Show M rn 11 11 E LATIA LAST DAY remits re marks it at the Taber flade LAYING OF CAPSTONE remarks madeam made at the oc casion musio rendered other incidents wednesday morning the tabernacle was waa crowded azain to its utmost capa city and many thousands of people remained standing ding around the building buil dim the chair and congregation united in singing COMO coma coma YG ya saints no toll toil nor cor labor fear but with joy wend your way etc prays prayer r by elder Sey seymour B young the choir san sang the anthem U glorious is ia thy name etc the th a priesthood were arranged in the following order tha upper section tiou of 01 the centre stand at the west end ol of the building was waa occupied by the ficat presidency in the other so aaion s respectively ively were wera 1 members of the quorum ot of the twelve apostles 2 eiding aiding council of tue seventies 31 3 presiding bishopric in the two divisions on tle the north and ana south th of the centre stand were seated tha presidents President 3 of stakes and their counselors and ili high h councilors councillors Counci lors the bishops ant and their counselors were arranged antho on the north and south couth lower division diT ision of the stand the following was the arrangement in the auditorium main maia body of 01 the hall ball front section south of of the centre aisle quorums of seventies Say Sey enties be hind them the elders front section nohh ot the centra aisle high priests behind them were respectively the priests teachers anil and deacons the general public occupied the tha remaining of the body of the hail east divi division siou and the galleries gallerie 3 PRESIDENT gim GEO Q ct box ro referring farring to the resolution adopted by the con ference on monday in regard to the establishment of a church university said on oa behalf of the first presidency aua and the twelve to whom this resola tion was addressed I 1 rise to state that we accept the instructions of the conference le rence and shall do all in ia our to carry their wishes ra a expressed in that resolution into practical effect PRESIDENT lorts zo Ss SNOW 0 W interested the cnare congregation gation as to the order of ceremony at the laying of cap capstone storia of the temple abe words of the shout hosanna he said to be uttered upon or after the laying of the cip cal c ip atone today were ivers introduced by prebi dent joseph smith at tle tha kitt kirtland wittland land temble and werd wera there used tit at a solemn assemblage where the tha pon pom er of god was wag manifested and the vision of the almighty power was opened up to the brethren this is no ordinary caruer but butia ia and d we wish it to ha be d f 3 tit C dy understood a sacred shout and em played only oaly on occa occasions sioni like the tha ono ona now beffre us ua we wish it also to be distinctly understood that we want the brethren and sisti sister not only to express the words but that their hearts shall be full of thanksgiving i ivae to the goi god of heaven wh who has com dished through our agency this in mighty ig h t y and extraordinary labor Thirty nine nine years ago today to day the fenn datin stone the tha corner stone of this temple v was as laid and aad in reflect reflecting io ana ink ing upon the wonderful wonder tul lul blessing 3 that god ad has beat bestowed ovied upon us chis his people during daring this number of years that have passed cassea since anat time we wish tl tle e samia saints to feal when they pronounce this thia I 1 shout that it comes from their hear hearth tg let your hearts be filled blied with thank ti vinz tho the speaker then gaye out the following words worda hosanna II osanna 1105 anna hosanna to bogod god and the lamo amen ameo amea amen and continued now when we RO go before the temple and this thia shout goes dorthye for fort thye hwe want eairy y manan man and devery every woman to shout these words to 10 the tory tery extent of their voices so BO that every house in this city may tremble embla tr the people in every portion ci cf this city hear it and it may reach to the eternal worlds Preal president dent snow then proceeded to 0 o train tho peoble in the bosan bosanny nr shout the effect of which waa thrilling aai and grand APOSTLE M LYMAS LYMAN said in substance if there is vs any scene on the face of this earth that will attract the attention of the god of heay haayen on and the heavenly hosts it is ia the one bufore us today to day t e assembling of this people the shouts of llosa niia the laying of the tot top stone of twi this 3 tul temple P 18 in honor to our god my bretherd br ethern aisle sisters ra and wo we want to 0 o finali firl isil this temple we want to dedicate it unto god as soon as we can so that tae tie vast host who dwell in thie thi region of the country may po go into it and attend to the 0 din finances dinac ances cea for their living and lor gieir i nope we snail a all lay this to heart and try and furnie means so BO far as we can in order that the building buil may la be speedily comple completed tel we wa are able as a people to do una I 1 realize that there aro are many calls upon upon our hands I 1 well remember hor dav and hour when the first revelation for the redemption of our dead was receive d by bv the of tle tie Prop prophet of uj j nho can comprehend this cheri is the man or women who can comprehend this principle that we have the power to go into this temple of ou god anti and redeem our pro progenitors genit ors our fathers and our mothers irom i whom we have dec decender ended they never heard the gospel ahey never f tt ti e i which you aud I 1 have in our day and time ahr through 0 ugh die mercy of G gw gi i we are ara their they are on the other side fide of 0 the veil icil shut up 11 in prison anti and will remain there ual their eons bons and eo ae into these thes holy hely places and redeem ahrin as jesus ivus went to preach to the spirits in iti three davs and