Show r HALES CEO ALMOST ADVOCATE RICHFIELD knock was loud at thy heart to night thou lot thy Master ini touched thy eyelids to give thee sight a moment the world lost its false fair The Ite For UTAH hofl And bright And heavy got bound an nowspapor If the merchantdoesn't advertisement it will not be very his goods advertise Tns long to Bheriff the till seemed near And be The aide The will The seem Edward along right economist of York New in equals must men trouble for staudeth he and and there pose of Chaucer man erage intelligible well is This their poetry though To tho Browning There av And Sunshine Flowers was a groat It sounds lands" in and yet setts and there are Invited Buch there of that an official in recently wealth Massachu- like settlers to The tonth states thorn the of all all wipes to enter day whom tho tlso sky has dispatch etTect that forth gone l’hllip W Gov Clifford To-morrow of Virginia has language consumed whisky has smoked never boon used never more than But his sudden profane never gallon a political and ho andnas half would elevation Chicago of retreat she tho woman pronounced 'that says studied the phobia subjects and trap has rabies of he that practico in the whole round of or ical and which results experience absolute un increase med from The tion asked has tache the similar tion already has German the been and by the some time to experts Lon its divide turnod $300 bo to tho out sta’e be which be than the woman nacity with herself It was having which tho paid party a to A largo a heavy hor handsome furniture bod-room and the flogged the egged tho good meal sound a of went and her all was prison a youth bed with made and a into fell sloop dreamless did spito in troubles Tho town you It afternoon that Saturday this would have If happened suppose CliiTord Reregrino found liiinsolf oneo the boy had boon brought up on a more insldo“Tho Blackthorn" and diet?” by Mrs greetod Topping who square was to toll him tho longing yet did news dare to take tho liberty The Chineso have contractions for not although all the characters she had guossod the truth of their writton lan the guage bocomo to spoeches which of use qualifies shorthand of reporters own language practice speech-making do not they writo the contractions with derful quickness imperial audience all nearly or Stanley and the claims tho in world that beon has always It perior is discover to lake but ers and pride is long The Vermont out a map farms serted as many with - The for from ham County map the than der an acre by Wind of which is colored The red state one bo abandoned whole any lands can $10 all townships as are show which to of 14 designated are lands deserted and $3 exhibit got Its de farm of acres buildings worst have appears paints ever red single a town When knows the Is that sure proper than pply Of truth that boiler the the was the no and xact e course the gauge tells anything nevor the idea that boilers and other any be chinery and the in less or registered steam of engineer gauges It nobody ever The engineer gague water su the or the no the but of of and like causo amount proper supply more explodes the of part ma become out worn or may worthless through uso nevor to occurs it is engineers until or owners ever lastingly tooHato Tho young dull and What cisive regarded why reason thore next to a de must bo Euro tho A $200000000 of six months’ therefore uso up war tries alone Resides the that England and hold millions itself ready more ered high too be would three coun $1300000000 nation in would These to duration of sura including month these for every a have which bills assumed to are arm cost consid tho but Old d all day be to had they roforred ford and hor at sha at needlework was before ford as he stood ask falls best at to ono rained busied to herself By way of the very exclaimed only it’s my lot with It out shutters left bad tell at once upset the heard a word they’re fain tho sent livery to locked It's ' gone for wo never They do Monday Germany” gene to l’erogrine Clifford appeared to be with tunned the he stood for news omo minutes trembling with rngoand dlspair but at last ho burst out ‘She and Bho I will I know the his words ha forc prof dio her forever than submit — woll!” full follow’s moved manner Topping much ns as Mrs and she " sir Ah cried I caught hor “is it that tnado so bold as to but I Hover dreamed mix her of last you us the at ns old sight gateway out throw and anything of I hint a liko this!" most “I let Topping beside Ontreat more me from tho village “At first to cried " himself if you tell know me — do hot Clifford al his agitation know anything in you Do not be hesitate and afraid as to being carousals fice and She after If hoped said or bo arrived with known" but Christmas ico nnd froit and snow tho birds came and garden daily 1o bo fed in the yard of "The Blackthorn” yot Faireview rich a kite (ho with had year nigh a not landlady fireside was autumn thore in wife winter place sighed