Show “lie Jest t who lean The It hole his very lame bed and run Is a the safe beyond la which liver a its Up in mouse at a WAS WHO wound” horrors of of Its a touch quality But it seems the time has come for a universal laugh— sluce It la known that Sal vation Oil cures pains of all possible kinds frit never and he can afford to laugh rheumatism who never had T idea cannot with of tho part of amputated fully united first patient tho and In filled bone no gained serviceable a otherwise would what useless iden arm have p Mechanic mechanic says fianlc in respects when comes tact and competition mechanic shop ho who is in now with tho be at "practical " school grad do work the unto will but also be able to do not the only to planning and designing In every the school way good will have all the points of gradunto tho shop points due will luck shop the with graduate to widor good while Information the of most added bad points grauatc— Scientific the specu on why I’ve bought second-hand put to Deacon wagon and carpet the in l’vo got all besides bunk Const Ipatlon or SIck Headache Pierce's Pellets Purely Vegetable dose a The her wife husband The From many St Louis letters listened with wagons that had bank — to the come to Bulletin A OWKN’S KIECTTUUAL WELTS Iouis 1NS7--Dr A Mo February 20 is the successful inventor Owen most and man ufacturer In the country of Electrical Applian of acute chronic and nervous ces for the cure diseases They have received the unqualified of physicians of high standing as Indorsement well as thousands of sufferers who have been cured bv them The following Indorsement for Instance Is absolutely convincing and the writer la Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine tn tho American Medital College CllnlealLecturer at the City Hos of 8t Louis pital 8t Louis Editor of the American Medi cal Journal Aulhorof “Electricity in Medicine and Author of “Direct Medica and Surgery” tion” Therapeutics — 1SS8 St Lotus Jlo June 10 take pleas — In have examined and tested stating that ure Dr Oweu’a Electro Galvanic licit and Appli and do not hesitateto say that it la the ance practical aud efficient of all the Galvanic most It in Is a Belts have used practice niv electric belts very useful device and whenever of or shields can be any benefit this will more kind than take the place of anythin' of the have ever seen M D Geokob C Pitzeb The Belts have ateversible current and can be regulate! to and the any desired power current la under the control of the patient the There are Suspensory Appliance for cure of sexual and genital diseases and Spinal Ap The Belt will pliances for special diseases etc completely cure Nervous and General Debility Neura’lSpermatorrhiea Lumbago Paralysis Kidney and Spinal Diseases Rheumatism fia ndlgcstion Dyspepsia Erysipelas Catarrh Blood Poisoning Asthma and all female dis such as Falling of the Womb Lcucor eases etc in lhoca Hysteria These Appliances dorsed (as the best made) by all dealers !u elec St I I I I a great happi her through "Ought tell to I mother now satin or him?” she leave to really “And Syrup to come but what Produced tious from known nutri combined of California medicinal virtues bo to laxativo figs juice the with the and beneficial most the of tho Fuirgrave young boarder we’ve best of nny Didn’t had the to The soft flood “Yes” liked I them “And The missed old of maid’s reara" eyes wasn't him the Is afflicted with who man or woman complaint ’Arvousor general debility kidney lnl weakness or any other chronic or llnJ Z Arrlng complaint complaint sho should send to Dr Buffalo TfE N Y for a copy of Health gjelper free Thera Hierc will he nmu a gets on parlor Barker's over and them views of ruined Ruth Chicksey bought of $150 each gilt They know were shine real bright nnd strnnge gaged?” the you seem ’em! But in his about it all colored bein’ could Vernon have himself - her lenther discolored turned leima Maydew placing anil bills a 8andyYille Ohio June 18 18S8 a0 pocket-book her face a At THE CHARLES A VOGELER like Fool old an begin to “wlmtdo Zuleima Maydew Airs lmin’t rend you this mornin’? that came married to buy I l’nirgrave silly poor “is that it letter Site’s to be November in old and she goose— help her come up ami I clothes couldn’t wedding to you her between them! that she mine ly to the bnck on that —ly her her to lo you plueed finger into in my n be had he sentences and of shame ami her veins with Bensntion seemed anger not with vague words absolute could not interpreted be snid ever never which horrible could “Will himself glances she past hod ho contented