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Show if R1CH-CO- UN WOODRUFF NEWS NEW From Page One) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vernon went to Coalville to have their childrens tonsils removed. We hope they get along alright. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Longhurst of Ogden spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Longhurst. Mr. Rollo Eastman who is employed at Ogden spent the week end at his HOTEL SEMLOH (Continued home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Asro Comia received a letter from their son Cal. They havent received a letter from him for more than three months so that made them more than happy. He was well and told them not to worry about him. Mr. Milton Stuart of Ogden brought his son Tom, who is in the armed forces, here Tuesday to spend the day and night with his grandfather, James Stuart, and his other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Faddis and son Jerry came Tuesday evening to spend a little while with her father and the rest of her folks. The weather man has been sending us rather wafm days lately. It would be nice to have a little rain along with the heat. ..Mr. and Mrs. Albert Longhurst. and Mr. Willie Davis and two children of Logan were here this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Theris Comia and family. Mr. Davis is Mrs. Cornias brother-in-laMrs. Hubert Faddis of Almy is here visiting her father, relatives and friends Dr. Scarlet, the Clinic physician, was here Thursday examining the children. Mrs. Eddis Huffaker and Myrtle Spencer were shoppers at Evanston Thursday. Mrs. Asro Comia and Louise were shoppers at Evanston Thursday also. Mr. Emmit Dufphy of Aurora, Utah, is a guest at the home of Lyla Huffaker. He came Wednesday evening. They attended the rodeo at Ogden and reported it as being good. Virginia Putnam is here spending her vacation with her parents, relatives and friends. Asro Cornia and family spent Saturday at Ogden at the Cowboy Day cele- bration. Carter Cornia and family were at the rodeo in Ogden Saturday. Also Lewis Buck and family. Mr. Eddie Nevill of Layton came Saturday evening to spend the week end with relatives and friends. He was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Spencer. A wiener roast was held out at Lynn Huffakers Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tingey, Mr. and Mrs., Ray Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rima and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Neville. A big bonfire, lots of wieners, freezer of ice cream and a, swell time by all of them. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nebeker and family of Evanston spent Saturday night with Maud Cox. They and Frank Dean and wife motored over to Bear Lake Sunday. Bear Lake was very beautiful and everyone had an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Huffaker and family spent Sunday over at Bear Lake. They met Eddis folks of Randolph. The family were all there, but Clayton who was in Africa. They had a very fine time. . Mrs. Henry Clifford of Idaho Falls was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Comia this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jackson ,are visiting there also. Ross is home on furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Perry and family of Provo were here visiting for several days of this week. They returned home Sunday. Mrs. Perry was Dora Longhurst,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Longhurst. Cottage meeting was held at the home of Mr. Vern Hopkins. Delora Cox spent the week end home with her mother, Maud Cox. Edith Longhurst is spending a few days with Betsy Bruce at Almy. Mr. and Mrs. Corless Nicholls are rejoicing over their baby daughter, born Sunday at (Evanston. Mother and baby doing nicely. This is Mr. and Mrs. 1 v Rees first granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cox motored to Ogden to see the rodeo. Bessie Cornia who has been visiting at Salt Lake, and Bountiful returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cornia receivd word of the death of Mrs. Cornias brother-in-laThey left Tuesday to attend the funeral. They went with Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Atkinson of Evanston. The brother-in-lalived at Blackfoot, Ida. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Comia and family of Salt Lake Came Tuesday to spend their vacation here with relatives and w friends. Salt Lake City, Utah RANDOLPH tTAH- - Locals j; I KEAf&tt Perry Hotel; F. H. Jackson and Lt. and Mrs. Ross D. Jackson were Logan Mr. visitors and Mrs. 'Salt Lakes last Thursday. Popular Priced Modern Hotel LaRae Findlay and Miss Doris Marshall were Evanston shoppers FriMiss THIS CO UPON entitles the holder to 25c redaction on any room at the rates as advertized, one coupon to the room. NEW 'Beds Springs - MatCarpets through - tresses oat the House. RATE- S- $1.50 to 3.50 We Now Feature Ere Garage USE THIS COUPON LAKETOWN cation at the home of Mrs. Innes parents, Bp. and Mrs. John H. Weston. Mr. and Mrsv Denning Smith and family, Mrs. Sarah Smith and Mrs. Elsie Webb, all former residents and now living in Ogden, were calling on relatives here Monday and Tuesday. Mr? and Mrs. Frank Price and daughter June, of Salt Lake spent the 24th in Laketown. Sunday nad Monday guests at the home of Mrs. C. E. Cheney, were Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Lemon and sons Milton and Douglas, of Ogden, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Linton of Nephi, Utah. Mr. Louis Wahlstrom of Ogden spent several days visiting townsfolk here last week. Mrs. Ross Cheney sponsored a birthday party Thursday evening on the lawn at her home honoring her daughter Connie Jean. Out door games were played eary in the eve- ning and later indoor games were played in the home, with refreshments served to a number of young friends. All had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Parley W. Hart and son Duane of Ogden were calling on ' friends Monday. if Wlud tyou Buy With WAH BONDS k 'k Many of the women of the Womens Auxiliary Army Corps are already overseas serving