Show REMARKS by elder daniel spencer 1 bower awtry y sunday oct ot 6 5 1850 I 1 I 1 REPORTED br BY ZV LONG iong beloved saints I 1 am very happy happ to come into your presence this morning it isi is whal I 1 have been antici anticipating patin t for some time but I 1 realize far more than I 1 an anticipated t d and anil linder lender r such circumstances I 1 ae am fru iru ly see sep so many of you on 1 1 am surprised and greatly so to see th the improvement that has been made durin during myah my absence ana and nd I 1 feel gra grateful tefol for the digree degree paree of of faith that I 1 is felt and enjoyed by the th e citizens of this thib place j As Im president ident youn young ha has hag laid out the text I 1 will not make any preliminaries but very cheera cheerfully respond to the subject matter itis is our brethren and sisters that are yet on the plains that have been brou brought ht from the old countries under much anxiety by president richards and as you will vi ail ill understand and tt it is a new project to have our good brethren to come com e out by hand carts many thought it impossible but the faith that the pe people sopt COPT had I 1 in the words of president young caused them to come forward and we now feel convinced that it is the best way of emigrating the saints to this city fhe nhe gnp saints received the word from president richards with glad hearts as you yon will perceive by the numbers that have started many of the people that started with plenty of means to come through with teams divided their means to help those that th had bad none and enrolled th as pullers bullers of carts and such circumstances are common this season they devoted all to assist the poor and they have felt cheerful che erfil in id getting up this handcart hand band cart carty system much exertion and labor have been required and I 1 may also say SAV that great fatigue and perplexity have been experienced in searching out those that were the most suitable and to lead their minds aright that they might milt acknowledge the prophet of god and a acknowledge ck ledge god in carrying out un an institution that lie he had established and they have all felt to contribute to aid and assist to carry hose things into effect and all the brethren that have been associated with me in carrying out the scheme have labored faitha faithfully ully ally in everything which they have been set to da do well now we feel for tor those brethren and sisters thit that are still upon the plains for we have been with wit th them inthe antl e old countries and seen their faith falth and diligence dul dUi gence arid and now we feel to plead with you on to assist them there are those of you t that at came into the valley with teams deaia ago and that have had the opportunity of accumulating property many 0 of L you are not preachers but out you nave have got the power to help them you have the opportunity of showing your zeal real and love for the truth and for the Jiing pim dom dolln which god has established for the benefit of the children of men the emigration ig late quite late but it is useless for me to undertake to explain why it is so they are late but the faith of those that have been associated with them is that the tile god tod of heavenhill heaven will control the elements providing that you my ray brethren and sisters render them that assistance which he has his given you ability to do to the text that we have heard is thit th it tt we nye should raise sixty mule teams and there is no doubt about gout doing it if we only make it a matter of today to day they are the lads that will come forward no nov noi it is not that portion of the community that wait until tomorrow to morrow the lord ac docs 3 not honor such persons ha he wants i his people to turnout turn out on f be he suggestion of the 1 and if you will do this you yon will see your youn brethren come in re rejoicing j rl and the severity of the elements wil will be kept back according to the promises made to them by the of G god 0 d yo A st recollect this is a great work ic are per performing formin and they have done this to honor our prophet and to carry out his designs here are many of you who have spent 10 or 15 years in the church and you on have the means to assist them and this is the duty now required at your hands they were told when they came into iowa that they could not go through the peo people pie there tried to persuade them that it was impossible to carry out such an experiment but they believed our words many of them are old members of 12 or 15 years standing in the church they landed in in iowa without tents or anything to shelter them from the storm and the most severe storm came upon them the first night and wet everything they possessed and many thought they were doing going to be ruined for all their clothing was thoroughly orough ly saturated and quite a number of them were afflicted with the rheumatics and other diseases but we told them it would not le be so we told them they should be blest and that the disease should not continue upon them but that they should be healed heated the next day many of them said they were much better and the second day they said they were quite well and as I 1 passed them on the plains the they said they were entirely free from disease god od had