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Show JUILEOADS, lrriTala sod CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND fTrcuu). IV rr KVBNING NEWS. - ef stall parts iiit?taryhi. Tarooja CA . . auaJ-- Sn2lng Catarrh, Aha, sAfy Par ey s Fats. P Cot- toe word, aod Wanak.ji Tkurajtya aad PACIHC RAILROAD. a, A-- Chronio Ci UicriJva catarm, Larrh, Tu!r, falardan xrr. CAHFCRD'G RADICAL CURE. rh a- ik..i and cuttings. Ict them lZr kinds be planUd on section PfilSIDEllK rMD Jl dA-'.y- r.ot.. rr. tu PAlR PIONEEIt I , " f rf tol.USiftto. - f - Crr Hje-ib- V Je nm u u " ln. J ir..ll aaht lif r1 rr. t ap-pruA- ch f - lilv .. .lKK.a u-n- SOLLRISS tA V 5-t,- Co iu, Icraiva-llatai- y U. P. R. R. u drma-vt- r- dr t6 M 1 . o the-first-t- Ka-ito- . am DESERET - RHEUnATISrJ mtsn It ii '. 4 GOLUUHS . rvc, A rt !- - - - I tt....... I 1 4IT. l'r)-rQt- n-- t'.i!y,tlct tfy..... p-- ee lr"j aj -- ,. tnw, - Ma-klt- n Draa-ftot- Its " "... - IE!fflJ3I!Jl!0iL t. rtjr ls UTAH CENTRAL JtAILTlOAU. . f rr HQR-nrWAB- ! Krilia......)ir4au. SOUTHWARD. Ia RouaJ Ua Arrtr. at " Uyvioo troa Ti;t. Geo. Bound a. i Li.t ................ ... .......... t 9 W(irai'i -- CantraT i Fsrm'nrtua AA T x; T KM ............... ...... i.A a. Trtamaiiua llt tT is; H, 8ufU THE OLD RELIABLE I t en U m ) t: t U U. I Ua..................!tl - . 1 .aia. faaam ConlintoM ai rwaut. to mop'T JCfT' SilASP. 0na)rAi rrai at 1 J.. TWAat JOHN 8IIA.RP, A ci I 0 J2dtone JJanarmtnf KQX CHICAGO RtiiliriVflirriitiiriL atr ml : YcrL BOSTON TO 3 Xa. 5 HE CHEAT SHORT LIMIC DTAfiSDDTHSRH RMLHQ1B Oi v TO ; PMI:, TIa Kt Xlcacbtc avll Tork C!iy. 2To!nta !a Pannajl- - FCLOAIi FALiCE CiE3 au. KiracyrxAixs. MAQNTFICnXT CATw3 v.tk tv ea!vhru4 wMuf. tiu'rr! . AuuaA air brka aoa Jannr y Na-- a t MM a. U k. . Uaa-.- Littua Cut T T J aouun A MBf-- . A. a I ' fr i JliaalAad S T TUT li"a r. av B IHUi Ja t" w 4 T , , I 1J, 1 00 1 ..... UU I AawruaaG Purk.... ... ro K.aa.ant Proa Jtciu"n ............. w fMaa jrk..... toll fArwa AAa(jaiV.a - ..- t t J3: -- W .... Ll ta I a nn CO M I Cuupiar. ExprCIress aaTrains Q tt U Laata a to 4 M l w PAttoraa n' Ml ! aj ELEQANT EATIHQ HOUSES ft J! aa . ImA IAA aaaavtaO k i Follow hlcago 0.00 sum: WtU Iaa AopoUr VAaCtcA alAeptof caxi am: Carrtobtir Kaavaaaa) PttilartrA t30 a aa: Plii.aJ. pi t CO a m : Mta Twt Aaa af laano Alaavca; ft ilowrt 0J0 04 Wavaiikw I.M a am next Aajr. 1 5:15 p. 41. aUr tT n; Atlantic express, CAiur, .!a a. rsav jf. IJ 5' ulci..... ........ li1 IT Iataa - . I I 3aaaa furk 1 ...... ...! fnwu Tarmuiuav...... .... fatAaaok Gfm..-- .. Ata.ncAA Frk... I.ki ......... .... tmr -- tti.a CutAiairAoA.. W Irrmt aa t lAa a a - I a ei a-- a f a ... 4 ... I Ba-i- p a a a $ W) D vi ;j a ia IA w jrii a r. j" tfa-l- y, JOITN BJIAOIT, Wrrrri Pa a4 ok a ii u:PttNjrk manual Ptu.aAipAtA iASo er na ta arkick -- Aapot QaCj r"tl. ir'n. pa aiaBAAaA tlkt iri:n rra. fkiiapiiA aa. 19:10 p. n: t.'isM Express" u:crrr SAirnDAT, WUk lranrtaa-- gooes BVtTot Caa m; Rarrtahorc BclkAa PTttur T a aat W aaAioa-tu- o a BU P jrooa a as: Now tcA a an; lXJft A m; Fu at'a fttt) p nw TSkrcu k I c 1 T.-- t'..al mora H' i r ret a , y.a tiwiaa. roa al tefcarmt:aai aoa4"ais rr hl o Paar A l7 o I Aa4 a w:. ts I 4I N.ak a. Sja-AA- Cat. ta; aB a aa; haw Tork ta a at: on tkja w a fuii to 3T 4 5 11 10. ft. I I- 13. JJ 9 RAckai If- aci a 5 i.-r- Ttl car a cai ' pu; - Fir ya WaaXc4-ui- iU'lTS IS !CJ AS UT CTHI3 V'L m All TAuraaaa;. TtAiA fa aavlo Maal fMtaita la tM aaaoa. AA r4a. Iw 4TIaaA TT t..ai..iiM UJt. rui&j.tl.AjaiA r. Ik, HTSAJS.' Caal laJfc ai4 iX anil flacea, one bamea, aoommodiUPat on fAtnllj. Tbo aeconJ form U a "CHUKCD DaAAret ilateA, RilCOnD, with apca for " bkas-In- g, Laptlama, conflnnaliona, oi din alio na, uidowment. and palri axulial Mowing and various pArtlo-Lar- a " of Iho akariu. Tor third foira U a "8KALJN0 aod AUOITION RECORD, with SDACtM foe daiua of praon aeavkd, Urih, deaih, time, iUot tc , j Too fourth form la a and ArrOINTMENT RECORD," for namre, data of with birth, field or labor, date ol appoint, ment, departar, release, etc Tho fifth form la av "RECORD for BAFTISM3, ENDOWMENTS, ORDINATIONS, and HEALINGS for the DEAD." Ezh book is furnished, with ja UUo FSf on which tho person owning tho record caa enter his or her namea An explanation of