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Show Page A-- Lehi Free Press 8 EMM Endowment for project in Association Kansas, and Publications Conference. Utah. are Nevada, North Dakota addition to the keynote event, there will be career sessions and special workshops to help the high school yearbook and newspaper workers. In Peterson Jolley Realty announces that Ron L Peck joins sales staff. Ron was born and raised in Lehi. He graduated from Lehi High School where he received honors in sports, served as National Honor Society President, FFA vice president and won the State Sterling Scholar Award in Vocational Education. Ron fulfilled an LOS mission in Indiana - Indianapolis. Upon returning he attended BYU and graduated Cum Lauda and with a Civil Engineering degree. He is in courts of the Racquetball Supreme manager part-own- Career sessions and workshops will be conducted by professionals from throughout the state and the Brigham Young University campus. they have a son, Tyler. Peterson Jolley Realty is proud to serve you with men such as Ron. In your real estate transactions whether buying or selling give Ron a call. It will be one of the best moves you'll ever make. He'll do for you a market analysis which will help determine your price. Call Ron now at or drop in at 85 East Main in American Fork. 756-964- 6 book and featurette for contests, conducted members and of the League. Utah Writers Roundup At Snowbird Writers from throughout Utah at will gather Sept. 5-- 7 Lodge for the annual League of Utah Snowbird 45th Writers Roundup. Theme is "Be Worthy of Your Laurels," said Mrs. Arlene Hamblin, Syracuse, this President. . League year's "We have worked hard to inmake each session formative, interesting and beneficial to writers," she functions are possible by League made assistance from the Utah State Institute of Fine Arts with funds made available by the State Legislature and the Endowment for the Arts, D.C., Washington, a federal agency created by the honored. Registration fees are $30 for members and $32. for Cost cludes admission is a prolific Louise Boggess, writer of books and articles, who also lectures and teaches writing techniques. include Other speakers Claire who Provo, Rees, part-tim- e a parlayed occupation as a writer into a career; Don Norton and Jean Jenkins, both BYU professors, and Jeannie Young, Salt Lake City, a member of the Indian Tribe. Ms. Young will discuss e to the meetings and banquet and Sunday's breakfast. Past presidents of the league at the will be guests luncheon, open to others at a cost of $6. Deadline speaker in- Friday reception, Saturday's 1965 Congress. Principal traditional Sunday's Poets' Breakfast at 10:30 will conclude the a.m. conference. Mrs. Jenkins will discuss "Writing the Narrative Poem," and she and Max Golightly, a fellow professor at BYU, will read entries in the winning Prize contest. poetry in winners the music will also be contests for sessions for registration at which food will be served is Sept. 2. Writers may send checks to Dee Abbott, the League's secretary-treasure- r, executive 4775 Bon Air, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84117, Phone Individual 277-273- are: admission prices $3.50, Friday buffet; $6, luncheon; $14, Saturday award banquet; $6 Sunday breakfast Taos-Puebl-o script writing for filmstrips and show one of her productions at the Friday reception which opens the conference. A buffet supper will begin at 6:30 p.m. Saturday's Fall's meetings SIP OR FREEZE begin at 9:30 a.m., with Mrs. Boggess as the first Her topic is speaker. From Fiction "Writing Personal Experience." She also spoke at the 1976 Roundup in Provo. She has taught television courses in article and short story writing at the College of San . Mateo, as well as correspondence course for Writer's Digest School and the FRUIT NOG 2 beverage or 4 snack servings ' 2 eggs Vi cup milk V cup vanilla ice cream 3 tablespoons frozen orange or other fruit juice concentrate V teaspoon almond extract, optional 1 orange slice, halved, optional University of California. She has numerous ferences. lectured writers' Mr. Norton will at con- discuss "Producing Salable Copy for Religious Markets." ' Following luncheon, Mr. on Rees will speak Ful"Profitable the ltime title of his most recent book. Mrs. Boggess will talk Measure all ingredients except orange slice into blender or shaker container. Cover. Blend on high speed or shake until well blended. Pour into 2 glasses. Garnish each with an orange slice halt, if desired. Serve Part-tim- "Expanding ; New Ideas," and Mr. Norton will tell how to develop personal histories into marketable material. j Mrs. Boggess will explain about ' Fiction the at evening Techniques" banquet, which begins at 6:45 p.m. Awards will be "Simplified