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Show y. vV- 1. A . AS- r Ccl7,l7tsh, , - . .t tMw.h4 arMk off b snmmii Tf.. and loss to capital and nTdnon rXBXtXX PRATT, son ex juub doubt, danaer . J2?2S thiteH labor will ensue. of the 18 saanlbs and S days. awon. Henrietta 0 The construction - XZCXXuh. OmaL , About '"THE IfcAIH QUEEXIOK" BY ME5B3. M. and iu wUI haveproMers.rrT.ot fired. Several EhelH X onfifuBtcn ana iota ai eWy PABW)B MATCHES H8E0W Cjd; X am baa explodad o'oMOt. ... . IXOAL BTASDFOIKT. JTBOlt for if they be right there ready, haTe many o offices that they . . i and ii- . . been no incamooii in those old brimatone match, enemy tim OTerthe ramon r oonna, I a iuo 7" 6muo It. matches THE o'cloca ahnntflve m as aa sr nm - NUTTED AlO'ft'BtlSMEO as nvs isi t a I are the caly ,eiv n ill ii sun:! geniouji 1Md in the rear of m the! cration appeared at felt and is nueatory lawvers tnmmhenu DESERET NEWS COMPANY; birlonioz that if 5ther wen .aolld SdVoidTor if thVoflen- they ahould inoto- -r 5 crroun&a on wbteh to place tbe pow are de acw oiiicer. auu match outnoata common the in mv's that the er of the Governor to appoint sucEDITOR, PE5E0SE, CHAELE3 cessor to the territorial and county them remain de facto 100a ior a iuiaus ucn aj thir succeacor are duly elected and The sneua appeaiwi -w The may enemy'of position. the midst elected successors the of haTa bad for the appoinieea luallfied, iuwwbu r August 28,188. might min The in Antiif. that thev would palpa GoTernor may not be even de facto Mnofaw urea tfondey sunset. enemy's but unUl ibow it, pidity bly arid successfully v reCOSnlzsd rule. 5nlv bains weal: altogether there ' universal! The ariiCM coihitumjv their nai 11 . rBEPASE-rOBACTIOucb groondf . I agree hoMwr. in the American States is was Very lftUe actlrity In the rebel Uwre iure-n-o wltb them in the importanee of the (hat when the Statute proTiues iuc lines. to bo ouestlon TTtfch cmrtrtr C3 Mrttii-V- rf that J P and that It ia one rising tbe holding over until the successor The impression gains ground AAA, mwvimw. has man in Pasha's j Arab! of understand abora to bulk that, pollthat the partisan Md qualified ejected riyen clearly tUi y - trtngendently or Jocai aivi- - thmduy term -s until the election and been withdrawn from ICafr El to vole at tte Noyember eieo- tics, religious creeds, order of ' the and the of successor, tions Territory, people of the to wui ConSrees, tlon for Dalecate one that should be decided on qualification auc!l ra8 n&g been recognized by the He Wark eaar BliMB. be necessary for. thsm tpvtake the and . in Coutt States principles. United enduring Supreme 6 o'clock a. Th. fichtlnaf bezan at oath prescribed by the CommlasionTb rule of construction derlred piacea over which the United States m.. ' evening. end till cua not and - era. . . V. nm ih. A larea number of them will by them from me oiaugoier nouw i b exclusive Jurisdiction. t. I cases in Join - rraijace i of the rsasona and philosophy as Ihe have vejniu that vxsrazsa to xsjot a they ao think, naturally, Hanreme Uouft or ine unuea ruie are iui. uy mw wo IfVF" a onVoaValrv on the enemy rharired , been duly registered, and that their the and state-- seems to be i- - - J?ri I earlr in the mornlnff, over heavy ; names are enrolled upon the registry Inanolioabla as will be seen from a! uunexwueu w- -j g vL Jr. forrfnir them to retire, lear. Lioulilcase. The to statement of the - r.a taf.Manvcf tteTalandi iatbe lVake, llitsthere la t no need register TniTen miners in 6tir hand,; Toa charter by cause mo ex-na granted be must 4VV nn teglilature tnt matter I rcspeotfuily announce that I bare the terf This uijiuchbmiww .jagain. . wMMi the lneornoration had the ex tlon orappolatment be not exerc'sed 1 warua the county ana more completely lined to them. And to jauueu raoga wt '"H,r.M15,,i--,?:",l"J- r: clusive right for twenty years for ih-i- iwill taka parties for a sail "f."1 ntrht in uur fifty cenoas, at4 . . midst. i ' committees of the People's Party i ..rJ Bianirhtr r house?, landings, nncii sinflnMflnp inn U Lake Kbe Yaebt Is kept at nAnnivftipnuuor to ; . . . i the, -l tiAaM r 'i.MrHM wu w i -iibUUm iuav settle -I. &uuj ox icis m ine wsy ana ana are 4 WgfhH, EVENING NEWS. ieii, ion T" 8tssed tat - oeT . m 'i w w )I "T 1 am av. w B a r1 "w "iwar rC?ii tThlVn x Mi To Pleasure H! 7 -- 4- .., Scote! We beg to inform our patrons and the general public ft l r 1 a! awa nr AlM a..am f(l ato. uuuauoudu m mis or any. other line oi otuveb wiuuu : i- , - i 1 far-fetch- ed "1,L?,?. pi ,.t ill Ill IJbCLlA? KJ JLAAWAA! U1XO . V UA u II UHOllH T tlltilll, 0,1)11 . w ; anyof appointed quaiinea, wert attacked nti at the time provided In sunstroke. and dhenterr nade. I arraDgemeBts can bs hour. (v, BO mai no i CODraEion auu , y ui v i - ,th ..fl.ht the d racoons Wbsra h. thetora&thaattst of any with ..'a -,i mui-i to the PWW0t no charred the enemy, may result ttm down ! bar a large tent,Istaods. Mine a ssaiar-hlno- n viduals because of, tber being some Prisoners man taklne rJt fourteen mars exDcrieneo. the vend nouse such officer, In the slaughter shot through the oublio may feel sals in my yaslit, ana. osre- 1 Bibby was considerable discases the United States Supreme Major bat guarftntMKJ. fulneis rode a OhVt Im HAMMER Proprietor. Court restricted the meanlng,of the chest, afterwards. warrant Headquarteri tance amend14th of tbe Rlsheh general language to remain at Abu of are likely 8ALE. FOR ment to the legitimate purpose was to enable the stores th. nrnc.nt, BUGGIES AND ita enactment, and held that it state that a FEW BEOoND-HANS up. mm tn not not intended to, and did abridge neaa. ana J Bbop,eomer of-- Oom-wa, CslrW the nolle powers of tbe States, but many v taken away ny ine uaui w' mvw - i meraiai aoa uuve wrest. J. MALQOISTi Messrs. M & It. clve to tbe Hoar Mv.lrv Utah., al01t cantured. nearlv construclatltudldous amendment a ; Tertnse. to EaterUac Infevnaatlea by tion, most unnatural, in order WANTiEO. or enforce any law which make it embrace objects foreign from make shall .terms. its in We cantured a snv and handed dlscrlminaung lawfully or as will OOD BRICK LAYERS AND MASONS the privilege produce htm over to the native authorities, its purpose, and such To tiit anv attention to it will be shall abridge of the United the very evil that it intended to whn tnrtnred him with thumbscrews VX wanted immediately enqobe of citizens of ELI AS MORRIS. humiliating and . a oonceion to an- Stales." And it was upon thl remedy. In other words, Instead of and ordered him to be shot. He au9 ox of of the applying tne resiricuve ruie me aid Arahl Paaba nianse that 'the assailants one1 usurped arbitrary exercise ...had only A AAA . revalidi' denied statute its have SELECT SCHOOL will or S. U. stay Louisiana Supreme Court, they arunery, z,wu thority. Therefore they regiment Uii't. i'i.itv':;-A- verted it into a most expansive one, strong ty.! few infantry in front a and cavalry away from the registry and, thereVR8. U. B. RANDALL'S ' SELECT it had previously; been de. and such as that able body of learnus. SignaUlng has been proceed- H on Monday, Aus IVi. School wiU fore also from the balloting. , ? cldad bt this, court that such acts ed and experienced Jurists can never of few nights with Xlat,18SJ, la the Mnrwan CoUoge, the durlnir past ing opposite to that of thsm fell within the public powers But If it la explained sanction, for it w at war with ail ArVhl Paaha. but we have been un umForxua wara Assam dij ixooma. - connict American M not of enaulra Randall, of .and tartieulaa construe, in States rules the under ideas; . unless protest, to discover who is tending the Pdaoipal, College Buikunr. t they submit,' d2w ' with the. United states Constitu- tlon. and decisions of their courts. able 5" 1 to this wrong, a greater wrong will tion signals. was i & the the M. It. Messrs. question .underlying very Bebsls.. steerean indulge , be perpetrated; that if their votes whether the ponce powers or tne violent tresumrticn that Mr. Hoar WANTED. ' ' STRAYED. o Alexandria.' 27.