nfter all But now look dispassionate to fill fire had she how blood of instead of ns been with naked Maydew ened glance rather knowed her at daughter ought to go hadn’t you hot into the lima beans CO fright a to sun dry pick them “I out Lay down last nnd Baltimore Ml BEANS BILE PM AIX 8!ZF! (40 little beans to the hot Jfol Thev ore tho most convenient suit ail ages Triceof either sice cents per bottie 170 the EflCQINOM7 IMOOIIlustamps) rents (coppers Photo-gravure 17 70 j panel stio of this picture For o’ Miss member well-to-do to ing hern” Maria lucky a Makers RMTTH Beans' A fit CO Louis old witli maid for like family speculation in ow conl jet beads sparkling black eyes and cheery a loqd but Vo It Penmanship i I to him nearly was Vernon the house with a noon Fnirgrave nett smile duy up greeted Our it — Refuse kept not where and have LA GRIPPE to Men’s of Goods In chance a to fool” nil sho win the with him his Why I said she recoiled as an it ho view of or do hold nnd self opposite than LUNG any always MORSE hand in the she could ere A walked carrying in cane the size and of “My Aliss Maria him in coine ‘Here’s dew grave” “Mr— now” just burst laughing out once more don’t I ninnzed” said hnven’t you Nicholas seen ten to you’re wonder “Come she member aud re of nny before to I'd you toll forgot possibly smile— in the at matrimonial tho same 'prospect of fortune— and Fair Vernon looking over good instant face grave’s tvns seen shoulder his kinsman’s broad I here “I thought should find you he said Znliema” brightening up darling ‘You can’t think how my Nicholas’ has this secret of Uncle em barrassed me these puRt weeks But I shall have now you’ve found it out little peace a “And rm “I more” once upon didn't rallier Denhnm "You “Well How Air was Ainrin’s Airs 1 ! do show fireside who you demanded Air Fuirgrave” was to know there were I in two Airs demanded injured an voice believe to she set o’ Companion say does new irritably: it a-purpose false you size my it I’ll ac treat proposition ended thus have the are is many the curing of ways Is Sold teeth!” SJj i-xry't fRseo rROf i Minded or Pirrle Life MrnvMKi rAKTUP os to pat ELECTRIC INSOLE V® K WR71 £l0ctrio NBiMl oe oot rq his You tho however don’t know I does Trunn by Druggists Sorts to not Broadwny NEW see other may don’t good friend a people n real found his book He Bottle a Chtnrr CASTES New York Cent! at Railroad has recent ly added fifty new standard coaches hea’ed by steam and lighted by the l’iutseh System of gas illumiiiHtion to "its passenger equip ment which now consists of obi pas 0 dining ears sengers cars 93 composite cars tiff second class and immlgrunt 250 bag ears mail and express curs and 207 passen gage ger locomotives Some have men men to head to Small miCIlTE Small Pill die Small RED practice by I ex A Fr(IiihiIiis Hook One of the most entertaining books ever published is the now detective story just out entitled “Dangerous Ground the or Hival Detectives” by the popular author Lawrence L Lynch Its incidents are handled with re markable skill while its diameters are intro duced in such a manner enlist And hold os to the Trailer's attention throughout the story it is full of starling surprises with not a lino from the fint to the last that Is dull One surprise about it is that it can be sold for 25 is but that the price for which this rents hook' of 42d pages may be obtained by ad Loyd dressing Alex T Co Lakeside Illinois Building Chicago Mention this DIMENSION Cold I took take I OFFICE-Nos Bff Box O My SUCH RATS JUST OF Will cur your Corn fnid upon receipt of Druggists and ae AS IS EMULSION Take & daily Md’OSNELL Cliemists Omaha - well" lying idle cent Chronicle skirt has gone Y sold Rif 3 years and It hat giren the best of aati We bare child wise a out lu of mm faction KDYCHK D 1 The 8100 medicinein oldest Dr I laao the cannot in a a “Were the Forre— —about 800 of them” 400 there?” “Yes lllflllOIIZll in prevalent and known Europe as La is Grippe not a common cold as many sup in its but connection with a cold pose rav It is fact serious a worthy of ages are more note that Allcu’a Lung Uulsnm w ill quiet the jlromliial tube irritation in the throat and and giving the patient great curing the Cough relief All Medicine Dealers sell the Lung Balsam at 25c 50c and $100 per bottle Ely’s Cream worth la acknowledges man faults are supposed A box Punch’ smokers of matches Cigar wind So - to free to STANLEY’S any Child 1 1 line Tbe UeEtrr UM 1 mnilcd on receipt of 40 cents Do not delay In writing order outfit and get territory at once The ontv mi hie new Stanley