Show DODGING THE ISSUE hon DAVID BENNETT HILL united states senator from new york who was defeated by GROVER CLEVELAND for nomination for president in the lato late democratic convention ai at chicago has made a speech and this speech lias has attracted widespread wide spread attention F first i rs t because sir mr HILL waa was not supposed to be entirely in sympathy with sir mr CLEVELAND and secondly because of what he lie said in this speech sir mr HILL declares that the democratic platform does not mean what it says that the party occupies precisely the same position on the tariff that it did in 1834 and MS that the platform is short and consequently could not contain everything that the party believes that tile democratic party does not favor free trade but the most that it demands is tariff reform Hoy further says that the tile best exposition of the democratic idea on oil tariff is to be found in the MILLS bill winch which is the last general bill offered by the party on the subject of course there is a reason why sir HILL should dodge the real issue in this campaign and seek to place a new interpretation pre tation on the free trade plank deliberately incorporated into the democratic platform after the tile rejection of a tariff reform plank similar to tho the one made a part of the platform of 1834 and copied into the platform of 1833 1888 new york is a great manufacturing state and many of fits its industries are largely dependent on a protective tariff and mr HILL is too bright a man to presume for one mome moment n t that the empire state can bo be carried on a platform which threatens bankruptcy and ruin to hundreds of profitable enterprises and enforced idleness to thousands of men now receiving good wages consequently lie wishes to supplement what the party solemnly did in convention assembled by ita its declarations made at a former period and by the tariff bill offered by mr MILLS mr HILLS position is not correct all the leading democratic journals in the country havo have commented on the platform and none of them have denied that it meant other than free trade pure and simple sir mr says that it means free trade and we fear th that at sir mr HILL is a little too late with his explanation to stay ali alie e tido tide that is sating in all over the country in favor of the republican party because of its bold aldand and aggressive g stand for alio protection of home industries and ind the tile pres er of home markets for home producers suppose however for the sake of the argument that mr HILLS interpretation of the platform is the true one and that in fact the democratic party do not want free trade but that the tile MILLS bill fully meets all its demands demand let us see then abat what the MILLS bill contemplated it specifically declared for absolute free trade in lumber an industry representing an annual product of nearly a 1 year it declared for absolute ie free trade in wool an industry producing over 0 ver a year it provided for absolute free trade in salt an industry producing a year it called for absolute tree free trade in brick building and monumental stone and granite lime potash and cement whose production gives employment to thousands of american workmen at american wa wages it declared for absolute free trade I 1 in abt tin yn plates and cotton ties of which we have been importing worth annually but will soon be producing by our own labor and rom our own raw material if protection is continued against unequal foreign competition it provided absolute lab solute free trade in hemp jute flax and many other industries which are even now unable to complete with the foreign importations which are thrown upon our markets to the extent of annually to the displacement of so much american labor in short it called for absolute free trade in one sixth of our entire dutiable importations it was a crusade in the direction of free trade and when mr HILL says that the democratic party is not a free trade party he lie is a guilty of falsehood and also of 61 an attempt to secure votes by false pretenses pretences home labo laborers v a r s and producers who contribute to t the he public funds aro are justly entitled to tho the preference prefer anco in all public works UTAH republican PLATFORM |