the forms, or Instructions how to keep tho record .also printed lneavcb book. Thoso Records are well printed and ruled on good ledger paper, Wo can ubfiantlallj bound. fornlah them of any else, from one to fire qnlres, or larger, but prob-fi- r quires la as largo aa will Vo"caa' bo tho taiIojs forms In a record, pro--I ortlossd to each other to order." FlLXMORE, Millard County, . August 1st, 1S73. Editor t Dccrct Hew$x ' Beaeret Ia distant from Fillmore, In a northwesterly direction, about SO m lies. The principal part of the land now being farmed Ilea on tho south side of the Bevler River. The "canal," which Is an old bed of the bevler, starts from the river ia southerly direction and deof several scribes a seinl-circ- le miles diameter and, after supplying numerous UriaTtIngllltcha, emptier its waters late the river- several miles below the dana or head of the "canaV The soil Yarles from a sand and vegetable loam to a heavy clay, all of it being more or less Impregnated with 'mineral,1 ac,r salt and alkali. On the untlllsd fond a heavy the growth of 'greAsewood" covers soil; and on the tilled land aunflow-er- s, milkweed, pigweed and bitter-wee- d are fighting for the victory, as a general thing with grain in the hiding its modest minority, sadly for htada in ahsme the shiftleesness or Ignorance of the cultivator. The cause of this state of things is found In tho fact that there is an abundance of water at Deeeret, and as it costs one dollar per acre lor it, the people, with the true Instinct of the Chinaman, when bujlng his boots, want to get ail they can for their money, and they pour on the water in seAson and out of season, when It Leeds it and when It don't , need it, and usually the latter. The laud la very level, and the water setlU-- In the lowest places, which eauees the "mineral" to raise, and roortoHjt-- finus the grata as eflectually cut oft aa 41 Q ujtay of grasshoppers had visited It. was of breadth sown land last large aod not over or spring, of a crop, will b at leAAt one-hA-lf raised. In fact, the croj are not nearly as good aa those of last sea- . s one-thir- d, 1 alW-TjraJ- ab pnioiaa. '! U ' ..IIAC0, KT-tUr- PRINTING Ii:::t ofthor't,' DecoioTHoT73 Ouco. j l-- lindicare tTte towuslte 1j - the Hst jgt coulJ - - a 1 Drop La tiara, alorlA ratav. ' t JoRcpaWAr burton, 1st wafd,6alt UWhu President bamuel Petoraont and ward. : Jacob Weller, at4 ward, narnson bperry,4Ua ward, tt tucbard Bruniey, bth ward,' u Wm ii Hickaaiuoper. tUAwavrd. . . f . WliUam ItaorDa, 1th ward, Bear Lake County, Idaho. atn ward, t juusa Asiwwi, w bauauel BLSHOPS. Wooiley, Sth .1 Adavot Spiera, 10 Lb ward,ward, ' ' Atexander McUaa, 11th ward, Hsnry A Iewl, Georre Town Joseph W sloore, Bentunrtoa aKdwla 1) r , ry per,IStfalzia Ward, u Chas K Bobison, Montpsuer Woollcy, Ii H Dalrymple, Fraaton ThnmtiTtTlnr. 11thn-waru, -i . u Joseph Pollard, 15th ward, rensen,uvia aeca Win, Main J Anstia, LJDerty ' t rowaa . John 17th ward. Horn. Paris Henry want, health, Beury Iu Robert Price, Sd UraonP. Whitney, lsthward. Wn ilalme. BioocBfnartan..: kUcAiuttjV aorra, lvUi wnm. John A Hunt, 8( Cbtrka Hooart tope. r isk Hareu " Andre w lturt. Slat ward, . D r Iau, actinot toaa Springs A U Drlggs, Surar House , Lewla a Mouaiey, rarmera' wara Kouoea sulitr, Mill Creek . Rich pouutji Vt&h, John Neff, hast AUU Creek 1) II Brlmoa, Hlg Cottonwood Joaepb Kimball, UaAdowrUla . LMXo Town J S KawUqs, qoulq lnt XMeDearr, Cottonwood H Stewart, KAOdolpa ' luuMtolph mainoi rmiiipg, unton W U Woodruff . . . , I M btewart,Oouth Wiuow Creea (1),.;, TbA AID FaArODrCAIA. prwtAAA oo Bwppers kaatp be paid at tbe ofSoa of pubUcACloca. are no ebArred poatasa hawppara waan aaot f rota tbe pubiioAUon otBeA to surAcribers 10 tea county wbare tbe paper ai On sroimupoak '.' 38rtlnchea x K COLUMNS, ' L " ) . - , - - le, - - i , ;". : .i i si d - Bates of eommlaa!on. to Unit! Buues eur- . lotarnatloo-- . rnry,chanrad forto toaulnaal be trawm IU4 by SERZOIS kiooey Urdara, PuaunAAter tbe At New Tork to tiwiuar- Oa orrfari do aioaaxllnr I3X...10 eaalav , Urar iju arxl Dotaxoaaxl.nf rio, it Axoawdtna-10- , Ovr i and oaA a) Orar aOaod Do4azoaaxtina-iia,a A ! - OF Do-uoa- u JOI1X B. UURDOCKr M. U. bHXFHAAO. SStojariar 1" a at age. , AW LdvarMaOv U It ofet Mmltum 16.