Imok out Address UtaSCkAT Inrvrrywtintyln favorite exercise jHoicpniYn box is haiht ( I 1 i Itfla 111 iwiwa 1 TELEGRAPHY ft When Baby was sick Hxhit WnwI la ttnd Tha y oidy fortuiii J)r J U cure Lebanon acpueue I or tar ia tvtrv Coaoir brwS mn u act aadtr tttraetls SMrit Swvfcs Kipmcsc nat Beeutrv Ftrtfoilar frv DetcliT Bureau Ca MAfuil Cuniitl0 Cranuaa Ohio “I2Q ORDERS IN 3 DAYS:”“10Onles law WHMCnO rT aours’TnusmeJHKAHiU Publisher Uostoa W cd4 tcrfng fnsrsniesa to posaiun grndirmc every Schooloi Telegraphy M adlsont lo American Castorla her gave we including some novelties for 26 Flower Seeds In'ditding Iowa Beauty 2U Choice House Plante for $ gond kinds our choice of varieties lnrirc t'ntMlottue Free Kstnbllhed JJ A WE KO Ct Rei Mqlnet In pkts DETECTIVES rrsen home no pain or iicnnvrnlenrfli Boole free Meeker JUedlmm tX limittu LL at 1 a No $100 In Stale Lottery held Grove drawing Child When she was When When cho bocame z Miss bad Children site sho cried for cho citing Castorla Castorla to gavo them Castorla she Medicine Best Coufrh by Ph Recommomled agreeable Pleasant Cures where here all and au elso fails to the tasto objection Children tuke it without By druggists broken engagement A mean two broken hearts does not c:onis0i always NtrpiTiKfhi TfiRMO BHom-osT SOWER in this was entitled reporter called to-day and mon admission foitunatc from him an IfePFREE this at Wheeler A the at homo In succeeded HoatnoOK as follows: Yea one fortieth placed the ticket held I I ticket of In ifWRrUs ity or winning the the hands by t of MADE that women itate and is in or their is furs lu real olvet I In MADE lace is really in good with a complacent air that ex worn prevailing the air of satisfaction presses the A silk vol n tho mind of wearer is it ot not cast aside Just because gown shade a that the all rest shall rest found sighs darn he to IVhde my heart burn wealed SEEDS but them would in an taste and Btate think have Ohio or I over some City or do wish a little sotno what stability of I in even I Toledo makes oath that he Is tbe Cheney F J CnuNET Sc Co senlorpartnerofthetirmof Toledo County doing business tn the Cltv of and State aforesaid and that satdtlrmwlll pay for the sum of ONE HONORED DOLLARS each snd every case of Catarrh that cannot be Cure cured by tbe of Hall's Catakrh J use to Sworn presence ' before this 6th ’ parts Btrcngtli For overworked bilitated to tho tonic it wholo system de milliners dress makers “ 6hop-girls” seamstresses and housekeepers nursing mothers fecblo women generally Dr Pierce’s is Favorite Prescription tho great CHENEY FRANKsubscribed me day and of in A Dcc-mbcr 1 A SEALJ W D my ISSb GLEASON Rotary f’ubtie taken Internally and Hall’s Catarrh Cure directly blood and mneoua acts sur upon the Send for testimonials faces of the system J F Ire CHENEY & CO Toledo O UfSold by Druggists IS cents est earthly boon being uncqualcd and appetizing cordial restor alcohol ative touio Contains to no inebriate do to no sugar or syrup as unequaled cine digestion not As nervine a a legitimate medi leverage and soothing strengthening is “Favorito Prescription” and laying is invaluablo subduing exhaustion citability and hysteria in A and man address of receipt on other ten 01 Association Medical Buffalo Street cents World’s N Y II distress 160 Address a 8th prostration “Wo on pages Her Diseases” sent to any sealed in plain envelope Book $ ex nervous Germinal J'uritv ana strong Only 8 and So per Ing Qualm tarjre packasre ami rorcltv extras wib all order tarsi! Baa Srrs f Solid (Haasl " life for my Beautiful Free lllusU td OaUl-'U'ue for al spasms commonly ing symptoms nervous and attendant functional or upon It induces refresh ganic discaso sleep and relieves mental anxiety ing and despondency an rango and St-- “worn-out” teachers im I Lucas County Frank invigorating an i stamps 663 Main farm Rorkford SHOPS WORK Of Wood and Mtl Workers witheat8laamPower Equipped wilh UuWit of BARNES’ PATENT Power Machin’y Foot lwar allow fircfi ta ng woi ikup thwj bend W bids on Job ard greater by any oilier m vdr lor do subject to trial in your S‘id k K f I'rice-Brat 1 'T analogue JNO 1UKSL iiubybLUockoiulLL it A‘!reeU Beni bo aprouioct Dtrftctioust'r J T j' on pr' shares No ntru JFRC MlalXNFR and cleanse the liver a dose ‘ Sold by druggists oiumbiH Usqim 1 1 11( IO H C S One 4 out to required eipenenet Addie F fl Lai V ikMl W Prosecutes Clnlm ISuccessfuMy 3 Lata rrinciel Fvam’nor U Pension Bureau 9 1 regulate KBFF ItU W Dispensary ! Pierce’s Pellets Dr stomach and bowels celebrated Reliable! Freah to-day doiidy-lcnking RltO illUYFIl