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Show TOE PAGE FOUR TIMES-NEW- The ruthless destruction of th beaver, nature's ablest engineer. Is causing a huge economic loss to the Industry of farming and western America, according to dls coverles made by experts of the British Columbia game conservation board. Beaver dams, these experts have found, are Invaluable to agriculture because they conserve moisture which otherwise wouid run off quickly into rivers and be lost. Now that beaver dams all over the West are disappearing with the slaughter of their makers, agriculture in many places is feeling the effect In the form of drier soil and smaller crops. The trapping of beaver, which in the past has been regarded only as a problem of fur conservation, thus Is looming large as an economic problem as well. On this account the protection of beaver and their str&jge homes Is becoming an increasingly important mutter and game officials are studying It carefully. Investigations, already conducted, show that beaver dams in the past have exerted a widespread Influence upon the water supply of Canada. Damming up thousands of creeks and rivers, the busy little animals have created enormous reservoirs where water Is conserved through the dry summer months. This work, however, has gained them the enmity of farmers who blauie them for occasional floods, but actually they are one of the farmer's best friends, game experts declare. "The loss of fur bearers through the partial extinction of the beaver Is not as great as the injury to agriculture and stock raising brought about of water as through the rapid run-of- f compared with the retention of this water by beaver dams where the beaver remains plentiful," M. B. Jackson, chairman of the British Columbia game board, declared In announcing the latest discoveries concerning beaver habits. "This is a serious economic problem, and one to which perhaps sufficient consideration is not given when many requests are made for the destruction of beavers for their furs or because here and there a few acres are flooded by their dams." stock-raisin- Enjoy Saving Successful men enjoy saving because they know from their own and others experience that systematic saving points the way to success. Let us show you how to save in the right way. We have several plans that will prove especially interesting because each plan pays you Interest on your savings. ML UK 1 Bodies and Minds First V. S. Treasurer Many things have been said, and very well undoubtedly, on the subjection in which we Bhould preserve our bodies to the government of our understanding; but enough has not been said upon the restraint which our bodily necessities ought to lay on the extravagant sublimities and eccentric rovlngs of our minds. Edmund Burke. Michael. Hlllegas, a merchant of Philadelphia, was In 1773 appointed by the Continental congress, treasurer of the United States. He held this office until 1789, when Alexander Hamilton was selected by first President George Washington secretary of the treasury. Hlllegas was the son of another Michael who came to America from Germany. wel-know- Hil-lega- London's Zero Hour London's most tranquil moment In the week Is at 8 o'lock on a Sunday Any other morning hunmerning. dreds of newspaper trucks are dashing about, market carts are hurrying through the streets and the city ia otherwise very busy. Auspicious "That young chap over there ing to be a great writer." Is Sugar in Early Days Sugar was found in the East Indies by Nearchus, admiral of Alexander the Great, In the year 325 B. C. An eastern people In alliance with Pom-pe- y the Great, the famous Roman general, used the Juice of sugarcane as a common beverage. Hopeless Case "General Butler," he said, "was displeased with the work of one of his Philadelphia sleuths and, as a gentle hint, presented the man with a copy of 'Sherlock Holmes.' "The sleuth took the book home and ran through It. He perceived the hint, and It riled him, naturally. He said to the general next day In a sneering way: " I guess you think, general, I'd make a great detective if I took enough coke?' "The general shook his head. "'Joe,' he said, 'there ain't that much coke.' " Pittsburgh Chronicle- Telegraph. Gave Name to Metal go- Cause of Most Troubles "How do you know ?" "He wrote a true story that was really true, and It sounds just like a tree story." n Moft of the troubles we have are over thlnga we can't have. Boston Transcript. Life, -- The Times-New- EE s .yaCIPar Published Every Friday by the Times News Publishing Company A. B. GIBSON, Protedl Your Eye Fditor and Manager g Smedley Darlington Butler's arrest of a colonel In San Diego on a charge of drunkenness reminded a Philadelphlan of an anecdote. Gen. Friday, July ?3rd, 1926 NEPHI, UTAH Farming Interests to Feel Loss of Beaver? Successful Men FIRST S, Subscription Rates: Months One Year FROM DUST AND DIRT $1.00 $2.00 31x during the harvest or while driving- in your - Payable in advance car. LOCAL NOTES County Clerk Earl Gadd and fam ily are enjoying a vacatiu In Logan, (Utah, this week. I Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ostler and fam ily left for a trip through Yellow stone Nationa'. Park, Monday. mm Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jones and fam ily are enjc'ng a two weeks vacation. They are making a trip through Yellowstone National Park, and will Iso visit in Byron, Wyoming, while away. