OCR Text |
Show THE 7 Ades lj Corlolanu Oe s Friday.) the for "Some-Educational Heter abay.' , uo 0 2: Ge a Schaufelberger sill = sing; ' Miss C cilias "be. a BP will play; £ red Grahani will sIve a vor al selection;' Prof. Schettler Will be a ey =. heard : be in: a guitar ‘election of year. an ee solo::;: Ganz reviewed "The Divine in ‘a. by nar ae \" The tt Ye will. - bé - ME |Paper for SES‘ « ? Pi how so the much day "What Utah Z Children." oie! g AMlictéd Is (mestine. Monge: clubDb will The Bayview will J nee 7 aa ape i a " Sinclair ips te fley a an now among edu among sald -ofsth notice It' is school life by and Germany , any Wdopted. o0ov next sup) 2. two years hasas lor long took Was the An place as reform election follows: $150 for ‘of eretary more Wednesday i e1 oer Doing oie i buen: > : of Mr Blue," N ine thee > . tah , gray ie pas Bigham elds tne e trattne| » ¢ 7 a nee Friday:. president, ‘ : : Sea ee George Miss Ethel athet ean Moyer: for secretar I Joel Priest: f tary fi oer jam WDrueh!; for Cwitehlow for int for mam id of I Ha , a Se J Th G. Polly Alfred The meni ‘bride Charles man smelter R. for ey eion REPORTS ae on wore of committees for ! wation ere ROR URE After R. Sree K Mr the Chaminade will be ea TeRU rose after-| the pen necting of the eit? { rh vl business men | The (24! day to All 7 5 Thursday be Cl e% i}] ; mi: a held In 2 ing from for . carried of hono the. J. with B. | of the the United treatment Best FOIA in , ge Woman Mrs. of hed guestsby were her for 1 M1 Th -clott tt OT nd subject, the Aver- | ih May of The music was furnEber 4 numbet1 present.Halland‘all enjoy- the: 1 "in he The clubs the House wills CASE Will be pliee 5 Middle of rater uve sy "CMondey) OV. -OMLOLS OS LODO, in Lhe wit club givehouse. on n lkZMrs. x nings ee as April D. C.. to present esday the plans on committee The Wore (Bilt i]bl white wn SY AR MD yim Ff ale Liit and ; { The : Tourtst ‘hut : Te Coalter, nd h skill in the ‘ Mather | \t show s to Buc cis ill secure a SO ate Wo if di = ea arte rat ~ u beh the rane aomna our Sloat » Mrs. r PAM cad Pa rt ‘ a as z a will) muon ct} of Edna a: house Biee look). ‘leofd Kapha en State Sete ‘ and om ERS ia go: 5 < an : : La ore ray iL we feed .in In at ~ heated. Rou herdicludes and. leaves‘Ss him ji Mars, combs itmrels, sth ce! ant UA refoFmiing: cas Hy ' leads arke A here' (nthe : ' a \ i ao, batt hev"eays} rhe whtully the eed ds love power he upon her that won Jasted her for him is into = = « deep, had over, only instan © ¢ and and eee and js any Boys an troupe en the€ work Concert . : enviable of of Enterprise to*be 1 iluential people its : body f of Thus | in‘the first place that she ehose mid. °sister, maid of of the. ik wh hy ah of Ma sutbing ge ae t cathedral F . the this "ahagel Pyper " | but- | "advertising annou this ced and is the vich : comes. as result of the 27. $ and Y Ball j educators, Ht portant as braces. the university. | to child" an tdeal anne may stranger to. : The following z " - ; ee IMPORTANT WASH GOODS | W present voice greeted jenzierl's the an. ideal The' "of | result of OF . agein scored patterns. a bargain Regular in checks, stripes and rich sitk . lustre, oe and .a 33c, 50c and Ail Day, but Monday 60c. Only FLOUNCINGS AT of been of the ps Nixies. Play' | 2 108 iS to of Flouncings, 2 exquisitely worked on } thou Pe i ne n bolt sheer is rou Snap ; White or. CEN Aehy for to are ; os 7 Monday Finished TURN . ; 2 to 5 p. "OVER im mm, : GOLLARS F in ; wid 15c° a Neatly embroidered White