Nob Oiitnhn MAX Bummer came and went matron no longor sighs Klastio her step and rounded her chock IVork seems but play life is now sweet Aud tho change was made in one short week Prescription By Dr Pierce’s Favorite As AIR llamt hwlnnnenis Drum Cotp Violin Banjo ftlwndolinx Guitars Xutier Harmonica Strings for evry lrtutru of Mtndo Books Sheet ment itimla Full Instruction hand and Orchrstft Music Band Folio for all Books lnittrumenfs Anyone sending in an Writ to us order will receive euty of Mu1o FRKE ataimf what klod of goods for prlto and catalogue A‘Cordr-ns OiittitM mother worn-out mond and stockings to wash and butter to chum back feels to break and head aud And life is a constant friction” pishes MILK THE IN Hcaelejuarmrg for I The Tha tho of where to s not I The “Trousers letter from world Is not wearing says a l!ab” and the fur that was good yes although terday Is Just as good other havo caught the ono may some popular fancy a little more pronouncedly to I do not want our women evor become BOILING WITH MUSIC “Oh what stuffs in whatever silk for respect WATER BOILING COCOA thing about English ono wish Americans would Im that 11 WITH GRATEFUL-COMFORTING Women American Tb EPPS’S Wheeler Tbe latter dis the request of Mr this roundabout likes notoriety hence pro has been received ceeding That the amount State Lottery Com nd that The Louls'ana Morris verl 'any fulfilled its obligations Mr Ics and bis word cannot be questioned lor ftocortUnpr to rrity cost (iuniieatof any luonnoeTtrna ('ntufo Sliumway Rockford ill & O'? It free ffM Morris for collection and Banker J Yedder Agent B F Oliver of tho American Express Mr Morris the amount less Company paid $10155 express chargee on tha 10th Instant Morris deposited tho amount in the Mr ormer'e Notional hank In hie own name at A Hint Is There Printed ©vnr KEDSSfSa get the facta of wiw of lives Sir LoniMo Mlimux receive $15000 to It is nni T'n most perfect Msrhlne now made attached to tail board of wapon but is a complete Sower Leave no streaks behind waffon Semi foi superior to ftny Warranted no yrain Clrrnlarv Manufactured by CO KL AUKIC’L The of who city hit? § but of Onc-fortleth Earl Wheeler by strict therefore tug December Hie wa the a’ If ucn-‘Tord-rlii ' him liccli r' Good Link Y) Domoorot January 17 08455 drew the capital prize (N 000 for woman lit iowa 2 12 or Fa ni(ir 26c niMtpniit AU Htaitipa tnVon yoars IOW Ing Chicago sL 11 icE rts “Tan Bill’s Dcarboi 4UJ Arrow TRIAL”pHcketsCholceVegetableSeeds A ride - undertaker's HLIMIIXU to H the U 8 ami Canadas Ex Liberal salary paid to wlJ our hr samples at wholesale and re ill and U Third ave Chicago 111 jjtvi -aiy of Roods v Iw will SALESMEN m nut p'H rut popular BOOK s ftoo Apply Balm Into earh nostril BROS M Warrea St N Y ELY GOOD NEW 6000 good arrive ayonte warned at onen either sen lo lntrodme Hits trreat work heie Is a chume for jou Any one eun ml tho book the whole woild Is Inter cited Tue book Hill contain a full account of aU of in lea hi Manley’n KvDloiations snd especially of Ah I a test (expedition for the relief or Emin Hey About piin’cs amt iX) cntli el now illustrations maps Complete cnvaHtng outfit with aU instruction's etc suffering from tail delegates Walking are parade when workingmen The that to or QATARRH wyyy-ywwi" Every apparent $1000 Woman Man bo Balm knows angel like an that act 1 This article la carefully preparedFhjrsician'e pre cnptlonBtid has hern in constant use nearly ren to ry CA IITION— The only fremime Thompson's Eye liter has upon the white wrapperof esch bottle an enctaved porliuit of the inventor Dr Isaac TKOttraoN his of hand with also a signature note stench John L Thompson Avoid all others The geo uiiw Kye Water can be obtainedfrom all Druggists JOHN lTHOMPSONSONSi CO TROY NY is of hating by enemy mi probably night fathers Its own sometime CO by it world A Chicago Ut Druggists 8gld Thompson's EVE WATEl FIEI1KATED I style of Sunday the that injure for many l -except D N ftic-tlinli?o( Iu look bad you look you'd $5000003 drawing a goes Ntb UHlNtlJUHAHM Amsterdam IS no Boat pra aala hr all I prervtb and folly n dorse b only u specific fertheceruua ciirc of this disease AS DO MILK” NOTHING NEW DOING WONDERS other EASILY TESTIMONY SCOTT’S DAY Bunlona Far oenta M“n‘fl’turlng JUiaja Mrrrl Rest A Bulldln Colo SURE THING JBI3 POUND A Railroad Denver I AT TUB TAKE IT OF 63 lilLI MIERMAN tako ETC QUARRIES anj I looked position we know most t'cUlifdi occupied by a ffy on a aid head Amsterdam Ticket I RUBBLE STONE coiokado Sick Meals in PAVING ARCHALOW lyomh TOOK My GO Footings CURBING Price AM VIGOROUS AND ENOUGH TO TAKE CAN ANYTHING LAV MY HANDS ON getting fat Scott’S too for Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphitesof Limeand IllplpSodaNor ONLY CURED MY l‘nt Consumption but built MS UP AND IS NOW PUTTING FLESH ON MY BONES paper now dealers WUOLISALB EMULSION I easier SfiflBSTOHE Flagging SCOTT’S Counns Disokders For and Tuhoat use IliiowN’s Biionohial Troches “Have — changed mind respecting them never my ex ept think better of that which began Ihiuking well of” Key Henry Ward — Beecher Sold ouly in boxes becomes being good KIMBALL THE NEW VOSS CO Dose 1 procession I Prizes than an j five other Fire Bushels i send font i Mrte!