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Show -- i GEITRil COPfliK, I ? ir .. . I PIONEER XI NE OF UTAH. Aug GITATOR fl V 7 ggSggj news. THE PASE, Teyenjng ?.. Iifdncte9, toabits and conditions of g M3. f unit 1, wllTlflV BroMiiieiil Mir IJEHU i Ahead of all Other Competitors ! TfflB 'HOBJXOH PKOBLEH' : FACTS ABD IOCKI ." - h. nnners. crnvkkm , . V Jtfcsi NOTICE ,TO PASSENGERS. Territory, - ud other sources of tt What noTilnformatlen and the- ratio or popu-- 1 ON,ard (h feweac mnnvec uhmi 8alt Iaki I ! ! ' ,f atter Monday, stm jtjlt. TZOm t&ttnn. wm. KlMlr. ... homicides, a ;aol; BaooiMt SouUi landunmnrf 7. H1 A. , rtfih Wert Bttfc JMiy, P.O. cldee. lnfluitlclde . dlyorces, etc i TO "WHOM IX MAY, All Point bttwcm Salt muvb. arkitb. v ahd rojuMu. a.m. 6.15 p.m, wh'.t Trr!tnrv. aeeordlhs to the Lake Ptoasant Valley, f7.U0 TstT nor W a oenraa and other source of Dlbfbam and Altai confound ! I not must rttidera Mv ' u (130 1 8.U SAX.T IiAKK City, 0faclal Information and the raUo oi j Branclset, 0 UENRT uBccIate in their minds the thon r ' ' ' .. - 1 - t i r Ii-non-1 fi k .!,." WOOD, 1882. jf number is honorable the has , .August 12th, greatest , sands of nprigh V l Goeral SapaclnteadRO. ZKiv whnrtlfl. Babbath schools and nTtih. with the Bmll II pppniatlon. ' LowtU, )F. Esq., J. onTJlIn 7 a. m. CTlnt nr1 Churches. at ntterlv aftnriantiu mr.,nnL unllM. Intermediate Stations, and m. Lake City daily for Ogden, Dear Sir. The THilYS leavea.Salt rmon:- ,inX pblistog,kbtadlng esUb. muSZSSSZ m. and 5.20 p.m. ' 8.i0 at tor we boucht ; la arrive anU- : Ogden JvTTr In.tttutiomT area. ud3.4ap.ia.; and ftnltr Sey we ever ew or . Wo t . '. rw ,?en at 10.10 a. m. and 6.16 p.m.: arrive In Salt Lake at 11.50 -i ii tan. , uwesu K moie wui.11 niu I ntv AVI TV. Tintlil Ii V HUU A1U1AUAI used; i.-. as the i j visitors should be: WTlted.; . to be- 1 . graia tl.. i iaXe , themselves to i the- - rootnuis cusunos are ii south and poles north I any other machine we have ever and 5 city, 4Talley the with the natural, eorip ovtiookmg HhCKIi seen, and we can confidently recom and apart: Pi and hon-- 1 ltt wA. notica the millions et trees. FjlUwbj; arrlrea mend it, to anypersona wuamg w tttni lneical. rhllcsoDhicalfruits and the geneand flowers acts, sentiments, j orable garohr, plant?, purchase a good,Thwur,j as far la conduct or ine ral vegetation which abound general r for Junction, 50; artra reaches, and reSall til 18 lalnts and" 'Mormonlsmi tha ' Ol W. LUFKIN, we would not in the remotest sense fact, that the miles and t miles of j W, A. BARKOK. Milford and Inter- aqueducts tHE ONLY associate, 'lal though I or word, these canals, , dykes, ditches, which to con "outsiders" of classes j distinct two minor waterways and Ashley's Fork, 1S32. -- y 'fittft vey the life fluid to every single one the same category. Uintah Co., Feb. 26th, FlroToi rieasant t ThB United States census of of these trees, shrubs, plants and TT. M ZowtU, 9.27; .o7i?t oUsBiflM the rtonulation of Utah as flowers, eto, were built and Kept in A. Dear Sir. The Agitator Beparator - V Beware of Imitations. 