- - Abdul Bassek are lacking, an unscrupulous ' minor-- . States had been abridged by this and the Senate understood the laws r BURNER. GOOD LIME ;APPLT7T0 other staff officer! have 14th amendment,whlch was Intend- of Utah and knew what they were and four Idaho Store. A ON KECK. BED ity will have opportunities vastly 8rOT3 Arab! Pasha. COW, d?ST8t' They from to enfranchise those who! had about. Had these gentlemen turned caped . a e A.L. ( wiia a i Jl branded on ierc ninjor enlarged for the perpetration of - ed: were uie receivea xuieunc well oy amend freed the been on to over tbe debates in by previous the and Joining at top), bad a strap thev have been for etrele waica mese enewhen lost. the page preceaiDg thJs wesamptlon would cave been Tt annekra thatcommunication great .OuUage, Htnce,on CITY, ASSESSMENT. with to Eeturn la mles have Uld deep plana; that by- l the language quoted by Meears. M. I diasinated at once a i ioma time be and rewarftod, Lake of Brewery the Khedive, through 'members' of south ftvlt Mr. Justice Miller ld: "On For instance, Mr. Brown objected UVUS3I mtAplng to conquer they will, ma- & R.most To Vi4 Taxpayer of Salt LoJfs CUyt : f eu swuo bj of t casual examination the the amendment Intended In because Hosr tbe aid aawj this suj making tsnaUy pbovis-lanaPasha the aooordancb with of An with Arabl entrusted no of these amendments, by as he . understood It, the Ordln- Ematicam IS and IBthh fraud much more difficult of execa language SHEEP SHEEP! but ab anes te provide for Assessing and ooiieetlns; one can f fail to be impressed with Quvernor to appoint all the officers defense of earthworks. passed March 12th; 1879, the City eltj tsxes." tlra; then they; wUI , swallow their the one pervading purpose found in until their successors . should' be stained from making 4 DnrmflU or bail iai viit wui s as a uwa De to M. went and . the foundation of take BESPECTTTJLLT not escaped and at them rJNDEHSIQNED They only all, lying and Just objections on it that nd elected of leas, rn. qualified, EquaUzaUoa Avgnst siondsy TUB and to tbe at 2 o'okoofc n.rrv, in the Council Chamber of te Us Patroua and without w hich none or might be y fears befoie the commis- Iiessrpe and asked his assistancedis-to Bneep Men of Utah, the oath, but tee that thtir names each, he will the City hall of said elty.to determine aU that in September tried to De even would have been away. them suggestIeesepa get oa an election. . would sion . 10 ante uem ds wa bring are found on the registry ll:t,andln ed; we mean the ; freedom of the supply of want complaints made In regard to tbe assessed them suade accussing them, to the Hoar Mr. ox any pro pea iy, as ssto'SMifi ior citj This brought S. - value BUCK MERINO ' .the event qf certain villainies aJ. slave race," etc aJ of tought finally They tor patriotism. the year 1883... taxes , ; or TJtBh r Chlo ; CalUbrola. raised..,: txplanationt who lor. DurUTgltssesKOBBaia Doera wuinearana Now. on ihe most casual examina; ALMA PRATT. ready boasted of In anticipationI on and trovids for Rear Admiralto Hosklns, so CommlMlooers Tbas ue wmcn eonaiaer may any or warded them Alexandria. lv Salt Lake CUr. dew 3m attemDted. they will tae the tion of the Edmunds bit it will be a new .election of tbe Territorial Jjeoisftatwr abate tbeI taxes of any la- - 1 to "remitpvuuuii. seen that the first eight sections ap- fbrtfawlt h, tfuit is their duty; and that TerriA 1 or went Infirm tod srSIarMseeb. to pexsoo, to secure their AVe aane,idkle. rights Cepters steps necessary Let Ulaturs '.n its turn is 'to trovlde aa asnouns rot ejcooedinff five douarasor the ply to all the Territories snd other torial f I mounted ether and ttess C1RL the all elections for for When of county LINX, PKOF, to tbe r current and defeat the wiocg Intended. Ismallia,27. year," prorislons agreeable : laces over whloh the United States . I ' lnfan try of ' the' household troops TTOllIERLY' OP NEW TOaK CITTi said crcioanoe. , f , it be clearly explalnel that E as exclusive Jurisdiction, lt is the ubontiaate Territorial olfloef. and notice take due all Jjt Let govern ptrsoos Hoar evidently thought that charged into Marasmeh Sir Hav Is ProSMBtonal Piano and Organ Tuner, themselves ' thepamee now on the registry list eighth section which disqualifies theMr.commissioners aoeordinirly. A and Bepalre& Thlrtj yeai cou!d order' an loek Allen showing the way, the liegxdator nave aeie-.