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Show INI li 1(11 Lehi City Council Meeting dt Notice To Water Users - The following application been filed with the has State Engineer to change water in Utah . County throughout the entire year less otherwise in Location designated. stockwatering of 200 cattle, but limited to the sole supply of 150 cattle, miscellaneous uses of dairy; and from Apr. 1 to Oct 31 for the supplemental irrigation 400.0 act, but limited to the sole supply of Sec 225.0 acs. in 31, T4S, R1E; WAHVA, is hereby given that the city council of Lehi will conduct its regularly scheduled council meeting on Tuesday, September 9, 1980 at Lehi City Hall located at 51 North Center NW4, NBiSWi, NWV SWi, SEW4, Sec 36, HP&PA, HPA, Sec 35, be as follows SWUSMM presiding. 1. Minutes approved of previous meeting. SLBIM. a 11338 Fox L Kaye C. Fox, (55-97- and Merrill 10715 N. Rd., Frontage Lehi, UT proposes to change the point of diversion and Wi well, resisting granting of this application with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 231 E. 400 S., SLC, UT 84111, on or before Oct 11, 1980. Dee C. Hansen Published in the Lehi Free Press Aug. 28, Sept. 4, and 11, 1980. HE; 2) a 6 inch well, 226 ft deep, at a point S. 850 ft E. 519 ft from WVi Cor. 200-50- 1325 ft from 36, T4S, R1W; 4) a well, Cassell h ft deep, at a ft E. 1060 ft. 50-10-0 J. Lindquist, Jr., 443H, No. 1, RFD, P.O. Box point S. 460 from M4 Cor. Sec. 35, T4S, h R1W; 5) a well, 286 Lehi, UT has filed with the State Engineer, Appl. No. 54971 to appropriate 0.015 sec. ft of water in Utah County. The water is to be diverted from ft deep, at a point N 1175 ft E. 625 ft from S'i Cor. Sec. 36, T4S, R1W; and 6) a ft. well, 200-50- 0 deep, at a point S. 1280 ft E. 1000 ft from WA Cor. a h well, 100-50- ft. 0 deep, at a point S. 1284 ft. 215 ft from NW Cor. Sec. 17, T5S, R1E, SLB&M (1 mi W. of Lehi); and used 2 families, 150 cattle, stockwatering miscellaneous uses of a dairy; and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 for used purposes Ordinance. Best 3. Distributing a Company concerning revision of the ordinance pertaining to amusement machines. 4. Council approval of the adpotion of the Uniform Traffic Code as amended in 1978. ritu Karl Webb 5. d Powell city business. 7. Public Safety. 8. ' Other business of the domestic purposes of 1 family, stockwatering 5 cattle, 2 pigs, 2 horses; and from Apr. 225.0 acs. in SW1. Sec. 31, 1 Hereafter, 4.0 sec. ft of water is to be diverted from three wells as follows: 1) a be filed in duplicate with well, 441 ft. deep, at a point S. 440 ft. E. 320 the State Engineer, 231 E. 400 S., SLC, UT 84111, on or before Oct 18, 1980. 26. T4S, R1W. h well, 226 ft deep, at a point S. 860 ft. E. 510 ft; both from MM ft.; 2) a Dee C. Hansen STATE ENGINEER Cor. Sec. 31, T4S, R1E; and h well, 400 ft. 3) a deep, at a point S. 290 ft. Published in the Lehi Free Press Sept. 4, 11, and 18, 1980. Council will meeting adjourn promptly at 9:00 p.m John R. Daly Lehi City Recorder Published in the Lehi Free Press Sept. 4, 1980. program for areas affected by construction of the MX missile system has been to Congress by Gunn McKay (D Utah) and Jim Santini proposed The proposal provides a channel for tunneling planning and economic aid to Utah Nevada and communities which would be impacted by the huge mobile missile system if deployment in the Great Basin takes place. "Utah and Nevada need legal assurances that the Department of Defense will live up to its promise to minimize the consequences of MX," McKay and Santini said in a joint statement. "They also need to know that the assistance will arrive quickly where it is needed." The present system is "tortuous and indirect," two to the according lawmakers. "Communities assistance must seeking presently apply to a host of none of which agencies, has funds specifically set aside MX insur.si in JUHl.iHKI U f Citizens! impact mitigation. Consequently, aid requests get caught up in budget dogfights where other priorities are likely to McKay pushing because reduce (ioneva Stale Bank has FREE services just for you. . Knowing that Senior Citizens hav! special needs and challenges. w! offer free services to make your financial burdens lighter. This Week's Money Market Rale Is: j 11 prevail." "Under the existing plan delays can run into many months, as they did with the Trident base in Kitsap 30 r Washington," County, Senior : Hi tlx- - . said. "We are this new approach it promises to 60 by delays according to the we have secured 10.50 1 "' jv Month 1 ill- 10.00 Free Checking Free Notary Service Direct Deposit of Covernment Checks '' P; m gj State Bankof mayor power, facing water Current Federal Regulations allow a .ZSH higher rate than that posted on renewed Money Market Certificates overloaded or I school .sl. r.il rcnul.il.iins r.iinn- .1 siitAtmli.il n..lU it I cnn- - (i;rtifn