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Show PROBLEM SOLWSI X V ILK V i Black m. 'fej 2UZV'J f jL VI VV Decker. When you're having "fix-up- " problems around the house, you can count on your friendly Trustworthy Hardware Store for help. We'll pro vide vou witn sound advice and the right tools and supplies to help solve your problem. Check the "Problem Solver" specials below! I SINGLE SPEED JIG SAW amps, 3200 rpm, cuts IV2" softwood and 1" 2.1 Includes hardwood. wood cutting blade and 7504 45" tilting shoe. Special Sale Prices Good Thru Saturday! r 1 1 I I IV TCQBgBNI --- TV ffl pfflft, With Coupon Pfotessional quality lr nc'Mes comblnti ade' r"nd SV 4 ., y2--5l- arbor AA w n 072-2- 9 1 Testerte" LAVATORY FAUCET ulu 1 I I l Seb Priced! Includes aerator, tubes, adaptors and Illustrated instructions for easy installation! Smoked acrylic handles. 06049 OSTERLJNG FAUCET Q Contains I I 2 safety caps and I I tacle seals. imyttt$j I I II (SMPOD Coupon & Q7 Q' 3 fool pockets, 2 jyPaprule J I Now Only Gets Into Spl W S3 Heavy Duty STAPLE GUN SAW HACK I Rivets two surfaces together easily! Includes assortment of rivets and vinyl storage pouch. I 1 goNj If Lyman's l recep 7 p-cgy- I iWmmLmcH I For Ycsr "POP" RIVET00L P'fiShfSlSf SS II II 1 1 44 coupon ""Jl iZHL I Bostik RsparJdtl SOLDERING IRON KIT Includes 25W iron, 3 pretinned copper tips, soldering aid tool 5' of rosin core solder. F1 203 7 vmnutH fer 97 0 O. - Easy to use for instant gluing & caulking on wood, tile, leather, cloth and paper. 49 Now Fiberglass handle and rim- tempered face to mini mize chipping Price Reduced! I I With Coupon M40647 an m . 8" CLAW HAMMER Fall Sale Special! Jy in- - GLUE GUN tile. 295 an No more leaky faucets! Conserves up to more water in daily use. Includes all you need for stallation. warranty. ZZZZ A 97 LEVEL Lightweight frame. 11 pv. 30ty 88 tSLADiS FILE plastics and H1297-2- lis! ZlV Jf FAUCEIjJ5! 2? 24 SALE PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY! EoDPoigi Files wood, aluminum. A Wv ments plus stur dy wrap around shoe for support, handles for sure, steady control. 7390 Only Aluminum Sale Priced! f 1 fifi ' ' Quick and easy bevel and depth adjust- 1 Now 24" Jk YA SURFORM nr Save! ZZ KITCHEN H SSbSB' rr CIRCULAR SAW iv 1 F Black s Decker B-- fffl -- 1 For your heavy duty problems! Uses 6 staple sizes, 14" to 916" and "CEILTILE" for ceiling tile. I 0 ii shop-ve- I I I I pocket and I I C 11 With I I Coupon c Big WotDry 6-G- SHOP-VA- I 1C Sda Priced! Unadvertised Specialsl 1 lhtkSw b 49. S3 No problems here . . . picks up any wet or dry debris. Includes hose, 2 ext. wands, nozzle, squeegee shoe and rug 700-02-1 Shoe. llcr-esC- Also Big Savings On Many C 1 1 q I m 0 1 mm IS On Fireplace Accessories vim CLIPPIN' 1 ' V FOAM TAPE . vinyl foam tape Is airtight and moisture-resistan- t. Easy to apply and won't scratch surfaces. Self-adhesi- 3ie"x38"x17 SALE PRICED! Prizdl Deluxe Antique BRASS FIRESET Beautiful and practical set. includes poker, brush and shovel with ... . standing rack. 28" high. ( . ' 307-50- . ANTIQUE WOOD HOLDER Use on the hearth for log storage. Also a 300-25beautiful magazine holder. 4 1 1 IjB& bs. CAULK A- 99 Qulck-settlnindoors or outdoors. "or painting within 2 hours. 11 oz. g FIREPLACE POPCORN POPPER Features satin black finish and wooden handle ' " 302-18with leather hanger. 2 oiip DAP N(f 71 202 u |