Swiss Turn' Over Collars in a great va- $1.80 riety for 5 S a o'clock one of patterns, excellent er) : 15e Aes bade ae a4 eat a customer. a to T yout Sort yards 2. cH 5 ; oe : , : SPECIAL---MONDAY : EXTRA up three-houre wk ig eZ ONLY to Sf at 69ce-in Gents Furnishing ae Section. beautiful line Shirts fronts, . , of Golf , , in plain a or pleated it colored cfects-a bargain that will pay you to inspect. :A strikingly white or Taney S veal d Mon ee aise Has: this They pa materials at M1 4 of GREAT SALE SPECIALS . Here's full yard regularly ~ 12 : yards 12 Values De only piece = ovclock., afternoon of ; a) he PresHtbEh rs y oh an every ies at : 6 Pieces yard This be-! at pri os operates - ica rgeon a ave A aie Le one ee ‘ aa ‘ an May ~ / aah time out in Dramatic on : Ine five ff Bargain : hands| sing "boy the when Tabernacle ae Ear ;week:, this [english Nainsook, the leind --you pay rove (}) ]" halled | voices, embroidery THIS AFTERNOON ; Vrom (Sehu- | in " Von|@ whose in young: 2 effects, of 53 Profes- | everywhere those by. yards YARD as- ov nwt whom | ™ = triumph. price EMBROIDERY EP hundred hea eae ale sale on most) of Grenadiers' chorus work - training - ; s what} "association: the "Song ave delight |Pppearance the i cee Superintendent MGs feat id, "their work Is so" felt li hy Teen delightfully artistic." ‘Phere is an i inof local part the on effort ie ‘est und leaitatots to ReCUFE: De popular priced ee SALE. 32 inches wide snd are in great demand: this seasom for waists and the ae , ; new 2" and. 3.* flounced skiris,.as well-as for children's dresses. Not a yard in the lot worth less than $1 and many of them up to $1.50 2 yard-go the assoctation,which: emteaching ‘staff of Chieago'! This. body - engaged the) |Merker's "Two mann), or the | Saturday GEO. L. BAKER ‘ of best ‘ the LILLIAN DAV end 0 ay | Nn 69 y; C e ents oa ei : = A Great " i American troers Stage ho fo wend Prom dic nee judi fumnty as GLORY PROCTOR \ Message a a LAWRENCE and- William clock - ‘ Waist Sale | Direction Pang al that Fifteen Hhoroush, Mratnlus ‘nasa scan' the | jiboys . A Career Unpara!led in the Annals ngeey quietly order Boys. Several times in -the past season| "Roney's Boys' have been called to sing before educational bodies as im- | CHRISTIAN values commerce---outside talk as no other Pyinducements can or do: Monday Ss Helen as' in Roney's be presented fer those interested' in : the ; musical. education of 5 our Amertcan ee Easter Miss of por ees work sivei in such num-| bers Sas oung Lenzen's rendition of |; 'rroterer's"‘Deathless) Army," Master Rowerfal se . ‘ Caine's: Store---is ° > it, providing field of ee 23 eyCENTS A s Success Greatest The friend: assortment . / \warmly 28 the { | : as at MERCERIZED WASH TAPFETA Tartanoe Plaids, . Silk wie styles with the , - SALE : In Puck Matinee : eternally _-_ HEAT BE Sco2-Pver Children's the merchandising. Monday, 12 Yards to a Customer at 19c. a Yard jwith & In, Te acted o unusual meri re-engagement lis & keep Cash IMPORTED the scarce - | CBRE. APRiL p we 4 by announce- ey Manager adies' oy for o progressive * that AN circulation AKE surprises e of ' THAT WILL CROWD THE DEPARTMENT THE ENTIRE DAY. ; ‘Tuesday on That - Start! | 3190. or ts ee Mars | epe briae " Barr 55 ¢ in Salt Head ol r from "Messenger Mars"da spiel week Is from) - a | One as . it 1 a ‘dobooatad 1 ustorys: \ narried "PHONES, at carried thevbride, ‘ MRE groom, was at inull.and : carrie 7 L. T." * special offerings They . ak whe palms, honor, att just : L ee