- '. i wneiecxi to testimony ;y dbna. of an persons who do not take the polygamists and ; bigamists from ttenae. work Only onto set my band and amxed and assembling of the Ter- enemy dashed into the. lake and Hf Order by Vail or left at my resUenes voting and holding office), land no election X.a "'' tbecorpcrate seal of Bait Lake for safety. They a ere plied st tbe Mori an College, opposite the 11th swam their at oath, are to be expungbj. ( No ritorial pleasure, to to Utah than Legislature more the applies City this xut cay or Aurut:, a. Ward Heeling Bouse, .j B. isss. bigamist, or person who co- District of Columbia or any other whereas they can order neither, but with rifle bullets as they dived and water. floundered that the . through civ- - JOHN CATNE, habits with more than one woman Territory, and this fact and idea the Territorialo!Statute provides As. .. i 1.. t Alt licoorder. the niemLers the .Legislative view we be in would must if or woo a ..'.!is kept in the marriage relation, ;. i t t in elected bs shall a clear at solution of those aitlvo August, sembly ; violator of the laws of the United sections lVoudon, 7. The Court CLrcxdDr applicable alone to Utah. 18S3. and the law requires them to says: The tjaeen ja greatly gTAtified States prohibiting bigamy, or who For It ia evident OF $500 13 HEEEBY January. that the Edmunds assemble the fJlowing same A A J.REWARD for tbe reooverv ol tbe bod r of tbe debate atGen. Wolseley'e success. holds any relation with any woman bill did not intend toxleclare vacant But again in that. late Fanner, drowned in Salt Lake, at v La The Billed and Wtaadtd en rsMey Black 1). f ; which has been entered into or con- - all the offices heJJ by polygamists in Mr. Brown said: Rook, walls bathing on Bandar, al v Territories MI the the usual sccrsest ths will .United that cf; la piovteion 27. An aud nine Ismailla, tinned In violation of those Uws.and States and other States, and i supppss in Territories, where no trucks arrived t hdsyengine luonusttB., plases over which election Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Stamped Warefc Tinners' To: from 8uez.Tha xsa Lake City. Aug. wua Bin. 1C1L . fill offioe an is wife U. a of the to woman is made that the who ? jto has exclusive Jurisdiction, but Incumbent remains In offloa unUl his uros-so- r line- - is in fair woiklng order. it or who has entered Into any only to put them under . future dLa- S7& LOTUS, MO. . Is elected and qualified. It (here any- - rebel psaltion a( Tel el Keber la very G12-l.- fr N. ' ; ;TsTRAY r NOTICE. tn Utah in conflict witA tnaU" relation with any man In violation ablllties. And this feature or the thing ; ; with entrnchment strong right iir. Hoar. 'The dilficuliy wUh that Is this. 1 ' of the laws of the United States, Is Edmunds statute seems ' to - have The pressat offlxrt art very many af them, across, and on both sidea or the rllAYE IN MT , POSSESSION i overlooked the been of vrmUteM the act and tht Edmundt by Judges The position la flanked on ods 7 rear o"d roan brs ku. croe and sUt In potpgamittt railway. entitled, under tbe rule, to orno ronnnue to votvaamttu aaaJi tma Terrklodal Supreme Court, by .the inat Thertfort the present ' right ear upper and underblt in kat, branded 23 "5T s:ce ty water. tS offictr-- Co not h(HS each . Of course such persons will not at-- . ) mi ris-hon author of the-- Hoar amr ndmen t, and fie. nns. on riarac uiesiDre prana aia. on war were losses "i. A A.!:;,, "r tWre." about 60 oiOneS sear old dark 8TKKH. ntmtr and mn I a . rnqay H1CHEGT MARKET ana wouncea, oi. which the derbit tempt so to do.! All cthiri, however, by the Congress of tbe "United ki.itd J"vf. in right ear, and crop and two slits. and almost con- i .Th I 20 or 80 from the heavy can claim the right to register, if States. asSignificant lost old One yal rear red I under and COW, upper l s elusive It Is, fox neither the 13J- - ur. nvar mean tv jr ium wtutuea iI "v. m charging a equare tit m ngnt ear, crop ana two suts m ten ear, PRICE they . are clherwiae qualified , to munua statute i'iena nor the iicar amend- the Edmunds bill rut oolviramists of- - jilfjfantrv. . rorcea in :v Oar total IS months old red BTEEB, with speckAPRICOl vote.. .And they should be sure todo ment provides for filling any vacan under disabilities In all the Territo- Ismailia district, under Gen: Wolse-le- ledOne . : , - ? Hned back.