1 unceaahig i repair by "Mormon" and1 Woodbury iwer ? that we follows: i untold Incurring perpetually hands, Mormons JfS labori patience and perseverance. bought of you, we cart truly say give I Qentltes - .MtfS; entite satisfaction. It beats any t Apostate Mormons. CAEDS. Then recaU this additional fact, thing that we ever saw to threAh arid which of that all this labor, etc, ffUltSa X.8 dean. We have run seven different i MlsGoUaneous cr doubtful aTB C)luihnld rnn ffiffantiQ th : kinds of machines, but this la the H3.96a Total of other the in valleys duplicated champion. The cleaning and the sep number 12083 a SHARP. GHARP. JOHN Mormons JAMEO great Utah, aggregating FRANCIS COPE, 14,158 arating are perreos. we nave, not had Uentlles( coder 12 per eeni) KM't'-Cehof flourishing cities, towns, hamlets, f f.'inl 8upt. a man find fault vrlthTt jet, and we Supt. UenT Fl't A." raw Af . rancheros and farms, with an estit lc Oit AQAls: believe that the people here will tea. -- V "i - 120,583 mated gross valuation of (60,000,000. tlfy to our statement as being the Mormons - (under- 17 per UtrtH 3,680 Tr..n hafnrn (ham thJ cent) as near being T mace truth.. It comes per I JSpel ma t twwaVfer v CI X'Mra w nr.r are A fireat Cerasa tie. We cannot tell you upon paper Abont 7.60O- of tbe Gentile (or IS per com nearly every material local and gen mil f fra iin.ilA nnallr.CLa nf linar nrurH compared wUh the Mormorasare over a yesra eral imcrovement. and that nearly of them are. practical producer t thinrof can say REMEDY that old.About. 3T,000 br the M6Jm0D,, are of all tad beincr farmers.: mechanics and solid Kentucky Nabob CUUIU wo nut i;e nuuiuw iiac ti, uv fqrslarn Wria,are citizens. eminently They ; money would buy Witlithii preface, rwould like U and SOURBONiyHISKY. industrious, temperate Yours truly, for - to tbe eodib submit are here thought facts ttay, peaceableThey ' liiin GEORGE BROWN, ful readers of the News, end it may and expect- to have to develope every S. J. CAMPBELL, NEURALGIA. df all the famous production '.V not ba Inapt to present them in the undeveloped material industry and P. WM. REYNOLDS, or the r Blue urass piainct" mis or &e made, in a ter oi to form sene9 .BODILY. ROBERT perunen yet Improvement r ViitnMMinfcMiimilM' f SCIATICA, VVhJskey la unexcelled lor puriiy '! . .. s, the answer to which Utah. gotical querie , For Family and M&Jt-eJ-nikiid flavor. x v. re the fcr be can LUMBAGO, 18S1. know that youcned by many Let them furtht r Cedar Citv, Sep. 23rd, is . un'la NABOB purpos the are verified and t) won cords Utah unperjured of "Mormons' by the pf ii ill IF, Lowell, , made from pure rivalled.- It backache; John and i are not attestations of any respective man ladies and " Dear Sir. Our machine, Agitab&rley and wheat splrlta, and Its In Utah lived has woman who . and are the friends but work-various- compontnt parts blended Cleans 5 years or "upwards; and who has of the tor, is doing excellent UT ' !i also that the "Mormon?;" faster than threshes and with scientific accuracy. tbe best imrnni used his eyes and eara. antl-- " Mormon v have not come SORENESS any Thresher wa ever saw. "' se the W w cereals, Who vegetables, to TBS or that here! '3 if they own but '!:'- -: ' ' . DRINK N A B OB I ay;, o ... We remain, i flowers so abundant In very little property and pay compathe ,; and fruits CHEST dSeIouB and beatthful. For eJ tt ia cure, & IIUJAI!.. CQRKX M "Mormons." la The . ijjrall Orccer and DrtifgJiU. Utah? HE no taxes; that they are S0F.B THROAT, Ml imsit KXJtr Who planted the countless trees, ratively aorldt A.h BDSculators. middlemen and mostly L.Enr,-Uta- h County, t on seen shrubs and plants, every consumers, and not producert; and ' Jbeuroary tn, iwz. QUJWSY, GODBB, PITTS & CO.; Ia yia want ' the beat ' tt P a as the bottom falls out of their spec UUUMUi and and maintained ii i.;k hand, opened GENERAL AGENTS FOR SWELLINGS To Jolm W. XoweU, Etq. water course to every one of theee ulatlons, they sicken and leave the Manufactured Y N0N0TUCK SILK CO, Ask for HEES 4 II A if wader and have ABB shrubs or BIr. As numberless Dear trees, plants, Territory, opinions