- j t IH ' Geo Dunferd, Kalad City eta. a ' '. t a flan IraaeteiA. leu MOaav Uaobbac ail principal sostotaoaa , oow raoaira small sum of mooey ar4 amis drafts for the a tea vjxo other a tiaet to lb f oUdwIua cAArxesaod rasuiAUoasf. Oo order bo axcawdiDa; f eaota Ctl on"r Dot fiofwl.c f iJ .H Orar t M aod at aioaiiujr lO-S- J m . - - t Evening News, ruvu$BX3 gyxnr sYzmsa il10 Orer40aa4ootaacnierl ns Oaoams oa Oreaa Qarma-naod twitartaod,ma be oOuUDad upoo tits paynteat of to Sxeept BADday. ' ' .. v ViS t Six i i On oni Crrar Cvar t ra Dot a z oawdln jr 1 10, . . . axxl oart tioeallDf f30 aod net eioaedlDV DcAaxceaxlA ao4 potaaoaartlna ioO, Orer kejd Om f-- 29 to Assark-A- Al- -. P'atra, kUur!Aad. a lanua OoaaCtJii 17 AJcaae,ricitB Naw York,-. IS ArgAotxaA AVrpubJe And D rBrmALi . cs-ua- y, I - Pa. eA Amartcaa from Kaw Tork a Uwav, Prr-- a , Sousear , itOiirlA And ChlU.. ...... nets. i larKi.-......- aSr.baoruand, direct laatlMkaf laad Nortb Sac- aksaed eta a eta aeta lot. fsts. t eUk Seta Sat ' Oer tcts. lets ract,.... Wot iDdMH (r1Uak and Uanab,) Amrrkakn rntck- - StS- ' ew rorA....... I tttrom biirlt-aleu. auulrio ' (BnwhV, .. laOtaa 4. ata fct. 3.2oanaAr-a eta. a eta Tca Bv.waJ TVa statuSara" atasla rata to Gnat Br tain at ka ( mn oooca tt5 rdurmia; so i raooa Atd tAe4Joowtoeo (by i rani a EnCa)it Is It ounoa arolrlB-laraaiiT,' cr cn-lbs aitrr-- Jt ( tudcataa ii cpuosaL twiiaarairaV by man Union i - ; . - i ' f A ' rtr m. tut prs-praa- Ut. Avsuro, i ' at '. r wwuca). Crceb, LelT,J ' iuiu inoa a lerry, Hebron a f . - I ' Kane County.U j ; buiiops. J I ': ; Aden, ; -- LaXAyette L H&tch, Frank I! a hasniua BAamnaaan, Mink Creek ttobert 11 WUilama, Mound Yauey John Parker, Vlrren Lay Cbas H Bniiib, ltockrUitf WD Pace, Harmony . . 1 oond,,KanarrA LukA 8yphua, PauAooa, Liucoln ;Cosu j 1 DAVIS STAKE. -- ; . I W. . ' 'i Wm Brown, South Bountiful WmBMulr.Jun, WesttieunUfU Cheater Call, Kaat Bounuiul CemrertUe John W Cheney, Hem, iarmlnrton Pater Barton, Kay an lie Dand S Cook, Bouth Waber ii B Ouuliam, Bouth Hooper J T t j i - O. O. BsTDxai A. EuaxLiGx, ' 1 :s i:t;i - i f ) J Prta-lc- ' ui Counselors Summit Couut: . BISHOPS. . Charles Iticbeos, Hennerervtlie fcUaa Asper, tcbo ItoUert balmon, COAlville Akjoxo wmtera, Hoyuvuie Cheater Oiaary, Cptn JA"d C fiooTt Wauahlp i John M Mallo, liocavport ASraham Merchnt,PeoA A Attrood. Kauia Alex H btaul) , a aneys Park , JUAB, STAKE.'!, . a. Baowa, K. : ' STAKE. If CLUFr,l..:i..;. 1 - BUMMIT .Vp. ' QB0EQB TKASDALB,.v....i. ...... President Wyomunr Territory. Jamea ! Bowna, P. VL, a any ' JOIT. Iconnaa-iOia- 1 U. Oaotaa, W, Burton. P. K.. svvavuatoa ; V ! ...rrealdant Davia Coanty. f: (Counsekv WaahlrT?toii Count v. tirsnfttw j av Oneida County , Idaho. wmiant F ruber, Oxford. AkfxAnder A Wee ton i bishops, , . Hon H , j "resJdcui 'T.J.Joxxs, waian H,M,, Jnab County." ' bishops.-- f " ' ; ."j ' ft ' i TOOELE STAKE. vi , M HH t.iaA.1 Pltaktt.1 a 1 aa. : - Jaaks Ubs. s rCounaelot s Tooele County. ', BISHOPS. Norton tt TuttlA, Tooele City KANAB STAKE. uranuvillo "tinier, c jFliTr ... WUUam P Hum, ktjr., X Cit . President KTJTTaT.Ta..... Oeorre W llur rnlkje, Bt Jobn John C ohArp, Veruou JCOu nee lore J'r' t raJ. . 1 i I. Bojrriso, J. Kane County. . ' '' 1' UTAH STAKE, A. O. 8m6otL. p,eaidoil D. Jons , L H. Clcti, ' i Counselors Utah County, " MILLARD STAKE . President IRA K. mNCKLBTa.-....".- - ' . BISHOPS. John P h Johnson, 1st ward, Proro City JantAs W Love jsd ward, Myroe Tanner, ba ward. B t k ward, John Booth, ...... Tt ' Millard Couaty. ' i - j . . at,a waru, - iiiaajimjatjn, onninunt, DprtnxviUe o-- - I) bneU,epAUAdi gora at (I TUtri. CL.... Kik - . - Josephs Payaon P Jobnauu, rpr nxLva Beoiatatn lanner, leoree baoiauuiu HalUday, William tMA I ' . Jus. V. Aosisaos, tcaaanaeior - ; 'BISHOPS.: U JooepkD Pro ft a, 1st ward. PiUsaore Akaxoder Melrille, 2nl ward. M . B iloklen Bterena, parW ranJei Tboiapaon, Sdpko ' " Z Piatt D Lt nan. Oak Creek Hiram B beanett, Meadow Creek AAanaa Joseph 8 Black, Iieaoret , " J Hanry a" CooA, Oeoar Fort Thomas J MoCuUoork, Alpine Looara S Aiuerioan Fort Joba Brown,Hamnston, PiaaaantU rove - GL ABBAkl BLATCn. AAATOAI. Tar, ' ' a oontaia fall Talegrspklo Imports, aod trust wortky Local Items, ! " J?nk,r" ' ' Wasatch County. Itenlamtn tlmir. n Mot n, trtKulmg IZdtr, Sonrlse John ; John Hopkins, Creydbn WyaaaoM Parker, North Moeran CbArles Turner, Bouth Morraa Aioert tchv1'ia Joseph B Porter, fast Portsrvnie Ib-kaoo- Counselors BISHOPS. Tbtmiaa RaabAAd, Bask Haser jriiiiam rorman, west HaOar ir( JfaVAACni, BISHOPS. Prealdedl ; Morgan Coanty. IX ADTAKCa, ...: 8. TL Grxxs, X. O. ALAXAirOXB, BVmU-.