tho two had treated bo Tho houso and the by her had fate whom taken about mile a housewife good temper affoc chatterbox quarreling inconsistent likely not be to handsome be happy early and If with be July in very good look in If If much frivolous bnt handsome temper and amiable practical to affable and liked Tho October in likoly If a If to and pretty bo coquettish unhappy November in wild liboral kind and of disposition well December in novelty of fond Chicago and proportioned extravagant — Mall did Sometimes A gentleman claimed that a steadily into animal make A Bluke-st on could man tho eyes boast the Fails by always gazing of the as harmless fiercest as doll wax a street on that large very gray The gentleman has grocer a try proposed to approached it cat his in named with on the that cat Air B sat Thomas who blinking the cheese-box and near steadily at the cat’s largo dan peered stood on his tail delion eyes Thomas suddenly and his face This he boar an worked was wind Lena second by der blow tho Alill roof tho across wild mill and groan shake tho would the rain She nights the un wind of wasto undu nnd rat beyond the sails of mado creak Tho wind and blow windows violently hor of against the window panes while in tho depth of winter snow would enshroud tho landscape nnd choke lip Iho approach to the Lena remain indoors would house for weeks but such it and hope at was alive tiino a she as with diflluuit a such in no possessed resources lioreolf in matter to and the reaching claws with did out one the flesh of into Dumasquo been wild a twice Origin impetuous rapid in of "My uncle’s term making tion Latin angry but it every of the terrible end much ment choly nearer Gustave to uneasy who and 1 no such to tho i fin him felt years was so earnestly prayo might that hy seven and draw evi Lena passed a induce with tho plant succession Uncle” applied as to a spendthrifts called in melan and corner place Then wild was soon from flowers in every greeted a the also most discovered that which ment His day improved is latest remarkable which re invention un instru upon every is A $50000 Organ of Cliakrata India for and her victims she one occasion On number in hut a him and their gambols the last been ten carried him her and off' cubs play to stood by and The ghastly a watched tragedy with of tho gold ex room is molding is probably nnd over thirty feet high in tho most costly organ any private Tho music dwelling in Amorica room forty feet high with large over ceiling of terra cotta paneled dealers sat young brutes hold to and up him down off on so hut rim a the were too young he ninde a desper himself free ami shake to beat to They oil' attempt tried before hud lie yards the tigress hounded gone twenty out and brought him back to her cubs had to Once more the doomed wretch defend himself from their playful at lie made renewed tacks attempts to his freedom but by regain was seized back the old tigress and brought each he hud time before gone many yards and cries for help His groans were but the the heartrendering men on with trees paralyzed fear and were unable do anything quite to to assist their unfortunate comrade last the tigress herself jo'ned in At of her cubs and the gambols the about and wretched man was thrown head It her over this was Cooper's exactly formible our as beast that a llill officer and a com attacked They panion on foot were her trail fifteen yards working up the officer heard apart when suddenly a He ran cry of alarm from Ins comrade just in time to see the up young man borne to the ground by the tigress officer tired and shot the beast in The ball her the spine nnd a second gave quietus The her man whom young seriously bruised but she attacked was will recover from his injuries— Youth’s young Companion How Almost In the na hort a Monkey all monkeys United Immunity to as -tors the the reports of ljoiuion plague in the in Six ‘ two-thirds it during general for fathers the comprehend to us tho of luck oniotions among generations only of ihilJren” pity our fore back seven was the most The "good” Queen delighted iu watch The torture of popular amusement and ladies tier ing the agonies of the children the of baited a bear ntiou part of the ago weie in n families any strength of Christian e cipline The the tin preient day beautiful expression and cure exodus of ness The mer is sure good as the 'oad The from inhabitants mostly couid re man is the Panama of poor whole with tion At laden por the the there with fever cloud like region a of wood writes monkeys travel in nnd is the paradise the older monkey When an receive the information village crowds they in troops” repair chase is vety simple cocouniit huge Th nut of to "That all then the that them peo the the in Their plan hole in the a hollowed monkey's out and I Every the to men chill of power nnd from may have a on Hie day of my death” "Then they will some that Anaxagoras ever your boys wit h corporeal punishment?” the "I hoys” haven’t