ceremon ohn - of et . Agreeable spice of the Auerbach pants is RB rests. the . woman Be sure to g ° is for the public such uid aruept ; its of use -"B. never every giv- body sO Many theat | J i-Dee"; , a in which take part. s for regen , presenting influe. = - Company, entertainers an ; Lake should dl play. distinction opportunity ' before - abe 3 in Ee for Bargains divest- ‘Ne hay to er - Honey's is appears: in: uppea@rs ‘makes hi renee is oe eke . aa Sa great sermon. It heart, ' and than a not an [give ‘away all the mosey | |*'" less was an ed hi o furAt coat bs " f Gal the garb of a tramp, t=: ene epee them | 2 ders Biss <-Kuts a a re"CA‘Ale 5a a a sudde hive ee! stine pinnist ith when' "fron Oaof nan. wonder- _‘| 2°! Of the country. aie ci on Bical . St eoceton ah bank. a of f H . Her he his | Papa | |} wor | FRIDAY AND SATURDAY oeSs ieee gey Shcailiy Miss'Matgaret I. eeting s Call 3190, either "phone, to get The iter-Mountain Republivan, e- ni in the ‘ cing d‘immediate ‘a Tamty eat, least BOTT a a 25th. wedding t kot Ne rhe Haas, fited Wells | brother . end . |2i'ee! Willlan |' snactm ‘yrarents rrormes the' roses Ma Edna oo: by who Among. story, - oge "Nufangl' _Wwear, al . Terhetac LS; : Oop soeldat 1 front in hates H.| yrhe aublects : be- ee ale management being com|pelled to make a change in some of iets California dates owing to the which has befallen tl lat ;icatastrophe Cat I whien nas efallen | section we , e e- corse: how i! our ur we So cannabis, the "Sininie room read') tian ees 2a) = Raves eu erate the Th solemn- 4 Deal pretty : nes OSe OOo by giveu be Tis 1 he - Ye me. % ee but' Weslurrit A ; willbe will bride's charming j erie Cee rr Lh iper quiet J Mig: re wooing Bure |& Surprise, a Day eae. bread w bread with "Wun- <i Dip our toast in "See-Lon" tea night. M. the of Dis ut CO Lelgh B. be - Clore ‘thought | Only much earn, Clint Mrs. tre s Immigra- suitors. art, and the public seized a . . Return privileges | ee F AMILY. vou ‘ wears se e.% ne te a t ae( et) 0 ‘ifs | mentrit; isay om lweriee r ho bore names as old as| But. the young violinist | romantic taken only as|2#" actor of It tis is amone iong|| . This early . } trother's r-ce sus Beat POAT ll i oean co fe eee ash faby Wears the "Di-Do The wedding Uf aiige Eva lista Fishes e dies -regulat r hand! Kahn Tenn pand» Rex Winder' laakplace: temple. weaned afternoon. eve ning a reception was held Chine showed A Tl ednesday lsaac ‘ete it | 2Pewte < y are nM} Shoah its ao a tol aeike mou i a Miss ul held club Literary ing core a /th Fle (uci neoretarnofebaelalProctenin ' . MIaGeCSMAIGS Martha oe ster potter tvl t yu hat wit! Mi oses. MIS married willbe. Tollerton FSLoufs) Wednesday evening, the pin: Pein juested to be present as important | ‘ ‘other Message = 21.-Ac-| Die next Wed-| Disht of on May not be able on eee sday 2 ,THE NUFANGL place : an 7 ba miss h a : oe ee o ection are (tee j home ine aimmie wre 2 oOof b morning? only Kubelik.' vot. as t Service [2'aing OWs cum and" The marriage of Miss nurs and "WR H ox _ ite a |. of the Hike, z oor Next} . Conmmittec the Spectal Washington, ; took toshen. hun chapel. sectlon riot of dh hero egotist. atten~efg ist. Filey"e tad is, ‘astronomy-and lex . ‘ > | stars. : mn Shenae titen ee Hopotlar > brestcs: hed werrii Fe tanaien=' violinist and his beautiful wife clety leaders have not only flocked o his concerts, but have arranged | elaborate receptions, banquets and at|! homes in their honoi _ WEDNESDAY Taken by Miss Grace z Young were | Mother