— Bushel $1 'ntnloctie V a 1st TROPRIRTORS took I the marry HendnuiirtefTTiiFl'arm ltonnuxn OiIh has Uken aeo tuore first-class usually lotftrMtit Lai t frriUttty pkjr Seeds Iu-owsincNM the “Don’t “Yes guess and pm-fart The The “don’t enre" “do care" women I (Bufflcipntfor Family Garden) tKHtpaul$l aipkyni ! “What’s look Francisco him bank ill bad?” sW They alo relieve troiw from Lyft)epiAIi) dilation and TnoHeartt A bating reui edy for Had Tat hi tbe Mouth Coatat TonguoPftin in the Side Toitril) Lmcit The? rpgutfttA the Dowelit Purely Vcwfttblo Price Cents Equipment llnllrowd $1 oilmrlvpiirnl Mill 1MU hut summer i Mire they do) crease course Every one knows that tills excellent remedy will quiet the irritation causing easy expectoration and cure the Cough attending tills most distress ing disease Bo ask the Druggist sure you for Allen’s Lung Balsam Sold at 25c 60c aud $100 a bottle a Growa i t (Of swallow doesn’t mnko bring on an early fall northern ' the teht for all soil M and d into U6pkgsi KurUrtt Vyetut)l9 SLG1HEADACHE slioe-rcst take study and accordion loml woman woman’s as CITY YOBS well-known a brown I San A Is Pelt Combined OWEN 830 Generally COets too as You of and postage for eies llhiat’d book 4p$fe which wllih plain efiled eoelopo Mention this paper Addroa ELECTRIC BELT k APPLIANCE CO 808 North Broadway 6T LOUIS MO lu rrll me the millionaires of of look I lie fiO triau t drVoK i Price but corn a mado made his own desk with you had hank not The and ot Alaydow him: J was another of those laughter that caus answer appeals that it Miss if as “Well ever Fnirgrave” M Fairgrnves?” Ainydew to tell sharply snid it I In if a v' f a word” my 1 was?” ed at Democrat you his ap loved to about you hit killed and to him In a and haggard ticket Ain’t how stout he was eh? nephew Nicholas much like folks this is the young lady whose this A'ernon boarded with summer ’em often” I’ve told you about I’m sure” “Happy to meet her Mr said Nicholas Fairgrave on whoso visage brooded perpetual a his well ouialnna Well duel do I'll board owner as Karl AInria : Is Love specie of intoxication that swells the heart instead of the head a Fnirgrave!” what made went Do It May Fair ft 188’J has not been them Tho other day a matter? she cousin Zuleima my Zuleima this is Air hav guest light a Bardwell btiy said business the haunts to said his Milllointlre pity most at have estate It’s happened you and with the adversary and liked Everything callcr accord hit wounded Judge for pale kiss glad so and up a Companion lla into slate seated a dramatically jumped hearty a I’m said a sont be to very myself my I that he a on challenged (the ho you set up a it and mine 1 head of fight to variance at they but year stout a shaven face told be himself onco agreed tell have terest— clean bouquet a her BELT Improved July 30 1889 IJR OWEN XLECTRO OALVANIC B0CY BELT (AbD fcUSPENflORY via 'yurt AH Rheumatio Complaints Lumbtf oGnpral jand Nervous Debility 'Contivenesi lUaey Jiiee Nervoumeii Trembling Eextitl Ex fctuition Wilting of etxieed Indiecretioni is dj emueru by $nai BALSAM Druggists report this fact with reference to La Grippe thut wherever the epidemic pre vail the sales of Allen’s Lung in balsam cept em tho challenger ludicrous because too the 1887 16 ALLEi’S LUNG BALSAM CO such day he chalk might being I’ll had" thrown his laugh before haystack angel!” ed and much of Aug 8 RESULTS I men New Y’ear’s They balance time are tho mf lionalrrs their books and they find that they have madu anything liko much as they not as run recover portals were gohl-hnndled a other small Joko 1? the to to If at and Plly AVhy Zuleima wrong door into challenge caso ono farce— Youth’s the poor used of often was real to Patented been Manufacturers Omaha Nebraska Wales’ Goodyear Rubbors aro tho best Ererything Duel and the as every you you and of in wide open and with gentleman a ond a shining bald one id go out nnd shoot