and that notwithstanding . - Httistiil i MASS, FLORENCE and it. ESTABLISHED 1838. often been asked about the merits of the untold labors of a united and their ineir weaxness, ud Ue no otber. numtricai we MMormons. Th4 Aiacnine 89 the faiateotld people? Threshing furnished ranks have Agitator per nearly teel IUOfCLMl T! FROSTED FEET we happy Who laid out and made the Terri- cent; of all the convicts In the peni purchased front you last,? fall, SIHMttRS tl'iniit are madeJUT.avLOETIS. G..H. SfiMPaDMi nst., at, fcDUisiMa. HACTUAWAY'S Canon tbe take pleasure in sending you torial. County and City and and prl- 3, city county IIAKIWAUJE CO,, jail tentiary, as our experience with it. To roads, built tbe bridges, killed the SOBS. EAHS. OiAUOiMAi . Ueit't. rait. call for aofctn CERLESS GLOS answer the numerous inquiries, and snakes, placated and subdued the -IXClfttN." r WEED KTIUK. so AflD Indiana, and gardenlzed the arid perhaps others who wouw nae on THE CELEBRATED tt'te far srrErlIO recommend we the following vasttk? The "Mormons. ,! f know, & SCALDS, POLBSHINC CLACKING Of over f Who other thousand all own the many superiority points AND WATEB PflODF LADIES' A CSHLDaEWS All AXES, IIATCUKTS and etheir machines we are acquainiea wiw farms and ranches,. and have made FIRE K9 IV US POCKET seen in every 10 lOUtr 1st. Lightness ot draft.. Our the vast improvements R BCDIUflllS, and lUElM, beartns a cost of many millions? at A of team native of rive valley average CEHEHT" PAIHTV i Tb BoUIes ar aciaus span rzm kxsaxs. 1 tbe Trade Hatk .f KIEK BUTTEK EAR horses and mule, being fully equal The "Mormons. a TOOTH, rupplted with JtreirPERIOBl te Buy otber.; to the work, and without crowding Who own the almost numberless M AN UP AOTUKED BY M. B. SIMMONS & Aim Spaas attached earn and kine be ciooda Pnrehaael or CO., SALT LAKE CTTT, 13 THE wli to th a hurrying them, they gave us all flocks and herds of sheep HEADACHE,, . Ja. tj to that the oftTbbT and who have be wbeleoale Herd ware Dealers and horses we needed. and JLXXJ1 mules, the and axe power cor, 1 speed Usefor Wood " ' i Best valuaat the expense Glow may be used la Holt Lk and Ortn. great Imported 2nd and Thorough threshing 1 All otts? Fab .w., i i?.. or Metallic Moofs. VSbout aoliiiix tbs thoroughbreds and grades of! all : cleaning, and that without extra ef- ble tin Aim "Mormons. The anlmaU? theee laadV on our as such a fort '31 pari; thing the Who own the iH.!llrt!l!i(l!IUIII!lti Tbo auecm of ACHES. sieves being crowded or clogged, or principal merchan- - lai. It Is the most dnrablc JACOB, BT. om a Mrth Ot tile and qtiJf houses, grain and ed. It protect roofs from water, banking UlutniwAT'i one of attendance the JNo mfntiou perExternal requiring HMrLS and cheap Bimw, tuii, bul A tn.l .oUil. Ih. nparatiTeljr trifling outlar of son at the tail end of machine hav feed and notion houses, art galleries, sparks or eeala ef fire. 3d. It la the best for atopptnaA) C.!(T,, and .vary on. lua'uing with paia oa hu breuf bt lbi. never occur r d or been needed. tailoring and mil Unary, music, sew woeoen, Interest In HaulUry meaMires. ing atiaap aJ poaitiT. proof of iu claima, iron or A. tin root ireu Tn ooneMuence of tbe tnereasinir. lAibiio Hulesand ll lmhouses? ward as maay IxiaKTIOSS H SUtTK IaSOTaOIS. ing nracblne and furniture t wear. of TJehtneas a ReguUtionx cf the Kn 8rd. the 1 After after leaking. Jopted examination, have, ItatJnua under r "Mormons." blis- York CI tbv--It nor ran Veiitilttltin IMije fuj. tan tv an stcnaisTS ahb scaurs is Hioteuu. having thereabed 18000 Imehels of The neither will snd to as of Board Health Bewrrage ly i Who own the principal tlnnerles. ter cold or beat lias no effect upon I 1 A. VOGELER & CO. or Mu iak t mv nul lucern etc. the elirwns ae and seed, grain, berebbvlte general Appointments, of which are ttlcb- stone and marble quar-rle- l, Baltimore. Sid., V.M. A. a ear on the machine being scarce, plumberies, i Ul '.f'i . 