nny was se nnd everybody lnughed rene answer because he ns It is to so easy children ple’s bring other up ’em at and ma When tlie fellow n for boat more for Southern his notes nearly black he currants be and How thinks: possibly wild raspber buttercups and high ns gather andean white he when hillsides daisies yearns would in lie than California head this and place shade tlie around hunting is cool a the on grass Below Degrees Zero Forty-three can Arctic an land? But if for he digs anywhere down eight inches he will find the ground that frozen solid with a frost never knows n thaw It takes like the remark en some (the McQuesting comium of Jack trader old the of remind lmd that us Creek) Forty-Mile they season wo last Arctic in are on to winter re-' gions: the finest Last winter and was in the have warmest season seen fell country tho thermometer never during below 43 degrees below zero tell what’s me the winter” Seventy-five Nulnto nnd tlie which extracts over not forbear smiling reason she herself can’t you choice two made boil was writes sion Alaska cle to It nt frost! of well a At Father Ra digging out nt his mis correspondent from the San Francisco Chroni goneaux a 25 was feet deep nnd the eight infrozen ground began within nna ches or Mivflurfm-P continued of except for two layers sand down free from well water ns far as tho it had gone and yet on tlie ground sultry was to shirt his in man a - sleeves Horse A A at a is is because there not high altitude of the atmosphere to enough pressure harden tlie yolk” understand exactlv what "Did you answers?’' by those asked meant vou With the Baltimore From of case horse la York and sent St was nnd treatment beings begun beings which used afflicted of on wns grippe la those to sometimes which box of who have it beginning Then a high fever sets foerrunnerof pneumo istlie and nia like that in in insolntcd an a Now The similar nro sneezing with in in symptoms The hutnnn Ward’s similarly horse the I’rof Street stall human from to placed in arrived rani valid in developed grippe was in Grippe La Sun Theaninial could eggs degrees lookod I firmary looked “Tlie peo in tlie teacher he “saw dignantly declared ’em” laugh when she was correcting “I know they mine” he were pro she looked tested times "because both and said ‘O Jimmie at Jimmie me Now what shall we do with you?’ you look i i out I inspection for the tempor forward n other of tho the was as looked car manage blueberries Israel of tlie meek man had oNthroshing he leaned Then the nnd inquired “Con you be always rati in woman at to No kindness” with curiously ary lie it meek boy a beast brute n sum sea-beaches children tlie holiday home ends fatally the During which swept 1730 horses of influenza epidemic Europe in 1720 and over liis mother mildly with attacked were a with an air "P’raps not” said Jimmie of disease having all ttie symptoms of indifference “but that’s what the In 1872 thero the human influenza anyway!” book said outbreak was a widespread among followed horses in the United States lie Gave It Up univeral early in 1873 by a “Elijah dear will you dress Willio preva this morning? I’m in such a hurry and lence of the disease among human be it won’t take but n minute It wns callod epizootic Horses two” ings or "Certainly” replied Mr Bixby cheer firet affected and dogs the next were fully "Pd just as soon dress tlie little While the disease in the animals wns Here little chap as not my man tho peoplo epidemic who took care and let papa dress you I'll have coine of the horses nnd in much were con jiff y” you ns neat as a pin in a suffer tact with them did not Willie nged four reluctantly more comes and severly than those not so exposed Bixby begins: from his playthings let’s "Now with off and— keep still it There unbutton nighty can’t your dear gown I or we’ll— sit Killing Rats By Electricity now makes squirm you electrician Victor Toissant a young Where's little around like an eel? your has it is of Omaha ingenious shirty? Ah here nnd— sit still! a very way the other Put up your arm— no one of killing rats Isl The prying rodeJt can’t keep still half second? nnd— you a caught in an ordinary royal trap the other and stop haul Put up your urm of which is covered with so! Now let’s — come tin ing nnd pulling here boyl What under heaven do you hns small Toissont dynamo of a off' like that with noth mean by racing Ono wire his manufacture con ing on but j our shirt? Now you own come the rest of tho dynam is fastened Imre and let put necting with still What child bottom Mr me duds leg Standstill Not that on squirming Now go your your Put I say There leg! you angle like an don’t keep still you I'll— slop pulling at that man Alary Ellon you’ll nnd— here dress this wriggling animal to worm young chain have to around if couldn’t I yourself Go I here! in it do 10 in Sensible A enough so to she accept to out nnd story in houses "Aly London the abide royal said nothin’ old all peeple?” ple do" ’ said para