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wood Joying a short vacation in this week. While there they the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warner. are en- - We have goggles and colored glasses for every purpose, at ooc ana up. Logan, will be W. H. Mr and Mrs. George Christiansen entertained at a canyon party last Sunday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Bench, Virginia, Delbert and Clyde Bench of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Thompson that soft, mellow shade, so necessary during the hot, bright days. of Eureka, Millard H. Boyce of Newell, Iowa, M. Betsy Anderson; Jewell, Winnie and Fred Sorenson, of Nephi Chicken dinner was served and a' very enjoyable time was had by all. The Ladies Literary club enter tained Wednesday afternoon at the first or a series of sunnier kensing-tonat the Brough cabin back of Mt. Nebo. The hostesses included Mrs. "We Are Here To Serve" s, Nephi Drug Company T. W. Allred, Mrs. M. L. Sowby, Mrs. W. Glazier, Mrs. J. W. Ellison. Mrs. Jas. Cole, Mrs. S. B. McCune, Mrs. William Bailey, and Lulu Mc- Pherson. The afternoon was spent in social chat. Wild flowers were used to decorate the one long table, where luncheon was served to those present; they were: Mrs. W. C. Andrews, Mrs. T. H. Burton, Mrs. G. M. Whit- more, Miss Neva Booth. Mrs. P. B. Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. W. F. Brough, Geo. A. Sperry, Miss Ida Parkes, Mrs. E. R. Forrest, Mrs. Roy T. Cowan, Mrs. Alberta Belliston, and special guests. Miss Ethel Wright of Salt Lake, Mrs. Morgan Miller of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Reve Richardson of Lyyn, 'Mrs. Venice Schofield of Provo; Judge T. H. Burton and Mr. Glazier of Nephi. hew Geo. D. Ilaymond, Owner. F. O. B. DMrait, alau GowrmnnU Tax iw h B I . IL ' an American inventor, a native The metal was Massachusetts. vented and patented In 1839. Its greatest sales influence is what 350,000 owners say for k. The conviction of a value priced far below any rival is turning new thousands of buyers to this finest Essex ever built. ScancVrd equipment incrudeis Front and llaar Automatic Wmdsbicid hamper. (built-1k- , Rear View Mirror, Tranmiatoa LockOaor, Radiator Shatters. Uoto-Meca- r, Coaabtea eton Stop and Tall Lfent. "iajmwv $um im: of In- w 1 vs&rzRk if- &SA 7'" - 4 k9 trdwM of (sum- i Balloon ihomtng mogntfu-unt wiiud mto fifteen tmallrr t ft mooted of many Itttie fiber. thoroughly utturr.trd and mnsiated I wtth rubber by Irum iftpfimg. h ( t aM Car owners have never been able to buy tire mileage at so low a cost per mile as Tires today. And never before have thev they can buy Firestone so to been able ouy tires comtortame, safe and trouble free. We Also Sell Gum-Dippe- d This is possible because of the highly skilled research engineers who have developed special machinery and processes for manufacturing d Tires, combined with economical national distribution through efficient Service Dealers, many equipped with the latest Firestone methods of repairing High Dalloon, Dus and Truck Pressure, Full-Siz- e Tires. Firestone's long fight against the British Rubber Restriction Act has saved car owners millions of dollars. We can serve you better w ith these wonder ful tires and save you money. Come in today. vw MOST MILES TER DOLLAR G. R. JUDD GARAGE NEPHI, HOUSE If you have a house TO RENT PHONE 196- - OLDFIELD TIRES At These Reduced Prices Gum-Dippe- iA-'lJt- - WANTED Babbitt metal takes Its name from that of Its discoverer, Isaac Babbitt, Combined with the supreme advanprinciple, the tage of the Super-Si-x cars largest production of in the world makes this quality, price and value exclusive to Essex. 735 f A SUN VISOR for outdoor wear gives you ESSEX "6" COACH New Low Pricz 1 303 303'30(3 rabrloCllnchtr G.90 Fabric Clincher. 7.80 Rag. CI. Cars'. . .7.70 29x4.40 - 29 x4.73 lilloon. . .14.90 30 x 4.75 Balloon. . .15 bO 'or CI. Co... 8.95 29x4.95 30x4.95 30x34 10x3 Balloon. $11.20 31x4 I. B.CoN 32x4 S. I. Card 1S.7S 17.25 . Cord 23.35 Balloon. . .16.45 Balloon. . .17.25 30 x 5.25 Balloon. . .18.15 31 x 5.25 Balloon. . .19.05 32 x 6.00 Balloon.. .22.95 B.I. Cord 29.50 33 Ex. 32i4'A. 33x5 Ilzt CI. Cord 9.95 . x 6.00 Balloon.. .24.10 Curat Economical l ireunnt Vactiiric Mate and Carry the SuimlarJ Tire (.'ruarantrc in Th Central Motor Co. Taylor Garage Nephi, Utah Levan, Utah UTAH AMERICANS SHOULD PRODUCE THEIR OWN R vn V l ;t . , Q&&CqJX |