- , : . ries end where United so and to do it In time. - cies except in utan. the; places t Sole. claimed Which If not and taken awavwtth is j. 4,000 men 2,500 horses In yr'l; I "Wade on Retroactive Laws," on States - had exclusire Jurisdiction. and 5,7about ten daw from date, they will bs sold in Before the tecon-i- , Monday in 8ep ; , .. i guns.,the cstray pound In this city, Sept. 6, JS83, at I StlbieCt fif nfflftw. nhnrtaminir tKia that therefore the terms of monoga tember every alien who is entitled this : beofficers tirm in terminated Tarka. and mist Utah JtaesiIlaBShe the regalatlnz compensaBICHABD PALMER. under the law to his ., naturalization tion of statutory offlces, aaysi i ' t cause no s lection was held in Au- ? Port 27. ' Tbe steamer Patriot roundaseper. Said, I to 'should District the papers go1 U'Nertrtho'AJS, tbe same rotes of ooostruo-to- n gust? Aug. zo, mss. arrived n Bat urday, vlth twt Calypto so cannot I will be applied to iralaUva sou of this understand,' for that 150 Turkish troops and - moored inCourt and be made' a citizen. The una as touaee oirecur eaicaiatetl to disturb would be logio that would disgrace side the v inner bar bo , when the vested rUrkla. Thi LEAVE YOU n ADDRESS Importance of this - duty has been an In a ABannack it was Indian. His meaning Monarch at once sent two armed amendment to the charter of aprovided municipal was mat Decauce tne Jiidmunds Impressed many times for J many corporation 1 an nfflosr bin boats, ; covered with a that of the city who acAND , OUR; DELIVERY gun, I a seat la the general aasemblrof the had vacated the offices held by poly from the Monarch, togatling A: yean upon those who are in this cepted learn their WAGONS WILL CALL Piste should be dsemsd to hare vacated his eamlsU that 'polvtramlst incum errand.: The Turks stated that they condition. There are .pedpl who viaam, m uh aoseoce ui eapress wcrdi swuiff Keemvi k t irtt Jiouth Street. (he statute a retroaeuve opera tioa, it was bents could not hold over and there were ine annual reiiei ior ine Turkw. flret cnwruN - FOR THEM. . . ., although - they have their n l. pros peaure. ana beui not to fore tbe Governor should fill those ish j. u some at fort in the lied garrison are had who to still without the pale of apply effioerj become vacano'et; and even in this he mis papers" of W. K A io season. ? Sea.' Daring . the night, armed wRf numwn x tne legisutrara,-- ; already Ejection 43. m vrores oy lew phone will rsostve aDPrebendad both tue Lurnort and boats from .citizenship, and- - yet have been in British the fleet cruised th pa-this country for a great many, more I And so held by Appellate Court of I provisions of the "Edmunds bill, but around, with orders to prevent the W,10 Close Out statement nuts of bevond Kew this his i V. XT S3 York, 68, K. Y.293, the People r . . . I r...v. rom landins. . ifJoAnsn ma. . The O years than areVc quired r by law as a -. . . It uuuut ui it was not ms intent nor eutereuin SU ue canai on ounaay morn-in- g, V- resJdsnoe qasJJflcatlon for citizen i This universal role the understanding of the Senate by 'A J. recognised by the ship. We trust that they will now uis aoie law writer, is exceedingly mis amenument to ine tsundrv Jleclaa steam pinnace from ,i5i her, with orsee the necessity of throwing oTj apropos to Utah and its officers. The 01,11 Appropriation .bill to. declare ders to accompanying the disembarkation prevent bill declared the retftn. any vacancies but only to their lethargy and carelessness; and Edmunds wm mnM nacuon oiuoea or I Itmh wm. for: such as would become provide vacant of the..-troops. or obtaining tbe right : to Vote. ' Im- - cant. - ' xeseeew In the JProbaU Cowt. of the County OP-ALkldid.net but. under declare anv the provisions of the Oee. w oth . iaWtl a mediate action ia their case 'Is re- - wiiit ,t 'z' - r ana tne Hoar amend munds statute becanee of the non- of sou LaJct Territory of Utah. Port Bald,5 27. DeLe&sefs em.vacant, 4 ment ,did not even scraint quired.- - . v Hala barked for Marseilles y. - at w va ee r holding bt the election.' " a s IN THE UATTEB OF THE - ESTATE OF There Is another cUs-i- . 