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Show IT OWKI 200 ft bring area. 2 baths. 2 Uepiaces. 4 bdrms. btult-aac fetced yard, sprinkling SjSte. carport I pat Owner cm finance $77,000 Call 7564995 II AUGUST family ants te wot utxr an ssp tor house m Toronto ta 3 ks Call 375 1S23 6 19tf 94 H Qua ottM Ctl 719696. Hr up. female poodle cottar and lie MOBILE Lett. 768 8328 bedrooms 2 NOME 12-lt- p has yellow (av) 11 Lost Statioa m No. lag Mobl Walker's Pleasant - Reward 22V Grove a my hone, u by hour, TO BABYSIT al 9 4 It actmities. 3 bedmoa duple. aookuR, spacious, aimed ea Lg . lot m Aipiae hear school FOB BEBT- - KD day I chare. 75 small white FIND HELP PLEASE art M I 12 MMTTES: HUT f ui 12 bike ski CARPET, GOLD. 12 12 trampoline. Cat equipment, before 9 ar after 4 7852787 9 t STUDEITS- 9lt - LEW vrigatioa water. , 753263. FM Leto. bedrooms, 30 yex contract 2 $25,900. $1000 YOU MUST home lunurj Highland ottered by 1900 sq ft oo ooe half acre. Full kt basement, cond Quality cabinetry. throughout. & light Buyer choose carpets fixtures. Generous allowances on these off sale price. SI 16.000 00. Call 7564228 8 14 tf but must carry contract and won't pay more than 12.500. Lot must face southwaid. Call 756 7756 evenings. CHECK OUT THIS HOME FOR SALE - Four bedrooms, family room, nice corner lot facing large alfalfa field, feeling of lining in the country without the expense. Beautiful curtains, dishwasher, piano, and other extras optional. Will sacrifice only $49 900 if we can mow it quickly without a realtor. Call for evenings only Custom home in AF. OWNER- yr formal liv dining rm., game rm., fam. rm.. etc. Built-ivac, intercom, yd sprinkling system & much more. Owner selling at his bldg cost. $122,000. OFFICE SMALL UNIQUE Lehi. downtown $34,900. 2 bdrm starter home. Excellent income prop. 80 x 100 lot with beautiful view. Lg. storage shed. $35,000. Assume 8 percent, 1st mort. terms negotiable. 480 E. Home for sale, 1400 sq ft upstairs, finished 2 4 bdrm, baths, basement, fenced, central vacuum, sprinkling down system, terms. Call CITY lot new in payment, negotiable, neg. LEHI FHA APPROVED New LOTS rambler. P.G. FHA APPROVED great, quiet nicely decorated, neighborhood. A steal at $53,000. LOTS fully $400 improved $13,900 down. Buy directly from developer and save commissions and closing costs I m good coad Nova otter Make 284 MTlp .... lln j BOYS I Join the l FEELING WITH Ages 6 thru 12 a Makers, Music choii now beginning in j Best Turn NEEDLECRAFT? DEVELOPMENT your more For hobby into money information call Evelyn 8 28 3tp Preston trained. COMPANY Jack 756-396- Utah Evenings call: 756-645- Jerry or Tyler BEGINNING PIANO and theory Or. Paul taught by student of Pollei of BYU. For details call basement, porch. walk-ou- t deck, Holley Auto Company Buick 297 W. Main Lot 110x106. r - GMC American Fork 756 - 3533 Lots or Homesc SMALL HOUSE FOR RENT- - group theory. 20 years teaching area. experience. Highland-Alpin- e 9 4 2t $13,500 - 71 1 iiIVH - V-- x .6 .- sale. DITCH WATER for 3 ACRES OF COMMERCIAL $15,500 Earl Farnsworth BBaaBBBBBaBBnmBBBBBBBBiwaBWjaaapka Call 756-357- or 9 756-455- - part in Pleasant Grove LAND, City on Highway 91. 8 ACRES OF COMMERCIAL LAND, Freeway and Highway frontage, well. Will carry contract. 