- . Rzcwaao WASATCH STAKE , ' MORQAn STAKE. QIOSO - co4-ua- ns lotA OrtoanA, P?Jn,tartaKaw Korts UannAA bwwa, Union dIreota-."....- .. 8wtaa, ..eJoaait naavliria g- Aaa tee Larr ClratiiAUoa la Ik cHj, tko sorroarvllax- - oounUes and tAreafbott tbs Tarrttory, of any daily Papar. ' Iu iota sis. tOets. Z3 a T. MCALLISTER, J. MfleAPKomtiey.lst warJ.St Waiter (irinn,r. aa wara A'"1 Xon, 3d ward. fSfff ZTZ ,, ""n tn ward. Uus-neaMendon uiiAm ll atAut-bAn- . Wellarlila Oraoo Hmitb, Paradiae Jaraes McBrlde, ocUno, Ryrond Oeorre O Pitkin, MiiirilW M Stan M Provldenoe. Dixon, Ciilton Usrvey ... . ... ' eta. ST. GEORGE STAKE. n Uenry w V7ILLA.RD i. . SWITVSKX.ASK BuCtk Jxia-A- WnrKlrby,Nwtt)7 , - l.sa raes sams as Oraat BritsJn. I 1 A aaa B ama, Benaon , : - i r John Johnson, iteduiund Joseph H Wnsrht, U rasa Valley Cache County. - of Elicit, 25 x 33 laches, Frlee, with poaU- T I.OJ l vd cmaaus-v- . ; 32 COLUMNS. i o I JoahuA W 5ytveater,-Flaiuo- r Oldeoo A Muroocka Jceepti Demuaon L BArrla, Mourue ArchiOAid X Oidroyd, Uieuwot-Peter tiottXredaon, Vermillion Exca II CurU, Bauna ; e eaiAt aaiTAis: BISHOPS. Tarleton Lewis, zd waid, n uuio a eiewart, xnrerory lAwla, Ut Ward, Loran CUr Haury BallArd, Sod ward, Kooert IMrtaaoo, 8d ward, Ixtfao City Tbomas X South, ith ward, LiogsaCity City William Hyde, sth ward, Lor an City Robert Daynea, ilyde Park bamuel Uo6keliey. Smltnaeld ' Marrlnar W MAriiU, itlobmood WullAni H Larwis. Xewlatoa . . John Jardlne, ClAraatooa . .".... tsevkr County. , President Benjavmln M ; tCouuttilora H.t'ata.mu.an, ' t r TA y t AAS, ' k, . toOoWUlC W. THE DEGERET poat-oOMM-A, , SEVIER BfAKL, FUANKXIN ePNCEU,- PreaUet. BISHOPS.) Wsa D Johoson, Juo, Kanab Henry B M Jolley. Mt Carmel ThoeaAa Cbeanborlala. OrdervIUs , J Antes LeiLbeed, Qlradale . . ' extua B Jobs aoo, Joh aaoq THocnaa W gtnltb, Pabreab Rlebard Robtmoo, P C, Upper Kanab ' Charles Pulsipher, Winaor and Moocasla . t , Urtt-ai- 1 : Bisxzops ! . J - . i ' ' Anutaa Tucker, Falrvlew John W lroua, atoronl John B Kocrae, Wales K N ALLred, Chester UCOiseu, Mayheld J Bartholomew, Fayette - ' CACHE STAKE : A&YASCm. eta fraa brTAAaatiowax.afoa-a- i ' MOiES TIIATCHEUi.... ,' Seta - o0 a Tall ' - C A Madaeu, Uunulaon Orature Beeley, Caatie Vallei Oneida County, Idaho. ' 3 tota too Pra-t.jr- j, bishops, 1st Henry Tinrey, ward, BrUrbaaa John DIiurt,8rd ' John Welch. 4tb ortn A iorry, Three Mile Creek Geo W Ward, Vlilard City Peter OJenaeo, Mantua Tbomaa as rper. North Abraham Huasakar, HoneyvQis. John C Dewey, Jjeweyvtile O Mtaklne. Poruare t'ilver W ta Naeiy, Hear Hirer City Aruold Ooodliffe, Curlew bAtnual it Kimball, urouae Creek i i llcU Icta 4a Nortb Korway, . llninn.iiarJ Utrmao ( et. t AtS. RorwayioaaA isaJlI via Eaa-- Mauti - , j roetAa-..0L2- la', win 10 eta rvaa raitclAno 10 etc Mai loo. Mow ZaaIaoiI. T4a BouUAmp- - OorUia, KparAUn(Aouib Wi T t . Jtnan. rnorican taukkat. j 8 Anderson, Epbralm (North) 11 W livid, (North) BOX ELDER STAKE. H Jensen, Mautl, Soutb) N A Madaen A P M Piol locU.v. tuu CldVES Q.. 6K0W. , .......PrlJent Wm' Piaaaant, a ooeiey. (North. Mount Pleaaaut, t ' F ulaen, - -j- Coonselor. City cpruixFountain It X Johnaon, tinvn " Henry lraper. Freedom Wm ti Petty, Pettyrlile Box Elder Count 1 jafc a Countolora i Sanpete Courjjy. ' bishops. L - alxteontoca. - . .P,,,,.,,. ' ? Fr.ee. with k- ' lf i; . ' Lleuora. Kaws , papers. etnaad txvail, eka. a eta. Set Oraace, Rafl af fjaiatf saaaa.t ttttt Boos kloos;, AtaarloAa SAA- 10 ata. I aka. bto ,raooiaoa at, eia ract akavad biaU via. et. t Iulfi Ana fDd.. ...... ... .. a etA Kartk Uai aaa.0 In I Uaion. dirrct Seta led a a. . J BXAX, IX. MAXAEsr, . Aaa-aar- eTTO IPETEIEX, r llKABY Juua - ix--i SANFETE STAKiT CANUTE John Andrews, 1st ward, Neph Char lea gperry, Sd ward, Neph. THE FIRST PRESIDE! CI Nella Levaa John M Uavs, Mooa . aROeoj J . : , Cbarlea H White, 1st ward, hearer Jobn X Hmlth, 2nd " rUSjert AAAton, areenvlHe Jos 11 Jooepao, AdamavUie . 