at.! is rcdiwmed prior to maturity. systems." However hectic your fall schedule, there's no need to skip breakfast as long as you keep eggs on hand. An mat easy, cheesy omelet can get you off to a good start, and it takes only minutes to make. When time is at a premium, eggs premium choice meal of the day. are for a any !Vllffi! William F. Huish Utah County Clerk Polling Places Cedar Fort Cedar Fort Fire CF Cedar Fort Donna B.Cook Roland Hansen Fairfield Beulah Hansen Station Fairfield FF Lehi LH1 Colonial House 21S.200W. LH2 Orlynn Davis 511 N. 200 W.. LH3 LH4 Lehi Elementary Jessie E. Carter 651 N. Center Orlynn Davis Dina S.Webb 137 S. Center Jessie Carter LH 5 Leslie Colledge Sego Lily School 1196 N.Trinnaman 550 E. 900 N. 8315 N. 9550 W. 550 E. 900 N. Leslie B. Colledge Jana Rampton LH 6 LH 7 Annette McClure LH 8 LH10 Sego Lily School Memorial Bldg. Jean Lamb LH11 Virginia Moore LH 9 " Jeannie Clark LH Annette McClure Dimple Metlot Mary Price 1190 N. 500 W. VilateCoates 1735 N. 500 W. Virginia Mooie a. ff 19 QUALITY Fall $soo Fall Fertilization -- "EXTERIOR HOUSE permits more time for spring planting; 2 avoids delays caused by a late freeze or a lengthy rainy season, as occurred this spring; 3 produces earlier, higher yields; 4 permits more efficient use of 1 & TRIM f Our best oil paint. excellent hide, weather resistant. REG. equipment; $19.79 rai lasting protection. Outstanding color retention. REG. $16.99 em J EL RANCHO STAINS REG. $13.99 EL RANCHO STAINS 1 f -- 1 1811-1- 2 Choose from our best solid EL RANCHO ANCHO W9s 5Qz5 W WliWWV II VIII IIMIIMlblH Ron's Paint - & Glass- - AmericanFork ng 756-636- 3 -- Radmall 15 South Main Hardwar- e- - Pleasant Grove 785-221- 1 American Fortt Draotr " 4 Cedar Cttv 586-63-12 Mta 0 v Lonan St Price 637-065- Eohrahn 2834529 Oodan Lot Payton 1 Rooeevell 373-766- 4652239 RIchfltM 8964461 Sallna 529-740- Salt Lake City 673-3631147 W 3100 S Spanlah Fork 972 3009 796-741Sprinkler Irrigation 529-748Tramonton Qaorga 9 Elko, Nt. 7384233 Prealon. Ida. Soda Spring., Wa. Urle, Wyo. Allan. Wvo So. Hwy. 89 886-920- Ivv CASH'S WESTERN AUTO 286 East Main color oil base exterior stains. REG. $13.99 rnlnrc Phnnea frnm hunHrAfk nf VI VVIVItfl V,, 76 West Main INTERMOUNTAIN FARMERS STORES 4 Choose from our best penetrating oil base stains. REG. $14.99 'Xhoose from hundreds of colors. ftesisfador 2 1813-1- RANCHO SQ99 color latex exterior Early-maturi- lw velvet, scrubable finish -l- ow odor. Clean ud with NT $4ji99 1 1 Choose from our best solid Fast recovery alfalfa for bigger yields: $4A99 water. Bennett? 1841-4- Outstanding recovery after 1183 - REG. $14.99 EL EL RANCHO STAINS cutting plus resistance to disease makes Resistador 2 Alfalfa the logical choice for growers from Resisthis area. tador 2 has resistance to spotted alfalfa aphids, usually eliminating the need for costly chemical insecticide applications. It has good winter hardiness and drouth tolerance too. 1181 BENNETT LATEX Our best, tor use on wood or masonry. Long INTERIOR RUBBER LATEX iOur best1182 latex. Drys to a rich r J 1fll2 VIKO EXTERIOR 5 lets you plow fertilizer down to the root zone without leaching under normal conditions. Prepare Now to Plant PAJ NATUR and Planting Pays j Lehi 768-844- 4 percent estimate from the Pentagon's Office of Economic Adjustment That's pretty important to a Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, September 9th, 1980, party primary of the Republican, Democratic and American Parties will be held for the nominating of party candidates of said parties. The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. and continued until 8:00 p.m. of the same day. 36, t4S, R1W (2 mi SE of ( Camp . Williams; and used for the domestic purposes Wouldn't it be nice to be as sure of anything as some people are of everything? for K ii.. m Official Notice W. 50 ft. from PA Cor. Sec. of 2 families, supplemental aid to Oct. 31 for the supplemental irrigation of 0.25 acs. in WiHWA Sec. 17.T5S, R1E, SLB&M. Protests resisting the granting of this application with reasons therefore must T4S, R1E; Stt, HWA, Sec. 36, NE'i Sec. 35, SEK Sec. as required. E. 31, T4S, R1E; and for the domestic Sec. 2. Council approval of a Conversion Condominim Lorin streamlined A Representatives Mayor K. Blaine Singleton 6. Water Users Sec. NV Cor. Lehi, Utah. Which meeting shall begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. The agenda shall business. Notice To at a point S. 1680 Package To Be Offered Notice h ft deep, ft W. 0 the STATE ENGINEER Cor. Sec. 31, T4S, Sec. 31, T4s, R1E; 3) a 25, SE' Protests has been diverted from six h wells as follows: 1) a well, 44 ft deep, at a point S. 576 ft E. 401 ft from Sec. Sec. 26, all T4S. R1W. place of use of 4.0 sec. ft. of water as evidence by Appl. No. 31728. The water MX Aid Notice WW Lehi Free PressThursday, September 4, Page A-- 2 - Lehi 768-945- 1 AUG. 29 THRU SEPT. 13 |