'Young ine any race vacant,-- but did pro- - Abd-- this ia made doubly sure by ' Beltlsn . AdveelaK. Cavalry Joseph t. ramiEB, DECEASED. what one Mr. omcee iur of j vacant Blackburn, the in men and women who arrived in tjuv jjuing Order is out conference v Ismalia, appotofuiff time and vlace for hearing nowneie q'ulet said else. in at the the utan, committee, Arr this country before they arc IS years 1 But Messrs. ' to ma pemnal property and & R. sav the Fin. nouse ior itepresentauves when it front. i oppitcatton or age, and whose parents are not preme Judges of the Territorv did concurred in this amendment, that British cavalry have adrauced to Ortcttno notice to hi given. citizens. All such who" are now a'k:ongrees to "take such meas such officers as could hold over under Kaseassan Lock. to ' READING AND FILING! THE PETI--1 as will provide for Tr succes the territorial law were not emtwenty-on- e OW tion yenrs of age f and lup- - ures of gunnel IT. Aimhuk m.i tO all the nreeent legal sion . . or braced to in tnmmKnt. be WITHIN ousted THE thisHoar by or uwn, estate nave aanunatiators i ana the ,pww of Locomotives waros, resided five years i ccice .wnoee successors won XI amendment, and indeed there is not arrived at Suez, to-- I Joseph IX Farmer, decwum. rr..ir,- - .n v In the United States, can .obtain nave ceen . cnoten at'thn Anm.i a word or syllable; that authorizes day rom Bombay. . . 22 to ssli all the personal property of said then? certlnoates of naturalization In election, and therebv uuruvuutriy oesoriooa m too said the otmlng of any officer whose tfeavy rertlBsatloas at Abanklr. and constituilnr tbe stock of roods and to or frood c:rtinr the District. Court,' by takinslthe tnfcinnanoe an,i k. term lasts until his successor Is "Alexandria, 27. Tbe commander situated In tnebaildin haet Temple and In Street elected and regular Salt Lake under ter undisputed snnnortnf the qualified of the British honclad jLehiltet rerequired oatb, without taking - oat i Territory; and alto "OD,tr rea- ritorial - statutes in this Hoar am- - ports the Abouklr u J" iAA,a u4 ui crct:5naaa sitoaiea sni Kovernment, AND THEKEFORE OFPER vi&ujeu at the new makin? garrison their flret papers, t All such yoong sons ; f because the ndcs sn aafc i th.t ndmnr.J Whether construed an entrenched camp, on which sev-er- al town of llstlo, la Juab County hi ssldTer- ereons ougns at onee to avail them voBgrese gran tea the request. mati l mat toe sold by Its own terms, which la the ruwj so to bs Apposedpraying or be eon at privateproperty i Bat on the contrtra th. sale. rule.1 or bv tbe debates thewon. it ing.. thousand laborers are .workaelves of their privileges , ir. failtd " ?t interval! hi aUperaons Thtbuiarm to authorize ia-Said estate aniiear thA Pmhu.r!nn.i equally clear that the Hoar i . There are some widow ladies who Mere Mesa. of tbe Oounty ef Hal Lake in tbe Territory of , WJffBBfaa f ha t room of said Court, at the m.7h i appoint saajcssors for such efilcers. amendment made no vacancies, but 7. The trarsrort Malta. iUtilJ,litis0e'-Tm. men tn WhOinaa Uonjrreas Intendad for the filling of SUCniA. I Countv Court KatKt In mM rVtnntv. m tk. ia1.m snusiint.wmi. ,, r , . only provided lil in . . i t uiu.t anil - nuiirar " 10 a'airv a" m . Lin ..tu: Yard may have entered Into plural mar-- 1 ??eh caees vacant and to authorize m 80th day cf Avrvr. inri. vua i.uuiuuu e.j um anu liio nus at ' wiui irijii.arv j 81.00-pe- r 310 men has tue to to arrived. cause mi numbering u3Ternoi liy ,i,aw , can thm of order such election why the holding T1Si tbey pro register and vote. and emphatic language would August should te?,nir not made. . . W UJW . rBttbtv XketsUa et the naktaSec. .And It is be Htxn Jim IteegiTed tmr lorn of Mads There are widows who were plural been fartoer orderad, tlxt a copy of this as was "done in. the b.v from tbe If those r.ff)fs nil vaoanf used, bekm Ed- strvl ' ; ' Ismallis. 27. outset ' ' i At the the f Wives but who entered into the raunai bin w to reslstratlan and Which a of Naws, quantify and In printsd published are IX.'b If 21. beweptper & Messrs; they we wcrs a under fight very heavy HOME MANUFACTURE. plural marriage relation before the ana election ' orncers. The Hoar construction of the .Edmunds act fire, especially from the Ugyptfen I? passage of tbe law of. . 1802. . They amendment, however, only author- and tne lloar amendment be ten where Dated August S5th, AJX 1S1 left, shells gnna ?ralnea A BO mm flanrtnii.TT.ii.1 . .. ised the Governor to 'fill each ernces correct, also can regUter and votev Bach as will' ; ,. s. : they please upon f K. EMrrrr. ' V. 