hn to winners of article, immediately. TO FREEZE: Students Of Although room temperature. Remove cup to serve. BYU's Charles Redd Center m one-roo- virtually a BYU historian is participating in a program to make sure the impact of the country social school on the religious activities of early Utah towns is not forgotten. Studies, is looking for persons who were students or teachers in country schools - those with three rooms or less -to get oral histories of those schools. for Westen tests effectively. Mrs. Hadfield phone the of president Learning Horizons and the author of the new book, "ABC's for ParGrade Sucess." ticipants will receive a copy of the book, which is also the applicant, The Lehi and shotguns other The legislation permits VA to reimburse part of the individual cost of an headstone or marker placed on the grave of a veteran in a buried private reimThe cemetery. bursement cannot exceed, the average cost of headstones purchased by VA for this purpose. The current amount is $53. reim- the Salt Lake VA Regional office. Applications for the VA headstone or marker should be addressed to Monuments Director, Service, Memorial of Department Affairs, Veterans Administration. 810 Veterans Adbenefit has helped pay for headstones or grave markers for almost 40,000 veterans buried in private cemeteries since it first became available in 1979, according to Elmer J. Smith, Salt Lake City VA Regional Office director. new A bursement can be filed at miscellaneous articles will be for sale. The items will be on display from 12:00 until 1:00. All sales will be cash. Police Department will hold an auction Saturday Sept. 6 at 1:00 p.m. Bicycles, two allowance. its cost for ministration Chain Link mm MATERIALS There won't be a monthly charge with the plastic card that's not a AvaUl in 3', 4', S' ft ' FaWk (MUM in SV nib CimpliH in fencing hthti ti prMuctt WHOLESALE AT RETAIL EjC WASATCH BANKS 1440 WIST CUTIR NO ANNUAL FEE - 0ftM .en i u n ii u n u n ii ii n ii ii u n ii u u n nu n ii ii u n u nn ii ii ii ii i i i Utah Technical College at Provo nu n u nN ii nu an ' ACME FENCE CO. credit card - its much much more! 378-620- ' INSTALLATION AVAHAKi C3DaC3DDC3DDQDDDC3DC3DDDDDDDQC: nu N.W., headstones is in addition to VA burial $300 allowance and a $150 plot however. If a Application Ave., the marker other than the VA standard is chosen, VA will reimburse up to $53 toward Lehi Police Auction Embry at 4069 Lee Library, BYU, Provo, Utah 84602; stand. is in 1979, Governor Matheson named her one of ten outstanding young mothers for the state of Utah. She is R. married to Eugene and has four Hadfield, children. Students and parents may register for the classes by calling Learning Horizons 7856174. successfully, remember what they study, to write well and speak could help in gathering information on Utah's rural schools can contact Miss getting photographes of the country schools that still area stores. Hadfield has also published numerous magazine articles. She developed and taught group piano and preschool courses, and is a guest lecturer for BYU and Weber State College continuing education programs. In budget time, cope with stress, create a study environment, and dress for school success. Hadfield will also teach students how to conquer a text, take that She is also looking for old school sites, with hopes of DEBRA S. HADFIELD. available Vermont Washington D.C 20420. The VA assistance on CLIP & SAVE u shedlQolle wtftioirog) i Registration on the Provo Campus will begin September 15, 1980 from 8 am until 8 pm Monday through Thursday. September 21 through September 26th registration will be held on both Provo and Orem Campus. AUTO BODY (COLLISION Antique Auto Repair Collision Repair Snop Section 51 Section 52 Section 53 Collision Repair Shop REPAIR 6:30 9 30 T Th M W 6:30-- Sat T Th TWTh TWTh T GENERAL Automotive Electrics & Carburat.on AUTO MECHANICS MW W AND AUTOMATION (Permission to take these classes mus be obtained from instructor 30 30 6 30-7 00 I 00 30 6:30-6:30-15 15 6 30-6 30 9 15 AUTO MECHANICS Automotive Chassis Theory Shop Automotive Service Shop ACCOUNTING Accounting Procedures Principles of Accounting II Principls of Accounting II Principles of Accounting Principles of Accounting III Key Punch Key Punch Speed Building Basic Computer Concepts Tue Thur 30 M W T Th T Th MW or TTh 6t MW or TTh 6 6. Mon T Th T Th Applied Accounting T Th Intermediate Accounting T TH Intermediate Accounting II T Th Intermediate Accounting III Th Federal and State Tax Accounting Th Cost Accounting Th Programming Language FORTRAN Th Programming Language-COBATh TECH Programming Language-COBATh Programming Language -RPGII Th II Advanced RPG Programming Language T Th Programming Language Other T Th BUSINESS OFFICE EDUCATION T Th Typewriting I T Th