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Show that ieellmont I sot wbenl L,i2wlH',h) om.a. White elngla candidate li ehterid topon me. that ZSlrd and moetof hi band are atlll at a wltne the field. VlgllahC, caution, ex wa rattedhaaupnever left my foeorjs, with BlUloy Bull. wn ucmni at actnea and union thould be promi- ittetimory tiiLDiio rArtv, la by me te thl day, ana l am in IrOCS 0ClOC4 nently exbihited In ail that per- the very place where I haTe te tain to our political affair. With according- to the Book of Mormon, which le tbe law that came out from theee, victory la certain, without Zion, . GEO RUH Q. CA.N'NOrf, which center take la never to OBIAT BRIT At),. cannot we of them or either them, be taken away from here. In Jack TfOCNO, CIUQ!IAI be poeitlve about the taane. oa County, Mo." He had a firm and moat absolute faith in the rve- .ixu,t-ia- ui. inter- gjtt toratloo and triumph of Zlen on national pigeon ahootlnr match. . i- Capita!, 160,000; Saj $800,000 between thl continent, and the builJlnjr of EOWIJTO DISEASr. xKgaraua AmgmM 17. TeseAr, templee la Independence acd Far enavAittrey CUjtantry, Bogardu Called cp, 32,000; faj $160,000 " .TIIJiVOIKGKEW& t, - to-d- ay, v-- jJt. Me. Tits apread of contagloua dlaeaie la Weet, VV hi truer waa la John ZLECTION LESSONS. often remaikable, and tbe meane of of cople-rorwith tbe tbe plate,peelan 621 pnee per ounce. their eommunlcatloa frequently tranaiation below, and ebowed that Bllver y 13.16 S3 i.ifi- n..t.. CodmIi r aUo to tLe other She Oemmerclal and r.Tlnlny of varuaale and jeeU-rdafiit me, i Tub election the ken of the cloeeatoh- recoru. beyond new lQSl'; 7'e, 4,'eioei; fiiea 196; wun ' Tnbllc will find erery facility anau i two eerver. Hut there la a method of crreponu uoJer the new law, dvt Krie, S3. lbr, prafd, Harah Whltmer, and ht pe abe will ' point t for onsiJeralJou. , Oae is acatterlng the aeeda of euffering and be wlllrrr. with the permtaalon of for.tbe transaction of fltrict- that a great many p!ople who u death which ia very prevalent, and J David Whltmer, to re tor tbcae f i Iy JIaskinr Smineif. i : i reltaieea - ' . t t. , mm i 'I endoweU with th. electee fran- can be. easily atorped. Further document to tbe Church." i The-nrt Your " truly, nAVArA,;6. rolltfcal chise are very .IndlCereot in more, It ocght to be atopped, and 1 WlLHtLM iXCIJBOV, id".' rr. maaa meetlDg- - In Cuba, wae held to It duties. And the other 1 thai thoee who continue It after being I the liberal on Hatardar. with I party a a all the th certainty of reUtratkn doe told of Ita conaequence wlll.de- a "EtehariEre Drawn . on i iu eject . I I . . , - IK Vs- -. apolitical T" fn-larracpiD 1 i ' I rmirr m . not give certainty of el!lHUtj to tcrve tbe t treat pucUhmenL liri tTonVwTen principal Cities of the United vote. ' Children ifSIcted with wbooptcf a .a m xT' uq government- r vuwvou. iw We will notice the tecond point cough and other tibjease highly rnvtmrnieaminucura States and Enrope. aecretary preaided. : The meeting r firtS. Quite a number of qualified contagloua,. are taken out tor an i until the 10th, adjourned when a lAMTLitA. vote will be taken on the choice of Lr that U. eittzena of the Unti airing, and the mother, nureee, or I maaarwpca. programme. make caila on ed Htate. either Fnatlve torn, or pereon la eha rklXCiriL tX)BEE3r05BE3Tbc Kew Yokk, 6. Frederick Vil- famlllee where "the Utile ones are FRANCE. hair bank Into goodi.haa gone of are, taxpajer end resident la careaaed and petted , and kiaaed by mar, Uaoiutiee r Iiubok. The Loodtn . aa4 County ' at Aa Official Dealal. iu.uoo. Bank oT Utah. Uxa-London .Beak. The the Territory etx months, iuU la other chllJien, the dbeaee la com ruptcy; ram A. Jobnaon, lawjer, ha ill ' ' 6 Kaltoncd v The offlclall lteS' Paris, their respective prevltc'.s one municated by contact, or generally filed a petition In bankraptcy; Ha- - deniee that negotiation are In pro- s . , ruonth preceding registration, or la by Inhaling tbe breath, of the af Dimie aui.UUU. 