1000 Square Feet 225-609- 3 OwnerAgentCZZZZ may be what you have been looking for. Take the time to come or call us at: One of these Low :c;.. I s Harding Realty Co. Interest 12 North Center 756-357- on those who qualify .flrC H j .'f iiyi, Ml Fi Vergil Peterson 8 John E.Jolley.. 6 Larry J. Hansen Kent Barlow REALTOR Sncnn I Torrv 7K7S8Q Evan Durfey Robert Warnick 6 Ron L. Peck . 756-47- ... 1 m 6 Ask for Lee APPROX. 23 ACRES of farm land just south of American Fork city limits. Approved pick your house plan Don Evans 225-074- 8 - WAGON Telephone luioniNf: prat- tvi mmmmmmwmwx I WINN You ETERSON CLflOLLEY Realty American Fork, Utah VA 235, 245, 1 85 East Main OPEN HOUSE Fully Improved Lots Private with STATION $8,261 each -- FHA OPEL (l)40Wil5' Sunnyhill Acres Lehi Manila area Call LESSONS- - $9,752 each has SOURCE I". GENERAL MOTORS WUITS DIVISION Pontiac SHOE you don't have to write! I Machinery Buildings It GENUINE GM PASTS Call $5,750 each evening hours. Mature individuals encouraged to apply. Apply at Payless Shoe Source 648 E. State Rd.. A.F. Shopping Center E 0 E- - 4 QUALITY SERVICE WU7TS It ret., excel, cond. 175. $8,4S3each 14,000 bu. Grain Bin (2) opening for full time sales person. Must be available for day and GM finished, plus double garage, large family room, dining area with view. 2 bathrooms plus 1 roughedin full bath. 2 heatalator fireplaces, 2 water heaters, redwood STUDENTS Technic - PAYLESS Polyglycoat Underseal & Lubrication all brick rambler. Good view front and rear, 7 bedrooms. Park and playground adjoining back yard. Near schools, church, shopping center. 2800 sq. ft. Honda Odyssey, like new. $1,200. Rear bumper, for Ford or Chev. truck. $25 00. Call 30Wiir (2) (2)WiW Fiberseal & AMERICAN FORK BY OWNER 78 STEEL BUILDINGS standard shift, good condition, great second car. Call and Bodyshop It SALE- - of SALE- Enclosed cabover horse nan. Super for cold weather and hauling. 1970 Chevy Nova r. Complete Service BARRATT County. 756-768- INVENTORY FOI (One Only) 756-325- to good home Boy after 5 p.m. FREE KITTENS in buy LIQUIDATING - Antiques, mantle, oak and balustrades, (lass piano, furniture. Office furniture, metal or rental garden lanterns, New electronic more. much home stereos, sample! Car SALE- $4769 each $6495 bedroom rambler, 3 bedroom rambler, two 2 bedroom bi level plans, 3 bedroom 3 level split. Heat ducts and cold air return in lower level. Blocked out for future fireplace. 42t HELP WANTED improvements are in at Mountain Meadows Plat 6, at 330 South Storrs Avenue in American Fork. 2 One-ha- I colors, color TV. 800 Miles All ton. camper shell, automatic, good condition. $1000 or best offer 756 7186. CHEVY Plans $49,900.00 and up al DOVES, t Special for Week LeMans for an appt Inquiries wilbe desired M lt kept confidential speakers, etc. Worth the gas. Sat Sept. 6. 5. 281 N. ZOO g. Alpine Driver Ed. Car New Homes, 5 School Road.) i MOMiK TUB I stairmel Pontiac - Buick - GMC I Raychelle Iverson. WANTED- Gil Gesd working cond. New affiot ta 5-- The par e Hours with era. and camenserate abartv. Cal demonstrated (ken S41tp cheap. Nice kitchen set reasonable. 7&9154. Holley Auto Co. IHI (&i teacher, Experienced part singing vocal training and performance. For more info call FOR 9--4 (TraC NitMand- - on 1980 Pontiac Highland LIKE CHECH COMPLETE GIRLS- - children's 72 1 ltp :v . m mm gs m your furnace before cold neather comes. Frank's Heating and Service. 