honored the words of his prophet and he had honored our words through heir obedience this is the glass class of people that are comini coming up to zion by hand carts they will honor go god and those whom he sends amongst them aud and these are the people you are called upon to assist dont yon you believe that it will please god for you to do this yes brethren and sisters be assured that irwill it will please the almighty for you to comply with this call and to aid and assist those that have rendered obedience to his servants they will be blest and you on will vill be blest who may assist them I 1 feel kappy happy in talking about them and have from the commencement and though many have raised objections to the scheme still I 1 bair bail have always foft felt blest in advocating and defend defending in it and so has his every ever one who has taken th this is course and you my brethren and sisters will be blest provided that you on re respond ond to this call you shall be blest I 1 I 1 feel STI that at gol goj is waiting to bless you for this is his work and he will bless all who defend and help to carry it out I 1 make short i speeches as I 1 formerly did and there are many other brethren who have just S t arrived in iii your midat midst and you want to car nar hear them speak and I 1 do likewise there therefore fore forg I 1 will not dwell longer upon this subject but bat simply admonish you to do all you c cau can n to help 41 ui those poor brethren and sisters who are out upon the plains we are permitted to mako make some remarks upon our missions and I 1 fe feel ca glad for this privilege leire for the lord god has blest me during curing my absence from the home of the saints and I 1 rejoice that I 1 have been permitted to go out into the world and help in the work opo of god and I 1 feel happy and come homa home rejoicing to find that I 1 have been able to contribute to the comforts comfort 4 and happiness of mankind I 1 have brave been among the English Saints I 1 have traveled in ireland scotland and wales and some little in france denmark and sweden I 1 have visited vis cited almost all the conferences in england and have formed acquaintance with the brethren in all the european missions I 1 have a knowledge of the saints and I 1 am happy to say they are in good condition and enjoy saz say a good deal deai eal eai of the tho faith that you do here and the faithfulness of the elders has done thern them great credit and it was remarked of one place by ty elders pratt and benson on their arrival there that it was a second zion and where be br wheelock has been laboring a great work has been accomplished and great credit is due to b bm him m for his indefatigable exertions to build up and comfort the saints lie ile has labored a great deal in birmingham and that vicinity and a great work has lere there been accomplished I 1 have the same to say of all the brethren that I 1 have been associated with especially the ars richards they are choice men and I 1 feel that I 1 have been associated with great and wise men the success that has attended their labors has been in consequence of their rendering obedience to the instructions they receive from here it has been our method and practise to attend to the instructions sent to us from this place and many of the brethren and sisters who are comin coming in are our fruits you see them coming in by it t thousands ou sands and it is in consequence of their having received the instructions sent from here and they glory and rejoice in that instruction because it works works out their deliverance we have llave been prepared to carry out all the instructions sent us without asking any questions great honor is due to the english as well as ahe the american elders that have been laborin laboring ol 01 with us men that have had no opportunity of deve developing lopin their talents previously have come up like giants and borne testimony of nhat they knew and their testimony has had a powerful powerful effect upon the minds of those who vilo eave nave heard them in dif dlf different derent parts of the earth not only those that hive have h ive lve rendered obedience to the go gospel but also upon others and they have acted like men of gad and I 1 here say that it makes me happy to tabor fabor with such men and I 1 teel feel blest in their society and we shall all be I 1 blest in such society for fri their heir only desire has I 1 been to build up the kingdom of god dod and they f have done so and they tave lave have now come back tha greater portion of them I 1 believe there are two or three yet remaining behind that went out four years ago and of the mission that went out with br FranK Frann frankiln frankila iia lin and there are some here of that number that have done themselves great honor while en engaged aged in the european mission during my absence my roy mind his has occasionally been here but I 1 have not had it drawn bax back too much so as to td neglect my business I 1 have had bad my mind on the lousiness business of that mission miss ibn and nive nave I 1 have trusted my family in the hands 01 ol the lord and those that were in this land for I 1 believed the lord would preserve them and on my return I 1 found it so brethren and sisters my blessing is with you and I 1 say may god bless you all amen |