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Show - - Rack W'fA Reports and Proofs of Good Hunting r -- - V UM4.- 'J' A r; w.Q x . . u , ;,, i ' ') - A ir$ r . ", J ll V- - ' ; .,$3 21 Friday, 2:30 Bees Sting Three Times To Earn Second Win Of Region Conference ' - Y . W1, '$ fcf XvV? Useful to Growers Strawberry Cat Can icA . , v-V- ? . lib J BROOKINGS, S. D. (UP) ' . Cliff Butler (center) . . . returned to Brigham City early Saturday morning, October 22, with his sons, (left to right) Wayne and Jack, with three young does. The hunters shot their game at 7:15 a.m. in Elk Valley, high in the hills. They were among the first to pass through the checking station at the mouth of Logan canyon. Another son, Raymond, also came home from a Blacksmith Fork venture with a good sized buck shot about the same time of day. The animals pretty well filled the Butler larder. , Relates Prison Experiences Impressive Talk Be Heard at BEHS Ex- perts gave farmers some clues here on the best way to win battle between the annual strawberry growers and robins. The horticulturist department at South Dakota State Oollege suggested enclosing the berry bed In a frame of chicken netting. If that isn't possible, try putting a collar and leash on a cat and .tying it in the strawberry bed. The cat gets used to the collar and leash In a few days and will roam about the toed frightening the birds away, the experts said. Tin accounts for about 70 per cent of Bolivian exports. By JoAnn Long The student body at the Box Elder High sdhool was deeply Impressed toy the talk Snow Allen gave In assembly on October 21. On the assembly, Snow Allen told of tlhe 15 dramatically years he had spent behind the tall stone walls of the Illinois penitentiary. He pointed out all of the mental and physical torture a person went through once he made that fateful step through the prison gates. 'Mr. Allen (then told us the reason he had served his 15 year sentence. When in high school toe had sluffed one day of school. The biggest mistake In his whole life was made the next day, for on that day he forged his mothers name on an excuse. Many years later at age of 30 he remembered how hed got iby wiith the forgery of his. mother's name. He needed, money and so he forged a check. Wliithin 48 hours he was sitting in a prison cell. ' i C After spending 15 years of a 20 year prison sentence, he was , released. Now 78 years old he is traveling to schools and prisons pointing out to others the mistake he made. He (has dedicated his Rambling Hal Reeder added new grid laurels last Friday when he sparked the Bee team to a 21 to 6 win over the Logan Grizzlies when he set up three touchdown punches with bulletlike passes and galloped over for the counters. Box Elders Mlchio Shlo, Leon Young and LaVar Rigby joined touchdown Reeder In a march In the first quarter. Billy Jensen added the point from placement. Logan retailiated with a 66 yard scoring thrust tout failed to convert. Box Elder courttered march to the goal, with a Reeder passing to Young for 19 yards and except for a three-yargain by Shlo. carried the mall for the counter, Jensen kicking the point, for a halftime score of 14 to 6. The third period was scoreless but early in the final quarter, the Bees advanced 60 yards on runs by Reeder, Shlo and Young, the quarterback making the final four plays from the 23 yard line to the end zone and Jensens kick made the score read 21 to 6. It was the second conference Hal Reeder win for the Bees to two losses . . . Box ElSer Highs outstanding quarterback, is being and one tie for the season, leavte mentioned for honors in sporting circles. An ing two games to go, with North accurate passer and brilliant open-fiel- d runner, Reeder Cache at Box Elder this Friday added new laurels last Friday when he scored three times afternoon, South Cache here on Monday, Nov. 7. against the Logan grizzlies. d all-sta- Allen Snow Talks with Bill Hudson student body president at BEIIS, following impressive lecture given by Mr. Snow to the student body of the High School last week. He told of the 15 years he spent in the . . . Illinois State Penitentiary- for forgery. - life to telling others of his mistake and trying to prevent them from making a similar one. For 33 years he has 'traveled to schools and prisons. During this time he has seen people in all - , e walks of life sentenced to unbearable prison terms. Many of these people were once respected citizens. Snow Allen pointed ouit to the student (body that one trivial error may lead to a life behind prison walls. Sightseeing At Niagara Improved of the world' fineet bourbon NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (UP) As a result of remedial wa- for 160 years 1795-19- Vj Worthy ofYour Trust for 160 Years Beam old fashioced Kentucky Straight Bourbon hiskey is distilled and aged under a formula passed on from generation to generation for over 160 years Only Beam tastes like Beam only Beam tastes so good. B. STRAIGHT BEAM BOURBON DISTIUIKG CO WHISKEY , (jiiin 18 PROOF CLERMONT, KENfUCKY mmm Effective October 30 IMPORTANT CHANGES IN TRAIN SCHEDULES Consult your local Union Pacific ticket agent Also effective October 30, 1955, Union Pacific through passenger trains now operating over Chicago and North Western rails, between Chicago and Omaha, will be routed over the Milwaukee Road (CMStP&P) between those two terminals, and will arrive and depart Chicago Union Station. Thu new service Will , apply to the following trains. "CITY OF LOS ANGELES" Domeliner