768 9115 KEEP THAT GREAT house. 2 baths 'i acie. irrigation water rights, familv loom with fueplace. $69 500 Call 756 9239 for appt I HAVE DtlVING KCOtO. bid fl.U fuymf nigh auto msutance Call Charles pieiiiiins? 4. 1980 uucc silfj huge beds. toys, lets f buTdmg material, dothes, some antiques. Thurv, Fri, Sal noon M dart. 10930 North 4800 West 2 and up 76M791M ltp COOO (Metropolitan Lite) at 225 S659 3 94 ltp Page IMO Thursday. September needs work. $200. Call days or evenings Call 756-964- '76 ABSOLUTELY MUST SELL E Vap 'water Tablets pills STORY PHARMACY 94 3tp GoBese SIX BEDROOM PIANO Great buy on 3 bdrm lot in A.F., Lg. with FAST with $400 $13,900 down. Buy directly from developer and save commissions and closing costs. subdivision, terms 15 year contract. Buy - 1 mu ittrsiT at tomf Ktauas. sKookkeepei. Mast he able to type 10 wp". take nr haw dictaphone shorthand experience. Evidence af training tr etper. af simple bookkeeping icq. i4 ltp Msounar M4tp SMI. exteaswa and stand. $200. casters table, Call Furartwe, hone. f Lots 756 7301 9 4 with OWNER- t SAFE ew 3 Experienced. at BUYS garage sale 1030 North 100 Saturday. Sept East, Pleasant Grow 94 It for estimate. MOTHUS let me tend child gMjfUpTiMKMranm needs a ad tuairfied. experienced. SEMSrUMf wmmmmm directly from developer and save commissions and closing costs. BY REDUCE yotjr 375 7430 w Dennis RLAL ESTATE FOR SAL- E- i acre Exclusive 2285 sq ft with animal year-ol- acre finished rights Seller very flexible with down and terms. Lease option avail subsidy of monthly payment setting with possible Northeri beautiful view KR PROPERTY 100 So. Alpine. (213) subdivision ALPINE 1 ALPINE or OWNER- - BY been made since then. Now asking Assumable 95 only $49,900. FHA loan. percent graduated $17,000 owner equity can be partially financed if necessary. For - ALPINE Terra Realty. Ask for Jay FOR SALE before basement bedrooms were carpeted, family room finished and storm windows added. Also over $4500 in mortgage payments have appointment. nice. terms negotiable. Could also add other items of your desire and finance with house under long-termortgage. House was appraised one and a half years ago at over $48 000. years. Act now before we feel compelled to call in a realtor who will raise the price to squeeze in Call his commission. for an BLDG, Very drapes, piano, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer & dryer, Irving room furniture, full and twm beds, lawn mower, etc. with $10,000 down. example, $32,500 mortgage assumed, and financed $7,000 owner, by payments would start at about $370 per month, rise slightly with graduated mortgage and then drop to about $340 at the end of 10 old. Designed for family living with lots of extras for luxury 3400 sq ft with 3100 finished 4 bdim 1 Newly custom beautiful LOT WANTED BY INSIDE! inside, so come in Four bedrooms (new thick carpet for downstairs room bedrooms), plus family currently being used as master bedroom items: Negotiable oak solid , SEE painted split entry home oa nee lot surrounded by alfalfa fields at the west end of 500 North (424 West). Don't make final judgement from the outside. You live on the 75fr7433 SALE- - 94 ltp 8 HOHIK GOOD 94 ltp can be sub drtided or have animals. 