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Show Pontiac's New Four-Do- Former Willard Pt Human Eye Still Come; In Handy i Hardtop or k eye' When' it comes spite all of radars technical to seeing what you want to see. This opinion of the Navys Is advances, the electronic wonder still cant outdo a sharply peel- - based upon a recent series of SAN DIEGO, Calif. (UP) Resident Dies De- etl human! lookout who first reported perl scopes cutting the water. Its 'amazing, said one of ficer, "but looking out the win dow is still the best way to spo a periscope. J submarine spotting tests off the coast of San Diego. Radar, sonar, and many other airborne perception devices were put to use' during the exercise, but it often was an eagle-eyed In Detroit Steve R. White, formerly 50, of Willard, died in a Detroit hospital Saturday morhtng, Oct 22, s illness. following a He was born af Willard, July 25, 1905, a son of James M, and Minnie Owens White He wais reared and educated at Willard, and graduated from the Box Elder High school He was an active member of the LDS four-month- NEW HOME OP THE , dhunch. 'Mr. White went to Detroit . in 1935 where he has since resided, being in the automobile parts business. j married Ruth South wick , He in 1928 in tthe Salt Lake temple. She died in February, 1918. Surviving tare a sort, Steven, of Detroit; and 'a daughter, Kathryn, a student at the Brigham Young University at Provo; one grandson; and the following brothers and sisters: James O. White, Driggs, Ida ; Mrs. Earl (Lucy) Wright of Brigham City; W. Rulon White and Wallace M. White of Ogden; Willis P. White of Porterville, Calif ; Mrs. Arthur (Jane) Linford of Brigham City; and Mrs, H Bowman (Ruth) Haiwkes of Salt Lake City; also a stepmother, Mrs. Ida T. White of Salt Lake City. 'Funeral services and burial took place in Detroit, Oct. 25. ' Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Linford, 'accompanied iby their sister, Mrs. Hawkes of Salt Lake City, 'left Sunday evening by plane to attend the funeral services. 1 Coppin Motor Company Catalina sedan local Pontiac dealer," introduces this new Star Chief custom four-doo- r V-- 8 engine and the revolutionary featuring a new, larger 227 horsepower Strato-Strea- k . . . new Strato-Flig- 4 Birthday Party Time , For Shanna Hunsaker Box fclder NEWS Brigham City, .Utah Wednesday, October 26, Shanna Hunsaker, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Dell Hunsaker, celebrated her sixth birthday last Friday evening, October 21. The attending youngsters played games, fished in a fish pond for party surprises and enjoyed luncheon, Many gifts were presented to the feted Miss. Attending were: Max Mol- gaard, Sherrie Ball, Tamara Whitaker, Alan Stokes, Bruce Smith, Jane Newton, Harriet Hunsaker, Robin Tolman, Julie Johnson, Shaunna Larsen, Mrs. Hartie Hunsaker, Mrs, Alta Nelson, Miss Margaret Nelson, Mrs. Nellie Molgaard and Kay and Kent Molgaard. Son of Brigham LEGAL ORDINANCE No. 151 An Ordinance Providing for the Sale of Unclaimed Bicycles. Happy Leap ! BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF BRIGHAM CITY, AS FOLLOWS , TO-WI- SECTION 1: All bicycles found abandoned within the corporate limits of Brigham Cilty shall be placed In storage under the di recti'on of the Chief of Police of Brigham City, to 'be claimed by the owners thereof. Idaho Saturday d Sentinel Insurance Opens Offices two-stor- safe-cracke- Db-vP- 17,-00- 0 seven-year-ol- APPLIANCE BEEHIVE COAL f 1 Iflj OiL&k&'mL p&lf&cfcs.,. w ttL . MQ RE jtyktnm " mo d placed in storage by the police officers of Brigham City, is not claimed by the owner within sixty (60) days after so found and stored, it shall be deemed to have Ibeen abandoned by the owner thereof. The Chief of Police Is hereby directed to ad vertise such bicycle for sale and sell the same at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash. Such advertisement Shall be by publication of a notice of sale at least once, not less than seven (7) nor more than four teen (14) days prior to the time fixed for the sale in a newspaper published and having a general circulation in Brigham City, and by publicly ( posting a notice of sale for not letsd than seven (7) nor more than fourteen (14) days prior thereto, as follows: One copy at the ' front door of the Municipal (Building in Brigham City, Utah; one in the vicinity of First North and Main Street and one in the vicinity of First South andlain Street, in an' appropriate (.place to be designated by the Chief of Police. The