Show REMARKS by president brigham young toung dow bow cry ery oct 5 53 1333 REPORTED niPO ETLI BY GEO CEO D WATT ivatts 1 I wish the most strict attention of the entire con coh gregar gregay in for if there is walking walling and talking within and around this bowery a great many mady vill will not be able to hear and I 1 request those who wish to talk and whisper to remove so far that they will not disturb the congregation today to day nor during the conference as the gsa osa embly tin lin undoubtedly will vill be very large if we could possibly build a bowery or a tabernacle that would bring briba the people so near to us that we would not hot have to speak so loud we should certainly do it but this we ive cannot for tor by the time that we could build a tabernacle for seating fifteen thousand persons i aber the speaker than are the outskirts of tais congregation the people 0 le would have so increased that we shourd should be ge just as far from our object as now I 1 shall require the people to be perfectly still ahne ie they are here and we are tryllis to speak to them let there be no talking Al whispering spering nor ihor sh effling of feet it would be beneficial for mo hers who have small children here vill will cry to leave the bowery if they cannot loep kiep liep their children still I 1 make this su sug t t alion in ill consequence of what has passed I 1 will say in regard to the sisters who bring children here to make a noise they have never yet vet thought nor sufficiently con their own place in this world iier the place of others othera to know that there is any oth tr person living on the earth but themselves and they think when they li hear ar people tal that i is a noise through a dark vail I 1 can nol noi sy s y much for the faucal education ion lon based on good feelan feet a that such persons have were I 1 to ap scribe be it in a plain way I 1 should say that they ate aie people of no breeding br aeji that they were never lerer bred but bul came tip up that is 13 about as good a character as I 1 can afford to give to any mother thit that will keep a equalling squalling squal ling child in a we meeting eting I 1 have never said to the thee con congregation rea look ook andlee who they are for you may ast anguish by your ears without looking the moth i s that nave have had good teaching and been brought up in civilized society so it is with some men and to the disgrace of sole of or 0 ir police I 1 will vill state that in conference times dij nid mij wid when we have unusually large semb us ies they will vill converse right in the congre congregation con gregat gaton n and just on the but outside side disturbing turbin the mo meeting ni eting I 1 would that we had a p lie jle e understood u good breeding if the I 1 potice police olice want to know how to manage to keep jeep order notwithstanding I 1 have frequently told them I 1 will now low tell them again instead of bhoj shou tj j silence lecel go and the unruly person were I 1 a pot pol policeman pi iceman ceman I 1 would follow a practice of my father fathers it used to be a word and a blow with hm blit bot the bluie came first I 1 should act upon that plan when persons are holding caucus meetings in or of about our congregations gregat ions and if they would not desist I 1 would rap them h ud i d enough for them to take ie 1 bant without my tuy speaking I 1 make these remarks because I 1 wish the brethren who will iii ill speak to you today to day the elders who have lately rp turned returned to be heard those who speak in in large assemblies understand that they of ten have to raise their voices as though they were giving commands to a large army burve but we expect our elders will speak as they have been in ih the habit of doing if can raia rala raie raise their voices above the crying ot of children hi dren and the t talking aing and whispering of the people deorle so that all ail can hear it wal i 1 l be well but 1 ibs lbs w we i cannot expect j tu tv tomorrow morrow our semiannual semi sem annual conference com corn rn ances mn aces ces and I 1 notice that many man y have come in rom a distance we shall have large congregations during the conference and kinli we wish perfect order maintained I 1 will now give this people the subject and ind te vie text for tha the elders who may speak today to day and and during the conference it is this oil on tho them mil all day of october 1850 many mapy of our brethren ami awl sisters are on the plains with hand carts aad dad probably many are now miles from this elace place lace and they must be brought here we must send assistance to them the text will be to et them here I 1 want the brethren who may si to understand that their text is the p peo po o ie e on the plains and the sub subject pet mattei matte r for t i a comm community unit v is to send for them and bring a 0 m in before the winter sef sei sets s in ahat hat is my I r ligion that is the dictation of le hol rol II 11 ol 01 ghost thit that I 1 possess it is 13 to save the tope lope we mus mug bring thai thal th ni in in from the idus iaus and avid wl a we e get zet them here ue e will try keel keep tha lie LI e s ole oie sprit spirit that we have had and ach arh ti them in ti t way of life and s il lation t tl d jt A m banow now th v ca 1 be saved and how bow they can i 8 1 dair fri i s this is the salvation I 1 a aar ow JW seeking geeki U in 1 1 to saxe saze our brethren that th t bould be apt J pi rish or shirr extremely if P do 10 not nut senu seno selio dipia assistance as sistan e I 1 shall shail call ta ih bishops th blay bidy slay s lay I 1 shall I 1 ic ut 1 wait walt alt ait until anti 1 1 morrow nor nur until net next day or ar go G good in it ie n teams and 12 or 15 13 lagois wagons do not want ti t send oxen I 1 want good horses io j nines moles T y are ard in this territory and we i have the thet jiso also j iso 12 tons of flour and 40 jod ste s b si Is I 1 s those that drive drice the ilic ams ams aws this a icv liv ding lay jay text into heads beads at 81 40 i young men who know how to drive e ams dins ti tu take charge of the teams that are w managed by i ien ren eny women and eb children ildren lidren tio 40 know nothing about driving them tham second or 5 good spans apana of ru mules tiles or horses with arnera arnesa w hippie hippie hipple trees neck okes stretchers I 1 do id chains ac and thirdly 24 thousand thou said d of flour anich we have oil on hand I 1 will repeat the division divi di 40 extra teamster is number one GO 60 spans of mules or horses is part art of number two 12 tons of flour and wag ons vas to take it is 13 number th the te aid ald fourthly I 1 will allow the bre brethren thiren to tell bom som ething about their missions by way of exhortation to wind up with I 1 will tell you all that your faith religion and profession oe of religion will never over save one soul of you in the cete cele siLl sili of our god unless you carry out just lust just such suh buh principles inci ples pies as I 1 am now teaching you go and V bung ing in those people now on the plains and attend strictly to those things which we call tem temporal oral or temporal duties otherwise your fail faith will be in vain the preaching you have heard will be in vain to you on and you will wil I 1 sink to hal unless uness you attend to the thin things gs we ive tell you any mau man or woman can reason this out in their own minds without trouble the gospel has been beeh already preached to those brethren and sisters now on the plains they have believed and obeyed it and are willing t to do anything for salvation they are doing all dil they can io do and the lord has done all that is re required 1 ired of him to do and has giff gian n us power to torr bring ing them in from the plains and teach them the further thin thins things s of the kill kingdom dom of god and anti prepare them to enter into I 1 the celestial kingdom of their father first and foremost is to secure our own salvation and do right per bertaini taini g to ourselves and then extend the hand of right to sive save others I 1 have given you my lay text and the subject and shall give way to the brethren and request close attention and that there be no noise for tor I 1 realie that men who go forth to preach are in tile the habit of speaking to small congregations gat ions lons in small smail halls hails where all can hear bear without mas mal much elevation of the voice this cannot banhof be done here for we have to shout and ami exer icide cise our lungs to the utmost to make male e so many maby people hear bear I 1 am satisfied that the prayer by br spencer was not heard by one third of the congre gation this morning a little moving of the fent fert ert a little whispering the noise occasioned by mothers trying to keep their children still a little noise of this illis kind and a little of that all tend to break the sound of the ibe speakers i ra lers cers voice and the people cannot catch his words and of course are not edified may alay the lord bless us all amen |