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Show MAGGIE FORKXKE'S FALL. The Notorious Woman Swept From Court on m Wave of Derision. Tlie trial of Joseph Barton, the deposed superintendent of the territorial reform school was pushed to a speedy termination before Judge Miner yesterdny by United Stales District Attorney Varian, who declined de-clined to stand upon .Maggie. Korkner's frail romance andordered a dismissal. I'pon this signal tlie court instructed tho jury to return a verdict of not guilty and the accused wulked from the chamber amid the demonstration of exultant friends w hile the notorious w itness was tossed out on a crest of derision and scorn. This is another lesson In tho law regis, len d and another seviro rebuke administered to fallen womanhood. The particulars of the charge on which Mr. Barton w ns indicted were r ccitcd jester-day jester-day in these columns, when the wrecking of tlie linn of Prind le, Forkiu r A Co., w as referred re-ferred to. Maggie, as tlie prosecutrix took the stand, her mother being one of the principle, spectators. Before tho grand jury Muggic had told that the defendant accomplished her ruin through force and violence. Yesterday she mod l lied her story while in the bunds of Judge Henderson and with unblushing candor reiterated what she had confessed in the evamiuution of Marshal Parsons that she had voluntarily chosen a life of shame and meant to pursue it as ark.n as she whs discharged from tlie. peni. tenliary. She then tcstilird under oath that the defendant had not, as she had told the grand jury, resorted to violence, but that she had gone to his apartments and consented con-sented to tlie act. Those who were present when District Attorney At-torney Varian heard this say that his dark locks begun to quiver and turn red. Maggie had lied with Ihe utmost xii.t7 rivW, and was making an honorable man in a lofty position accessory to the conspiracy. It was scarcely a surprise to those 'who bad seen Maggie's conduct in the Parsons in-quiry. in-quiry. In that she. had lied on points that were of no material interest. Already the prosecution had giown shaky aud not a man hut holds Mr. Varian iu higher esteem this afternoon. What course the law will now take to rage Ihesc hunnm cobras is not announced. I Confessing prriury there would be no dlill-ciiit dlill-ciiit y in io. king her up and tlmt otli- r men I nun i'e priteeie.l the piMseculiou w ill prob-i prob-i ably aili ise it. |