'j for the annexation of Bclo and Ia Naw Toaa. Uetara. Mertcn. Bjl freaa th caae of a AaetaeeAtreet. Company. r j,; the wife, flicted, aud thua "'.,.'; '.! t female, Letcg prevloualy widow or daughter vt a ilUien, healtbr and happy Lome la fre whoao Cove Dennett, name la CaiC ACo. Tbe rirst Na'loraat Bask. i ITALY. ao been connected lit Invaded were particular attending quently Bank of Cali Tbe Saw by the destroyer, with the coutplcuoualy Faaaciaoo. Ia MeaiaUeai Beai Hrulth morUer, In Jersey to the requialte fortnaiiUt of the acd orrow and mournlog take the fornia. f ' ; ,r arrested In that cJty.ye- - IlOMS, ft. wia City, The Italian raVers law concernies registration. They place of gladnea and peace. ana lougea in jeu. state that the Bultan ha telegraph- teruay, GODBE, ANTHONY a tk Keaeaej Daea-- ea uueen ictona. reaueatioa her naturally thought that the i3ceie It would seem that werda of cau Ihfjea" : MANAGER. , whose duty U waa to copy the tion on thl lul led would. ur mediation to prevent the Auslrlaoa aaraatea. from Banlaadvanolnr beyond to people with common TbeuVa Boalon corret pondent, turned of those registered oa to the Bait lake Clry, July 15, 187. ? lata. 41V7 worklngmen'a registry Uut would faithfully tii reflection. Hut It ia a fact that dlacilblug . tbe I laat r at rial meetlrr atnull In therefore to aad act thai night, AUSTRIA. charge many tndltiduala appear duty, Jvearney axke with freedomfelt a dubiety about their tight to tbtte Important matters aa though aajn Am Aeaaasea4le. t.r etid ue language, emphavote when the proper time should ordlaary aeeae and Judgment had aialtigready bia Wurda Willi fwrce, nd- VIENNA. 6. Detailed reports Bait Lake 'City and Wagner's cerne. Hat It appear that they re- no place within their braloa. AH log ehota nome wim.cCect; hia anow that the Inhabitant of Ala-5 Beer a glaaa, H) cents per cents clear and could voice after have the unconditional or distinct, too confidence aCUcted la. much lai, proralalng old, persona, ycung posed - the quart- - all other plain and been a fancy heard of in much had tarrlcaded any aubmiaslon, of Olaeaae the an care J exaclneMof kou ihould with aoy contagion ae deliberately main atreet and deliberately pre- arinka 10 teut. We keep the hall. He apt prt larger and Bourbon deputy assessor. When they weal be kept as far at powible from con andalowlr.l lie walked theatage pared an elaberate ambuscade for Old Hermitage, aBye, of bottled full line with aa carefrom to end Whiskey, end who tact with the heaitby.and the ta the .poll. yesterday, tout though paciog the returning huaaarr. v for family dm and wines or a uecK liquor the and Temel, whence In lertenee man of thcae the about teea had registerXeaaaalUeaw who, thoughtful and will not be uudersold. . The desired to give unuj jal force to a iloe- - best bsr room In the city, for faml-li- e The Austrian entered ing, learned that their wait were ner we have described, carry ralaery word or sentence, troop he about slopped , ,.. and others. cut enrolled upon the ILV.e, and and death Into the household of midway, and elevating hi right tar, uersegovlna, at alx e clock on COX RAD &, ItCSfiELI.. j Monday evening-- without oppoai. therefor could not deposit their their fr!eud la little lea than cri hand, would hurl It with fore Corner oppotite Theatre. aa though he tun, the Inhabitant, appearing m minal and very nearly unpardon were the auOlence, tallcts. e.lAra,w d209tf. a atone, ilia de throwing We have no Idea