Show MINUTES OF THE semiannual SEMI ANNUAL conference OF THE tiie OF jesus CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS CONVENED IN THE BOWERY bow BOM euy BUY ADJOINS ADJOINING G THE kortri KD END OP OF ylie TUB tabernacle GREAT SALT LAKE CITY olry AND elg cig CING eig MONDAY OCTOBER 6 1856 AT 10 AM I 1 president brigham baham young presiding oil on the stand presidents BrI Brg liam llam iam lam young heber C kimball and AI at graut grant of the twelve apostles IV woodruff lorenzo snow SLOW and FD t D richards seventies joseph young levi W ancock hancock II henry Iler ller zera juliber Pu liber lier iier A P rockwood benjamin L clapp aud and horace S eldred redge ge high priests an ats quorum john young president presiding bishop edward hunter patri ircle s john jolin young lind and itaho morle morie I lorley presidency of dle die stake david fullmer ruh FuH nier president clerk of conference leo re Report reporters ern ert geo D watt and J V lorg called to order by president D fullmer singing by the choir I 1 pres preb Brig brigan brigado Bri gao gan tiam liam young stated elated tat that be llie semian semi au aix nual conference was now open alid and that tile the first business was to forth forthwith wil wit 1 start assistance to those now on the plains called upon enose wiio who were willing to go or send teams to come to the stand and report p strying say ing that if therm there were wehe not enough tv hiams arriss teamsters ac volunteered ho fie would close the conference and with br start back to help those companies pres fres kimball remarked it is moved and s sc C I 1 that briganni youn young 1 lit hber litber ber C kinball Kiin klin ball bail and al G grafft go back to help the P r E funa fund emigrants unanimously pres prea B young spoke upon the neceE necessity sity of a reformation among amon tile the saints pres kim kimball ball bali tailed on the blacksmiths in n the congregation to retire as they were wanted 0 o shoe tile the horses hories and repair the wagons of thos those a bout about to tart to assist the brethren oil on the tile albins he lie then presented the of the church as follows brigham Br ighani t young president of tile tiie church of jesus barit christ of latter das day saints prophet seer and revelator heber lieber C Kiin Klin klimball ball first counselor prophet seer and revelator Jede dia dij al grant brant second counselor prophet seer and revelator orson hyde president of tiie tha quorum of the twelve apostles and parley P pratt orson pratt wilford W ilford woodruff fr jolin john taylor george A smith amasa lyman ezra T benson denson chas C rich lorenzo snow erastus elastus snow and frao Frap framklin Fr apklin arklin kiln kiin D richards members of said quorum eldest son of hyrum presiding patriarch john young president of the legli iii lir gh priests quorum joseph young levi W Hau nau hadcock haycock cock henry herrian zera albert P rockwood benjimin L clapp and H 8 eldredge presiding presidents over a I 1 the seventies john president of the elders quorum james 11 smith sinith and aaron sceva his counselors daniel spencer president of this stake of zion doll D david avld avid fullmer and thomas rhoads his cou sei sel bel ors heman hyde eleazer miller phinehas richards levi jackman ira eldredge john vance edwin D woolley john parry parrs winslow Vin slow siow farr william snow daniel carland Car nand ira atnes aines members of the tiie high council E iward hunter presiding bishop of the tho whole church leonard IV hardy and jesse C little h ins 19 counselors lewis wight Jent orthe of the priests quo u urn m william whiting and find Wm Smith liis his colitt sel ors mcgee ledee harris Pre scent stent of the 0 rum adam adain spiers and dvid bowman his hia counselors alexander hermn herron PreEl prebi president dent of the deacon deacons quorum john S carpenter and frederic A blit Mit chelt chelf ills counselors BOg birgham llam liam young trustee in trust for the church of jesus christ of latter day saints daniel H 11 wells superintendent of public works truman 0 angel architect for the church brigham young president of the perpetual emigrating fund to gather the poor 11 C kirn kim bill IV woodruff 0 hyde G A smith E T benson J M grant D H wells edward hunter daniel Spence bullock john brown wm crosby A lyman C C rich Lor lorenzo elize ellze D young P P pratt 0 pratt F D richards and daniel mackintosh his assistants and agents for s said sald aid ald fund george A smith historian and general church recorder W woodruff bis his assistant not one negative vote was given prest grant spoke upon the necessity of every mans having the moly holy ghost at all times anti and in all places prest kimball said it is proposed to divide the ward by 2nd and east temple street carried unanimously carried unanimously that john sharp be bishop of that ward and that it be designated the ward prest kimball addressed the con congregation e gation gatlon prest moved that set seth taft be dropped from his bishopric carried unanimously prest B young made a few remarks singing by the