knowledge had speuk The coverlets consider and eh?” handle the are pol felting of but opponent figure ‘Tom a false the nuts a outline an would anyhow? perturbation seized had his The are into in tissues weaving appointed quarreled a gasped Alaria with What stop you cousin new her the to re new of hour At tho appointed peared with a shotgun she the hair would ing of arrow that acceptod On much going umbrella closetl ning for away your who neighbors joyously if oldest textiles in The art uso of period and crowd" The in Tho Reltllng amusing story lie her not tlmo little possibly have origi This story may nated from one told in the “History Of Hartford Vt” of Consider Kurdwell Iraciblo Innkeeper of that town an falsehood did the of but nets or mats articles as fringes word hoard of chance changed fish iluol hide told most of the German on somo and knew how were busy weavers work flax fibres not only into coarse An wag out the an weep bleeding heart in a to that pile-builders by palace ELECTRIC AND ALLEN’S your ItuhberS’&c V W Shoe it lakes it cnlmly INFLUENZA or to got thorn to hotter fit Shoes in of nature huckaback and that tho textiles stone probably proeedod Alore that child where “Here to? That door leads teeth tbe ished face things woman’s poor excellent an strolled Maydew Mrsi broad the lmllrnto her her lover?” your that” nodded “Just hearty voice — A hint Jo Shorthand etc ihorm by nimall lratfa Circularsfree ft Buffalo LUMA fU CO ht the high-comploxioned when D STUDY of one mine slinres on the part of the late Denhnm whose only descendant Dr she was— a plump or F J of '’Bile Denham does dato from known in Germany tho but bone instru bronze period some ments from certain caves appear to havo and been used for weaving nnd notting the observed plump engage “Your— “Why tho bench on It letters Texllle tho of course stone years teeth when the it its on Everybody dark of were finer I false sits now to lace ‘ Pick Headache Constipation cure milonsnon Ilularl River Complaints Inks the safe SMITH’S and certain remedy tho public prehistoric subject of study always was tho I Ala added don’t why the camphor bottle to see nny reason we let me get you Eh shouldn’t haven double wedding! smell” ltosy-fneb?” Aliss to Zuleima But Zuleima recovered herself with And in Zuleima’s mingled wonder effort an nnd she spoke delight bewilderment said she well enough” “Fin last letter moth no word of opposition she to this new “Where is Maria’s Why should nfter nil? dan it Well er? want to rend never shoul the she postpone dawn Fai' grave should have suspected Mr ing of her lile’s happiness of being n fortune-hunter” But-Airs Aiaydcw’s astonishment It’s a great thing to hnvo a little Mrs remarked was beyond the power of words to money” shrewdly describe “Though Maria nin'tlmd Mnydew loo’kin’ “I thought of course it was Maria” neither for of her a woman snid she them got not setiee she now to longer our them asking shoos or In Nebraska a ef la spines writing or Germany of and none smooth have on the wholo her In snid “Lit?” possible — wants nnd do It toxtiles stuffs sus been stand not been shouldn’t cried "Mother” you mean?” the fool have trying baseness? struck Zu it” believe have Zuleima a she twice his nge ing "And at lenst!” went on Mrs Mnydew “She!” Who do you mean?” said Mrs “Marin oi course” May dew "I’vo always heard that there’s no you convinced nnd her Why Dealfri used heliotrope! in within for “It’s him!” smil still way I DurGGisTfl and a main at home?” Just then a servant brought pounced-eagerly Aliss Denham card it upon at in wear it There the best times have been raado a by Herr He concludes Busehan that wool (mostly sheep’s) and Rax were mado into wobs but no hemp that tho use of wool preceded that of flax that the wool pink And smile ice away of and rolling them do Early along?” felt hers “and confronting ever lips it They made Omaha If us ot at for write dis Times The Zulei haven’t to another self and of any One solitude ‘ word ! suf In 1861 Was taken with rheumatism fered At times ever since and used crutches 6t Jacobs Oil relievedme About two years L NIXON GKO Chicago odd speeches magistrates it in habitually hundred legislators But Americans aud making most our own best looking attitude of Congress Our which sparkled n pure “And I’ve worn this ns she been herself I ltllEUMATISM have color tho up no use She could see guish then “I didn’t believe Mrs first” added up of to ft pftinsand aches putmamnlly and old to fright a tried was it’s out Who was Let rayed ft? Perhaps secret Her doalor others town ram It seemed spoil their fine