that any rrgle- - able. nunciation and vehement utter- v A Csaas Leaa. left i rered name wat .Intentionally eocee seemed to take, the Boston of the newspapers of this Several ESTRAYED. laborer by surprise, and tbe oaths. City announce o3 the list. The omlaaioos were that a Cuban loan which his occasionally- emphaetned undoubtedly. Hut the TMret ill he issued dining the present Pakery, Mala ttreeCoa sentences, rarely received approval. tnontn. J?ROM n'fbt late, a small roan at the poll was the tarn to white on face and feet, roaceed vurr ivearoey uaa apoaen lor J ' raane ao4 tail cut hurt, hranded O oo krt tUeeUea Valastallaagary. rpstiiere45ter,a4 th cbigrla death or Jam wmrMES. or SOentbu-laaube failed to auslaln O. BOMNEr. T. LATIMEH, minute, a of those Who had rwllr' the right anTlafot-mattnthe characterised that O. H. TATLOK, F. AEVSTKCNG con- the So4 te wltl'lrad made have The opposition Ia ef Hraa. hla nrat appearance, and It to vote hut were technically shierable gains In the elections In Is43na wUI t TVirarded. It- - GARDNER. . evident that the oralvr caretee-nea(aalised Uuegarv. Kmperer Francia Joseph cEclal ev lo fallow The "through g letter contain was not en the aaad lot of Han aad Area Duke ltodolpb, son of the u la tjcue laiUncee too eral Item that will prove Intereat-- r rancuco, and did not fel the lib bnferor .Hi. win arrive at Toputx to WANTED. . bainta. We erty of thought and action te which day on a visit to Kmperor Inrtotte Laller-dadeep for word.. Freder- - A nas-- CLAM OAHDFR.-wbModr-- l he waa accustomed whea burliest lex viuiAm. , : iw they were only diligent la publUh It withowt knowing any- epuneis 55, ktacKl hlnolDe aud Waartne. oom. ii. moooana at ixnonoiier to a tske charre cf rtll ractorv. pvtent part, and therefore partly deaerved thing peiaonally of the incident eyeo, leprous Chlnee. It la doubt. uooa wiff an4 s a year ruaraBta4 If toe partWe are employmrat aailatie4 tbe thlr rebuff A copy of the Regie- - related by the writer. TheaaU- - ful, from the manner in wnlch v HALT at tae apuriBeuconipcteBtwwAepT wa for each precinct peat mouyrf John Whltmer, however, Kearney's audrrs wa received, try Urft REDUCTION IN PRICES. a leu vku ii m uooti. ed op at thl polling place .fifteen I prefixed to the Rook of Mormon wneiner ne will ne aa aucctaaiul au of among day before the election. Voter la connection with that of th agitator ,. ...lesma. H. W. Col at Oo a Utah Bed and White Pine otll kind. tneou liay .htate. They lauabed hoald hare examined. thL list to other wllnesaeev and remain un at BANKRUPT HoJ Ksstera s'lnishies; Lumber,- Califoraia hi aharp aaTlnxa and occasional WOOd. , j e If their namee were Inscribed impeached and unimpeachable. daahe of wit. applauded hie hits at Announcement Extraordinary ! tne aaseclatea press and capitalists, TI1CKSDAT TOUul thereon, and It toot, attention could near iiiver, wxute ueaar Aag. 8 :. iiAvma iiiu dat whom he termed thievloe land- Ovm Crrr, Idaho, ! ui&a, hare been csJJ to the oaiiseloa ' - . taad Red Wood Shingles ' I .. ...... ru July 31, 1373. filratea, but showed no aigna ofmore Earaaeiaeot fee One N!ht Only of tbe mLUVa noMAxI the especially savoriie tomituuin. Vcwa.Jufi.'w Dc$cret Red and Walts' Bustle, Ceiline, Sidinr, there I no pecUi prorUloa la the intelligent i tortion. who would IMrtCt from ttn Aa!roee, I received. a letter from have appreciated mere an addreea law for uch a contingency, the W Iaii, Pickets, Floorlrr-- ' ! CROSDIEi The tchola of itr. Jame Sirom-- i from MUi ar riaran at favorite their and West, t hltmer, the accepted that W ao will appear, la eonju oeiloa upeoaitloa alway being siiwouri. xn wnicn be informs me leauet uen. liauer. berg' JTcuhionalle and l W WM w tS aWJblsUlaVW work required will he properly ex- about the dealta f her father, John Mock of Woolen; Am AeteeBtaeeee-ecuted. But we thlak bectioa 5 Whltmer, Uaq., one or tne vKkt MISS CECIL GREY. Al Leae (aaa Llall tbe Orfaiaal faal, I In a mi will corer the ground. and meet the wltneeeee to the plateeI from which i -rT.