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Show Midshipman Robert B. Eddingfon to Wed Miss Vera Bell Hansen in June Two days after his graduation from the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., in June, Midshipman Mid-shipman Robert B. Eddinrton will take charming June Bride-Elect . . . - Miss Vera B. Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alma Hansen, Salt Lake City, as his bride. His parents par-ents are Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ed-dington Ed-dington of Springville. Announcement of the approaching approach-ing nuptials was made at a prettily arranged luncheon on Saturday of last week at the Aviation club in Salt Lake City. Centering the serving serv-ing table was a battleship of gold and blue blossoms with alternating streamers leading to white anchors which revealed the date June 8. The future bride selected a cocoa brown silk suit accented with pink accessories for the occasion. Among out-of-town guests at the luncheon were: Mrs. W. R. Eddington, Springville; Mrs. Mark Eddington of Provo; Mrs. Henry W. Thomas of Malad, Idaho and Miss Jeanne, Sandell, Idaho Falls, Idaho. The wedding ceremony which will take place at the U. S. Naval Academy, will be performed by Chaplin Muril C. Young in the Academy Chapel. The bride has chosen Miss Sara E. Hanson to be maid of honor; Mrs. Mark Eddington of Provo, matron of honor; Miss Pat McEl-roy McEl-roy and Miss Jeanne Sandell of Idaho Falls, bridesmaids. Mark Eddington will perform the best man duties for his brother. The ushers will be Donald S. Sam-is Sam-is of Stratford, Conn.; Frank L. Roach of Erie, Pa.; David E. Cannon Can-non of Washington, D. C, and Ronald Gamble of Reno, Nev. Miss Hansen is a former student stu-dent of the University of Utah, where she was affiliated with Alpha Phi. She was an AROTC sponsor; was chosen as 1950 Queen of Kappa Kappa Psi, Miss Home Show of 1951 and was selected as "Drag of the Month" at the Naval Academy. Robert attended the University of Utah, where he was affiliated with Sigma Nu. He will graduate, from the naval academy June 6, and will then be given his assign- : f , : i I ' - X- '" ' ; 5 ' i '"'- ' - i Miss Vera B. Hansen ment in the Navy Air Corps. Honoring the couple, an open house will be given at the home of the groom's parents when they return re-turn to Utah following the marriage mar-riage ceremony. i Mr. and Mrs. Eddington, Springville, Spring-ville, and their son Mark and wife of Provo are planning to go to Annapolis, Md., for Robert's graduation grad-uation and the wedding. |