threo by queen sensibly she decision tlie protected name of pa boy to sure other Aly pe “They the small one the go small is to “is doctor a a heaven” hoy “that and boy a often can po qile are lul In r given much seen qde' in nro tin “w file the pit to rase papers right-thinking sort ho of think peo us we grip a nnd an prisoner’s and move close of is com wire without with squeak a aquiver he pass desuetude of eternal Times in Fur of these of islands October They California coast on May they el tho rate hour and of absolute are short profitnblo months northward return ten to the down journey anil fogs begin toward proceed and that stormy weather not permitting a during the winter migrate nnd year the from Seals waters each unmolested at the on without Habits to circuit The state —Chicago ly giv trap the close jaws almost into es the tlie to hut right-thinking kind being pa” “Fiipa” said “I have rending What affair fancy pa” your publisher newspapers book to polite tlie telegraphed prearlmr trail is “Hull!” said tlie kill the on tlie thinks best when en no child of her The it when English for who chagrined graphed asking publisher his The seals southward assumed an ofhislifo death pnrtial less a under it leading a much came wish to sent declined was Italy of queen the into The well known propensity ofa caged rat to do battle asserts itself and he siezes the wire betwten his In so doing he mnkesthe mis teeth and Qtieon onco tried to write it was enthusiastically praised a novel ladies day she by the Court when one read chapters Site them few a was The of cell take plete years sir!” mother your to the tin lining other is thrust a ain't woods ure near the woods They cut a for enough i of correspondent around monkey covered vegeta arises a lliick va which hangs over a troops The tropical by traveling paw marshy is profuse night woods This ple region extremely qninine requires ries every nnd host tlie like managed to n-ked ly for negroes no white the climate without of whisky and almost native bear your the ’’murmured deganling is whipped roses little command lust a rail "that intemperate” cruel “It as civil iza force of modern The whole llieir training to to ton is directed linking hippy good them strung and old Icntlien The when Anaxagoras lie his what was was dying was name district this meek a him me” “Cruel children of cities among of tender Egypt sees situated remarked to very in more or the in thousands dis feeling toward shown God daily higher no than mountains testimony a out going Is Amercan from to the ones test which bet bull or cruelly were by hundreds in the children the of poor and d ed overworked yearly Even mines God-ft families wealthy tiring were God only nt the point taught to ferve rf heatings Hie rod only Savage a gen bright Gorgo the object be may ravages animals ('might one is advocate and brutality kindred and only were difficult is of the chronicler says the week but of these thousind” died "have which come from States little village distance r passengers boy a to inav "What do you You Is it the thrash? ask? word ‘beat’ would wouldn’t have me say suit flog would you? Perhaps you better” the necessity ot flog “I cannot see boy Then the condition wild of '‘Mountains have a great effect on tlie useful at such rainfall They are very people because times when it rains can take to tlie mountains for shelter’ nnd manner tigers were romping soon tlie young the apparently about over body lifeless She then lay down a rods oil' and with blinking few eyes the watched gambols of her progeny In a few the mail recovered moments himself language man like self-complacent sir” man next upon mutter” “Ma" and of a voice boy” the think "I looking markets witnessed of the some was poor had man's companions who sought in refuge a tree The tigress callled her cubs in a cat led finish railroad Panama American Now hint was his reply times be glad lived” The modern many seized of one who were sleepin to over then with pond the lire yearly a have foresters of made They carved the ore-separator The goorgeous in Hop mansion Airs Soarle kington Mass which has had built formerly Airs Hopkins costing boasts of aa $30000 organ Its is of English ash 1o corres case with pull magnetic does not wait American which about for death to requires tlie children about make one-third Jess fuel than the ordinary him happy The powerful cne magnet in the ma Whatever may have been the golden the particles of chinery draws ore in is for adults children yours now age onedirection and allows the rock and It is worth while to contrast your your dirt to go in another if smoothly as as with that of the own standing-ground all conducted they were by human child of two centuries that ago you is The hands then immediate! ore v tlieir just at ha's may rate your chances Air Edison ready for the furnace weight and value than 400 inventions patented more and has made a large fortune which is Opinion Jimmlo’ counted in millions J4 Interested