- t A KCfMESJHEMAT.VAEM. ' translated. the Book of Mormon JjlerJIM arrear&nce ta tal elty.) VTe are rrrpsred to emergency: MIh cUrk cf the 8he writei: Donald, a variety actor, stabbed Ia tbe Lsufhable Durable Dress and Good, Goods, Stylish John hhay, manager erf lienck'a tied,- lo r a painful County.Coutt ahall dellrer to the 'I .aeat rayaelf tak, MXK"EUXtME"NTS I Oners . . .At 10, 12, 15, 20 and 25 cents per;yard, and upward. t i .. v mobablv House, . it.i. r Frame of "all klnda Jfad fa fr- . Aaeeeaoe the IlegUtry Llata wha luis iuui uiu f luivi j uu vft lullI J der Co- AT A rrees.1 i ' who Ueathof dear VlO'CtVVWO. Very Cheap. i ; sa AaseeUsee: tae my father, for the revialon eyer .neceaeary Best Brand of English Alpacas, '. Val a.U TRItUlliry 1UV & Kearney In hla hr- thereof or aiding name thereto, thta Dostow, GREAT REDUCTIOH month (July). Father's dis- rangue, laat (Our own ImpojtaUon), from 25c to f 1 per yard. used most of hla TVs pertormaoee win eaoctod with Croe--1 night, ' Ac" Thl baa pec Lai application ease wae congestion of the lungs, s From Ma a f oi r.ai tTe?nl!y hyw UIHDOVT GLASS. to vllhfy tbe Asociated tpecautj, ins ' t ' , to the revlLin and ad dlnr of n&me heart and atomacb. lie died very vocabulary irloes. .' Black Cashmeres, "New Talmise, Henrietta Elegant from the ran WANDERING lieaaiojr e 1 nave tne consolation I icreat UINSTREL for a ubeequut electloo, hut we ay. ranclsco Chronicle a dispatch, be Utlos; large quaotltle ourselves, saa In koowln? that be was prepared Iattributed deal in jr direcUr with tbe at anufactor a m to the Associated Trea. Iatch Odl Crey and Ifr. Crb(e wld liUOllJ-ih- i It CC S belie re will apply to, the error la to J Dress In Newest meet lits UoJ. we Shades' Load Car Englisn Iota, intend Larso Buntings; O. la Insl eouyt aud keepicr afor (uirodoce I6ir No such dU patch waa sent fiom 8teck on bacd, of tha eariuua . 4,Jia asked only a few'daya Wfore tbe ,lzes, ; raifere Woolen question. ac and tparlslti nextr American and Prench thlaoflJce. Low, Tbe to Public Draper, Piques, designs, very disratchiwe tekcl Iroia at Very Low Kate. Our object la pealing on thl bis Ueatu wUen I loougbt you bava sent, beOdeeonly anthe almple '. T. llAKBia ni a Wo appear to ma latest Styles of Bourette and Polonaise Cloths, main street. . H, come, lie aiwsys reu so DOUBctmvut or bla arrival matter la to Induce care and dili- would anxlouv-onand Pro lo. ? you DouDl andWidth Black very Choice v o L OProsiTS n r ror 1 v 1 WS WoodTurnirg of all Kinds'; 1 Grenaalnes, 1 Cheap, toe i last gramme meeting night, gence In the future. There wai no azaln ' CAFT. LAMAB-f- l OKCniaTHAL BAND ' waa toe lencrtor an interview be Seal Brown French Beseille. : I vhiUd r.lckruorjd dlrectlj tween Butler and Kearner. furwuuppjy tat locklauial muslj. opposition la thl city y eater day, wa asadaud it after the j L4TIMR, TAVL03 & CO., storm, therefore the cocsequencc of aoy A7iaiuy Durapeu Rim muoruto spring oujcs, uy Kearney private aeere-- I Wm si final.' Na extra akarlra niiiej to behold. Uncle loualnsr alzht . 