1 japes atc&nurat, MlaersrUlo s A , ' Eisners. ! ef rereta-- Jtoupsaiors ; Beaver Coanty. ' f Preaklrat . s i Jordau bArauot lieouloa, North Joruau rederkk be hoeuliekl, hrtk-hiojAtnos bAlrd, rrumUHt, Mountain A C AjtAin TalAa-rsptu- s BaporU, Horns "ori urn Correapoodrnoa, ras-istare- s aierruxutn..auravctuvi ArcniData ueroner, Weat BEAVER STAKE. i ! , ami, a-- ' rrintcd Reading Mattci ' (Xotely ( v r ... ,. -j r r a CaarsTorsnnt Lattok, JCouosers AssoJf Call, , a HaoiaTAaTroar: Laxtan may be ArriouJtarai, oa pmyasant of. A fa of tan eaate, la and Torayrm Mews, KJi torlaJ A rtlo i to tba rtfuar soatAa-a- , but ; svVliUoo tba rovarncaaat tajtaa do rAapooAibiUty bb.ib carrutr or wtapADMUoa to oo Currant Krontav. ior na mm rf I n.. : . - (...-..- Sheet 20 uuutjaiK. Bins la hawapaDara. not axoeaedlns oudcas tn waif be, I oeut to any part of tbe o Biiaxi oiavMa, prapaju. Pacaaoaa. Paroala, ooaAAlad, 1 oaat pa OunoA. Tba maxim nm waiyht of Any paokAffv ex pnntAd or miaoaiiaoeous caa liar is 4 ioa i t . i PutAUhtd enery TVX3DAT oodt VI ( Bait Lake Coanty. j BEAK LAKE STAKE. ' WW. BUDQ E,. WILL LAM JL SMITH. Y KaWSTaPSAS sur-rouadio- ALL KINDS SEDI-VEEKL- I Uon, Pii. I... ' 0. CAtDXIl, l Josxni&ZATLuxi, jWoseIota . brrrsAAr TaAstAAdArd otturai rate waifkt Is H oa. Arotrdupola. , fi Bin ria rata )ettarlbroux bout tba L uitAd eutta,. cent for aacbaadilAnalXoa.orf rao- - ' , DaVTO -' . ' A&UU3 Ja. W'AZtAUa, The Deseret News rto KrtrlAnd 'i CU. S CU Rija 'a. eia KrarvS Uamm ' u mom dirae. son. i ta. asks Baut eta Residents of Dtraeret, meo of good aqf .ar! lata. Jadgment, told roe mat the beet iaBdvaa lalainde, try BaaJLi that which has had the grain least water, and those man are the most successful farmers. They as sert that early Irrigation atunts the grain and starts tl:t weeds, ami too much water ral the "mineral," which caunes an almost. Irreparable Injury to the land. Those that have farmed In a Judicious manner are gradually improving their and rice versa. And A Book full they unanimously agree that a radfan HBoaa Full and thsrough change In the of rwer iDotk tloaa Bock ical method of farming must follow or IS 91 the district hopelenaJy ruined. For tW JM II Qulra a men that Is this season aoe eo a ao i iu Instance a slovenly manner, say la farming a ato no tm i co IJ acr?, must reduce the area of 9 acres, cultivate well and im i co l ai aao grtia and when the weeds on carefully, ata ii oo the uncultivated 20 get a good start, lato i iio in the latter part of Jane cr first of go to with his plow and turn July, them under, then the following season sow to grain, and serve the other in the same manner, thus reducing fclawatsr Ut one-hal- f, and much :! the 20 acres aa he now gets oT the 40. Ilowsver.the farmers on the north side and a few on the south aide of the river, have grown very fine aMSCCTED IK Tilt KraiD, giving promise of what can le!na done with a little admixture of with the S.lbow gr . Stylo .i The of the ap; v ; at as it ia CAlled, is anything"survey," but inan almost interminbeing BED ROCK PRICES viting, able stretch of rrAjwood; an occas.vntl r ,:, with here and sional AV TAS there a house, comjletee the eall-trU2 dlrL POSTAL AFFAIRS. aa A FAramlaa; Dlatrf rl. '. ami IloCal WIIa DrawtAf Coot ata-w- prfuttrJ altera for LIriha, marriaVeS an J deaOu, In each fami!, alao foi ic rai JZote o Cart . cuJ CAiw A'o Pt3ccrwTrxtrrBai rn.ir, AprtJ u.:t.j rurtavr Doiwe. For a0 tafcnTnatKj av i If o riht Thatefur. 1 W I 85! T U H Wiwd't CroaA...... a4 i.i a. at a. I n. 10 W .... ............. antarm. inn trsJaa) a Kartvii:. .................. rarmiortoa ............... b eoooMtA w:t in . A, i' -- i -- l I fa 0ha.. S.0 Tt w Mi if m, m. 4.U a. ia. tJaan to aad ll.ii a. BtAx BalabcryA MontAXUa T JO ..,... Y Oa. Ko a. A. .. VaUx-a- l) r OSatra 0, f , I'm. afto JaM aA tx-.o- T ,f- r " RECORDS. 1 - : SALT LAKE STAKE, I - DOnilE FAMILY jtr M'-- I A . 