Typewriting T Th Typewriting III T Th Typewriting IV Shortland Theory M W Shorthand Lab & P S Theory M W Building Shorthand Speed M W Shorthand Speed Building II M W Certified Professional Secretary Tue 4 7 9 30 30 9 30 30 9 30 30 30 30 9 30 7 7 7 7 6- 8 30 - 9 30 30 30 00 30 30 30 Thurs Wed Tue 6- - 9 69 - TWTh Tue 10 Thurs Wed BUSINESS-MARKETIN- Introduction to Business Marketing Bank Teller Training Salesmanship Salesmanship Lab Business Law Principles of Management Organizational Behavior Personnel Management Professional Cooking Credit Management Small Business Management Develping Supervisory Skills Coop Work Experience Coop Correlated'Class Bus. Mgt. Development Seminar Independent Study 10 - M W Business Machines Mathmatics - BASIC Programming Language Preparation ASSITANT OFFICE EDUCATION-LEGACriminal Investigation Legal Writing Introduction to Legal Research BUSINfciSKtAL ESTATE and II Real Estate Real Estate. Advanced Principles and Practices Real Estate Appraisal Real Estate Finance 10 6- - Mon 710 M W 4 45-- Wed Tue Tue Mon 6 7 Thurs 710 710 Thurs Mon M W T Th M W T Th M W T Th M W T Th T Th T Th R in Sat M W W Th W Th Sat W Th M W W Th W Th M T M T M T M T W FCC License Study Solid State Industrial Control Solid State Ind Control Lab Communication (Telephone Co Ind. Computer Applications Control Electrical Sys Ind industrial Elect Maint II Electrical Control Sys Lab Microprocessors Digital Cont Mine Electrician or Mechanics Instrumentation & Process Cont Instrumentation 8. Process Cont Lab Ind Pneumatic 8. Hydraulic Cont Advanced Inst 8. Process Cont Automatic Control Sys. Theory Instru. 8. Process Theory Elect. Machinery 8. Con Theory Auto Control Systems Problc-mInstru 8. Process Control Problems Electrical Machinery 8. Con Problems Automatic Control Systems Lab Instrumentation I Pro Con Lab Electrical Machinery 8. Con Lab Technical Math Technical Math Technical Math COOP II I Coop Correlated Class C. Theory Lab Semiconductor 4- - 7 - 10 III IV 7- - Problems FIRE SCIENCE Technical Math for Firefighters Fire Apparatus and Equipment Fire Service Hudraulics Firefighter and The Law II FireArson Investigation 9 10 710 i: Classes Start Sept. 29 zzcznaczczDCzznciJczc: & 10 4 7 12 10 69 6- - M W M W M W M W M W M W M W Sal Sat Sat T Th T Th M T M T W Th W Th Wed ' ,' nu TBA TBA CONSTRUCTION T T T of Th Th Th . T Th T Th M W M W 7 '0 MTW Economics ENGLISH - Fundamental Language Skills English Composition I English Composition II English Composition II MW Mon Wed Wed 7:10 HISTORY 6- 6- - Early Utah History American Civilization LIFE SCIENCE Genetics 9 9 10 Wed TTh M W T T T Th Th Th MATHEMATICS Intermediate Algebra College Algebra Trigonometry Introductory Calculus FLORAL DESIGN Floral Arranging - 710 7 10 7 10 7 tO 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 MW M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W ' TBA I ART Oil Painting Oil Painting Studio Art Studio Art ECONOMICS Principles 9 - 10 - 10 . , 7 10 710 7 10 710 710 710 101 12 3 TBA TBA 7 TTh 7.10 . M W 6:30-9:3- PSYCHOLOGY Tue Psychology ol Human Relations HUMAN SERVICES Counseling for the Paraprofessional Wed DEPARTMENT OF LEARNING ENRICHMENT T Th Trade Math The Metric System T Th T Arithmetic Th Beginning T Th Math Help T Th Review Math T Th Introductory Algebra T Th Trade Mathematics for Mechanics T Th Basic English & Writing Skills T Th Foundations in Reading T Th Spelling T Th Developmental Reading T Th Speed Reading MACHINE SHOP M W Machine Shop Practice I M W Machine Shop Practice II T Th Related Machine Shop HORSESHOEING Tue Horseshoeing REFRIGERATION Refrigeration Theory ILab Lab Refirgeration Theory SAFETY Occupational Safety T T 30 59 Th' Th Fri OCCUPATIONAL HOME ECONOMICS Quantity Food Techniques Tue OUCCPATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS & RELATIONS Occupational communications Occupational Relations 79:30 jue 4 :30-- 5:30-- 7 30 30 10 Thurs PHOTOGRAPHY 710 T Th T Th T Th M W , Sat 8. -8 8- - T Th Problems Theory Lab M W W Th W Th M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M T M T M T M T M T M T M T M T M W M W TBA FCC License Preparation FCC License Preparation II FCC License Preparation III Black 8. White TV Theory Lab 710 6- - 8. 