75 o. au-, u. a Froto and arterwarua ceuaieU to the upwards. yard neglect may act be eeriou. Hut David (Davil Whltmer, one of the isry, One Block Eaat f morning paper fur eacb, another election will taXe place In tnree wltnts,l baa about reco llaaton & "DAVID Bronze Brown Silks,' Blue, Navy IHyrtle.Seal Spring aaia oy JALIES, secretary. ' ' ELECTION' NOTICE. KoTcmber next, when a vered fr?i Lis lojuries, and la out t At $1.25 per yard. t Keeetatleas APU4 at Ike Keer. to Cor greaa will be to ted for, and once tuuro ou the atreet." G. BROOKS, , , iictnu 'TniK peoprfr ef tbe ra febool Sra! Whltmer' aicetlaa. Hjfarfrjoi ay we hope that tbe errors aad cart- - letter. S3 From Vic. to rbeet a JJ.irtot vt ii.t ut Co4Jiiy. ar K. per yard. The I vbdted tbl lat one of tbe baryinaj:vetpIcre4 in this market The tollowing reeolatlona Were ouNUil It mt at ha booa rr Caar'ea lesaoese to which we hare alluded elrht wltntse In April thl year. adopted PLUHBER, MUier. TINNEB, eteeUfla of tSree ise at the Kearney meeting, rvstees(oroa purpae will noi then be repeated. luim or Autiut, at lu a. at bis fine reUence at I ar West. tan " : nignt: Steaaa aal Ga rilUr. foun ia farm tbe Oo John's 1j:ii1 The other point adduced Title luatltuted Whereat, RIBBONS, VELVET?, ' republic of tbe . T. datlon l'ar Wet Trutelaod avowee for of grave coaalderatloa. the advanc KcepectruUraaaouDeM purpose kasseetir-tha Is that be laid of gray sand an at eornerstono UtKS JBSON. , Ia D ache as, Torcbaa and Taleucieaun Ucrs, ,mill tor lata errUer? of la very dlClcult to stone. A aitort distance from Jeho leg an J reserving the interests of Urw prewrarv tu Htrwrli and Colored j. Iadlea Ties ttl Jmbroltlerle-uae a reuueeu a to ireeu we real Ur J entr-glediscover Whltmer' art ktiaiiiai.ee, up Opposition 1T.TXXA.X TfOTlVtZ. fravnt Fains and Parasols, Chenille M.Ik 'ami Worsted WCG AM) plutocracy that employs republican on either eldej, and there la an the boM in which the Prophet aad FrfVCOCRV democratic In Steam pertbe parties lila ta Haallb wllU HAT dwelt mr aoa.eestooi Galooo Trimmings. "Drr bs Ilnttutiar Cblf ren'a fanjl Joeepti Frlnxes, Warming Apparatus, opportunity la the atmggle tor the ly, audio the adj jlolox county Is aalouawoikof establishing thiev- I Cloaks, Opera Sbawls, lare Sells and RilTs. Zrphjr enirlmmM ing Ttouopollee and class privileges. On red PTKEII. four rtara eld. kracJal right to win. Apathy te deathlike tae beautiful valley, Adaco-oudMsaufsetDrad under . J. Oolifs JJack tnat sap tne niooa or national In Dress Itut Eic Combs, and dUguatlof. Teople who axe Ahmad. John Wlutinsr recelvsd dustrto Uleralore, HAV8. .. ' pateou. A wo UoU'a face, wafts ta'1 anl to that it can be lapped Op Ooa Mua CXW, Mft aid of i cot iotereated la tbe exercise of mesa a dear father would receive a nA Sail Alt AWIWU BiMealty,UvfUjtbrardoa auw a re tii M fjll ana. seek. on r SSt nip, a It oo riwbi rlha. erred readily all my vj in t pi ci capiiai: & the Totlog power ought not to te on. and am UDIES' READY CHILDREH a sin la S fJADE SUITS, UD'ESI.CKILORElt'S ear; whkh, enacted, that erepeffbrt. t a!d: I au aware that Afr(u, au rawsinterrata Iffl-T- -I if not eUiaarxt, will be restAofuet Ittb, entrusted with It; they are unwor qutiou. of the st om o'etock, at tba tatrar ioua4 yournacoa la ar.ltl tj lb testi are nwt lu the direct at In the Dock of Mormon, that pivUuclug ani Ubcrloir claae. are a Maatl. faoro Ounnty. IT T. thy the prielletree and Influence monysaw IS ELEGANT STYLia, VERY.LOW." UHDERWEArf PubtWlUjlbluir. Mtorea or Prlrala rvatdeo. luaiuaaaxairv crltue against the spirit aad pioe- the niatet you bee a. tow man and tibar Oarria' it by Seamleea bot and Alexandre Genuine KID GLOVES, new ahadea. al Bod will ilrtmor to It or cj fur tnu peruy which U and r repubiio It that MAIN ST. Ou door North .f, teetlrnooy the MakU, Jaty h, itfa aw woman holding the franchUe la re- - lie i"'"1 " eoereapooe with rae oa legltUtor ahould be branded ANewThlo; Kid Glove Rebovatorjv, Trythemf! l't latru. Yeaeret-Bank- . I to or God h inUioy and the communi rrimloal Imprison pooaibl you liU'ile tbe ftalee menCand. IDid Fluere GrvH kept atock. Rumaer'a