4 shares IN OrttTSEiraS CiB7 Lessons m my home. CaM ACK 1 nxit out dui c cade? Have a wa one installed at a wholesale price We instal tap AMFM. 8 tract aod flualiti cassette stereos far your cat. truck, boat tr I V. We cone to yon. Can ltp BEIT - Lehi older 1 bedroom home m acreage. awed ammars. 8 $250 per ma Call Carole 0217.8411 PIANO H2 ltp FOB It BEGINNING 7991 rot srr nto or Am WTi F0C9 CUUDl coaditiM - teat amiitu S1500. - or 9 American Fork 756-271- 5 for FHA 235 (801)224-304- Includes these features: 0 D TITLE REPUBLI 4 Full Basement Extra Insulation 4 756-26- 756-726- 1160 SOUTH STATE Upgraded Carpets and Plumbing large Lots SUITE 190 OREM, UTAH 84057 768-814- 3 bedroom JUST LISTED. Fork. Am. in home Lot full Fireplace, frame. brick and basement, Home shows very good. 70x179. $58,000. or John at Call 756-964- 6 756-688- A BUYER IS NEEDED. Sellers are moving. Price has been lowered from to $67,900. $72,900 or home 2 in this 2 story, 6 bedroom 1 in home on acre a Builder's own Highland. home and many extras included. Oversize garage, upstairs. apartment baths, fireplace and a single car garage. Could convert to floor main business plus apartment up and down stairs. Outside entrance to upstairs and downstairs. Priced to sell, $63,500. Call John at 756-964- 6 or IN THE COUNTRY LUXURY oak desk, 3 cabinets, built-ifull baths, etc., etc., etc. or Call Bob at n 756-964- 6 Course PRICE was LOWERED 4,000 sq. ft. Near 5 bedrooms xk acre. Assumable FHA loan and owner will carry back a 2nd. Seller is also willing to give an allowance for redecorating , and replacement of carpet. Call Kent at 756-964- 6 or 768-979- 4 family room, Yk baths, and seller will carry a contract with very, BEDROOMS, or when you call 768-979- $3,000. at investment. animals and bedrooms, garage. This unique home is CONTRACT Home rtheast is AVAILABLE. located in Am. Fork. No- 756-964- 6 756-950- atmosphere. Call PETERSON & REALTY for Zoned country Larry at J0LLEY or 756-964- 6 756-950- CABINETS, 3 ceilings, and 2 car cathedral super quality throughout. & Call Kent at PETERSON J0LLEY or Special features are formal dining room, Vk baths, central-air- , and main floor laundry. Yard is fenced, fruit trees, and a sprinkling system. Owner anxious. You can also lease this 1600 sq. ft. home with an option to buy. Sales price $89,500. or Call Larry at 3,000 sq. ft. finished home on 2 acres with animal rights. Large 2 car garage and 2 fireplaces. Everything for active rural living. Near Country Club. for All only Owner anxious. or 756-964- 6 NEW home STARTER AFFORDABLE HOME. has some work completed. Priced at $52,500 & sellers will pay some Call points. Larry discount at 756-964- 6 756-950- Great Buy Great Neighborhood NICE AREA. This ft. rambler 4 with extras in REALTY 756-964- story bedrooms. with HOME in No- rthwest Orem. $42,900. All brick, 2 bedroom home new furnace, new insulation, garage, large fruit trees, close to church, and freeway shopping access. Possible State loan Call Susan at available. with 756-964- 6 or 756-758- floor a loan Nice area. Call garden or super including insulation. Ask for Kent. Priced for immediate sale. 756-964- 6 LEHI. Custom built home Steiner Construction. by Home has formal rHing room, 3 Vk bedrooms. baths, custom cabinets and negotiable terms available. $71,900. Call Vergil at 756-477- Owner other and or NEW HOME LOT IN details. TOO OLD EVEN FOR fiS: 224 - 3040 b"MUL FtlN6fc American Fork. Call us for BETWEEN I POOR POLKS AND NOT YET