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Show i WOMAN'S - EXPONENT. 192 Stake President of the Relief Socilyr which position she THE STRIKES OF A YEAR. "Greet the children' etc. Prayer by with honor, and her labors will be greatly missed in. .filled Coun. Wm. Gibbins. Continued by singing Labor Commissioner Charles F. Peck sub- . this Stake of Zion, She bore uncomplainingly the two "Josenh Smith's' First Prayer." Prest. Cole mitted his fifth annual report of the Bureau months' illness preceding her death. man made a.few opening remarks, regretting The' funeral services were held in the. Manassa school of Statistics of Labor to the New York Legisla the absence', of her Counselors and the becre of the ture, on Monday,- April 2d. It is, of course, house; consoling remarks wjere made by President Silas S. financial and Statistical reports tary. Smith, Counselor E'. Dalton and others, which were full of largely devoted to the subject of strikes, thei St. John's, Nutrioso, Heber and Erastus Prim consolation and wise counsel to the bereaved husband and causes and efFects.,; The stri kes for 1 887: in aries wererean. Prest. Cokman said they-ha- d children, exhorting them to emulate the noble exarhple or been unable to hold their Primary meetings at clude 144 trades and callings, against 137 in the'deceased. Alpine on account of, the cold weather and 188G; the number oi shops on strike amounted SOMANTHA T. BOHE, to 1,604 against 2,001 in 1886. The returns scatterea condition oi me peopie. ineauiK-Stake Secretary R. S. for the year show 694 strikes successful, 190 local officerd of the Primaries were sustained recompromised" or partly successful," 3 doubtful, by fbe vote of the conference.. A verbal : . EARLY IN MAY port of the Ramah Ward was given by Bishop 695 unsuccessful, and 22 pending. The returns E., Marble reported the for 2,061" shops reported on strike during the McNeil; Sister Mary . I f ..1 JIiI nr tt. year 1880 show 701 successful, 426 compromised Union vvara, Dotn in goou couuuiuu. Design to issue the first jjumber of Sister July Bingham, Prest. bf,; Primary at' or partly successful, 212 doubtful, 524 unsuc St. John's, said the Primary Association; was cessful, and 147 pending. The number of workers engaged in strikes was 51,731. The in a better condition now than ever before; had loss o& wages incident to strikes was S2,013,-229.4A monthly Journal of lately organized into classes, some of, the older amount The labor children-by expended j : MEDICINE AND SURGERY. "girls takmg charges nd teaching the organizations in relief and conduct of strikes to sing. THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF was $217,069.88.Estimated gain in wages DEVOTED TO and the Promulgation of the Laws of Bro. Coleman gave good instructions to the for one year to 11,472 persons, $94.4,632.55. Health and Life. It will contain 24 pages of Interestchildren on honesty, obedience, faith, etc.; also Loss" ing reading matter, upon these important subjects, and to employers, $1,102,576.70. it will be our aim to keep fully abreast with the times. made good guggestions ta"jiiothers-JDn-tlieina"agemenfof "ch i tdren,""the necessi tyof paren ts ' - ' - , Editors- DRS. The and the SHIPP, assisting a. When to Primary meetings, woman behaves attending her par young and encouraging the officers as well as the. ents in a manner p'articiilarly tender and re Terms $3.00 a Year. Agents Wanted sons see should that their fathers See Pros pectus for full particulars. children; spectful I mean from principle as well as Primaries the meetings- - Recommended nature there is nothing good and e'en tie that sustain- us in meetshort Encouragement from those who will and giving entertainments; suggested may cnot be expected from her, in whatever we would is earnestly "solicited, our undertaking, condition she is placed. Fordycc ings for the children.. be pleased to hear from you. We will spwre no effort to part ieuUr. eive you a first class Journal in every DRS. SHIPP, Encouraging and instructive remarks were Address 59 S., Pint East Street, Salt Lake City. made by Bishops Farr, McNeil, Noble, &nd IN MEMORIAM. . Stake Counselor Wm. Gibbons. : v Prest.J). K. Udall gave .much good instrucDied, at Fillmore, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. of benefit some for the. tion; suggested changes Jessie Huntsman, on April n, 1888, after a lingering illness Ladies and Relief Society Young ef Primary, "nearly seven months, Mary Powell Croft, beloved wife the Presidents of if Stake conferences; thought of Jacob Croft, and President of the Relief Society of these organizations would arrange programmes Scipio Ward. Deceased was born in London, Englandi and have the members of the, various associa September 16, 1843. 