1 .j lime and brick kilns, icerles, Otri. It will preserve wood from ritory to gamine my Injurious to tbe ly .perceptible. for least or at ret decay fifty lootbor year. that the butcher theatre, museum, shops, 4th. Xightness of running ex- green Public aiecauttao groceries, coalerles, fisheries, AU toe atk it a Trial, : We Guar an notes with penses. By cornering STOCK OF edtoatklbr j. V legitimate pleasure resorts? The r our friends of other machines, we and tee Satisfaction 7 v r .Mormons." Hauthtwaj't Ptf-4 t3u find ours have not exceeded half of ; Who are the i : Ian Glms principal guilders xi a V . , j tr rW Mlula Ti I. fUMITED.) 'i 1SU1M varn'iMiU rOtTsTU TKS rOUOWIMO srEOIAtlltN theirs.. . aal toust no other GREAT WINCHESTER StpLONDOR, also We coneider Posts, Bridge Timbers, tM oapablty for tew, plumbers, ' artists,? farmers, Fence p or Iron Wortc Closet Appuratus, threshing in quantity, superior to mechanics, -freighters, common la ' Iron fencing, f ...uLirs.... iisTilnTssis. Ilellyrr'a Water of any kind. BOSTON, 18es makes of machines. Although borers, etc? "The "Mormons." -other Artisan ITcliyer's Iloiper Closets, - r sour Hiil Utah. the farms here are small, necessita- ' Who own 90 odd per cent of all City, Closet, The PBOFBIXTORSf jAScxftntira Sanitary 1876. PHILA;. a great deal of moving, and the sohool and meeting houses, Price of Paint, ready for use, ting TiOtifloii v. s. A. Closet, fT.M. liie Jcnniiiffa lOS. Utrh BOeet. BOSTOIT, often to distant points, yet we temples and tabernacles, printing !. 910 per,,JJarrel,or $1 Authorized CapIUl, 100,000, a aTfn.; 'a. w ' i to. threnhed as high as 800 bushels per and Par book-binT78,e names. varloai tiaMatlnre houses, publishing qader tAroia Gallon. 12 per jutKcVlbod Capital, 29,eoo. H- ::9f vf. . : eries etc? The "Mormons. day. t3T For 5Il b Z-- C. M- - f. vtl SoIohmm t43 Leave Orders at P. MarsretU We also consider the Straw Stack t Who in Utah are the sale produc- Wine barebokters Liable tor Amount tJnoaUed on tu nits Tsseiviiat rtw ni . 1262 South St.. or First Depot, t.ktj6S0M . a s n m Shares. er, land Shake, Elevator principle ers, and who live in 05- per cent, of ai Aiurss S7 s xrunDze s, urocers, Warner's Zbw Fresaure Steara ilcatiiig Arpartw and many other points are all ineir own nouses ana on tneir own or notice and examination of I lands; and are steadily following the First South Street. Firs on tie Hearth Etovet, Orates and Hasten, AND sell STERLTNO exotakqr worthy any and all persons who may con - peaceful pursuits of indfastrv. eeono- ? Ilackns Water, Motor, J -THE F0LLQW1HS TESTI1SQHIALSa machine. template purchasing etc? The "Mormons. my, sobriety; m the c mnd Citie ' 4 the sell JtrafU &n Hexr of Silent Otto ES"e A. TOR SAXX AT Ct'lr. ! J. EVANS, Who steadfastly mind their own Tjake City, Salt M. T. WGODUODSE, . Garry iMn Itooflnc f rj and let their June 29th. 1882. business, neighbors 7s. M. ' H, ROYAL, r Xj 33 on of oonslrninenu tna!e alone? The f Mormons.' AJtianoea o.', and This Is to certify that we had MesM. B. BUSHMAN. buiuon received wr tie. Who graded and tied 1,200 miles srs. Simmons & Co. repair and paint I carrYlla STOCK ths Luktii aitortataUn Utah I I have helped wear out four ma. of the - InUrttl Allowed on Certificate of Chines and local