fathers nnd mothers are often to anxious see tlieir children’s bnt possibly they A Famous Tigress school reports might notorious Jounsar The mna-eating gain a deeper knowledge of the childish tigress has lust been killed at hy perused mind if they also Tommy’s or a This tigress has Dicky's examination papers young forest officer of the his papers been the scourge neighborhood two of One child brought drinking plenty constantly swallowing nephews nepotes quisitely spot tho In summer favorublo aspic’ nook aunt relic vod month was conduct his world domestic cats throw rats and mice about before beginning to feed on them man's efforts to The escape grew feebler For the last time his comrades him try to get away on his hands saw and kness towards a large fig tree with cuffs hanging Ins limbs to This the final attempt was as futile us the rest tigress him back The brought onco held then him down under ngain and deliberately forepaws nnd her began before their eves her living meal writer pawnbroker’s shop in says a is said to be a Notes and Queries pun Latin word hook on the uncus a Pawnbroker's lift employed a hook to articles before spouts pawned were adoptod “Gone to uncus" therefore is exactly to the modern tantamount In phrase “up the spout" French concierge of prison Is called the a because the prisoners uncle are kept in pawn” by tho government In tho century seventeenth a usurer was callod “my uncle” in the Walloon becatiso of his near provinces connec Gustave of seen whoso dently as He The had beiamea he Air ings Nothing not leg was about third time The keep surround gloomy did company on had for is are the of signiffiant our a found the tossed by ns Houso when lating pasturo-land and tled tho chains the middle terrible many rod-tiled its well as the in was now winter in passed had water his in nearly sent little Thomas the instrument phonograph the voice produces human started B’s of not explosion very train off the rails anil be thankful that the discharge him Later ate Eye The Du watering-place place violent a and-rollmg If got in his work for to with an exclama when tion that sounded like reputation enviable having been very much un an oath struck the Thom of the last impious AirB occupied since the death desolate-looking with his fist and who tho as knocked him off in tenant owned the soft soap barrel mill which by the counter stood at the back of tho to It was said that the man The magnetism of tho human eye is houso who He now I ad died thore was a reckless prefers drunken a lost art with Air B for and that dark deeds had the gentle influence of the catapult profligate in tho mill News boon which real service— Indianapolis the Fladgato he was living ns a lint already hy marry rich discreet Soptombor in marry necessary old loud a curiul thrash you the he now negroes and nut employes Bess pursuing (heinicui was urrungtd laboratory a in a but d7d not this plea-ure sanctum togettier will impetuous August likely and amiable passably sulky a from Aradamo by was situatod dull fashionable prosperity prudent to Juno planted harshly niasquo of kept the could astonishing “Edi To him we owe the and lie was also the first to son light” the possibility of lighting demonstrate city by electricity a whole surprise He frivolous a but in Thomas what lovers his in his but his lie long surprised discoveries from and humane tender mother given to If inter made sat wondered way light Alay store and she as and liv a April in likely was and came Air Bom a on age and the years his own railway make at that studies and son years whose deeply so welcome a woman of with gay those She home To of and telegraph operator soon showed ingenuity in great practical making a valuable great many improvements m instruments He the accumulated enough capital to estahjish a factory in Newark moving two’vinrs afterward liis to Menlo Park where huge work shop is one of the wonders of America he has launched From Menlo upon a is of “riotous in a Girl March theory bearlh become neglected and of any the saw primrose flowers fled of ested Onco moro the good trim spring fair it in February in If for she time some will havo to and work ing Sho home and be his processes while melancholy to in and then week to work on he saw A in and separated all in whom proud Topping the to his January in class being of notes drop never to drink another his that day word and from him attended groat eyos girl woro Airs rais liandsomo his ’d client a in at went of iier eleven newsboy Canada until Children verdict knowledge to last who had just com there sat his wife pleted what ought to havo been his work ahd who had now fallen asleep the table His en with her hand on him trance awoke her and she showed her night’s work — fifty writs and pro This for the too much was cesses He fell on his knees im strong man her pardon and plored promised partly hand Jark-bluo must coine truth so tho other faoo his his lovely wook nows that “Mrs his pleas and daybreak session