'She has left air aged husband, two tions takepart, thattheconferences might be young daughters and a host of friends to mourn her loss.".. We can truly say of Sister Croft, that she was anhonest more interesting. Conference was adjourned for six months. kind, virtuous, faithful woman, and is deeply mourned by The children sang from the Primary Hymn all who had" the pleasure of her acquaintance. We should fill a volume were we to try to tell all her good deeds and Book. Benediction by Bro. A. Hill. words, for s'he was, indeed, a friend to the poor and SALT LAKE CITY. E. L. S. Udall, Sec. pro tern. afflicted. She had great faith that she would recover until "Rook. - - -- . " 1 THE DBS. SHIPP ; . The Salt Lake Sanitarian, 5. 4 . . - ii . at-ten- d - . . - - " . R.K. THOMAS EMPORIDH EAGLE - " within a short time of. her deaths Her greatest desire was to live to do good and to raise her children that were spared to her, she having been called upon to part with seven of . her children before she left. We fed to offer the following Resolutions of Respect to CORRESPONDENCE. - ' Spring City, April 28, 1888. Dear Mrs. Wells:, -- her memory: ' ItunKHl4i0mnrhe4 The-delicat- Whereas, In the providence of our Heavenly Father, He has seen fit to take from our society our beloved, sister, "' '. Croft, and, Mary-- P, W hereas, Our departed friend and sister was worthy of affection, we feel that seme proper recognition of her . goodness and virtue be had among us; therefore, ' be it Resolved, That we, the members of the Relief Society of the Scipio Ward, deeply mourn the loss of our sister, and hold her name in affectionate rempmbranoe. Resolved, That we extend our sympathy to her husband and family.nd that we try to so live that we may be prepared to meet Wr when'we have finished our work here i below. Resolved, That these Resolutions be spread on our record, and that a copy be presented to her family, and also a copy be sent to the Woman's Expone t. Elizabeth Esklund, Sec. e - . . Hyde, Died, nt Manassa, Conejos Co., Colorado, of cancera- tion of the liver, Hettie M. Bennett Beers. Deceased was dorri Decv6, 1833, in Clay County, Missouri, and emigrated to Utah with her" parents in 1850, and with her a on June I5th, at Gunnison. -- , TrI OTise . RlKTHOMAi JDrVXTD husband, Robert H. Beers, was one of the pioneers in settling St. Charles, Idaho. They moved to Manassa, Colorado, in the year 1880. She was the mother of eleven children, eight of whom survive her." She was a kind and loving mother, a devoted wife at d a consistent Latter-da- y Saint; always ready to give a word of comfort or counsel to those in trouble or distress, and ever ready to help the poor and needy. Sister Bennett was Counselor to th JAMES 2c CO., TINNERS CAS, WATER & STEAM FITTERS Agent for RUMS EY'S celebrated LIFT and FORCE irom PUMPd. Pumps Repaired on short notice. Orders ' the country promptly responded to. -- A4drni. DAVID JAME3. Box 303, SALT LAXZ CIT7. . Special to the Ladies. OBITUARY. Ladies' Conference of Sanpete Stake .... .... , - v M. A. - The Leading Retail Cash our-warme- st " P. S. j 1- My little l)Oy companion continues a little deli cate. We go to Lphraim I have thought, ever since ray return, I would drop you a line, if only to thank you for some very pleasant hours spent with you and some of our friends when in the city; hours of sunshine ever to be remembered. I have teen much interested and edified in reading your communication on the "Woman's Jubilee" at Washington, with many of the names of the most .prominent workers in the great cause; also the letter of correspondence from C. A. L. allusion to the inadvertant omission of ah introduction to an immense audience, and consequent" embarrassment of the speaker, whose mission it was to represent an. (at present) unpopular people, was something .unusual, and had not our esteemed representative felt that her cause was just, she must have failed to accomplish her task, surrounded, as seemed evident with blind prejudices. The dawning of a brighter day is at hand. My best wishes - attend, you in all your labors. Affectionately, X ... ...... AT TEAS DUEL'S and i Will be found the latest styles pioductlona ; io..-laces, ruches; embroderies, fans, gloves, parasols, - ribbons, collars, ties , .T....,-.-. . And an elegant aasortmenf of DBT GOOD S: - : Special department for Ladies' Misses' and In fant's Shoes. . 112, 114, 116, 118 East TernpU Strtet. ' |