the composition of evaporated milk is constant, for the reason that it has been put through an homogenizing process, which breaks up the fat globules Into tiny particles and distributes them evenly throughout the milk. This attribute makes for an Icecream mixture of uniform quality and fine texture. Finally, experts agree that the use of evaporated milk in Ice cream contributes to its hygienic qualities, for the reason that evaporated milk is entirely sterile. Health authorities declare that milk and cream should be treated to a heat of 150 degrees F. for half an hour In order that a product may be produced free from infective organisms. Evaporated milk Is processed at 240 degrees for 30 minutes, and, therefore. Its introduction Into an mixture increases its purity in proportion to the amount of evaporated milk used. Effective But Simple Dishes Now In Vogue When Abraham Lincoln and Peter Cartright were running for congress in an Illinois district, one night when Cartright was conducting a revival meeting in a Methodist church the old preacher spied Lincoln In the congreBr'er Williams gation, and said: "I see Mr. Lincoln Something simple yet effective is I don't want ter be so happy that in the house and I weald like to know the housewife's Ideal for week-en- d I'll fergit all my troubles. When yon where he stands and where he thinks dishes. comes ter think of It, trouble la do he Is going?" Mr. Lincoln slowly During the warm summer weather, women should not be compelled to one thing what keeps you In da arose and in his quaint, drawling voice replied: "I stand right here in spend honrs In the preparation of straight road. Atlanta Constitution. this church and aa going to conmeals, when minutes would accomgress." This is said to "have occurred plish the same purpose. Planning Notice for Bids week-en- d some eight or ten years before I bemenus should be a congenial came conversant with either entreat 'task, not a bore. At this time of the politics or religion, and I do not vouch year there are a variety of nutritious The Board of Education of Juab for the correctness of the story. M. vegetables and fruits to choose from In preparing meals and the modern School District, will receive bids for M. Beck, in the Holton Recorder. home manager takes advantage of the paving of a cement walk, 136 them. The housewife plans her sumIndian Design Valuable feet long and 8 feet wide. Also a walk 50 feet long, and 4 feet wide, Prehistoric Indian designs hava mer menus so that they will suggest Bids been successfully adapted to modern coolness, while at the same time takat the Nephi High school. should specify the price per square textile purposes by H. R. Goodwin, ing Into consideration their dietary value. A delicious cream soup made foot. Mix. 7 to 1 and 2 to 1 top ef the Ohio State museum. Using confrom fresh vegetables, or an omelet, a the reserves found la ventional copper designs dressing. The Board fresh fruit or a custard, a light to reject any and all bids. All pieces and on engraved bones from dish of Ice dessert, cream, or a pudding, are bids must be filed with the cleric of the famous Hopewell Indian mounds nourishing Items that should find high the Board not later than July 28th, of Ohio, Mr. Goodwin has constructed favor In the week-enmenu. for suitable rugs, draperies, patterns 1926 The home manager enjoys her weekdress material, lace curtains and has Board of Education even made one attractive design for ends 100 per cent more when she has Nephi, Utah. a few moments of Dennis Wood, clerk. chlnaware from aa Indian mo tiff. The this connection the leisure. And In most wore following recipes for the original patterns made by the prehistoric Indians may prove an aid. part NOTICE from thin sheets of pounded copper Creamy Salad Dressing. and were placed la burial mounds, 1 eap boiled or milk H cup cream mayonnaise 1 tbep. State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake from which they nave recently been H dressingrecovered. up evaporated 1 tbap. iuKr fruit Juice City, Utah, July 13. 1926. Combine evaporated milk and cream, David Is Notice hereby given that chill and Add whip. sugar and Juice, One en the Song Writer (J. Edmunds, whose P8t office ad then fold Into snlad dressing. EspeTwo youngsters were playing on the dress is Salt Lake City, Utah, bas cially nice for fruit salads. made application In accordance with front porch. Bobble, aged three and one-halwhich did something Harry, the requirements of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, as amended by age thirteen, :did not like. This Is the Session Laws of Utah, 1919 and what followed three-hu- n Harry Don't do that. Bobble, that's 1925, to appropriate dred ths (0.03) c. f. s. of water from bad. Bobble Aw, I 4oa't care. I don't Broad Canyon Spring in Juab Coun want to go to heaven anyway. ty, Utah. Said water is to be diverted Well, where do yon want at the point of issuance of the spring to Harry go? which bears 18.5 chains N. and 1 Bobble Louisville. chain E. of the SW Cor. Sec. 29, T. Chocolate Velvet Cream. 15 3., It. 1 E., 8. L. M. and conveyed 1 tap. butter lVfc tbap. gelatin Why Net, tndeedf in pipes or flumes a distance of from H eap cold water tap. salt a of June little la the part early 1 esse, beaten 1 tap. one to four rods where It will be con flavoring of bis mother she whet boy V4 Inquired separate cup evaporated served in troughs and ponds and used Mas was H to for Children's milk combined oup sugar give going from January 1st to December 31st t squares (oa.) with day. inclusive of each year for the water' ehocolata H cup whipping "Why, children deal receive presoup evaportod cream, chilled ing of 6000 bead of sheep. ents on Children's day," said the with diluted milk and whipped This application Is designated In mother. cup water the State Engineer's Office as File Soak gelatin In water five minutes. "Why notr pretested the boy, "I No. 9954. gave yon somethlsg for Mother's day." Mix beaten egg yolks and sugar, pour All protests against the granting heated, diluted milk over slowly, put Exchange. in double boiler with gelatin, butter of said application, stating the re a Conk until the mixture and salt. son therefor, must be by affidavit In Student Service Pledge thickens. This takes about 10 minduplicate, accompanied with a fee of Members of tie National Fedar-e- a utes. SI. 00, and filed In this office within Strain, beat 2 minutes, let of Filipino Students, In the Philipthirty (30) days after the completion pines, numbering about 8.000, have cool. Melt the chocolate over hot water, lot cool a little, then add the of the publication of this notice. signed a pledge to teach at least one chocolate and vanilla to the mixture GEORGE M. BACON, tmtarato adult every yeer. Two textafter It has cooled. Fold In the stiff State Engineer. books are In preparation for use la then the whipped cresm. ff whites, Date of first publication, July 23, tie campaign. One book will consist a mold and chill at least Turn Into 1926; date of completion of publics of reading and writing exercises ; the 8 boars. It may be chilled In indi tion, August 20, 1926. otker will embrsce geography, history, vidual dessert gle series, morals, hygtoao and saaiUUea. When mother asks dad If he remembered to mail her letter, he always says, "yes." And that's when ht f, NOW BEING BUILT NORTH OF THE SEMINARY BUILDING. L.tlltl. Lineoln-Cmrtrig- is over twice the percentage of solids present In this type of milk than therfe d Dance Hall, A Getting the Truth makes the best Ire cream, they pol lit out Because 60 per cent of the natural water In evaporated milk bas been removed by evaporation, there , ,,,, , |