notice of sale shall describe the bicycle and shall specify the time and place of sale which shall be within the corporate limits of Brigham Cilty, At the time and place fixed for the sale the Chief of Police shall offer for sale and sell said bicycle at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. If said vehicle is not sold to a purchaser, the Chief of Police shall strike off and sell the same to the City for the amount Of storage costs and charges and expenses of sale. you and your family Origin and Success of the Sentinel Plan Since the SENTINEL INSURANCE COMPANY was first established, in 1948, we have been able to help thousands of Utah families overcome the financial problem of funeral expenses. Our plan is comparatively young as insurance plans go and therefore, modern, thinking went into of this idea. the development The SENTINEL need of ready cash to meet expenses incident to death and funerals. It provides, at last, the simple and effective answer to a family problem that is as old as civilization.' It is only natural that such a plan would originate with the funeral directors themselves, since they are the ones who witness the lack of financial preparedness when emergencies happen. It was with this aim in view that the SENTINEL PLAN was established. up-to-da- te PLAN had its origin in the recognition of universal OFFICERS J. R Kingdon Director A J Larkin, Jr. Secretory Harold B Felt 1st Vice-Pre- , DIRECTORS & W Douglas Allen C. A Lindquist Pres, and Gen Mgr. 2nd Vice-Pre- r N Ottoson General Counsel WVJ, A Waller C. Green Con. Arluary G. H. Curtis Medical Advisor Dr. Alva R. Wing Director La Var Tote Director j, iA, C. DaleS Gibb General Agent df Mri. June Brady Office Manager OFFICE STAFF SECTION 3, Certificate of Sale: Upon the consumation of the sale and the receipt of the pur chase price thereof the Chief of Police shall deliver possession the bicycle to the purchaser and Shall execute and deliver to the purchaser his certificate of such sale. of SECTION Met Wynn loligh SlonogropKor Mn Madge Harwood Stenograph Mr Mrt Mae J Cathie Disposition Monies Received: . All money received by the Chief of Police upon the sale of such vehicle shall be covered inito the City Treasurer of Brigham City, and if the proceeds of such sale are not reclaimed within one (1) year they shall be credited to the general fund. J Mrt lelene Rhode Policy Clerk Espinota roky Clerk 4, V Meltihfh Soventoe Operator Mitt Jean Allen Clerk Mrs OonaTharpa Agency Stcvtltiy ,SALES AGENTS i f SECTION 5: In the opinion of the City Council It is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Brigham City, that this ordinance shall become effective Immediately and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and first publication. iPASSED and adapted by he City Council off Brigham City, Utah, this 24 day of October, A. D., 1955. C. LeGRANDE HORSLEY, re ATTEST: WRITE OR PHONE SENTINEL INSURANCE COMPANY SOUTH STATE ST. 2121 Mayor. PHONE HU SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Fannie J. Christensen, City Recorder. STATE OF UTAH, COUNTY OF 'BOX ELDER ss I, Fannie J. Christensen, Recorder of Brigham City, Utah, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of an Ordinance of Brigham City, entitled An Ordinance for the Sale of Unclaimed Bicycles' passed by the City Council of Brigham City on the 6th day of October, 1955, as the same ap pears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Corporate Seal of Brigham City this 24 day of October, 1955. The light, mild Bourbon of cherished flavor KENTUCKY STRAIGHT 86 CLENMORE DISTILLERIES Built to accommodate our expanding protection, plan for SECTION 2: Sale of Unclaim ed Bicycles. If any bicycle picked uip and The following births are announced from Cooley Memorial hospital: Frank and Betty Bateman Tal4 ballet-styl- e from a bot, Brigham City, girl, born on Leaping Miami Reach is wall sea at Andrew N. . Monson, 49, of October 21. Alvord L. and LaVene GUgen refreshing Diane Williams, Ucon, Ida., son of Nels Monson junior at the Uniof this city, died Saturday at his Cox, Brigham City, boy, October Miami. The trophy of versity home of a heart ailment. He was 21. Varian LaVerl and Lila Joy in Dianes hand proves she art employee of the Bonneville Bosshardt West, Logan, girl, Oc- won Miamis Miss Sunshine t County road department. He was born March 29 1906, tober 24. Leon C. and Lou Jean at iFarmington, the son of Nels Packer, Brigham City, boy, He Monson. and Wealthy Hayes married Angelina