1st WArd, PaMte. arSaWJBAb. bliAAdiBnaUA, Organized Stakes of Zicn. r ! S J ATtlior, CedsxCttv- O Huiew Summit grrvania Mr LLUABB U Carlo topaer '! OP TAB I a... .. &t-Vi9c- c y AVOUreSOr, jn-'.Vt- . I 1 ? C w ilsAav Vcrr?' 1 Cocnaebr " v.Iron County. - BISHOPS. BISHOPS -- ST -- f, ; z I ft andaa acre Hues, and In will few CoofgOv'jQ- - - Cannon; ' : be metAmspborala the rmrk Clty.aailj except Svio-JL; . n ; ; . years a ..... S00 AAy... : nLeeret passeeses ail the elemenU Young,:. Or.gharn uotai.t Aad WsAICb sot.a Are If Uaa,TuealAya ma T no beaTenly bodies of substantial wealth, they moeemenia 9& eea Aa tfawor planets as in these . . f. . latter time. tnr the v.nrt ailshaa1 . YV11U EdAUT aiu " ILuk Bounty, Tuae'.ay.Tkuri- . d iti11il-'wv- . ni to iwll4 Not only a few professora of astron-om- j, to HniT It re- v "S tA4 Iimhi the ll .1 of Deaeretert, m iofi sad fliiiliCfl:'7 f lkJ, parity f rrof 5AiunJay... of pbllortoj hT, and of matbe-saj " Morvsa county, malios Ureply latereat tbemselYes iiia,iii w ...... iat II In aq ei llp ana in the tranalt of itespeciruuy, JcKttra. , j, Ai.f. . . a a, Wabeecvtiety.AAiis. oa a ibotllak of ofrr aiiiHIwr, kA li n4 - Mr CuUTx aliHaM Msatk, lir. HHM". du p4aiiatpouiirAi Ori.iHU:;j giivrrDmcoti n c rri- fli o4t wltu xcieiitldo mmiill oo ahipa ScrlAAts ArcUeets.. wood S3 WaiiakU-Ulrt-ctl;.- cootrs4 p them Vt sail to jia rtntl boarJ, . ..-ti rrJajs.-.tbos fnirtlnua of ur tlobe aupj oa W Hie Rocky Eonntaia Cotiiilr)! Tookl'k City, Auf.5tu.lS7S. v t.o. oJ 7...... .... I t to be eJ the mot elrctbU fur rolnt to Bi.'K ' !: H h Jn II Je t If Cor tans iiKt.ton.!&i'y Srr. . of the FAilort Dctcret Xitct: Ukiog accuraie w I V Iku4 StoatAUii.. celeaiiAl Another wrra visited with We imAw cny aoa ! or THK fDOPt-cu, n-kWbt inia Appareolly Ibereawd tbundrr Trl shower on t be cvenlos of AA1 THK fJifKH I r. AuC- r M lmrr To". daira tt a InbaUcjr col. li)prf4 lanic to ta.U uao Ilia ut w"a the streets our aAfariUwiMUW flooded which ortbe 3d, CearoasiA M that the and phre? la It and filled up tbe water ditches, II w . An gMU.t(C.... moral. SanfbnTt Friend of at. pclllical ptiyIcal Enlhujlaitb the waUrmaater, . Johu . le Tonnes causing fun Oph!r, our of 5 Ivbe, aided by the rickett aome trouble, to wnom Radical moeprieio Cure. cob City, ae lUcIlATfmr. Unwnl Till AH) istiranv;or iManuou" propueta, much credit ia due for the energy GREATLY RECOCEB Bin batA Caapx. J;' Ii Uiiim liiriiici Aoitct, riate imi'ieait-upon the lu clearing' he rrv displayed' at. nnMHmi,M.iu,i,)t.t.in.t .af l Ijts hearts of 4urn that tlie nd 3 a laHray ewAy by blaown labor. ,aAia. .lav ilraaalli mm liljjh? upon hare, v 'fbry of star eu liroiner bouse ' l he rr& iseDjtraui J rinit, tttiU every tioDat, uu pit Juillet-' was struck with lightning, sua 4iB f eauty I tuous ntiuu. mm wen micbt we Ooweii 5 1 MIT l botUM, u4 M t nnll ml the chimney down, also HIE lAR8Ea.T CIRSULATSap im teaiiug I ca la I ( Uwl to inxk r tho earth eir mouttned tnnM t4 denythtt ol CravtrA'UrisA'.r U) a knocked the cable end out, and Tt b4 oaaJ MltiM u4 7t'. tK tan tr Lieu the rJu fain from Iiraven, an damaged the roof and strewed the Ui deny that ' the preeut klgns of frrtlfc.pabtW!.t 0ar toTM I. fo H m ralkC ura- -r 1 furniture all over tne room. xjru. ullni. t latest point lu the near 1 Mt frWawM. all ar the nr ajpra lloweu. who was sittinz on a chair Cter TAltry rlrOM a rfl aataatr alfk laUoaM rf Ha IM a4 (Wl4 itCt of the growl ciats. Though At T A A K I T tl K r , tba time, waa sltuck In the not the aileof your Uilinjr rnay Into overalls tearlnsr limbr. his' VC Lai an iMf !o(WU K, aofa. be molttened br'tlkO talnfali.be It Mcilt try U. I UI rak tfas.1 toa vh . and abjo his boots; tbe 8tarU.... caute tbe roof shields li; S3 alao are abrede. aineed the hair otT hia iichtnimr aa completely roofed hearts many in the DKPAETCUIK. cutting a deep gashleft. oTei wltu prliie. eurenitllloo, trsdl limbs,foot the and in lacntw rot burning ratit Tiy right tloii. Wit. IK) and bitter 11 Is brother Thomas, who was In Wiy ao4 Iry k rAfUiUy. the reutle "rains and the house that hatr, at tho time of tbe occuri. 