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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 188; above and the united faith "and prayers of this through its columns. These are only a few of the We solicit for him the faith NT. advantages that have been derived fronj the people in hjs behalf. rculationof the,ExPOEEinL and. prayers of the sisters in their. organizations establishment and interested in throughout all the Stakes of Zion, that he rriay be rtamong the people. That any one Editor. EMMEL1SE D. WELLS,. in the performance of the educational growth and advancement of the 'inspired by the Holy Spirit women of Zton should neglect to read home. this work for, the benefit of the ancient house of ' Published in Salt Lake City, Utah - Terms: Israel, for whom the Lord has premised to do a Ten. 82.00; one copy" six and patronize the flimsy, trashy ono'copy papers, ' ' T- fuie.s for the pf ice of pine. great and a marvelous work in this dispensation. and there, with 4 Ad vc: rllynfraX thefecuse, "It is so cheap," seems almost incred- Clemence S. Lozier.M. D.,a celebrated physipace, one time, $2.r0i; per month, 83.00. A liberal discounf cian and philanthropist, died suddenly in New York ' to regular advertisers. The circumstances of this people at the present City the last week in April. Her death was a great Exponent office, No. 25 E., South Templa Street, second 10 a.m roii i hours shock to herfrLends,by whom much beloved gate cast of. Deseret News Office. Business lime are peculiar, and to many the days .are ' to 5 p.m. every duy, except Sunday. and on whom many were.wont to lean for comfort solemn; yet there is no need to be discouraged, Address all business communications to in times of need. Dr. and encouragement for the Lord will fulfill His promises and Zion will PUBLISHER WOMAN'S EXPONENT, has-beall true friend to 'the "Mormon'' Lozier be redeemed;'. but diligence, faithfulness and Salt La$js City; Utah. the and .has invariably spoken of them withpeople, good works will be essential to accomplish 'Salt Inkc City, Utah, as purposes designed by our Father in heaven, and, Entered at the "J'ost out any apparent prejudice. The people of this Second Class Mutter. therefore, it would be wise and becoming in those , Territory' will, doubtless, remember her letter written while the discussion was going on in Con who profess tjobjiT1a Mav 15,1888; S A LT L A K E- - Cl T YT light minedness and cultivate the Holy Spirit in gress over the enforcement'of the Edmunds bill, and. shortly after the mass meeting.of the sisters their hearts,, and read and study good books and in this city, March 6, 1886. We met Dr. Lozier inform themselves upon all the questions of the THE WOMAN'S PAPER. while in New York, and had a long and pleasant day, and the hour, that fhey maynot be left in conversation on Utah and its affairs, and particu doubt, in darkness, nor in ignorance of that which Our readers will be aware that the present number closes the Sixteenth Volume of - the is tranfipiringbutrbe prepareo foranycmisjliat 7 There are avenues open For all "heart waTalways in sympathy with the wrongfully Exponent, and we hope and trust those who have is likelytOMEOme. an understanding cf principles ..and oppressed, and she expressed decided views in always been its patrons will not, forget to renew to get favor of the "Mormon" women. She was large- doctrines, and to learn by precepCand by example. their subscriptions, and to urge the sisters to sus hearted as well as noble in mind and character, And above all, this, people should sustain home er. tain practically their During the and is reported to have been most generous in productions and seek to build up home institin years that are past it has traveled overland and tions, and improve home literature and everything . giving te worthy enterprises, as well as for charitsea and among many nations, and has indeed been able purposes. that will tend to progression in the scale of being as one good sister designated it, "a white winged and not retrograde in any particular. Seek to Zion's Home- - Monthly Magazine, H. W. messenger of peace and joy." From many sisters in and correct the to and elevate proper enlighten iin sorrow and passing through trying ordeals, and Naisbitt, Editor: A new venture in the field of of of of channels TT IT? XT - Z I. "J . l reading, "expression, thought, in 1.. exile for conscience' sake, have been from many jiuuic nicraiurc nas uecn maue oy n. y, iNaiSDitt, in and of of of wing living, increasing fgro writing, words for of received this' little encouragement in Utah and elsewhere tor many years in charity, in humility, in obedience to the grace, as a nnpt and writer. Th macra7inf whiVri paper. ot God as expressly laid down in. His word laws been issued recently has a very significant title Strangers are always astonished to find that and through His servanfs who hold the holy happily chosen, and should recommend it, with are observed, these When things priesthood. of as ignorant, degraded and down heard spoken the name of the editor, to the homes in Zion. Zion will arise and shine and put on her beautiful a have of in their which The magazine is a suitable size for home use, and own, trodden, paper they ' garments. and view's, sentiments its outside appearance is illustrative; typographical express intelligent opinions On various ..subjects, and that they know how to work excellent; it contains 40 pages or more of give "a reason far the hope that is within," and EDITORIAL NOTES. reading