8 TBA Carpentry Fundamentals Principles of Residential Framing Building Construction I GENERAL RELATED EDUCATION Sat Th TBA lll'IV II 8. Sat Industrial Electronics III Electric Control for Air Cond Motor Rewind 8. Repair II Meterman 8. Sub Station On Lieman & City Electrician Automatic Control Systems industrial Elect. Maint Automatic Control Systems Lab Construction Electrician Maint ol Industrial Elect Systems Maint. ol Elect Systems Lab Industrial Motor Control Advanced Logic Control Systems Industrial Control Electronics Ind. Electronics 8. Solid State Ind. Control Electronics Lab Coop Work Exp BUILDING Th W High Voltage Splicing Lineman & Power Dis' Industrial Electricity III Electrical Lab III Electrical Lab III Industrial Wiring A M W MTWTH M T M W W Th W Th ELECTRONICS D C. Theory Lab 8. Problems Wed Wed Tue Tue Wed Wed TBA Mon Cooperative Work Experience Cooperative Correlated Class . Industrial Electricity Appliance Repair Electrical Lab Residential Wirting Industrial Electronics Electrical Dralting Industrial Electricity II Electrical Lab II Commercial Wiring Industrial Electronics II II Appliance Repair Motor Rewind 8. Repair - Wed 1200 South 800 West, Orem PROVO CAMPUS 1395 North 50 East, Provo OREM CAMPUS ELECTRICAL TIME ) Surface Preparation Overall Refinishmg Spot Painting & Shop Basic Diesel Engine Theory Diesel Electricity Theory & Shop DRAFTING Basic Mechanical Drafting Mechanical Drafting Electronic Electrical Drafting Architectural Drafting . Descriptive Geometry Heavy Dufy Plate Layout Architectural Rendering I Technical Mathematics Technical Mathematics Technical Mathematics Pour mixture Freeze until firm. Allow zen nog to soften briefly at the has disappeared, school into shallow metal pan or ice cube tray and freeze until slushy, about 45 minutes. Place in blender container. Cover and blend on high speed until smooth. Pour into 4 (5 oz.) paper cups and place a plastic spoon upright in the center of each. One-Roo- School House ii More Fun With Eggs. Jesie L. Embry, director of the oral history program at Looking For private cemetery now have for VA two options assistance in markng the grave, Smith said. VA will a headstone or provide grave marker free of charge and ship it to the consignee designated on the application. Cost of placing the marker in a private cemetery must be borne by goafs, series place in scheduled over a month at rural and urban libraries throughout the state, she said. Exhibits should be ready to start by June 1, 1981. Persons who attended country schools, either as students or as teachers, or persons who have materials y BYU Wyoming, and South e in journalism, magazine journalism, photojournalism, newspaper advertising, broadcast journalism, and work with the wire services. He is married to the former Debbie Hadfield of Lehi and Colorado, states, with videotapes and slide-tapprograms to help people understand the role played by the early country schools. The exhibits will take women American Fork. Other mountain and plain states. Miss Embry said the second on half would focus a traveling circulating exhibit throughout those the Salt Lake Times. Mr. Bjorn will outline career challenges and opportunities in the weekly and community newspaper field. Other career sessions will deal with k courses will The be offered to junior high, high school, and college groups. Classes are limited to twenty students, and will meet for two hours each session. Students will learn to set ten-wee- organize information about the rural schools in the One of the career sessions will feature Richard L Bjorn, president of the Utah Press Association and publisher of Families of veterans who select a burial site for a deceased veteran in a county this fall. The first half of the project has been set aside to gather and of Communications. at the by Debra S. Hadfield various locations in Dakota Roderick covered both national political conventions and visited Iran earlier this year, according to Dr. M. Dallas Burnett, coordinator of the conference for the Department their improve their grades and study skills will be offered - making up an area which comprised the major part of the American frontier during the latter half of the 19th century. Washington columnist for the Scripps League Newspapers, will be the keynote speaker for the event, which starts at 9:30 a.m. in the Wilkinson Center. Lee Roderick, Local Realty Staff Classes to help students states involved as part of the Mountain Plains Library Four hundred high school yearbook and newspaper staff members from across the state of Utah will meet at BYU Sept 17 for the '5th annual Utah High School Journalism Ron Peck Joins the Embry said. She is spearheading the School Journalists RON PECK Improve Grades Humanities, to "research country schools and their importance as educational and community institutions on the frontier," Miss Conference For High Veterans Reimbursed For Headstones Classes To An of the research is part seven-stat- e effort, by the National of a funded - 4 7 7 Basic Photography . BASIC PROFESSIONAL DRIVING T Oxyacetylene Theory Lab Electric Arc Wld Theory Lab MTWTh Th WELDING M W Section I or 3 Section 2 Metals 8. How to Wld Th 8. Lab Section or 3 ' Section 2 M W T Th M W T Th 610 710 mmm GOQMI AT PROVO 1395 NORTH 150 EAST, PROVO, UT PHONE 224-616- 1 .czzzzzzzzzzzzczzzzzzzzzzzinnczL i |