three nig nights ata his body lav in the tomb some of them had laid their a long time th usall i of al up to the lime when clairl was crucified a d HIS hie went to them in prison PRESIDENT then proceeded broce eded to enlarge upon the blessings 14 enjoyed unloved by the latter jay saint in regard t A their works in the Tem temples liles and ana eaid he rejoiced in the knowledge that the joseph smith Pies president ident brigham toung Tu ug heber 0 kimball and others ethers formerly associated with them and this great artter day work on ti the earth were rejoicing to day at what they h ey saw and heard the shout of 0 i H hosanna sanna would enter into the presence of god and they would rejoice I 1 th chwat arost go far ats we wa carried out oat the purposes pur pres zes which god had placed ilacad it tipon pan us ua and the responsibilities upon p 0 us when we got through here we debould h u 1 d have the privilege on the morn inz ing of tho tha resurrection of sitting dowa with abraham Abrahim isaac and aud jacob and those of our rala relatives tives who have bave already passed away in the family organization of tho the celestial world for ever and ever eter the choir sang saag the terille anthem benediction by president george Q C cannon annon th the arranged in process groces gion marched to the he grounds adjoining the t he temple at about half past eleven the work of arranging the tha priesthood I 1 se according cording to the various orders and the organization of the procession was superintended super intended by bishop john K R winder the stand was elevated about flight eight feet above the lev leveloff elof the ground its ita base was decorated with national bunting to the left at 01 the main tand stand was a platform occupied by the tabernacle chr choir neap nea the tha south east corner of the position occupied ley tt ti e general authorities was another stand it was waa also ale decorated with national bunting this platform was wa occupied by elder stephens conductor and joseph J daynes organist band occupied a po position immediately east of the choir the Caps capstone tons march com composed by 0 J thomas and dedicated by permission to the first presidency was played by holds helas baud the th tabernacle choir eang eana an anthem the temple anthem words by 0 L walker music by evan stephens was wa sung by the tabernacle cleir president george Q cannon exhibited to the immense concourse conconi se of peo pie a polished brass plata er engraved graved lay david mckenzie it was announce announced a that this plate diate would bo be laid in vilh the capstone together with the following articles book of mormon book of doctrine doctrin 0 and Co covenant voice of warning spencers Let letters tira key to hymn book bible compendium pearl of great price and some other books also photographs of joseph nd hyrum smith brigham young john taylor wilford woodruff george Q C cannon annon and joseph F amith and a aboto photograph raph of the salt lake temple as it now stands etc was offered by Pre president eident joseph josaph Y F smith the choir sanz grant us ug peace architect joseph dona don carloa arlos couig young shouted scouted from the top of the temple the cap capstone stene is ia now ready to be laid WOODRUFF stopped stepped to tho the front of the th platform and said eaid A attention all ye y housa of israel and all yo ye nations nation s oi of the tha earth we will now lay the top stone of the temple Templo of our god the foundation of which was laid and dedicated by the prophet seer end and revelator brigham young president woodruff then pressed the button thus thos opening an electria elec trie current to a contrivance connected with the capstone the latter being thui thi released and placed in position the immense concourse of people led by bv president lorenzo snow shouted the helanna in concert hosanna bobanna bo aanna sanna hosanna ho aanna to god and the lamb amen amen amea and amen this was waa dono done thres three times time each shout being accompanied by a wal walting waiving ting ol of handkerchiefs except when the names of god arid and the lamb were uttered the spectacle and effect of tho the shout about was grand beyond dek description the emotions of the multitude being stirred up in the gabat gaea greatest test intensity of devotion and enthusiasm the choir sang the spirit of god like a fire is ig burning APOSTLE F M LYMAN said six nintha ninths a ago 0 o it was last october president woodruff expressed in a council of the presidency of the church charch and the presiding authorities of the stakes and wards that he be desired to live to see fee tho dedication of this temple it was the feeling in the hearts of the brethren present that a an n e effort should be made to accomplish that work next april it will be jact forty years from the time of the laying of the cornerstone corner stone of this temple and I 1 have hava a resolution to otter to assembled israel today which embraces the ground covered by a resolution sug suggested ested by our brother willard young believing that the insi ins actions 0 of f president woodruff ir respect respecting inz the early completion of the salt lake temple is is the word of the lord unto us I 1 propose that thia ibis assemblage pledge themselves collectively and individually to furnish as fast as it may be needed all the money that may be required to con complete allete the temple at the earliest time poss i ble so that the dedica tim may mav take place on april j 1893 brother laman then stated chath that ha would head a subscription list with I 1 a dart atida of one thousand dollars to aid in the attainment of the object expressed in the resolution music alusic by the band clodin closing anthem by the tabernacle barnacle Ta choir song of the redeemed comprised composed by evan stephens president george Q cannon then pronounced the bece benediction diction conference adjourned for six months |