OLD ENOUGH FOR RICH FOLKS ? fbU CAN SAY WHAT YOU WANT BUT MOHAMMED -- ALI potential. building $29,900. rz Call Larry at " r: MAN HAS BEEN CONVICTED DIFFERENCE 1 OFSTEAUNQi PEARLS ON ' A SI AMATEUR AND A PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE IS THAT THE LATTER IS PAID BY CHECK! SEVENTEEN' DIFFERENT OCCASIONS HE APPARENTLY REGARDED THE VQRLP, OYSTER.! , Downtown COMMERCIAL ..v ..... r v ids MTUOAETa 756-964- 6 mamr'-wrvfisp:fir- : VXTlxB 756-950- TOO OFTEN WILL CORNER Walkout AM. basement, unique floor plan, completely maintenance free exterior, double garage, fireplace upstairs and downstairs, and 2 full baths. Call Kent for details or near 756-964- 1. Title Insurance 2. Real Estate closing (escrows) which include A. Cash sales C. Contract Sales B. Assumption D. Exchanges JEST FOR LAUGHS PRICE FIGHTER; or LEHI. HOMES WAS A GREAT 768-979- ON BILT 1 1 BECOMES OF FURNITURE or home. Will carry at a super interest rate. Call Kent for 9 years in Real Estate closings and related fields. For all your title and closing needs. Republic Land Title, Inc. provides the following services. 756-950- CONTRACT WITH VERY LOW willing to carry a contract for 30 years on this three bedroom brick 768-857- PRECISION family fireplace. be can lot with Larry at 756-964- 6 DOWN. or 4 It a this custom built Your loss if you fail to call 1,600 sq. spacious. many home price MAINTAINED is main a room Two BARBARA BREWER ESCROW CLOSING OFFICER Great Quality 768-936- and Vergil Many, 768-979- or lhl. 756-950- Call 2,600 sq. ft. finished on 768-979- WELL Fenced yard & garden area. Over 1,000 sq. ft. with a full basement. Basement bay window & double garage. Priced at $73,900. Call Larry at 756-964- 6 or $129,000. 756-477- LISTING. 756-964- THE R.F.D. BOX 327 Utah 84043 has special features that are eye catching. Buy now & select floor coverings, has a main Must sell this view lot!! It has home appliances, and more. The home has 1.300 sq'. ft. with 756-726- Contract possible. Call or 768-979- acre to .42 acre. Prices start at $16,900. Call John 756-688- TWT1IT GOLF This new COURSE. Existing assumed. CUSTOM or & 756-964- 6 RANCHETTE. at $18,900, now owner will sell for $15,900. Good 756-964- 6 REALTY SUPER ABSOLUTELY Am. Fork. Lots ready to build on. Selection is still good. .23 building Bob at PETERSON OF TRI CITY SOUTH a AN 756-964- 6 Golf and permit available. or Ask for him IMPROVED LOTS near in water irrigation J0LLEY very small down. There is an assumable loan. Kent Barlow is the listing agent. 756-726- 756-688- Good view, D.R. built-i- n windows, location. Grove Pleasant ideal pane triple railing, 3 acres in Call 756-726- on 1. Lot bedroom 2 or finished with This one you look at. Zoned with in 756-964- 6 BUY. 756-950- INVESTORS!! is 66x144. 4 bedroom brick this family home with assumable loan in northeast American Fork. $55,500. Call Bob at BEDROOMS with possible substantial down. The yard is unique. The home has 756-964- General Commercial GATEWAY SUBDIVISION 4 Contract 2100 sq.ft. and the price is 6 right. Call Larry at need to 7J FORK. ENTUALLY location Ideal fiPT fired park and swimming pool. This home has a full 1470 sq. ft., basement, laundry on main floor and a large brick pantry. A home for Call Vergil 756-477- at beautiful $70,900. 756-964- 6 or A HEN THE &e WAG MECHANIC WHO TRIED W BUY A SIMGLE-FLE- f S-h- |