our stables at the race track, In this Sv" tinners, PlWoers, Qas and Bteara Fittefi material, M of other kinds, and I heartily railroads, and built leaked which miles lew of A 1,000 the badly. city, ' r. Depotlt. J endorse all of the foregoing points. first l 'am prepared to lay water ripei en aacrt rouw, " i telegraph hours after the roof 'was painted lines and some came D. A. a miles local hard there ra'n j 1,600 BHODES, storm, of Jb. very ! COLLECTIONS BADS AT LOW RATES. A Aff 1.' telegraph lines and introduced Into and. we are pleased to say bur roof THHj jLOWEST'lPBICEa KUHSKY'; CEDkK Utah the first telephones and pho- aid not leas a drop. we cheerraUy Acootmta kept od tbe moat, favorable terms. an.tiii Citv, March 16th, 1SS2. band' on toek, IgixVirehisisesrof also hW ,& I The Mormons Afr. J. IT. JjoweU. nograph? i recommend this paint as being both - Who for a r.W and wceei utm iron Hp,! Force and PRINCIPAt, OORKESPOKDVN'tSi Pumpa. Uft nre ana as ana a water great, Pitcher, proor, preWe bought one of the J. I. Case tected the United many yeais pro- server London Lw0on Bank of Uteh,, Limited, 32 Inch seems to to roofs us be of States malls and it 10 $lllSfKTIW,ttMpTEEa J; Martin at Co. Agitator Threshers last ILL WORI COSE WITH DISPATCH tAJ STANDARD OF ' THE WORLD 4 theVvery thing needed In this American Exebanr Nattbrtal year and consider It by far the best overland travel from Indian depreO New York . Bank. dations and white the f The country. .ss'riTCirr?. brigandage? ao. i nreener ever brought to this coun- ;j E. J. TRAVIS, ! 5 CbicafOFlrst National Back. "A LWATS R EL I AB LE. try. Hit runs very light, eaves all "Mormons.! CO Omahe OuMha NaUcnal Bank. ." GILMEK. T. J. . Who built and own the street tbe grain and Is a very durable maSan tranelAoo Bank of California. MawaaaMaal f ga and water works, etc? chine. We threshed grain at the railways, The "Mormons." California Breavery, rate bushebj per minute, . It he woolen Xiakk City, own Balt Who cotton E. AUSTIN, and j Yours, eta, S June mills Manager. and 18th, 188:1. boot shoe ' and factories,, CORRY A'nUNTEB. J Is to certify that I have u&ed broom! rand match factories, This soap, STRONO KST MILL If A DE. SAFES . TnB U- - S. DEPOSITORY and caipenter M. S. Simmon A Co.'s Wood and tanneries, machine cause warranted tbe bet ( tu I also lake the liberty to refer shops, uIO,bu? - grain; flour, lum- - Fire Proof Faint, and I think it not 5cafce,) ccn!aia aa - Wr smilhief, 4jijyeaii. tbreher men to the following reli- ber, bilaigle, laiti nuU planlDg mills,' but that it is onijr m good DESEHETrHAtTONAL able people who have purchased the bakeries, Confectioneries: etc. in economy toiisepaint, it, a It Is laatinff. FfiiCES tOWBTrCUALITY COSSIDEP.tO j HENRI': WAG ENER. Utah?4 The Mormons.' Agitator. Machines : establiaheil laid Who and ou,ti SALT LAKE.-CITMessrs Bobbins A Simmons built tip this beautiful ST The only Btbve made with .. Aanns fob, Salt Lake City, Utah,1882. ...j and ' her city 200-anWire Gauze Inside (lie Rc PAID. UP CAPITAL, odd slater cities, towns and iiaysvme. July llth. $200,000. HANCOCK INSPIRATOR, ; serrolr, on the principle of the Thia la to certify that! have had Bishop Peter Barton and others villages? Tbe "Mormons." Ivaysvllle. !3,00. Himraons & 3Ir Humphry Davy Safety Lamu and prac- my; roof pain to I witn ; "Who n ado the The; Best. Boiler-Feed- er 1 Ihinh; it a good VVoollej, Lund it Judd.St. George. tical working t of opening .Kho'Wb.i ueed la Co.'s and PalnS the Utah mines mines, r WU. H. HOOF BR, PreeMent, M. saat, weiis, JNevtas. poseibie and paitit, ana l oeiieve it to be