wears the "Nushape" Hhes wore lit it ait c Jacob be-Tuesday,; Memorial Decoration fame typical ps ane | he. possibilities that. Chairman Net S I es bride Radcliffe | o'elor ed. the social hour, during.which re-/ i... ‘saghmehtoaweres-aerved: theas next |r x . ents mecting [oea the and not -about,the young ert Y ay he managed to : overcome, a wae the ui , | matter that this may be iin \ tentative : arrangement trip Tangemen and' S ety a Tey lize A ieak white oa bride's | i home { oe ny vVeading : Vhen andc} } was! a ee Me and dacob(A abn wil be solemn | "UneSraahetingt ase States." of Education sce 0 a ess e Pai Pal Kee awe the! j ee eee many ¢ must toll, ‘that ee eee tna ieee: tah ig tite Feet not wt. ete friends in. the 208 MAIN ST. seg he-=per- owing: a, regarding Mars he -uttend week to es Has te tricken ol | Califo -uncer- cits t { OS Sasterr ore ia Mor will Oat L QUAYLE And es JOHN STORM (New Specially Selected New York ipAny. Verdict : of the Press Greand ard The Drama of the Decade. Indorsed by the Clergy. dvenings PRICES i $1.50 to 25c., Mat. #1 to 250. 4 N) tO. 606 fa fy. iy Cour PML OLa} nights A commencing Sannuclé neethls We Great | emcees ng | Scenery Scenery, com | A CARRIED RRI venings . { NA tonteht. or THE GREAT Bs tr Pamous Entirely Aan er BY = lice fe Wednesday Pepietis Vhrittine and denid Love, MUKPi 1.26 Climanxes. : oath it ick and' Mir. Patt with k ers : tes Seer ree | the Sketch Parcical k ¢Slick THE Speen Throwers. Boomerang Australian a NEX Dick." Fvery wher A aT | stag) ma Truc' Hex i he : sem, Sal- re Singers aaa and PASSMORE i}. Daneers 7 ae te RAYMOND TEAL NELLIE In MAGUIRE. Coster NDAY--- coring: yer Too.te TE ae or short ality : . different Re RE dns) i seat : OF at OS - ees SOR ae CRSILL here er MIN Great Combination ot Juvenile Musical Peete Evening, Saturday, May Piano Used. Clay ton 3 Musi iy e i eur for Ma- men oT upon fie Ca- regulat today only. : 9OSc. Talent. 5, Co,, CEE SEASON'S Dis DRAMATIC. pena ( NOVEL (ST ie moyat a ieme | ' iin eal | a <_ compan the eaten ay on a ! an 1 : 5 mg } DIE aT . uy bibl ng orn f los excelicnt 3 vette Ere who "Ther: \ . mac were ar the neeS EDOY people sem bits mee Ther t wit tn It ne & u Th points in his com tertalns | REPUBLICAN You u on mid { Le i ae made to laugh while vou are being,; i ose vo ba) - i heal We | the Theatre hee re CIONCO) ta i ngs) Barkerrivealac the | nbeaouaie i i j a worked | REN : i fas I a etc bae pe cps PA | pnd et Agents, April 24 BY POPULAR REQUEST dramatic situations in at that stand t 1906. eee ONE oniy, : nN Steinway Swiss, erOTH ee Liki. ‘i MS - and po broad ea dotlec aos i+: H with é; ee o ¥ ve ent MI ne UD | vatitee ana TABERNACLE, Afternoon t e2 PROCTOR ii on 7 i Lingerie Lawn, : aC eT rah "Honey's Boys' Concert Company, |) { oS A 3 mts le he Engage ie \ yy EY === 7 a s sleeves, Sheer designs oe ae CARMEN: = Every eve me (except Sunday), 25c, 50c, and 75 cents Matinees, Tuesday, Thursdey. end Saturday, 10c, 26c, 50c. s A MESSAGE neds Sarr = tei . DAVID Songs THE KINODROME. 