CITY OF PORTLAND Domeimer THE CHALLENGER Domeliner CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO Streamliner CITY OF DENVER Streamliner In daily service no Word comes from Fort Lewis, Third Wash., that Specialist Class Garth M. Baird, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Baird, 493 South First East, Is scheduled to participate in Exercise Sage Brush, the largest joint Force maneuver since Army-Ai- r World War II. exercise will The held In Louisiana, starting in November. Approximately 110,-00Army troops will take part, testing the latest concepts of atomic, 'bacteriological, chemical and electronic warfare. IBaird, a gunner' in the 720th Field Artillery Battalions Battery B, Is regularly stationed at Fore Lewis, Wash. A 1952 graduate of Box Elder Hiigh school, he attended Utah State Agricultural college before entering the Army n January, 1954. two-mont- h ibe 0 There are more automobiles registered in Wayne County, are familMich., than there ies. . A paratroopers Chute tjie Army approximately ter diversion this year, tourists visiting this Niagara Frontier community are now able to get a close-uview of the famous Horseshoe Falls without don ndng the traditional rubber raincoats, boots and 'hoods. Maxim T. Gray, general maa ager of the Niagara Parks com mission, announced that visitors to tunnels which open onto three separate views of the falls 150 feet below Table Rock House now need protective gear only in Inclement weather. For the first time since the scenic tunnels were built in 1S89. tourists have a clear view of the river basin below the cataract and the rock background of the Canadian falls. Up to the recent conservation program, these sights had been obscured by a curtain of wa ter from 12 to 14 feet thick. The preservation project, es tatolished (by a joint Canada' United States treaty, eventually will distribute Niagara waters to produce an unbroken crest' line on the falls. extra fare Union Pacific Railroad k 4 $ N CHAMPAIGN, 111. would be great, t Thats why we say the more you can pile up on the left side of your savings dot, the brighter your familys future. And the quickest, easiest way O to do it is the Payroll Savings Plan. irS One Lit it forecasts Your familys AUTOMATIC! ' IT PAYS YOU MONEY! you sign for Payroll Savings at your compay office, the rest is done for you. Each payday the amount you signed for a few dollars or as much as you want is saved out of your pay before you get it automatically. No bank deposits to make! No struggle to keep from spending it! panys its saved your moneys invested for you. Youre constantly acquiring more and more U. S. Series fe Savings Bonds investments so profitable dial your money really starts growing. Sign for just $7.50 a week and in five years youll have $2,053 ! In 9 years, 8 months, youll have $4,277! And at full maturity (19 years, 8 months), youll he future ! worth $10,313! DONT DELAY-STA- RT TOD ATI Eight million Americans are building a bright future for themselves now through Payroll Savings. The time to join them is today. Why not sign up right way? Or if youre start investing regularly in Bonds where you bank. 1UP) 7 you want y Safe as America your interest as current income, ash your banker about 3 Series H Bonds that pay interest semiannually by Treasury check. sa Buy U. S Savings Bonds - The U. 8, Government doee not pay for this advertising. The Treasury Department thanke for their patriotic donation the Advertising Council and Box Elder NEWS and JOURNAL I y f And as Science Gets Much Attention From Youths Youngsters at the seventh and eighth grade level lhave a much greater interest in personal relation problems and boy-gir- l ships than is generally recognized in public school programs. And children ask more questions about science than any other subject. Science runs two to one ahead of questions about other school subjects. These were among the con elusions Indicated by a survey conducted among 6,313 pupils in grades four through eight 4,531 parents, 212 teachers and 169 librarians, directed by Harlan Shores, University of Illinois professor of education. than Boys more frequently girls want to ask about the his tory of the United States, air planes, rockets and baseball, Girls ask more often than boys about horses, dogs, vacations, boy-gif- l ethics, relationships, values and religion. would be better. And to Join in Maneuvers That spells no college. It also spells no money saved for family emergencies, retirement, vacations anything. DOT 1955 Local Army Man 2?7S p KENTUCKY NEWh Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, October 26, Your future dependent on a dot? Fantastic but true. And heres why. Say you want to help your child through college. First thing you look for is this dot your savings dot. Suppose you find it between 22 and 75 like this: I AMES Box Elder o d jT jffi'tSv to 6 Over Logan Grizzlies, Bees to Play Coach Ferguson's gridsters will tackle another formidable when foe on Friday afternoon they host the North Cache Bull-' . dogs on the local field. Came time has (been set for 2:30 In the afternoon for the conference tussle. It will be the 24th meeting of the two teams with Box Elder winning 18 times in previous years, losing four and tying one. The game will be the first afternoon contest on the local field and will leave only one to be played, with South Cache on Monday, Nov. 7. rJ 4 Hal Reeder Paces Bees to Win Quarterback? te - S' V , v ' id i- y vi fV L fs-. " ryp- fit - All-Sta- North Cache, costs $170. |