Tracy at Idaho October 25. Falls on Nov. 20, "1930, and they New lived at Ucon. Safety Deposit Box He is survived by his widow; Contents Disappoint two sons and six daughters: Mrs. A new ultra modAndrew (Fay Ann) Elliott of COLUMBUS, O. (UP) A legal ern home of the Sentinel InsurIona, Ida,; Mrs. Darrell (Mary r says safety de- ance company thas ibeen formalJane) 'Farnsworth, Afton, service at Salt Lake boxes in , hanks posit usually ly put into Marie, - i Wilfred, contain less itihan relatives City; it was announced this week ext Gary Andrew, and Ruth LaDawn pect. by Harold B. Felt, local mortiMonson, all of Ucon; his father Frank H. Scanland, president cian and first vice president of PH t of Brigham CityJ four brothers of a safe company which often the company. and a sister:, Melvin Monson of is called to unlock vaults and The brisk and natural stone Kaysville; Herman, Ernest, and safety deposit boxes, says dt is structure located at 2121 South Wells Monson, and Mrs. Frank none of Ms business what is in- State street, has been recognizWixom of Brigham City. side. But sometimes he cant ed as one of Utahs most modt ern commercial additions, and Funeral servies were held help but notice. One safety deposit box (held provisions have been made for Tuesday at 2 pm. in the Ucon I f'- ward Chapel. Burial was in the nothing but three bottles of expansion as needs grow, Felt ' said. Ucon cemeteiy. beer, he recalled. 1 W. Douglas Allen, Sentinel Insurance company president, stated that the Company would occupy the entire ground fk&r of the new $150,000 building, and the basement, wihlile the second floor has been leased as office space. The purpose in erecting the structure, Allen explained, has 'been 'the need for providing additional working facilities for an expanding staff needed to propI erly service tthe more than persons now insured under Contains Coal Royal the Sentinel plan. The More Heat Units and company has grown I from $450 000 coverage contracts Less Ash Per Pound in force Itn 1948, to in excess of $8,000,000 t the present time. The Sentinel plan is endorsed Coli Vs Today For Prompt Delivery and sponsored by over 90 perPHONE ONE cent of Utah's mortuaries. Although no formal dedication is planned, Allen conceremony & cluded by Inviting the public to visit the new building at any 60 North Main Street Brigham City time. Soof-fiel- NOTICE 1955 BIRTHS Man Dies in i Hydramatic transmission. ht BOURBON PROOF COMPANY "WHERE PERFECTION OF PRODUCT IS TRADITION LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY FANNIE J. CHRISTENSEN, City Recorder. (SEAL) The Sentinel Plan is AMERICAN FORK Sorts Anderson BkAVER A FfUMORE Mortuary -S- outhern Utah Mortuary BINGHAM CANYON Rmford G. Benson BOUNTIFUL -- Union Mortuary CITY -Harold B. Felt Funeral Noma CASHS DAIS -Witbeck Funeral Homo BRIGHAM CEDAR CITY -J- onson Mortuary Southern Utah Mortuary CLEARFIELD -- Nicklg B toes ttHRAIM Buchanan Mortuary EUREKA - Funeral Homo EVANSTON, WYOMING -fi. Bryan Mortuary MHbort O. Bills Mortuary i ' HURRICANE Sptltbury Fonoral Homo NYRUM Thompson Fvnarol Homo KANAft -S- piltbwry Fuaoral IEHI A Homo - Wing Mortuary H 10GAN -- Half Mortuary Kenneth O. Lindquist Mortuary Nelson Funoral Homo W Loyal MANTI -- -- Buchanan Mortuary MIDVALE -- Goff Mortuary MILFORD Southern Utah Mortuary moab - Turner Funoral Homo MOUNT PLEASANT acobs Mortuary -J- ROOSEVELT enkins Mortuary CITY Olpm Mortuary Ptel Funoral Hama DELTA I- - MURRAY Olpm Mortuary HEBER MAGNA Sumo! Mortuary N. endorsed and sponsored by the following Mortuaries: -J- - Funoral Homo Anderson Funoral Homo McDoogoi NEPHI OGDEN - PARK CITY Olpm Mortuory -- Crobb and Jolley Mortuary Rigby Mortuary PLEASANT GROVE O pm Mortuary PRICE -- - r, SALT CITY LAKE -- i Neal S. Magieby Mortuory Potortoa Mortuary ml SORROW mu NEED NOT MEAN HIM Marguerite Taylor Bock Evans A Early FINANCIAL TRAGEDY Kingdon Mortuory Larkin Mortuary M W Lindquist, Funoral Director Neil O Donnell Mortuary Sunset Lawn Mortuary White Chapel Mortuary, Inc. SPANISH FORK - Lowell J Crabb Mortuary Mitchell Funoral Homo Wailaco Mortuary PROVO -Berg Mortuory RICHFIELD Olpm Mortuary -Elmer Pickett, Funeral Dtrocfaf Funeral Homo , Salisbury Cannon Funoral Homo SAUNA Peterson Mortuary ST. GEORGE , Larkin A Rons Mortuary Lindquist I Sons Colonial Chapof Wiidermuth Mortuary OREM -Olpm Mortuoiy Funoral Homo PAYSON l -- -SPMINGVIUE A. Y. Wheeler A Son TOOELE -- Mortuary Tato Mortuary TRSMONTON - -- Rogers Mortuary VERNAL Betti Swain, Funoral Director Vsmoi Mortuary |