choir benediction by prest joseph young OCT 6 2 P ir singing by the choir prayer by elder E ellsworth singing by the choir elder C G H wheelock wheel ock expressed his feelings ins 17 on returning to the valleys of the mountains and while on his mission elder james ferguson bore testimony to the truth of elder Whee locks remarks rera rany arks arka in relation to the hand carts and appealed to the saints in behalf of those who are still on the road elder W C dunbar sung a handcart hand nand cart song and spoke of the joy and happiness that he had experienced chile while engaged in traveling and preaching for the last I 1 14 I 1 or 15 13 years and of the increased wickedness in the world and righteousness in these valleys elder eider edward bunker sketched the travels of his handcart hand cart company and alluded to their havin having be been en led by the lord all the way B elder ner oer ellsworth sung hand carts roll rolling 5 elier elder eider C G webb said lie he had assis assisted te to make the ahe carts and believed that they could be made to run one eighth easier and at the same time be much stronger spoke of the rin kin unfavorable favor circumstances under which the tho companies started this year also of the good influence of the brethren in iowa city singing by the th e choir elder lorenzo snow requested the returned missionaries to meet elder F D richards on the stand immediately at the close of the meeting benediction by lorenzo snow adjourned lo 10 tomorrow to morrow worrow at 9 a m 6 P hll A large number assembled in the tabernacle singing by AP alip chon choi prayer by eler ller john 33 aliis banks singing sl ngi n elder eider IV woodruff spoke in relation to the band haid c crt ft c irra inra Ps and on the nee necessity eity elty of mation matlon ellei eliel elii eill i john baks r ti lear icar sed sea some gome of his bis experience peri ence while on his mission in trie states ela EIA elder eider ie r david grant made a few feir remarks br willes bung sung this flew land of ours prest grant delivered a brief and powerful sermon on reformation Ilene llene benediction diction by eider elder edmund ellsworth OCT 79 7 9 A II 11 prest Rim kimball ball bail counseled the assembly to keep as still and quiet as possible singing by the choir prayer by prest grant singing by the choir elder daniel D mcarthur spoke on the necessity for the saints to live a prayerful life elder james mcgaw spoke of the benefits of the handcart hand cart system altern artern of emigration eider elder france re related abed incidents of his travels since since leaving the valleys and his experience while on oil his MIS mib mission sion slon in en hand tand elder david grant dd addressed the con congregation rega for a short time prest kumhall Kimt kimb tell requested the missionaries who have lately returned to come to the stand elder IV C dunbar danbar sun sung oh zion dear zion elder spicer IV crandall spoke of the blessings enjoyed by the handcart hand band cart company under elder bluer D D mcarthur McArt hur bur to which he ee was way attached elder IV C dunbar danbar sung we are going to dwell in famed utah elder N IL 11 feh fer alluded alin alln ded in brief to bismis hig his mission with elder taylor to establish the mormon eider elder elder J D T mcallister sung the cricket soil soll song bong r I 1 singing by the choir benediction by elder D spencer 1 2 P si singing by the choir prayer by patriarch john young c singing by the choir elder eider john bobill mcdonald made a few remarks relative to his mission patriarch john young referred to the 1st ast conyer conTer conference enck enci held in this valley 9 years ago today da 1 and contrasted it with the tile present E elder eider ider IL 11 W church testified to the truth of the work we arg ari are engaged in 11 1 1 elder eider caralie canute peterson gave an account of his mission to norway and at prest kimballs Kim balls request addressed the congregation in norwegian elder wm win butler related some tome of his experience peri ence while on his mission to england elder B boley oley spoke upon his mission in pennsylvania elder E B ellsworth bore testimony to the truth of the work of the lord and that joseph brigham heber and Jed jedediah jedediah edlah were prophets of the te lord br john woolley was voted to be bishop of the ath ward proposed Pio plo posed that the missionaries who have bare just returned go and strengthen their brethren throughout the territory of utah carried unanimously prest kimball gave a few words of advice to the missionaries prest B young moved that the conference adjourn to aarif ath 1857 at ioa loa 10 a in m at this place prest grant calle called d upon the bishops and all other persons to live their religion prest B youn young exhorted the people to let the words of br grant sink sini into their hearts and stay there and blessed the congregation in in the name of the lord elder IV C dunbar danbar sung 1 I would be a mormon the choir sung Awake put on thy strength oh zion prest B youn young closed the conference with prayer |