Show eslieb at annn am a m county c anty nt of inflammation ol 01 the lengi lengs emanoel EtA eca nuel NOEL agod aged 23 29 yer 10 months month and 2 days 1 I 1 milie mille star plea alcise to copy at Cent centerville erville datis davis county U ta T march goj gog 20 of consumption FLAVILLA ild iid invitto wite wife of john A dams aged 20 yearb years I 1 it I 1 months and 12 daib dais da a at neplir 2 phi ahl olly cily cly oly on sundar sunday hie the lie of march of lo 10 rolica ELIZA wite wife ot of david dvid udall aged 86 36 years 2 and ot 11 14 days ot of the croup cromp lat t bendon march jtb son ton ot of neury and Ell eil elysibeth sibeth tolas stokes aged 4 yearl years I 1 month and millennial star please pleasa copy |