Show THEY ARE LIARS AND MURDERERS E that is what teller says of the wolcott faction senior senator makes some strong charges before the silver republican convention senator wolcott appears on n the scene to marshal his forces changes will be made in dhe platform lively politics at colorado springs go colorado ol orado spring springe colo sept siept 8 four state conventions representing the democratic populist and fusion and anti fusion silver republicans assembled in this city today each in a separate hall ball further farther conflict over lover the possession ot of the opera house between the warrine warring factions of the silver republican party was averted by an agreement which waa was reached by the leaders to bold hold separate conventions in other balle balls the teller silver republicans met in korkee biall in calling the convention to order chairman blood said there io no doubt that the people 0 of colorado are with henry 31 teller in this fight the delegates rose en hats and cheering the demonstration con tinned five minutes senator teller was then selected elected E temporary chaiman lie I je made a speech in which be reiterated his well known views on the silver question and added we organized our party in 1896 1996 for the sole solo purpose ot of furthering the cause of 0 stiver silver I 1 could have attached myself elsewhere eke where but I 1 would cot not have returned to the mckinley I 1 told fold it if there bad had been no other place I 1 believed we auld best beat serve the cadee of silver by organizing this party it was for the purpose of cirr carrying ying on the education of the people of the country we have assembled at various placid to cast our votes where they would do the most mot good for far silver because this question guestion is the paramount one I 1 have no apologies to make for or voting for mr bryan cheers I 1 will say I 1 would gladly support him in 1900 again cheers when people said they could not see sea how I 1 could break away from the old party I 1 answered I 1 did not eee see liow how I 1 could stay in it senator taller teller denounced president ident mckinley McKinl as an enemy of silver he advocated the retention of the philippines the senator branded ex ek chairman broads statement that thugs had been placed in the opera bouee house as an infamous lie ho ile characterized the party that seized the theatre yesterday by as assault as a gang of 0 murderers 1 the anti teller silver republicans met in coaum ball with judge dixon of pueblo in the chair nothing was done this met moin ainz ingin in either convention conven tion except to appoint committees the democratic convention assembled assem bleI in temple theatre cass e E harrin 11 ton of denver being elected temporary chairman tae the populist convention will be called to order at 2 this afternoon at the blind institute lyman henry of ouray will be temporary chairman colorado springs colo sept 8 senator wolcott came to town today and has hae been in conference with anti teller silver lle public an leaders this faction will eliminate the without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation on earth clause from the silver platform the committee on resolutions has agreed to present a platform simply declaring for the free end unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 I it the resolutions will commend mckinley tor for his war policy and management and declare in favor of territorial expansion resolutions will be adopted declaring against any form of fusion with the democrats or populists lists then the convention will nominate simon guggenheim for governor by acclamation colorado springs colo sept 8 the five fire men arrested yesterday after the fight between armed bodies of men representing the two factions of the silver republican party for possession oe of the opera house have been released by order of the district attorney there being no evidence to show that any one of them fired the shot that k killed ill ed charles E harris of denver the coroners nry which is investigating the murder has taken a mass of conflicting testimony and the only point that has been established so far is that harris was a member of the party who lie drove the teller people out of the opera house who fired tle the shot will probably never bo be learned as a great rinal number berof of shots were fired daring during tho the melee |