more atlvely f easv? H8 KL1)KF.IHJP, V Trill Bake, Uroil tis per- WM. for. Vaialoffue, Describing 8. A. Worthing ton, Grantsville. It. . The "Mormons.compui listing than any other paint ia use JrNttSll,' "' " Article Wanted. , . fectly as any Coal Stove or FKKAVOllZ J.ITTLE, Cummins A .Matthews, Grouse Who made it practically nosaible I 'h Utah. UROCTOBS. JOHN SHAKP, y AH DUE W GEBHARDT. fjreek. y i vou of ua uiuiujg avuu cijuer inNrCMOL.AS OISOKSBECK, H. Jensen,' Mantl. . Bishop a Mir o r , ' w i f- - llaiiire.MANUFACTrjKBD dustries the States neighboring BT H. 8. Btevens. Ferron Citv. iiiw and Territories, west, and north of . Utah: Centra i. 1 iiii,, Iavay, HALT JLAKE CllY, Utah, 8. : 8ml CoL us? The "Mormons.. Bishop Manasss, th, oCStfc aOi TTaahirtgton Are. mm n mm. ; Jas. Larson and others,Malad City . . Who own the mines and smlirB July 20th. 1882.' Ppffi&Wesai&MTfCo, ' ST. . are tjo-on-.. M. nam We Simmons & eamana. aria M07JL and using other LOUIS, mining industries of Utah? Co.'a JPaint cn the8.Utah aia Raw ' W. K. Garner and Rnj aatf nelte exctiansre Central roe most the others, d A swalteow Ogden. ' part uo-op- ., Verk, Ria 1'rt.iieiseo, Cblraa. : Bail way, . and consider It a good i v juaaecown. iaitwvn D. Woodward and others, Willai d. lealtiemsharLOBdoa, and princi The interests held In the mlntnv psmfcawe are painting our wind! :;anu water (anas to preserve pal Continental CI tie. ister eft sons, materviiie. f s.. ' are very mitts utan -.-A " "' me. wooa ana iron, we aio con A Sons, Call's Fort t;uisuti9 ujrthe hanriapeople ! fl Si Biehop Harper of gentlemanry tW Makes Collections. ramttiinW proceeds 1WATSON.BROS., skier it a good paint for tin and iron Aim many otners. who understand rooxs. nonJMormonS, ", piosapUy. c mvrwi and GAUZE the emlnenti appreciate STOHECUTTERS & BUILDERS. MOSQUETO DOORS!AND now have orders for over quallUes of the "Mormon" , saml. a. dill, r. jl. people. famous Threshing TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, UARBLB Twenty of .these aif1??1 ,etn5 hamefully Salt Lake City, Utah,", and abuse MANTELS, IKON MANTLES, Ig?,! and ; tho a who want them HJlys the "Mormons , July 21st, 1SS2. GRATES who HEAETH STONES. . does not everybody side should with In lend their orders at once them?' The In the Probate Court, in and for M. 8. Simmons & Co. to We had Sontlb "tde f . Teaaipie Street. Salt Lake County t Territory of to j". Who. la Utah. ar. h .AM.t..: paint a part of the Wasatch Build-log- , IF BOUGHT - OF MEt FIXED' AUD DELiyEItED dead-beat- s. ana believe their nalnt to 1m a 11 Utah. JOHH V. LOWELL . guou uue. P spirators, premium IN THE MATTER GT THE ESTATE or SAI.T LAKB: OR OGDEN. ers, mallgners. noDiflenr: liA.hvMut. TIM ..r"t N.GROESBECK CALVANIZED D REUBEN MILLER, DECEASED. ere, and to a mnt ;1 ' FOUR AND FIVE FEET LONG. Balt Lake CityP The antl' -- Mormon phoblsists, i ' LUPJ1DER TO AN ORDER SAID .V i!2nd. Or w tR" July PURSUANT said matter, notice to Before Who are in nract!rai rtnaiAiatA : Tlie most Succesafal Itcm-ed- y hereby have seen buildings' pain ted with At i 25 per "cent. 