fifty spending was of goods-wagon not was is called a what on Smith received the night somewhat last broad-shouldorod toll resent tho writs the At Clif the despair with features strongly who's know evening tho Lona it’s — fori park puzzled now mischief Judith Miss be baso to that lose distressed tho off with sooner of ye that? nil the carried shnll young heart mat been marriage ligate tot — has into ed ical the the Smith down give rudiments When tho pr-rpelratel plnoo paid and village till but servant lodge-keoper whole as Tho closed gates very the nows think I to every dogs and up the ay young hor of tho follow camo "It’s ns hov sir" mo up and horses and admired in sudden Faireview are gone and oiT ly his — from gostuiq a sunshine sto’o beer-tup! "for Woman I’d in wont here?” ily od sat Smith ing” Clif of hor him saw away was Airs and notes suing spent If for picturing blooming unheeded in the followed walk Summer own tho silence “Don’t over bhe he therefore obliged reformed says a in The more it be Edison the was world had ever time of his uppear the to teacher little with Air intelligent In on front put tionate com Tho secret had been safo with her of Air Joe and all tho questionings As she sat Topping woro unavailing turned suit given sat sew but sha separation him to breaking ho put for which question Mrs Topping was waiting unxlously “Is there any news to give mo Mrs sinco I Topping— anything happened was the to upon him in If Lena violet down it thoughts deserted so called was aloud fragrant the fire while with CliiTord slood by surprised the mantle-shelf at the con tradictory character of her remarks the Surely buxom landlady of "The had not Blackthorn" been making too free she quiet j’pose A the iuventor up the be Thomas greatest produced him of said devotion York Telegram The evening before the court of common that get to tightly nnd reach the North through commercial Edison A probably will tory she then mist- It from if New sym shamo!” as remained sir?” woman and at the sure"' good rain brightor Lena a how in boon thought lio of her at ly fashioned Dear say may Europe would cold wintor quite in cost looked man for large “Iltoss would sure!" of the prospect meeting “You’ll havo firo a Mrs Topping stooping that the pean pcaco is the calculation had mobilization of the French German dona and Russian armies would cost $100 Mrs '000000 and thoir maintenance In the field what bo your rooms beautiful a weather might havo boon Abbotsford for it seemed that is and and to surprise Tho Is ready beon it’s shut boiler a certainly some the oa sir Tho national showing townships 10000 as bought stute Some good bis rooms are dinnor at soino her utter “They quite day foreign authorities the of lake own of my liavo I cried Topping" suppose Can “Yes of Africa of our the pay all Su Stanley mean woods lost ago wa which of in in Lake to discredits he Lake fresh of distin ction back die Mrs am “I P” seven all rocent awarded the which a region body rather in his I CliiTord rendyP is an writo Victoria a — won at said that coverics show Africa is tho largest ter but scribes probably is that They on “Here them thoir in was the and some Clifford while through not time Do hor shed good curtsey a bar-parlor: of to with anil tear the with “Itdosocm criol a mented Airs Topping ing in hor quaint other no escape tirod but and appotito returned hands away always Good-bye” Thomas boldest the nut into paw a of a piece and greed are the high she She the ter find out to in to "the up thrashing in saying was Avenue Bring monkey arrive in In the the vicinity of their ambuscade sir” ging boys meantime the ottier monkeys wonder "Whnt would you do with them with their comrade what is the matter I ask? lie is where being They hurry to see may Talk to them milled his paw in the cocoanut "Reason with them to wilh and mild nnd tones him chattering in encouraging They crowd around gesticulating to their heart’s content Remember that you were onco a boy has moment come yourself” Now the great have and The negroes large net ready a I thankful "I do sir and every am they spread it out over the unsuspect the of life for personal day it my ing nnd before they know monkeys father bestowed chastisements sold to my they prisoners’ They A senator wife patient to friend wilt him her “spreo” ungrateful later his by ho as garden a don't you inainmuit when snows howilakc-trees angel shaking llit a little breeze?” With “wild reck was boister rude and youth has wonder I been former a Hie That 'Tis un hor Devotion "Wifely a Carolina but to continued) Smith — cover true of self hope down be his in office from it to God sky made the ance With this He was born at Slilan Ohio in 1847 and his parents com where lived in very poor luncheon circumstances not being able to evtn send him to school ills any mother before had however her marriage calm intemperate ous” If thore luxurious a less fresh in p Ami prefera being of went Story be mavho "And I ter