Show an example that should phoui hf be followed recently a few mies ladies of a prosperous long island village organized a society to encourage the young people of the I 1 village tillage to study ameri american can tr trees ees plants and flowers and to assist in the preservation of native plants in the neighborhood i tho the ladies found that a great deal of interest waa taken in the work of the society and by means of it a dl desire ire was aroused in the village to cultivate wild flowers and native plants this desire suggested g tho the advantage of possessing a plot of ground of sufficient area where american trees and plants could be established and protected and where not only could the members of the society find illustrated the trees and plants which they were engaged in studying but which would serve as a land hind of public playground the laws of new york permit assoria associations of private persons to secure I 1 lands ands for parks and public playgrounds independent of municipal authority and to employ officers who shall have power jower to protect such grounds under this law and by the aid of private subscriptions raised in i n the town a little park of six sis acres on the shore of a pond which is centrally located was purchased u and forever r set apart as a planting ground for nativo native flowers and trees the example of the ladies wh who 0 formed the society which organized and carried out this movement is worth worthy y of imitation everywhere patriotism is stimulated by arousing and cultivating I 1 tho the love for american trees plants birds and natural objects through a plot of ground provided for such a purpose furthermore such parks and each societies help to attach the people to their native place and lesson in them the do de giro to wander der away to the cities youths companion |