'OaaEAPER than was! Offered I of riven tbatTwedar, the fith day of Soptena-- r. the t city prisons, Jalla, county ever, discovered, as is certain M. 8. Simmons A Co.'s Taintj and I ia A. II U82. at 10 a. m. nf .aid dar. ai thn penitentiary, glu mills, breweries cheerfully WW in County Court Hons tn fait Lake City, haa and . doe not blister nib r-- u. wnn Nn. . w n. .. gambling recommend tbe same for been appointed by said Court tbe time and dens, : a specino for HrsUria. rnu bowling alleys, pool iron, un .ana roofs. I conrlaoefor the bearing; of a petition of James liKATj PRQOF4 JJEfjOW from T asslirn tables, brothels, s sider It a lilrst-clas- sningie; R Mll!er.nravlna for the admfcRinn tn Pwihat for and kindred preservative EncIlAh Tin Store, iximball Block. institution? sxtlOf The a certain document therewith filed, ptir por- Premare Old aTI ail kinds jf wood work, and It Is esRev. P. N. GRANGER ' luormons. to be tion the Laat Will and Testament of nceaa or over work of tbe biain. which leada adapted . for railroad tanks lieuben MiFer, deceased, and that loiters Tes- w mwery, oeeay Who have the nntniriiMa ;i1.1 pecially and. death. One box will oura . Prefldlng Elder cf the uu a lso ror barns and to tamentary - t ' St. ' Albarat r nue and Reuben petitioner box of caBea.Eaoh uuuuingB, belnc thn one month'a reputation District. rtitr-Hiit- i . sr imt. ; Parley Miller, at which time and nlaoa all treatment. Orm ii,. &oontaioa as it is both fire and water smelters, ous,profane,perj interested anixmr rerscni and diht uuken,aud Bye douarn aent by tnaUprentld or7rS5i lawless and St. Alhan'g, Vfc, Jan. roth, 1230. the Probate of said Will, or tbe whooros,dr L-Y-A'commit the great-- proof, besides being economical to ruarantee alxboies to oure any A Da, U. J. rcnrBAix. SETJL Co.; GentK la m-aid petition. A number est auoa of oroer iiu homicides anri received ntt... ?:Iy to your leucr 1 will UT thai m B. M. enUPT, Arcli. boxea, SOOOmrjanled w4tk M AnL. JiSr. crimes ia Utah? ri.iC - Ea'a Lake CJtX, August 21th, antl-Mo- fu voce with 'Kendall's1 Fcavtn Cure haa bren lLximberV The send tbe mirehaaernr, wTirrL.r-r1-f ! X.U-Jf- c mons. DOCKHOLT, ; verycattebctoryJcdeed. Throe ertour feaie mooe, If NEBiTmioAimi-m- 8 im ;efhbqt juke: ; -- . Hie AT) MUEK U-- wW - i ; . evnwn mrM.. &.irtafi 1. int, , t IGORTICELLI" AND ? i-.- ! ; i, 5111114 -- slM ! "I TRY -- l .' , - ' ; Non-Morm- - itut twium. iiifir-""i-i th, its - law-abidin- g; j - , ... u -- .. al if'-'- SILK. ! GO CORTICELLI anU-"Mormon- 9." - j 1- ; V UNEQUALED4 SPO O I i fr ! t j i j !l : 5 I v fol-lowi- ar : el r ma Paint in 1 ; i.g-alMlt- Steam ; - : v.- v m I- mm: - - i t Iak 1 PLMBII LARGE - i m m - JL? jk d ; -- I - : w . m at '., : I 1 -j i -'- HO FAIIIBANKS ; SAXtS z. o. ycr ; ! I.- trans-continent- al . - Westlake VJ trans-fcontinent- , Adams ! , i 1 , Ll 4 1 V5 a CSfLagBL sec-tlonN- of ' - main - - P. ! . j c - I m i Vk-Pri- eu ! " ' pr inn - -- V a 'mm mm Warehouses, 5 . . IOAG- non-reside- nt SALT LAKE CITJ ASH non-"Mormo- ns. -- . . - sJMaa,MMMSaaaaMaaaa1Ma-naMM- M irTTTsWTIaWIMSSlBaTB'ITW WIRE . STl Tl- HIT , - , Kth antI-Mnrm- -- nr, tie! - ROOFiriQAflD non-Brodvc- er.'t YARD lta-edect- .u"' truth-eoonomi- x. 1 Health a, y caltlil o. THa-tTMin- . PlardngMill, : , ak r muS'T fP . . K.,-- D UEW-S&- - r , i Froaurea a Mricn ir, bottle or your axoat, aod ctaeaa-JXKoiioineuew eaiMKU by a avlo. LaM aeasoa my bone became very t&cae aod 1 ttaned him out for a few week: whea be became better, but when 1 put him ou tbe road he rrew worse, when I discovered that a rtnirtxe o "M tnrminr. T boule cf KbodaU'a BoeTlOuro a&d wUhJeaa f cum ma, nat &a m i not iwn imu. mnto, neither can the buitoh be tetrad. licapactfoJ.'y yoixs, n naml . P. N. UttAiiQEU. : liilli, j Shingles, Z2onIdlnspi, I felling, Frames, I Floorlnff Plcl?r;3, Ilardirare, Kesdaix's Ppxmf Crma Is sure in Ita ef. Set it le peoetratina; and powerful to reacbf USaalk DODf uni mue pua or w reman any rrOYrth or other aa enlargement, tuch cpar--tinoQta, enrbs, caucus, sprains, wellino-.tmy Ximerjoss and All eauvrmnntf 4 tWf or roemaatm in man tutt joint or urn as, for whioh a