calm Dumasquo and William from South ad as ho are a And mo address woman shook turned pathetic whirled roso wilh an it was you little he she of was Lena to there faint was natural tho egg school-room tho left but which of She school It why mo as writing-table a bookcaqp a out pug to mother tho of evon curtains and if hoars lie fool I hearted hung was wish sooner or sir" “Good-byo covered bed A Du this at me Sho composed can Madam dishonor of fort should you of you till do find over A drawn if mo Joo my it “I but window wore carpet floor with rather to teacher boy’s out teacher teacher went eggs Tho the low all do and you will not Reniombor that room lofty vory curtains Boft thick the swindle a produce boy of with and boy beans pupils teachor not I her would itself I is if tho at the to in her In t of mournfully from white landscape gazod Gustave resolution come your say keep to end a swift light eager wise Millies in his eyes maples drop their leaves you know Down here below I’ve seen them fly when tho wind blew hard Ail around the yurd she wife knelt hor hear? feathers pretty tilings snow-bird's wings into "Our courage death wife I Topping” over She Tho farmer as pocketful a sizo fair a in Hor her examine to re to ble — me that’ll be a long time yot! Koop your sir! wish heart up And I you good and Alias Lena luck too You poor may depend on the word of Sarah her alone left holp can sco anything by w’riting to to knows front in agreeing and covered colorod tapestry “contract" oidor-down counterpane of satin for was promissory note and a handsome wardrobo baked in placed down refreshment" you and you or suro (ire bring bed-room Roston chair heavier been her the sight believe I sir cocoanut boy” examine it to a Cass long them part contains of may string they’re From One Free Tress “Yes he take inner sticks it "Or” called she aid to — (to I show sank can but heaven Down a not Detroit e trees chat the con of climb from good view take it Queer questions in his small bruin grow He wonders so "Where do they conic from mamma dear Maybe Soon can as as sugar and grasps lie cannot But his list is so luige that the draw it out of the hole again with which lie holds fast to cost whnt sugar rest at that prayed pressed the they to True that hurry to curious a is It does the iost window the ana to Way Boys The is it approaching monkey the of known and grass sugnr Idea little Ned willi eyes of blue so cleur ami true Watches the snow as thick and fast The flukes fly past her thore becoming cern it that Our vain a dreaded distress failed nt just She formed resolution suddenly a would make an attempt to escape that house miserable even in you tolling sho as I All she before she As she window pretty bring I’ll die give town to know and her trace rible in once agutnst nnIllschuck hands wandering all endeavor was in He Ned’ receiving and Then— Balloon Karo Cinre it Up— Jlmmie’t Ojilulom in had forth who continent man prayer to told you I should ask dross your keeping word" aid you see I nm my said CliiTord attempting to a smile “And I’ll keep mine sir" replied Airs sho copied the ad Topping as written “I’ll bo dress he hud down to-night” contract a a exposed again had it at up I feel you minute a train sir over save bo my nor sleop uncertainty bill my last how in eat agony Clifford the the and to life retreated room burst btoriu— l the see how tering and Now to inquisitive animals very nough they see the "lonesome" thoroughly event her in She own upon will I of havo suro masque was to canto bo hear jour sho has mo catch tho hor — promised neither that resistance and ill rooms go down will roused embassies profits to her of find calmly her might even her Lena felt thankful to be ablo dulgo in a hearty cry unsoon violont but soon weeping was it sho felt better after and 111 county farmer in Carroll bought a recipe for making wheat would weigh double what it naturally and signed tho swindler what weigh to really Judith cheerful a “I plied every A roprosontud their fatigue luxurious a of suggested which Vionna at innova introduced technical Paris thus agent dosolute difficulty great news to iron only loll me’ any way by keeping all “You can help mo to yoursolf not tolling know you — husband and your more than of power into tho passionate fool when to into an to An one government sent ngo don add to abroad to ” her her them transporta education legation Russian of czar technical of the “I cannot said wearily she minister hor was will lot wish help strange this an lodge closod dark can and boon power and thanful hydrophobia Russian Judith present mado in deaths of of was utterly in tho who sat looking their in was At noy clap theory in and luiiollnoss bill confidant — for slio had not hesitated to doeelve Lona as to the time of thoir from Yes departure Eairevicw sho hydro a analogy in never or practices without method journal medical Pasteur a tho return make inquiries where she had to know takonPIn firo editor The begin would