Near WhIU PICQUES, TERRY CLOTHS, rialn and Dotted SWI38 Salt (Lake CltvJ Utah Putnpaaod Pump Kxtras ea aaod. ty for the uae thereof. And In fall wlto jour II hertcu, Inramoue, If not crimi Genuine and In Percales French TARLETAN3, ' NAINSHOOK8, dide-I r lie to la aro falle In the rote an elector woaaaaoes ornci ing ' I Then were a material nal ciaea legislation naa been beep JT BiTI ai, sanaka; Black, Navy Blue, and Brown. J Poel'bffice Bnx 5(r9. una bar Www COLT, about i vrara o!t. ed upou the Industrie of the na diecharge of a aacred duty. Thl urmtanrer they ' '. Pail Btock of White and Colored Table Damasks, Curtain Lace, Nets. dlU , ha particular application to the He Vet, as u alert ! a aojlhtog tional political parties until tbe C Meat Market Cpposfte ty burden bat become a torture to the WSkife IT aoS alataal. wlIT . Xtapklns, Towels, Crashes,. Linen "Mormon people. Indulgence In can be. r i. Buggy Kobe, Etc. from Is no es there which at maers, auoM loe'eioca to were its. lift? I heavy ja. Tbey HAVE a aplrlt of lndl2reoc te politic I mu 11 u a Muwi rif iaaM cite. Ye, and as reu know gold cape except by uniting tbe mutual wtil confirm peopW la a habit of h lie bcsTT metal, they were very lotereet ef tbe prouueioc acu la s arw bortpg people of all clase In auco. rs t Lars dry, Ao. , r.i. Indolence, and an ell example la Heavy. CM Win Bod our Stock tbe Lar est an4 Ctteaiest ever brourbt Co Utah HaU in all she 1 political action aa will vlve them Mow big were tbe lear7 often a likely to be followed as uu mus.uhv, inaimru ana unmmp3ea; I ret CB and American rVwt r. (ttrtcS per their of control ritateand rightful far aa I recjlieU, 8 by 6 WANTED. rtmarw. Trreand egattaera.la newwt ,faade; St!illDery fellka. Toeooo'sea, a gXid one. The pcealble tfTccta of lie it tsui,.. oatiooal legUlatlon, prlvliegee of CXX)K AKD KrTCHT.w OIBL. TU cr T inehe Batioa, fialn mod Dottoa NtrU. I'earl aod fctool Oraaueoia. are theee A In nave ooca malter been piunuered. pointedwill rw (trra. I Weie the leavi a IbklT apathy HDWT)HaTJ Cartonaa or Plain Oeos Orafn and Jatfn BibboM. Kew'kO wblcbiney im "1" lap. to on mervoy reeiore mis govern rr'r keen tke bart ao tnading; brands of kTAPUB ;oul--- . ao4 otlac ustu atCba ike tblcfc, tnat char ment ly liluatrated by a clrcnmatance lie Tea, Just so buck eaof Xerx4. liair DUTWH PAICES ! Wib Ja sa4 'lofty turioai notn oa eneravea that occurred In IUaol on the 12th acter cvuu be waa for It Instituted which br out siJee. LLLUA ef laat month. 1 How. were tbe leaves Joined patriot raloere; therefore , oua new rrocKor. Urs, ELLIS R. SHIPP, waa heUl at texetnet? lie reeoeea. ty tne cuixena of An election then rtcge, each cne In Boston,laIn Kaneull Hall asrmb!ed. Physician and Surgeon. Framlogham, Fulton County, lo lie la three GENTS' BOYS' 1ND CHILDREN'S' CLOTHING, D of a tos straight that it in the bighrat and trur tt GTTTCE: Vtin the abate tor that State, police magUtrate. It Uoe low era trie with In ru ih 8tiw. Interests of all Industrial classes In tutMo centre. waa a email matter; no opposition laof rnod matarlala and erBk maka. Oenta. T"n1 hs and TVyV It AT, from Cbenea. DuiUiB,eMn,iw X. U. M. 1. I In wdaI place Cld you ate tbe New Koeland I bat tbey extend Oaoia aaaBora' Hare and 11m BOOTS, aa rsaa and oxfuhd V,' 'I'iH'IV wae anticipated; and tbe geed elate. lai cord uoltaU aad tbebeaity, Houu and Ut MowtS fei. tup ilii rood aad Cbeap. bwna to Dennis tbe treat port to Kearney, Haalths bt want hooeet people who did noi He la Joseph I 9 Hoaoal atteatkm r?VM ta Or.iMr- Lcte; he and efUcient of Id the labor A g wn apostle dial FULL STiEK 0? IMlIISMia trouble thnuelrt about local poll- - naa thera t&ere. vmngi nouea. 