matter, including poetry and prose. The furnish for can the doctrines and Scriptural proof frontispiece is a Dicture of the Salt" Lak Stake "'" in which In principles they.believe. many ways, From Mrs. M. O. Kelting, of Southern CaliforAssembly Hall, and we infer it is the intention to more than we can mention here, the Exponent h number of nia, one of our long-tim- e subscribers, we received, have'a full page engraving a. w ii Ul li III iu uiwc a either uttu uitaaiug lUCir all unexpectedly, one day last month, a box of ,tutl, Temple of Stake Tabernacle. This wilt homes, in their organizations, and when traveling the e give choice flowers; blossoms fit for ajournal a kind of special interest, and as toand fro, to heir husbands and sons when on bridal wreatrr, and a in its contents almost every subject, it it embraces variety of rare buds and. since the missions, especially recentenforcement sprays of beauty and fragrance. It is delightful will be well adapted to the reading public. It is of the Edmunds-Tucke- r .and so law, intended to give considerable attention to the people to' be thus remembered by one's friends, and rtHAiuus iu kuuvv wudi uic iHunuuu women ininK A touches one Farmembracing stock, vgrain, grasses, "fruits, tenderly when the gift, comes froma about it and what they are going to do?" total stranger, except through the Exponent and machinery, etc. The literary part will contain. so L4knand-poetfyfTOur exchanges are. careful to pick out anvltem some letters that have passed between us. Thanks, -bearing strongly upon this subject and comment statistics, etc, to keep pace, with the world's admany thanks, dear Mrs. Kelting, the ..gift of vancement. We wish this new journal the utmost flowers is always delicate, and certainly appreupon it, and these things help to. awaken an interest and to spread the truth; or, as some would put success possible, and fully realize the importance ciated bj a lover of nature. May they ever bloom to nf ha Vlritr nffi!nf' hnma.inritinoo nVl fiA'' it, advertise.it abroad. , One popular foreign freshand fair arourfd your home, gladdening with s for Woman the local talent to give expression to views open journal mentions Exponent second sweetness the cares and vicissitudes of life. on its list, pt loreign exchanges. and sentiments on all' legitimate subjects, and to I his shows The Primary Hymn Book his been, out'of print for itself that Jt is. favorably noticed abroad. It some time past, but we have been informed seems strange that it is necessary to urge upon the cultivate and thd sphere of their usefulthat another edition of this valuable work will be ness in this as enlarge sisters the'need of sustaining home literature and in all other directions. , issued during the present month by the Deseret a paper of their very own. With the work women are doing inJJtah, one ought to see ata-glanc- e News Company. The botok isjsterotyped, and D I CK EN S ' READ I N GS. ; therefore there heed be no feamhat the children how much the publication of a paper devoted especially to. woman's cause and in the& will be without it for some time to come. It has - It is one of the .pleasures of life to read the. been deservedly popular with the Primary Asso- Interest of woman's work would facilitate its pronovels of Charles Dickens, and when people can ana will, no doubt, still continue to be a gress. Look over the files of the papers from the ciations, have such happy selections from his works read standard work for the children of Zion. The time when it was first issued, and you will see how to them by the book will be sold at the Deseret News fiice and jwof Charles Dickens, and in a the Relief Society has developed its status uoU. son to have a most sympathetic that style evincing by their agents throughout the Territory at 15 now; and how, one after another, The YouiSg conception of the children of his brain, then they cents per Copy, or two copies for 25 cents, bringing Ladies' Associations have been organized in all may call themselves foitunate. To the rather slim, the Stakes of Ziori.and from branches into a Stake if'within the reach of all the children.- but cultured audience, who gathered at the Salt We. Wffe pleaded to receive a caH on Saturday capacity; and you will find the origin, and proLake Theatre May 5th, to listen to readings from the of gress Primary Associations for the younger morning last from Dr. Edward Isaacsona Jewish 'David Co'pperfield" and ''Pickwick Papers," was children; the work that has been done in the storRabbi of whom the papers ;have spoken of late. granted a pleasure many did not anticipate, it be- Dr. Isaacson Kis become a convert to the truths ing of grain, the instructions of president Brigham ing rather generally supposed that the son was Young in the beginning when ifseeme'd so outre of the.Gospel, and is now in translating 'trading on the father's fame. engaged It was, therefore! to many ot the brethren; the advice on this subthe Book of Mormon'into the Hebrew-Jewis- h a find to Mr. Dickens able to pleasurable surprise ject from President John Taylor, and many other language. This is a great and grand the characters undertaking, of his elec-- t faithfully portray important matters, that have beeru made general and the learned Dr. will require wisdom from ons. In person he is almost the counterpart of WOMAN'S. EXPONH - . -- -- semi-monthl- ofte-year- montM-.tfliOO- , - . r : she-wa- s " , v ; ; en ... . " own-pap- -- I 1 well-know- 1 - -- . n K-- c . irr-eac- lovely-orang- - - - . fr - f . : - . |