8 AUS Reiurn , ri AND ; iiftty 4 PY PS te matinee, TE A : RAWSON AND JUNE. FERGUSON 4 « SALLY ae da ae te LAKES CURTAIN et Wales Raye is CRANES V record Satumtey iIncelle nt, 4 CGcore¢ Feet, the her Det: Comedy a vw N ESCAPESIN: THI BAI LOO . COURT HOUSI 4 iy "SOON WORKING OF WHE CHEE B DPGUbS re Magician FULLER, ROSE & COMPANY {in s ehivent long fine nel ah. mative BLIGE ue e aCe EPITZGERALD on ee with Deserted Peonte ALBINI. Necronmmouncer Master og ha! eal ni | emer A hat Powerfil Comedy -Dranias ee and é fuel Sophowmw |) neoF perEcrivEs World vaists. EAE $2 GOS ee re and $1.50 WAISTS for eee e eee eee eee } PRODUCTION COMPLETE MPLETE | ties 7 = lc Eerie 4 Tr i Company. ma TT 55 aE LAE GRE RETIREE SAINPOLIS a of Valenciennes eth "| JOHN wiee ie nebkoo gi st yester- ents aces is Direct wire for all sporting events. ALIVE © in way and his arrange-| strong mem-|him iridget blacks the stove with coer "y Uses "Klee-Nit son the floo . Vilboen ite=erush she scrubs the Handle of the bie front door Wy w » , , tust isheries th en Poomedy: - on Passler ee SMOOT the | Vote Lele ; man ie newls EO, ated ul le went at once to housewont It c and will be at home to their interesting pro- | friends at 40 Delmar avenue Mr Hauxhurst ' paper on. the The wedding of Miss Juliet Marks citaerios ot te Cited Staten the own week, Mekean oe e : taiy ed Muesda ! A. Wight A ver ramme was gives an a comprehensive ing. : ot Young, beautiful, rich and accomplished, , the Countess. Czaky-Szell had . aKy-Sze1) Na a} ipread ‘PT oe "The visit a by the money he a and his fine castle, a pietu of appeared in the "Re Siblic an re-j| with mercial club building ALL whocare |were in white and carried baskets of ek vill} 3 ‘ ts im terestec rest i cheI is work: will'be cor-|'‘marguerites and ferns. Little Kath-| qaanly comed rine Slade = F ing be ate N ve W eee aceene Him. the bride. was| 224 elections will vote on the Smoot} Ment willbe met with approval there overGail pink silk, | 25° However,the soconsideration much uncertainty |!8Tistinct 10 doubt. as the comedy provedStara Moffatt. as attended of the} novelt and the young Men at rt A'S - ‘Born 0 Ge. wonder = ae made, {which memor-|in Were Deutithful with decorations | ish, Ken. Per anlrt | tomether al Be ve S the P. Burns, Alfred Kent{in every city has been Honizine both Willfam Week groom. » as : ' two Weel be delrte di i > . for ind H. Republican Californiy il Aca Sek) VX BAS ) oin=room.255:\Com if ‘ was, name The George fM.|ful post3 meeting |the i. its connection oe y She maid of the Afii: southern othe uy luli aey he the Cele-. committees committees act jcommittee ) Ines Moffatt Fear, | Pons ; olflee: nd itejdet 0 j mvited Ore :} Treble ther reer The brother narae com-| c rere decorated eth Wells, sister of inind white dotted swiss carried pink rose bal ae tare i ie will‘ I Pate year of of Jalveady bore the ttle of "King of Vio- |/{Pstantly Uanstorms him into a very Tt A Race Tanner, commander-in- chief | were the state encampment, Sat-|her left on the mid- | © I fon Gollan, poser for the da > The programme will he give by Mr Wetzell Y Peabod 1 Hoimmune Mit yx MIi Pisher Harris, Mi Neldet Ii utt ielad wl M iball ath ine RLS prettily Apostle iciennes ALS f With un acranpenente cklince conn: evening |} Borted i oes | "2*. post | | *! d appointed was ceremony r s ‘sow i 11 batiste embroid Mrs./a hand : oidered a Friday ue least ‘ violinist is Win her met at the hall In 1. O. O.| report on the progress| to Corporal and foy wedding was thiut Ine Wells and Doug-} » Were married Wedat the home of the tulon S. Wells The ening father was ICCASI( ection. of the Ladi me Peres t Wednesda 1 at clut / afelo . the club at ; rouse. AIL paso qe his 5s jthe PROGRESS. Memorial Day 7 Are Named. Gran commitice o hite | urday Molson n . bride's H_ | riat and Miller : . Ts feature ehit Bohemia. | an years | izin, " tsIs‘lord hora opposed . fe fice istice Ge of Seren Although to fee:the match = at | the M bebetask m lor }ir | } Wake