should an fault party’s) more “I started Zuleima crimsoned more intensely than a ehy smile broke out upon her they such by four Isn't along” they en “Engaged!” factory your styles inter as the contrast fact that the that plaeo rising happiness of up on the ashes The her own dead hopes “pride” the “spirit” on which she had relied were but broken reeds to lean upon worlds She would have given hnd peddler nnd sat prosl Ty the two upright pity broidery holding was out and that didn’t sun ain’t the frames dim o’ sort Zuleima nnvthing all like really nnd mantle castles I the I tho lo as mado was common foregone maid a favorite But heart Isaac’ Miss his Zuleima cliro A-sacriflcin’ Ask take spinel’" as In contrast forolgn minis men fect the look all they the ns tho delegates conferences What In filed sat tho by far the mon wero floor as a rule on tho great in interrupted ment finger on white diamond uncon “though colored ‘Abraham eTe It in Da in ful affecting tbe ion muscles ami 'joints the human body or ynptom t16 which are swelling (f iho joints scuts Rt Jacobs Oil euros promptly ihlaeuetuv which is: really you should painted she thought duped “He has been making gameof me” his has enjoyed she thought “He nnd in the wilderness the place summer now he is going away — to leave me with Oh heaven! out a pang of remorse! m y it?” to endure nnd how am known m Mrs well Zuleima?” “Ain't you Inflnmma heaven tired In rest never are bride in well” he went bright ns of mo a” Any was desperate a “Then you must blind” complacently drooped very Mnydew Mrs so ninny words: He had wife?” trothnl ring on with “dim aro red’ agreeable ” pected to ulmost pictures good” very scious eyelids answered "I— audibly were her she human acts gently on system effectually cleansing the sys and bowels dispelling colds and and tem headaches curing Imbitim! constipation eyes “No” rushed ofcnrtnine girl’s cheek the recall liver thought “It's you Zuleima?’’ plants kldnnys I ball-dress?” ly like I words l’ljr- of unseeing starting ma think I now know don’t I to it : work with ters and national trous nervously at sound of the which lmd once been herself nnd while she still the name questioned her sweetest music in ears “Why Mrs deliberated Mnydew’s sharp didn’t you have heliotrope color in high-pitched voice the broke in upon stead?” of her thoughts current “He likes pink” said Alaria placid ought I own i among cousin’s did take stock nevpr nnd then down the St says “And amazed ( seated her marche In bevy after bevy there with them cried the bride-elect with a peal of I laughter “Well wasn’t you see Never mind Air Zuleima Fnirgrave necounts trical and surgical Instruments may be obtain it hadn't it lin ve believed if I seen ed from them or from Dr Owen himself The and sealed under her writ nnd signed reader should henrln mind that (bis ia no clap if but free notice of 45 she’s a trap advertisement won And she’s name derful invention Parties living outside the day!” Owen for illustrated city should addresl Dr and Zuleima stood bewildered circulars testimonial circulars price-lists etc The walls which will give them every possible informa seemed to bo wonderful Invention of Dr tion Another her the ticking of around whirling Their use will Owen la hia Electrical Insoles the old clock grew faint in her ears Ladies’ Belts cure all diseases due to cold feet little different from the Gent’s Vernon a Fnirgrave engaged to Miss are made Belt The prlees asked for all these Appllsn after nil the Marin Benlmm sweet ’fliers 308 N Trv them ees are very low he had in her Mo hff Y whispered 8t Louis Broadway N ear Broadway nil the tender hand pressures— the It to loaf well to requires avstcin as as unuternble looks of love that passed a I conclusion— experiment? city-boarder for Invention of looking “Vou sec cows— the shoe d-d way ab sweet a Durham smile that ness this saves lie a Wonderful Most the lilt malls her own who use One my ly on’t For Zuleima your that of house represen clilof Justieo deliv the of day oration ills of on door shoes— ooitooi a niousE largo - ) Dr her water falls Lawrence past tho Thousand islands— wonder I if anybody counted ’em ever I shan’t Kh know— to' Montreal I Zuleima? bv surprise took vou did 1?” “Jiather” Zuleima answered huski cow’s Durham give do I bind to Kh? silks tulles gloves and nt bon while Alaria nets Denham in a loud voice recounted the various stages of the prospective bridal trip “We’re going to Niagara” said she I'm don’t “though know sure it sewing shoes in stair now n ond hand wlmt was American Eaclii Skin Rnrquee $100 is a This great