'mmi memwn!TB will to ki . incessantly. : rf whom . '1 Itnas, I'llYi ur pHAkaie T.JM by reason of the tell how. - and 'before t muwI tn t,,111. e t.i. www eSAAKej ladles should be last rue ted on their Cotbecame vacant .mwtwv, AIM AA a: WAUULTf VDl T. to tha are ex the the Qsveraor'B prtoffiple live aJd cf elecUon.i and let holJlngcf August appcintess la ertfer. As tllrclrhbs antoe suklacUon. Centre tftksTertttsta as to What OQ. ecute the required bonds and have the position. t I leaving uis qiesuon f tlsasl wire - scattered, the losssa a. i...j - tts. become vacant with them approved and take the neoes werecen 4 The qnestlon'may be asked, Why oa, if any, diJ cujtirs, ; ioniigres, ioflu, nul that Yard slight. binding they ana taw De to tne offioe? oath of determined sary its the la this urgent? .If county were Are- there not by little enemy-directethe doing harm, provisions. And no doubt the Oar. treasurer's offlee be vacant, howl their attention noon Gen'! plenty of monogamist voters to crnor can fill all the offices which can the Governor's apcclntee cf Wooksley tnd staff. The enemy A FETT GOOD TH1KS. AP carry an electlon?w There are doubt-le- as became vacant pn the day the elec- Probate Juda ctnlift ? If the of3ce played frt:Jy opoa the hcurihold Uk ply at thisOicc. FOR tion should have been held, but nnt or Probate Juca be vacant, how PMOT. enough and largely to spare If bucu anu au entertain-tne nopes : cavajry aa uj'j not tnen Deconae vaeant. can the Oovernor's annointee of ed of the usefullness and bravery of au lesawr bjm an vxrte. jjat 'we execute bond and the latter were fiaily realized, i Two Kotioe Kok (Ki. lOunty Clerks are cognizant of s deep-lai- d soUsmt penw uirari or ujsiof it la - a leal qualify, so on, ad infinitum. , gatling and weie served guas by CHEAP ana GOOIK la certain places to chest the People Resdest Uestile who wcr tnr.tl3 ro lataneylrts as!--- i i f . of Utah out of thl3 election. If only 1TK . ldT e-. k . on eccsunt cf the tsverety cf the 'I-'- '' ' ine right kind of registrars n be ? mtKAKM. AAA. AtUsB aTtisa lVlaa. a , ; ' fJ 1 i ZZLTZY onrrr irrri P' v , enemy's artery Cre. obtained to carry it out, the villainy Yard fj j, ' '.'"Z:V.awt(Saaiaii. fv A Will be attempted. , ; Thesarrstwiy .T The Kur-'liCcnstantlicpb, wixitj 1 I 1 r t. to defeat It will be by a general reg y own provisions. Chl-si -- iV wsszour xzusaura a tfkstasa. to trxica ObtMs!kh,.Ia ; uo itiisu LT ine Unvranr Mn 1... istration for this ia a new registra: a . ais ji'irn. rrrry- uuk lur i montns imdtr tion ia effectof every monogamist cumstances, ConstentlaopJe without anyJhcstilel an!hn. and he Ij oniv irv " e '".I'J J Jfa, Wklfl. fia;.rt I J",T Enusa MArftTACTrRTn ay lm a i faithful tivrrt tUS ttmmi rr.xae Toter, ma'cand feaIa, youns and a It v L tu eppouis Bizcoesssrs for tha of. Ks mjuu Siewar. to wanr&nied l work or a ti. trJ.1 s c taak4 wi me liATE3T OIS7ATCZIE9. J' A 1,1 NpB OP taiisn. WWD unvil OUb old, and a v wa ttsa.T"je KUfcia'iQ atttndanc) at the 16S2. cf 17 5f tTrsttpi 4j Va z u. at ii. a futa oa!?.e--.?.Co., not their irxiie hm Limner War tn Topeka. j . polls, wl th a thorcash brslaizatlon shouldand "AlaxansMsJ" 27. he CJ1 each vacancies ia Aurfr,"'u"T'iV.t. il ., fJttoi la every county and- - precinct to see gust, their 3. EixxiizmaTOX. 111., Prof. II. Ox. Cunninjtiun A U, a. p. Yoroir. terms would ezpLa ia B. :r.-i- LL at Crk. EXTRA of . unformerlv - Eede A Co, Caan the , VVekh, . that citizens have their principal ftded ihe w and to i; ''"ma Lli". Apru, is3,when noelectlcn oi thPr rights ...... i iP'i'L'i'r a nm " na a raa election 1 1 held. nrtnr. saccessors could occur until tt afnl. Peat? 7,3 tchool, wiltt-'- from Tcpeia ll.'a ia la dan rex frcia the 1,1, iAhls can be done. This ought to wwmff AUGUST, and hern vnnlt K that hia ti r t j kfit: A o men i'- - 1 a there, because, as assistUrjnr . hiatus of several month?rwhen no mm. 'hi.. ce cone. And wo advise all our al 1.; ant United BUte3 attorney, he has ... a. 001114 138 iia . PPolatcd "the cf been. mends throushcut thei Territory to .prcsscotJas.Tlolatoxs o e t vwscit. jr. Knn A Jt Stata law. ' T!l7 have "wiihin 'a - ro j iwws awiiB. vye are aware jehF would thuVbVpF t . w.taiia, . AK2.I3 i t ccsp, ratwt. r cr tva A his bufT-that there are not many politicians Cij lT-"ir'b-'N- i 3 ana tireatead ti.r.L tl haLo-s-l.tooonuaaaaea cf CL.Z'rzrsi acscs them.'