tiabaect M unl mtrpoae rrany for man cc beast. It is now keo ra to fce Lfe ever taed, actiaj nilklj mau mdrnent for bet Ckrk ?rcbate Court, Salt Like Cct, Utah,: XSustlc. Weights, Class, etc. DEGHRET POTTERY, B. Eardley, Proprietor, -- ' . ractory oa Tlrtt Wast Street, between ttb and eta Eoata tnreet, tatt XAke City, Utah. MaoDfaotorer Earthenware Crders foU- cited. lmo - n, Send audreca for Illustrated Clrculaf WMuii f think rivet positive proof of Its baa ever met with such ittKuaiU No bueoeas to our knowletige, fcr burnt ae Sedieedy . &a man. - . Price 1 1 per txtttteor six bfttM fcr V Aix 1 fJTrAnptt3f FSteSL - v1 will be sent to any sldrcee on rec'pt of price tbe TTOprtetor. mi. li. J. KLiiDSLL ft Taylor, Etnnsy it Arotrcnx Late Latlnity, Tiy tar Oa ' ! - rV.-- .. ai7 CilAS. Vl St nVriE- R- - tr d tt ILL "TtKSAjreat- .1? h.a iatr 'ZEFlatat.n I Attorney and CouneeUor at and SolteUor in Chancery. nrevalllng laxity frM the social evil, ssei .MtSfiti! Ja4SS3 is rrJl t?. ... . throusbout Tr-- ', The Mormons.' Who- - opposeA A TTEOTS CASES; BEFORE THE Eui x.preme, District and Probate Cents fcrb!J to marry and, Practices as Counsel for Widow GoMais enccurase ny pecnt- - and I a r tlXT l Eieeutors and Admlnfctratn. ta im It!" KBsrtIv. inranI- fJnnts -- Salt Xake City; Utah,1R.W i ' AUtrust 13rd. Who favor" and tinimniai.A.i wedlock and the raisine of hmLuu is to certify that I am nin and beautiful children to th n,n.f. I M.This & Blmmrma A HSf I. w uwr ana 'I anu good pidntTa and detest and oppose btei I strt I nalnt than T )Teva rsme senumenis i WB win the above reward for any ease of LiTer CnrSalnt. Dyepepma, Slek Had- i aober iadi bp, oopj'tipatioa or coatlv. ymcntandsettllrirnpof Estates Kavtn case we cannot core .with West's Vegetable wely returned from Europe, be hi prepared are atnctly to furnUh JnSormatlon Urer piUa. whan tbe directions respecttof krratnes, eompltod with. Tbey are prrrely Vegetable, tanow awattlnr the action of legitimate ana never iau ro sire amisiacijon. rngnr Jn chaocery. Persona can aoe. Ceated. Latwe boze. eontainlny a Pills, 15 of ail Beware aAie Trorsirta. owv tain if their aamea are on Um fftipnb.1bran. Ftr by The eouiiterfeliS and tmitAtjoritt. nanufBtr-tuxe13 V only by JOHN C Wrrnr) lol at laSW. MadiCO, lbe PCI ni'kere, re trial package sei.t, by son EUt Cklmgo. Bi l rrej- j on re" i a emit auiii. , P.O. AddrSSI, rieCSTtECLaktCltyt I 1 . -- i. trtceTnot effect a cure. Guaranteea haued enl h.T Lake City, Utah. : 5r-- V5f f?0r' -- .' .f3 27i I chlld-heri- ... aV VVnai aW a -"- 'WilUL-klM. xerriaory. acaorrtfr, WIV I 2 1 U. 8. Census and other flonrr. 5 or haa rrlUott "WBS( Mmmtlnn - Intra f . . muu i.n. " h.-rTr:.'- Salt Lake City: August 24th, 1882. having ured,-- Simmons -. :r:::. 4 vC t- -- Wbat Territory, acoordla t0 thl r aasar cScJal 1 1 r,.w. .aw ia. Ml ewiu niAa, rauo; cf ' u l' . : - . . . l;tVlm I 1 1n rT,t; in1 m1 iIIh jill,I r--- 'I "illIll aa i . B.arainaviiiiB First Jobr East of Wasatch jDrog 8to're,t Vard' f?u TtifJ -- ' - - 8treet, two . Blocks" ; I Wt of U. I'i C IV K. LOADrT" or smaller quanUty at Yard, or delivered to any ixt of thepfr 'a lAk Theatre roof is " bespinted with our Cement -- full Weight,' Clean Coal and 'Satisfaction ;)Guarani ,?l?na - xer Uca atad. ' Orders RZUVEIED DtlWErTOH !AT:$7.S "HALF irfrfly Fined. Xfherol .3eouft ." " t I a (::-- -' - . Offlce, ! t is all aaaa v.bpci. ; : 1 f T MQ&SiaJPulnterV ; f-- r ' . 0 j .'.t - 'S.-;.- r AAa. yAUJAaik'!4 : - . ti-Cr.- " i . .biti'iaaiaiatieiro fo.4t4ifav n.:S;Si::::o::scd tn vsr Aaup as I Aiine- - vcjjnt, iuh less than Car liado, $0,30. yt,wt P , |