offer Just Imagine the of ladies that will besiege the store un army til the last sacqne la gone — if the bargain ia lint how much ever offered more wouderful an opportunity la that presented to every suf fering of Dr by tho proprietors woman Pierce’s Favorite Prescription This remedy Is a guaranteed cure for all those distressing ailments It is eeullnr to the weaker sex If it does not effect a cure that guaranteed It Is carefully com money will be refunded pounded by an experienced and skillful phy sician anil adapted to woman’s delicate or It is purely vegetable In its ganisation comIn Its effects fiositiou anil perfectly harmless of the and is sold a any condition system osltive guarantee of satisfaction in Under a every case or money paid for It refunded made stracted of Real 1’vo Zuleima Tho Tho shop wide theoretical knowledge graduate may bo able to do all the work designed for him and the planned or taking better than the AVell splendors was satins it" sit over the up thinking as senu thutl” a he “practical" and may will be gradunto equally with tho added advantage of 'liool s or 100 graduate tho ha and into con the young school the "It the fulled hits such a magical effcot upon Coughs and Blaine followed made too narrow Mr Wo make them wide dent Bronchitis and till and sat down in tho A reward Colds Hoarseness other secretaries of Fifty Dollars In gold paid first of the amphlthontcr Sit? for a pair of (lifileultios of the Throat nnd Lungs row of shoes our own make that It Is called sitting Is what Within found of great value Yes that it had been contain a particle of shoddy orainythlng mother’s five minutes sod of them attending every In curing the this Cough but solid loather We exception had make ono hun perhaps slid with one epidemio rapidly spreading so new dred and fifty styles of Women's that his body by was supported Misses' down so Irritation It quiets the Bronchial ids shoulder blades and tho small of his and Children's Sowed and caus Standard and Contains back Scrow Oral a Glove Kid ing Free Expectoration and nt Dongola The Justices of tho supreme coart fol Elegant styles wide and good fitting Opium in any form lowed and down they went In the same We also carry ono hundred and fifty So tho rest of the dignitaries Airs love” your curried I I’m a’int shoulders motto city? help the gallery ered I cx an will be schools important somo uisadvantage " training ing the to snid my Mqnmvhiie suggest deal it price— and Doubledav’s from the mechanic man Even tho present young mo who Is now learning In the shop tho Hjll ond ruining hied In different tngo Jt'ry shirts did "but t gren a found I Intion Electric 8onp does net chsp the being perfectly pure Many people nIMk-lcd with halt lthcum have been cured by its use Preserves aud whitens clothes Have your grocer order It and try it now coming that's 'Don’t be: pump-handle a of thp does” ex Zuleima site Mnydew and out— one p’r’nps Mrs said said were matron “And doubt slie'll makeyoua good is ‘Handsome hnudsome as don’t I Maria’s” Cousin "Well hands The all altogether wnsn’t mother" ns w Dobbins’ The of Iree In hang 1 couldn't I snid me!" Spintha In deportment for public F’lold “And tlio first of says Kate should min" then?” on Y"r establish sclu-ol a motto would wish wife to tatives it “Tastes with u shrug I've what Aha! Mrs the youngnrtist’i differ’ "Just Ml ought States secret” I ca Dftti'l “We to Afaydrew” denomina Zulciina— summer it “But the of of said city And all happiness you Mie’s a good girl if she sure ” exactly a beauty and “But think she is a beauty ns penses!" place Its bone this cleared of hu home” nt told shaking if ns I kitchen tions that hand front bills she’s course Mnydew counting rious was success the arm Tho loss avoidable of to that suffered of a and thigh diseased healthy Tho second place been the other the leg the of in tho out of amputation removed Of said Maydow snt table A merus n of nt ain't 1 city i she look She know your you see “She has told you mine boarders" Mrs ha bad a of tak take Snratrgr remarkable operation was per lately Berlin formed by a Pro surgeon fessor Von Bergmann Two patients be brought to blm he first the ing mndo nocessary then one wasn’t purr-adveuture Bull’s Cough Syrup the working man's — friend You who have to be out in all sorts of weather and can't afford to lay by can not afford to be without Dr Bull’s Cough Syrup follows la Consumption the wake a neglected cold Marvel "Zuleima? is sho “She the gone to weddin-clothes Maria's to buy Dr A IT? yrs "W In H !nt 0 war Kj mUndtcalliig claims Omaha stty slues 02-fc 1 |