1QK Did yon ire them covered c:uet or cainornia, who come I to too to wae hot go tie, thought It amoDg them fur tbe noble purnoee with a r lota?. Direct from tbe Beat ManaracUirrra. HO TT A 771 A 13. PHATT. haa u sited the poll. They were caught naptham,aabe uoiting He No. lie handed them un of own Htate. In In brotnera hla tbelr Gente we our and FarnUhlntr covered voter lato ami bands, Goods, in all Ita branch. Notfona, Pipe, ETery reepectable ping. Phjftleian Uryeorv that political action which la cece. Etc Etc., Jewelry, , truated to root other reepectable tamed the leave aucient to eat aary to restore tht government to .f r il js Acnra nr. II. J. E a iafr u. 't Drue Stora, nrarl; opposite 2. C M. I. an and burs the for voter, and the cocaequence wa Just principle all Were witnrue eixht I you 1 wnicn it waa lciuiuted. so that tbe BrakSeooe T Vl E. TRADE. r TO bkwka last of Post Office, they, all tiajed away from the rreent at the amo urn: ' r y ' c of this be jrum. prosperity people may rj. -tlm Joseph rr lie No. At that Wseansafa)yaaTtkataaerr)CirtartilIarwtw.ni poll. Cut the bummer and rogue, bowed ever, and that wa shall atrlve to TOeaTaTi kiT tbaa Jowe trf."T - rr the rlatee to us, we were called and firmly established. Daiai.i oT Wocaaa, and Diwuw of trv. who axe aomeUme wide awake rrtra any P10?1 fjuartar, as our ezparlanoe of fifteen rears la tba tXVTI:. tas Xre aod Kar. us .rm , reraona. room, tne In ua four rreseol u uea hi wanu BSarws. OI Plaailreaa tae tra4a. ,4 when hsneet people are aaleep, and at another time be showed them filled Orders OT" and boaorahte proeapCy treatment I rnarantwrf. A teniae iriLADELPHiA. 6. learned the condition of affairs, and to four more. Hi tyilH: H"WV 77 years storm passed over tbe town of DinTEBSni OF about Whitmerwas DESEBI7. own John their kind, up put rallying EXCELSIOB told me tnat be should PbaoIzvtlle, l'a., last night, doiog ar.live lie named Thompeon Foun- of j Ilobert see tne coming or considerable ana dsmsge. not Bert terra rf tke TJntrmliy fortHe tain fjr police magistrate, and ac ChrUt nor the mtoratlon of Z!on Townrend and Kdwln Robert, of 'lUtS 1 arsvlamual "rears iSTS a. aiii r.i. . mvis, novB & co.,- -' IlrUtwr ttrotS by tually elected him. The tlrepy in Jarksoo County, Mo. That Jos rmiAdeipUia, Vor el'CU'aenr furthae Infarmatw4 mU. lam former waa lustau'-l- y townafolk were amazed and Indig- eph fcSmlth rave bim ouce the fol- - ning. ana a "rTurrrrvw rrrrrrfTtrr la net expect lira to tfae.InalitaUeo. aidmi lit toe tatter Planiarr ' IlilL o ; anieu, lowinz bleeniog: wae reeult the when nant m4e Thou shall live to good oil age. ed to recover. .. ... I! T Inl.'I : JUUIT 11. i ' 1'AJIJC, offer at LO WR V certain, and are now clamoring to and shall walk: over tbe aahea oi The vlllaxe of Canton wa also 5aV Lake City, UtaK roR RATE3 the Governor not to twue a than alt thy ecemiea. Tben yoa tliall visited by a heavy storm. Th any other first- est vstsit Bo3FactoryL belonging to the Canton ta the new rnagiitrata. sleep wiui your rainers, ana meet reservoiruo.. teer In the market jCiws Coarse ait 40 per ton aier gave way. doLnffcozuIJ- the Lord, whea be cometh lath 8UOCXS50S3 TO Tfcey bava learned a lessen. Can- ClOtljA," , iota of 11 ton - au eratle Cascade. A Urre aaaik axi Coarse not the clJ etCart of Utah karn It blind factory,-blocrt uz to Coon 0VERLAI1D of lOOtooa- - J3.00 Now. sJd John Whltmer, I cave & Poarss Ealt,lota nATHAIJ DAVIS k EOKii HOUSE. a'LLlU:CF ALES, MIES, LIQUORS Drain, waa entirely swept away, without being forced to activity lived to a cood old age, and I have Was Salt oaon Lake At car, Cty; Ilooper w Kh several barns and together of MSTER!IJASH?6:DD0lS vIDe Switch. walked over the ailie every shop- -; many All kinds of Milling anil Mining AID CARS, AT E3TTC3 nSURES. BaLT