I the G. A. _|F. temple p; took errs an Gor, | Buse directors, of at) St yg ie | being made for the entertainment of|many Molsor oriticasss best A. rial day: j A for for ic kenD. anke rh ht : Ma nl ee Lea Literary morning , Mrs. isher: Ganz; Mre ee Dart. ne rt vi Mrs Alvah L { cor yonding White and tre ure. rcrith MI ris al& l first. Klein- | Miss \V rost | For: | Mr. a and Wife interesting from among so many formidable | by Mr. and Mrs. Russell G Schulde nd er gay arc ee to meet at their) sultors, but it is so strong now that i ind Mi Molson lef ny } 28 nel Oso ". te ee Saturday }she leaves the twins, 15 months old night train for L Angeles. On a evening. April 28, at 7:30 sharp. Thel]and the youngest girl, born last De-| return they will make thelr one in Es lowing hamed compose the George|cember, at home in order to: accom: i3.. Ms ll post committee for mem-|! pa Kubelik on: his ¢ oul Society i oe pie eee a) am ; Society second historian, MM Paul : Cae ° Kabelik's An topic Mrs, trimy ned with duchesse white hat with white arg e ha t I pias s and carried American | Ostrich the _ s ~ The groom is: one ‘of Salt Lake's prominent business men, having been the superintendent of the, xt next Mrs. WHI also. be 2, evening handsome "? | the. is > immodi-«| fon est. |(Jan Kubelik,.:thed famous Bohemian) for an caste ps rset on) ADEIL, Se" WATE Matthies dee the oene meeting || | (he bridalwere party and a ‘atfew a supper famiiy || ments "05% The committee = on friends entertained and the committee ae atte z and, . pat left for rip |Yyears. broadéloth lace, and a The > ot of touch' , eee ; a meeting | Beauty Summ Jones, is with oO the | Cathedral, Rev. of_| officiating fe re-elected chairman: Mrs Fishe issistant chairma! E an Ww ) The marriage lingeand P ingeand Perey beer Miss M seep tee . WEDDINGS. ; In Mr. Carnegie has given to carry on five vear ficers it it § gua aie ately etter the are at 3 | ately after the ceremony hold its 50 the: AuUStria os ution, ‘ mieihod tee He che wee child's France ete wit Sentaimber 2H: r Miss reform Jessup ‘Ingavespelling an informal talk on lan election ce ome' the which is attracting cators of net ons meeting tn ee, aiget Ben Pe on? |Her Literary. Current Harry -pleasitie Fire." ihe ne which Is : 7 beret ee ' Life t a. -T te " hy ‘ ae, > O84 EBT First street the Nurine = | Marianne Czaky-Szell;-yshe "4s sife \yWith MOL. Missio ‘st street. at Serene ne ¢ . Will be taken by Miss Foannré ie edi { The bride has been a popular teach- | daughter of one _ at the oldest bee Mrs; V. H:Pease will read a) er in‘ the Murray schaols for several | proudest families jir Europe; *And There officers of the efLadies'. cecvents ae t section - ae ily the club Friday:-afternoon, -Mrs. until clube TI eee on . ae the erimme i Veale { -e of held pr 1906 errr be last 22, ee will The APRIL eee club 27th. SUNDAY, fe bart | be gludyto-takeadvantage-of this op| portunity to witness the performance now that creassuring tidings of. safety ET RE the® CITY, OF The regular wae Literary the: year ,will be given. Rev. Frank |. Pay Eddy-..will . gitvevaneddved'os LAKE crewne s ewea: Sete meeting REPUBLICAN, SALT Prank! s Franklin } ceremony tailor-made Wor ' Hent "inde tha Sel SOS Ws there Ns Se eer : INTER-MOUNTAIN i work: for the co; y| day saft > he : ‘ ning | da cernoon. Bishop Gecided, .to "Anish, the Spalding performed the and : capa tra, and to The bride wore a stylish to discuss the | letens Ear in: oF x eae | itd Telus eS SS ee [, y 4 § J ! ' WOMEN |