who of would dosortod I'hltaren road is It Apiece it are in Caught arrive Gustave would and House in a few days Alill are that project she Famous Inventor— A How Monkeys Tiger— that had to for Greatest to as the in all despair of pent-up down tho gate up and leaves fast falling now Clouds had gathered was she I "To much III CHAPTER McKinney half in tho prosont my I’lcaso tho to — for shall A full she the Falrview” back tho at all "I wifn Story Love in paced strance hor Terrible be The aunt herself this hateful in saw told the at his up hor of Booing inheriting death room around tho wind the dreary moaned dismal screech ruin an owl a gave He could close by not long endure and his dismal tho loneliness thoughts and hastily made his way back to the There and a blaz inn good dinner a him ing fire awaited bespeaking Mrs it but Clifford found Topping’s care impoHsiblo to rest or eat "I am going away at once” ho said in reply Mrs to Topping’s remon —Selected A and at against ho moral derangomont with took trouble the in it in placed fastened is sugar is Ihen monkeys a determination to wear until her single to keep opposition or the time came to get rid of her second tho during One morning of her captivity Lena was wintor standing at the window of the drawing went way among the from tho trees will ye ho lookod gates in this will and loaned in room white look to "I said Ho tears tho her last he in the and average thee bid "Choose yo sorvo" of below Maryland fall in mental except national the illiteracy of average slave exceed God tne he cried out face suddenly heart should about of than more her she should said worse a Lena the against boon going am hour’’ the presence of the angels to night If thou wilt arise and come the Joy of fiends if they soetheo slight But tho homo of light The robe the crown And chooso the paths that will end in night And hoil for tho soul’s long homo show to former Missouri cxcopt national is census while that quoted way And Joy oc them cupy ho will whero I bottom isn't been s pacing was strides his whon "I will lay aside the sin ransomed a ono will say sick or pained or grioved to day” the Suyior waits to show thee And docu and home a be came — injustice a piece of of string FOLKS placed changes impatient Y0USG clouds the in FOR Lena marry Lat by it? she would benefit nothing girl terly the however poor remem bering Aiadam Dumaaque had wbat close as high sang these whom on!” going is stern hat end in tears rav less gloom the way to tho tomb through ondlcss ages a lust soul’s cry vanished the wasted years “I’m common come dust in that There’ it to CliiTord away Whoro wo Whore nevor “unoccu of stato a Governor Bis ment read to queer or impatient in to set to hide For There’s pied that songs And Thinker earth of robes are lio un equally is man tavious as that life and death with thy soul be pleads And fain would His rich gifts bring There is full provision for all thy needs — sight of the Crucified gives thee peace From the curse ot sin and its fear release From the fear of death tho sting Browning re remains of Robert those Westminster Abbey near in Why forth put lark more out two Count ono’qunrrel atweerWthose lady and our beautiful would Dcspard if they rise from their graves knew all A The there when license my Mrs Top the than can the from Lena the But everything Is as and felt more madam for Des and green its foliage waved the the eye co-n fresh the maple Mr Gus than anywhere and his name is whatovor it though she won’t knows young By mutter no careful my own s along for and madam opened yeti Oh! the words plain They touched thy sight They told of thy Savior’s life of pain — sorrowful tempted lorn Homeless by thee bo That a sinless robe might worn In heaven spotless light own to-night papers unborn declared know I Miss you lot I if vory "But I death!” loll next!” for — be may poor Miss hearl of thou it quo's as Lena save minute proud pity were rushing half the men says about talking to them are busy on Broadway tribulations thorn selves Mental make ' yet! to would I very the ping babe of sin tho blood for thy atonement shed the curse might pass from Ihoe Hast money anxious be this That iron of the of One And the in “Oh seemed head production annual total production the value the says duty Atkinson this country in eggs their doing be to opened heaven pard — in all bydiselodng that you movements her of me from Du that solemnly help may bids thee look and aea they piorced with the cruel spear hands and the thorn crowned nail-torn hens the weight thou Hpst and near Madam of you know you Hast RICHFIELD tonant a tell Publisher Is PURSUADED the days limiting Toward and twelve trav miles their northwest jour is thus in accomplished few ney a reach days when they tlieir breeding in grounds tlie PribvlolT Islands St George and St Paul situated in lati tude 60 passing for tho most part between the Aleutian Islands Una and laska Aluta between or Alutnn per and Unimak— Cor London Times |