'S ds as from he a veu cannot ra fr Cwum was la MJ"ln it" struck In the lower part ' l'uu4 rence, Frlcy' tnif W TI aadlaiMblaa. a hey have , heart", yet of the ii Kll ti them. wool ao4 Wftaabtp, M ocIs suffering tta llrwxtoUa body which he jm! Wtinl nercelreaud understand not." mod a's r W0orlAy rdster RetiJ. Iio wen, frru. greatly we all MMormous" done Wo have BB TrUlAf who had a knife In her hand, was .Ma gST.AT-'BACreasonably could to convince man- knocked to the floor, and daj'y, Vluvpt tfun- rrk City. a meat kind that t have the truth of God, stfo on T ...tWA M of The her. coal oil can, top aod liombly alviad litem to ac which contained aboat four (rations, BuaaXltAol VMaka OU i h. . uao of cent It them tbeir warned ot IM MoodAy BrkUy was bursted eujd the contents spill 1 a V ICca cotutty, Mundky Wn). ger If theyof,rejicted b; but they b- - ed all over tho : Hoot where they lay, . lieTM and inougo our and alto a box Belar AOd l"r.d4X.A 30 waa of matches words are now being fulfilled before thrown Into It but did not ju a Uorra eovuity, iU::y.. it Ignite. their eye, they can no more see it Rrolhtr 1 to trtu was a at owatft A!y. with are scorched who than those , AAily. Wtv couatyt corns to bis senses and the FnbLULed. tverjf Weduesdr Mmmr. ! fW at Fttf ? great heat can see the vial In the ssfe on bbt wlfcr crAwled seeing HAttm CftW, msn-sg- d ! ' I aaaal4 vUa Ct4laiNaMaliTlf aud Mtara of llanai lanii d ia poar-eaur of cut which tc I t I AAtl Dos ixtuoaogel'a baud, Cac tala remove the rale so that aaat)rt tAa TrKiaTWla. caraa.Ut4 imiv.ota aa4 bat that Hlater toItowen the fluod of burning- air At a . tiAA AAiiy ...i aoa. a 7Mot ta laaat baoaflt. tb..m.ft able to get up, j m ' " n EttabliMhrtl June 1VA7 IS.Vt, I K oarlJw-r TMfiauiii'TwitiKi'umii. aflllctaotir iiIu4M4W ji A. JI. Mumi, r i Ta .'ly 0r1no AaJ i team and drove over to the and asjaei aa almoat aukiai. fbr, l mr ffra&rui got on the aa I MootAoA. Un. ravh ACvr atkt aararnM. wail jn dAtiy IJaAq ti wat lleaceforthmprovemetita aa4 brother H H. Cowan' hcuee, where ram u aaaaK aittaraaa. .tr4ntt .wata. amra aima. aj r taa CuiM C.:y a a4 UaNo ' globe with rrpaUa of Uamare vii they are now l'laatar. I Cob Id A aHa.i atajin.. T M a.Malo. aa4 tara ma pain. Ala wrrla hardly keep pace wttli thedtruo K AHy A K II son 1 oldest of he William mother k.'va Inl aUaaa. voaa a aetata tlons caused ITt- - NvTftJA. CA.'tforn A. Orvirrnt by accidents and the Hank wi-i- .t out ahooliug rabbits rataraa.l.Titt I ia lMf In ay tna aoa4 rtaat.r e elenienls.'-atlootx wasted tbe other uSiai.aaA Iuhh.II. will I'M" J i AK. AAilT'.-"- . I taatar fcaa Vf a Mra!KiatM aia to a. ha Ualma day. nd bis sieter, who- ta a Sbewt S a SS I tar bee. I( Pares o aa t lama tart. w tbloa t.iara ha la wais wldch thlr own misguided waswaikluK Ptavktoo Ja- cara4 OvAlfk,Too! after htm, It happeat In 4 ha w.r' .f Fn. iaa that raa rxtara Is Tbrlr them. JU policy upou CUr, A.( tfaj! J bilnglng vua l.ia Couiii' Voc,t.k l um tot kaaoaua-aasome unaccounted for clr- ed, ty tie the will BUurfcAta t'AayoA ta. and thefts , Mack, Ua dlaiiooeaty caaarfaily mcraaH4 the gun which the boy . y....i iaaat ta iaa tuftfiaf. VartrtfTMrnMhi ranao of much trouble and aorrow. cumaiAnt-eFor 0aTr J tatrts4 al'. . was tarty iig went off. and the EIGHTY COltOX. 4;faaAB.al,,aM The prophet Joseph Hmltb, While whole i f tbe contents went pwir.U. KOT A QUACJC NOSTRUIL Into hla . rc peaking on'theataud In Nauvooin sister, who now lies in a vary critl 8ur toJ fSr t!iU Atrrral CraCaatra,.! rt!fy karay I aara VoLT.VO aaa4 taa Tara la relation to bur losses in Missouri, cal rrnctao o,atrct!Arr a Mmia w ra.il is T aaa a aarar lain taaca ate .' Of iioaely lrlated l'Clu ' alAle, but' it in tm bopsd ami J. aIf the general gDvernmenl tui'.T UffWI fxwt, ii lgaVai a aJoraiaatrr 8U Corr ao4 point wna.ly PaiW M kfcnaa tint inr attrk tlaI he sjm-poth- v soon recover. r?he will lias ...... i f 1 I W' imwawiw. "T TTT will not iedres us of our wrougs in . . r .n. of all tho po.tpte. aat a" rtiat l.tl afaaa cc C Matter. traij hat Htate, they shall have mot AAta at "v'--' tm election on is The us with aCiafw golog ma, auy to from Maine to Lontslatta their ia a iAJtw. 14 tot Saaw Aal Str i vt'U p.ta. rt.' aU?rwi and iroefur manner as quiet baud hearts content.' , TWXCM us cxim. f(Ur The li out to cheer these Coouuaa a Sunimary of tbe Nswa of u ............ ......i; 44 ... 