ty the thinga they auSat? crrr. dwelMng house were cne of all my en emir. Sscks. lOeeaia and Machinery, eztra.1 eaca, I Wrought o Cat We hope that beore the Novem- elnete Elieu I wlto baxetne J . males IL water, V. J f.r w't 1- one or tnese ' Ironwork, ntanui'actnred ; i ' . ' .1 ... Tie tmt Secetkf Oas Houre la tbe CTtr . t t la UJ..r,ln wttK ber election many who axe now who wrote rart of Hie lice of "J " "V3 'uu.k doejre Sootk of Wa.ktr Ilau to order irr-or ins i r Shinslcs LSUi Pickets, VAUIER CH0S, Zl CO. . aliens, xnae and female, will have Mormon from tte tlictatlon have been ewe; t away. Nf la TKkHS-ton of a one the lioe t riae, an4 voice per burlap mir fi.ee Ty, become cataralised; that ail who Prophet . wMk. a aa waa Urm at a J1o la 19 toa lou $11 00 lrht wllcewes. lie When s1 e IT T"T 1 TTT?n r ii fttiti are propeaiy qualiSed will be sure rock Utniaa baa Ma, - Mgeeu a aa.ee DO bis faiia, and Joseph la 100 toa lots VwL runs la $10.03 rr .. ., ... to have their name cn the Bajlth. llTlrila ria.20, acnt worU WEBTEUS HAYY ataatmerv.' I w II iJU A . i Half la No. 10 and 3U. IU.C0 via- - ana Aa.a ever to John V turner ta iear.'.rm lila 'Twa--aa, ; r.icALO WklMIUHasI Eaad. resiiixy iiau; f! stnr itmhi xarstiE- -, . ate Tc a cents extra ranoles for eaclof tea and have "I uoth-Ine.aia,aa,-,- . it..lawful !tor will be rtady to trail ci.: nr. hla amwer wai: llli Bras of Work ' F&axcxscd. Lora Aba Are all A I tlbratth hare pound lacks, recalled it, ac4 fart, fcyrormsraal Clmof'amt M ...;t deacrfptioEs raetorr: Ttrst Xsst'. tlreat. KipaUtV far i to the pclU and exercise never CWot gany aim. Ilarluoad rataa to from Fort Lap wai sajs: The In. to Third and Font Eontk Btraata. MMi TTVat in. TM kMl tecr. Vr VTcT. riLL, rirtt TaM the power beetowed, whether In regard tojolalns the Church, dlans, suppoee-- i toa be VLIle lUrcl'i a. rrrr, w W4. JOHN Ma nrta li.il. iiMik a ciomly A. ear(ij Salt Lake Czj, TJtaa, p. o. ttlluaji FL 8TKsarKOSTH aaoall within a prove or of a hav hand, he only aalvl; "I ciTT party testimony there be any oppoeltion Box 1ST. only rreprlctor. fi3 8.44 by .9 IDAEOSTOEE. H4 InruBIik eJWi G. - Jwmm A C-am). Ur. rotntai, . 1 ... - - urn m n a liJ t ; -- inrj a a. - uj m - w a I KhjjUttArnj .a,, l i , m u - - - fc. 1 1 . ir - -- . ! - , r m i ' We are offering the balance of our ExtremeStock of. SummerGoods-- - - w ; ly Low Figures in order to jSMake S Soom for Sxtensive Pall Furaliases. It consists in part of Lawns, ' - ... , . , Grass- Cloths, Cotton Dress Good s; P rints, Ginghams, Lin eris, Piques,' Hosiery, Straw Goods, ParasnlR." ladies? and Misses' Linen brgandles ; nece-war-y' k . I . Linen Suitsr" Coats, Summer Suits, etc., etc. .," , to-wa- rde I . . " ' , . - ect UU-quallf- ie4 a, " Ba Tttay e F. AUERBACH . o - ALT TSEATEBI n i r 1 - SALE - Bought for Casli, T attractions great GOODS ARRIVING DAILY NEW " " V , j PRICES; TO SUIT THE TIMES , to-d- T. LUMBER, YARD East Temple Street, PLANING ulILL LAKE iCITY. y - BR04 I j Well-StUe- i BWssa.sMeVaVf tsT ' . - -- Tbr-A- km A k Utrr V Xi WkJ ft m 1 ct ! ; tk VX-WX- : 7-t.- C . , i na.L.J. i ON, ; V '. , 5 y a e a a ..h., a j . . r-- s. 1-j- S- - Dele-gat- e J. - :y ; I in-olr- ellX-OCK- oTar-com- MILLINERY, "iJOYBliTIBS ea , ae-rn- e. 1 . sii.ksi j nir, - j I W Iil-rc- M, iiof a. r A iiRjiwy i " . ho7 ; . . . " . : . JLTST-RKCEIVEI-"- . A a 1 WHOLESALE JIILLIIiEIlS i, hWMl LOJ uaa T 1 1 mm , irt rr-v.- fi- 1I1SMS- ipim c. - ejat i ttijT, akai: rnoi all-bi- ' 1 f 1 --. Tvl- ST, LOU'S - rd k THOD. "OAKEY, i ! CASH T7AOTED com-ruiasi- ca . SHOP, , Sa-'t- MBGE - ' e -- ua ... K I 1 . - 1 ; L ... i ...... ". . . t-:- as tf - rwa-Sr- 'a: smcix t" - -l V a ' . a t- cscto. t ; . r -- A trt. aV e- -- W" ! in -, 4- - a aw - ,. o- V |