.They are not accustom X.;.:rurJt.,in9 . meettes call ft fa.. . He is bill i ... ua u,e AAV ;AA,..,J as re;;uur i ua- cf ...IllT ed to the tricks of the political trade. " 7 Ai bslas ta - t prevcaS. or JtsupDors t.i,.,vwu v orranori I IatS9f.'TtaVff.ri; Bat thesa who cndersUad'iausbe crument rasy t 71113: IS A SPLEHDID OPPOIlTiW' ssasrtd, J j tb EiSt, JZZ2, der uss be resiy tD explain and ' fSS . to m vlUt,and V'T aaniiniatereJ; s bt Ceory ...-- . ta sa r i : i Ttjrt .:j:a:;:yr.'b,i;;:, at n::: vae sirr. j tAA.-ik- t asist and work together in harmony, the well n&ivcr uy recosnized rulea the thst the majority may etm ni! la rmcrai em Sts it tr f!fh TTarl Crbool- :,'4 TI IE E SAT OP and by.aeir t&a few thicks kf t to them la this American fopla . ti. i r" ct ''.f lc ri 'Ti r l r tAi gqverniaeiit, ba applied r --3c- c allza vcst'je of a republican fsrm of and JSr-t;y c ln . 1st there be no attempt r CI: i kb4 by is-i- cd to ait tha pTvemscat, X."StJil8S Sh"23 ?. T,,r t i Wit cf col true-1 gzi- mhziow cl a eha?,, by , rata frho tne Enemy. ' ouet t.u3 present aa R7pil4;;a Live swem to nphcld Ccsst::- i ts1.1 S7.tMn. AK3f hf AtrrimSTt. t'i'-t'Z2 .... . rtwL-- j t 1: tw r H. leal1 ;tl::-cV::: t.. i ,u be-cau- .!- - - b Ui ".' tioa oi Utan aireaay are using our. renownea iupiiitora Champion vMointors, toth Plain and Extension. AlsJ Charter Oaks Royal Charters' and other Stoves, frothy and Heating Manufactured by the well jknown firms u liam Resor ;& :Co"i;and The Excelsiori'Mannfacturing rAB-rrs- s uin.j --- yaras ion Tfthe proper conveyers ; tu?, totenaea rors- amembers, i formation to the.... . e niMiriBiiPiM in .vi.iDSbusft hmv.mwm TBd the The nature of the oatn preecriDea and Lr controlling Barnard, St. will mo oi iue is such that, while some voters question was, aia mis Louteiana legislature conflict with not attempt to subscribe to it. 13. U and IS amendments to unable truthfully to ' do so, the tinned States Constitution, for th. will it take others who can lawfully conceded that it confiksed was it refrain unless the imjoitance of with no previous provision of the ex- Constitution. The 13th amendment U clearly their : vote the Hth reason simply abolishes slavery; They will: plained. all declared amendment persons not oath is in this way: This bnrii or naturalized in the united " 1 an not only utred by law. It States to be citizens, and the second un-imposition but itls unjustly snd 1 dite provided thatr ."N6 State & v "" J"?riJZZ tTa. 'TJT'u .nd. ' rvrr-l- www, b sa 1 j Prfr. and.'Baking quaHtieC"aM"rtlie increasing demand, opinion; that ere long these celebrated Stovds will occs position m every well conauctea nonsenoia in D wo-u-.- v n im-munit- lei SUPT -- I. s : re-op- en , i EXCEIiSM MA1EACT1I . e-- a: ? WW'S rr - t Bs-nat- e . r : TER . d, Tel-El-Ke- Is bir, ef -- OAI . ( v fol-lawi- ng ' - be-ln- nr pn-ant- i ed i : . SlrBt-cla- aa ' poly-gami- st, : - " : i.-- - . REWARD: $500 A Or-fer- ed ' - poly-gami- st, -- - --- -- 3AUnST; -- i vn -- i - - ; - i.L"l: - - DRIED r-- y, ; . f; - . . "AT.,' Agents in Salt Lake -- mm plHEfi! , vj . -- : .. m-m'-- . - . S. P. TEASDEL. 1 L. i i PAlbFOR TEAGDEL'S. w , j 1 t Gs-.'ix- a M. We Haye determined to i- . m . 7 3STOTIOE1; IT'XnEstlVITXJXfcE L3 fq) u Lb to-da- w . , s.UVYv:.':. 27.--A- 11 ! La 0 i,u , - NEXT ITHIRra. petl-Ko- n, KJ.i DAT! rw-'- - Ml ;c:'l7 . , - fJ". . - - j liSTrco, ' , ! : i. 50 Pieces Tapestry Brussels ;::;Kat ! -- ! . , tv-fon- n. ; pl A 50 Pieces Body Brussels dL-rcU- ca - EM -- at Sl50jper - i . - immi 50 Pieces Axtnihsters; at S1.75 per t a . S'"rJS,?i-- . I BY TELEGRAPH. . f' ' a un f-- Sf EWIET'S frTrl "-i- t BRUSHES;, ei-,- .u..u, St at g-ae- " w 'v . A H s ral" s L. Feity-peaccSsra.- -. 1 rorty-pouad- s - ej, ta' fctl.Mt rTt '.Ica "-t- r, r-- i700L r'-r- . at 01.00 per ft.,-.- ! 1- fi!1:8 s " . -- M q-- u . Xard. . i. ; " For. axon.- - I-.T- I'i'i' taTj:, -- ts li !tti flnD.,,noiisp e-cltizens.' . :-- r:-,s jKfcHS 5-- ! f. s air, y a : - ::-;. .; Fan nousEKEEPns. J3.-- - , - t: ,i Ww l is-- A |