94 l"tfl Ut o"tia CatWaa' VatvaMI PtUaTIA. . There bat Uea a aUsdiog com-mllt- yet. are that r ittaa. vit In spi aaa $: at l way any C arra w!t afm.iuiioa vai.e nnavtlm drpreted si Di.'f of InvesUgatloa taking rits. For Cdsr TArt F:rfl'4 riaatar. aa aaaa la ts. ajar;a. 4 Ualwakl Wrrk, Ta LarrapkJe, AsTicttitural, Bok ri. . Cwulri Paoulo K. K., ! it I'ui t'ao-t- ri a a, a. Walaaaia aa4 Ratal! daray notes memoranda and TtnL ac4 miAiaa making iSa tvMa4 M aaA 1 aaadaa, aal t for t La City a4 J .unta and roralxdCVjripoexleocA.UIacalla.arOaa, W AAla A IXi rf AA. rtvactaaan. AaaaoaClt aaa. Ul IrtetaW Tu lajw Thar- uneen, t'll'l. ing all the scenes. ThoughMr. PotAt Urja w la iA4"t fo SwiMtta t SO m AAyi aa4 SAta4Ay they have not been Idle. Dotnaallo'aod ForetsTA Kaws, Kdltotiavl Ar- ter's committee has done- - much, auoa. orrica At itWTfni wttk Pwwar Pat Kid DAIIIEL Bias on tTurreot kvnou, aad for uw a, n J jBOArJ SAirrvry oj rrooa but this committee 'will do more, : ttri C'l t r . and no false wllceeees be a'.lowed to aa. ttttklA7( U: la LJQ A.m. t lath tr't C'ti at ' Aa4 fcvf K.c n 1 4i- - tOaA foTkAOrJr ..! r.Tj testify before It. 9Arl3.rQ fa, CaUi; uAacrACtcBaa oa Mur to lua'tow (VAV d tribulation rtftna For litres and V'jinvf, the '! ( Cltr. ft. Jt-bJTr la N6.. ,a4 Oatai4 doo evn fim Ssracus of Fiiit PreiMeao 10 k that are coming on the world, my t4 Cot a cilT Dull r.:r..U. aaU Maxmrl . a, ir.vcii. naowim' end my Iron FeiicmiL Gates. Tree Giarfis, aad auwr (.in beAjt raouroa bIcaada, tauira fur poiaw Kaat Anxiety plrlt La full of painful t 'l antata at ftoui Tliikxt Car wou.4 rejoice if it could be othern W.oiat Of MA'wo 0 A I'u., ?.'t LaVJt ASDZt H 1 WJC LYE A PCSTH 8 r- - 1o HAUrt T'.ci wise. Once the Bavior said: Ob, ' C trl ' CaQ GARDEN j CHAIRS, ROLLERS, oc.ca UH,: laCria, ! ton Jerumlem Jerusalem! how oft w).u) . b r SIM "'i rwl. would I have gathered thy children Fencing or Cemetery t.tylCf liivK. Iron k Standard Household JonruaJ L. K Mil A LX IM, as a hen gathereth bar chickens OnAaA T'oa Xf ChUdren'a Vol, c. her wing, bat ye would notl Jiedstcads, UadJum. to reach ta , Aa ao AdrerUAlnaAUB --.taaaaaaanl.m" rniimBRn under kinds of All When die Agrl Mining, Milling, dldD0t . aiailaaaaail AUnltb. fAriner.'tbeoountry people, and All ciaaaa President lirlghaoi Toung- uiaA,at Wi. klaaaila.aaa,. Work and general Job to rwcalTe orders for FAMILY It Is the truth of Heaven and will 1877. tNovenber ef iaa eotatauAlty, tt aunds narrralled. .Work done, t lite forever. Therefore, Jew and i . of an approTad form. Gentile, HKCOIU Trio en ta'a ro trtll Wr iut!ni sealoua and Saint alnner, fKDRS FRCB SUO A FOOT UPWIROS. ba foiUwa; Si Bto( ool lukewarm, look well to your Et h took la dWUfd into fire and abop, Bcoond Focta 8U ensexblock west i'rice. with postAge,..M.$3.aa ways and prepare for what la to or stain, aoa ooa block soutb TowdsadH come. .' tlOOAS. itespectfully, IlVDK. fanaa. tAATA 0JO...... ...... A AO aw am. OSSOK ilf' A DY A if C Mi JtflAw JSmx 4T1 or OttU AT IIVrAa. ' "FAil-IX.ta a of fixat form that Tba 187S. 1, Bprlnr City, July Cbut(r order 8oUctU4 and frnmcttmny at- tlknTaiy j 1U k B. Mi4neer JUine of Utah Arrf Iff at lioucj rtXCOnD, with talea and - FAEOWAN STAKE, ; iWardy VTOV TT . k ay iiqtrTvtaBs - Deeeret a SI0H3 Of THE TILIE3. , Mr rci4iaciio runs bai-- on iha ice of tho wotld's hUtorT fir niir. It 70 Tear: Lot I da Tint Naw AvaAAVauawi Any tim when so much interest and anxiety were manifest In tho or ptmiaeatJy cartd by looimyd ahowa found In that L . i , TbcssBrourh,WeatPorteTvllle P.J Wh:tASr,kUton J K Bail, Enterprise WEBER STAKE DJ IL PEEBT- L. J. ITrsAiCK, C F. MinoLEioir, -- -- PresbJefl' 1 Lawrence hoblneoo, Patersen Beats androrsin Corrarpopdenoe, Xdnea ttaaei. AanrtAtutosaJr KaQiray, DomaaUa and Toraixa Kaws, Kditorial 'Arttclea and FANGUfTCHV Carrent Iroota, aad ones a weak JAUE3 UwxsTn,.:. . Cso.'W. Brvr, . Counselors. Weber County. EISHQPB. A Brown, ward. Orden Cltr . Robert McQuarrie, d ward, ' STAKE, Wimiow Farr, 8d ward; . Fvesale&t N 0 Flrrars, tth Ward, Amos Viayoocx, Nertb OgfonZ ' ' A Usui mood, Hanttviile; l Josiab M Ferren, Eden Jasss w. Caosar, Jr. Counselors O P HarrtarHle L W Taylor, etairtUff. Plain City Iron County. John A Allred, Siatervine ' ' Jaaaea Richie, Marriott BISHOPS, M Darid aund ' Fort Moore, ' - ' Admrunaff Ifirtaaai or jfaets Goro-r- a ' 3ots5?7uiLAiAie tsvk John I Hart, West Weber end Tiftitn tl ataad fortxioA Jor" ;.sa , facksr, C2lm ; . . Glibert Llnap, Horer A P bciitnr, ts.iants Sanf ord hint bam, kiverd&le) W Uliaxa lUsa-- i liUurtton tra n APAuioinrt t rest., sAotara u . V j i ; t3Am rrgxu lt : |