in various capacities to help win the war. The WAACS go through a strenuous training to fit them for the arduous duties they must oerform. A uniform for a WAAC, complete, costs approximately $170.00. The quartermasters department must provide thousands of them. Your purchase of War Bonds helps pay' for these uniforms. Invest at least ten percent of ycur income in War Bonds every payday through a Payroll Savings plan at your office or factory. U.S. Treasury Department Invasion Is Costly fighting Your Boy Gins 100 per cent; How about your bond buying? Olive Putnam and family of Evan- Wendell Cornia was made a counselor in our bishopric. He is filling the ston was here visiting Tuesday. made by Reed Putnam being Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Putnam were called into the armed forces. ' shoppers at Evanston Tuesday. The ladies around town are still busy at Sacrament Sunday meeting Mr. quilting at Relief Society. I think they are really enjoying the social side of it very much, also the very nice lunchInvasion Costs es they have been getting served, also getting many beautiful quilts completMore Money ed. Mrs. Kenneth Hoffman was a visitor UpYourPayrolI at the home of Chas. Cox and family Tuesday afternoon and evening. Savings today Mr. and Mrs. Heber Cox received a letter from their son, Ray, this week. day. LaMar Perkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Perkins of Ogden who has been working on the Dale Hatch ranch went to Ogden Saturday to attend the rodeo. Mrs. Leo McKinnon, daughter Arlene, McKinnon and daughter Mrs. Glen Sherrie, visited in Logan Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Miss Sherrie remained for a short visit with relatives. Darrell Marshall, Blaine Marshall and Frank McKinnon, returned home Monday alter spending the 24th in Ogden. Glen Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoffman from Hawaii is visiting Randolph relatives and friends. Mr. Hoffman fulfilled a two year mission for the LDS church in Hawaii then obtained employment there. It has been four years since Glen, was home. Seaman Hubert Hellstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hellstrom is home on leave. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chipp and son Jack, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. Chipp who Mrs. R. G. Marshall. is a switchman on the railroad had the misfortune to fall from a box car breaking an arm. Mrs. Bell Bellman, who is employed at Ogden spent last week end in Randolph. Mrs. W. E. Marshall was an Evanston shopper Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Olsen, and children of Provo visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' Johnson. Betty Nicholls, daughter of Mrs. Nicholls, returned home Wedfrom a short visit in Evanston. Lilly Passey returned home last Thursday from a three day visit at Miss Velda nesday Miss Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Arch McKinnon and son came home Wednesday from several days visit at Salt Lake City. Mr. McKinnon seeking medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bell have returned from several days visit at Rock Springs. Cramer of L. B. Pead and Lewis Salt Lake who have teen here for the past week looking over the phosphate mines east of Randolph, returned to Salt Lake City Thursday. John L. Corless son of Mrs. Goldie Corless and Ralph Moffat were Salt Lake visitors during the week. Mrs. J. O. Rex and daughter, Mrs. Edna Bateman were last week visitors at Salt Lake City. Mrs. Ella Schenck returned home on Monday from a short visit to Salt Lake. George I. Barker and daughter Sharon, motored to Ogden Sunday. Miss Elaine Hoffman of Ogden visit-- u Randolph relatives during the week. Miss Mary McKinnon and Mrs. Katie Keys of Evanston came Friday for a few days visit with Randolph kin. Donald Wagstaff, auditor for the is in Farm Security Administration town this week. Mrs. Rachel Wilson, Mrs. Rilla Peterson and boy friend and Mrs. Elva Wilson and baby visited in Randolph this week. Mrs. Reta Weston had the misfortune to have her car catch fire Wednesday. Fred Smith put out the fire with wet sand, but the car was badly damaged. Mrs. Paul Hanney came home Wednesday from Ogden where she has been employed. Mr. and Mrs. Irel Longhurst and children of Heber City visited in Randolph and Evanston this week. Dr. Reay returned from a three day trip to Soda Springs Wednesday. Little Miss Martha Jean, daughter ..f Rhepps, who suffered a broken leg when thrown from a horse last week, returned home from the Soda Springs hospital Monday. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoffman are reported ill this week. Ralph Jones, Life insurance man came to town Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Weston Barker and children of Evanston were Randolph visitors Thursday. Miss Elva Feller was a stage passenger to Evanston Friday. Mrs. Leonard Manwearing has gone to Logan to care for her mother, who is ill. Mrs. Edna Smith, son Wayne D., and Mrs. Mary A. Smith were business visitors at Evanston Thursday. Mrs. Lewis Longhurst returned home last Wednesday from a months visit in the east with her son Gene, and wife and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer are moving to the camp above Evanston. Mrs. John Smith of Salt Lake City is visiting Randolph relatives this week. Mrs. Dallas Johnson and children were Evanston business visitors during the week. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hatch and children were in Evanston on business last Tuesday. Mrs. Goldie Corless attended the rodeo at Ogden Sunday. , o ' Beautifully Furnished . . ' ! o o o NEWS FROM OUR BOYS AND GIRLS IN s, half-doze- After eight tries this husky wlho old Philadelphian, o FREE GARAGE members of the Girl Reserves of Salt Lake City, recently initiated a new feature at this air forces basic training center secretarial service for soldiers. pace, Taking dictation at rapid-fir- e n stenos soon took care of the the correspondence difficulties of many soldiers stationed at this post. According to present plans, the Girls Reserves will send members to the service club every Monday night for the benefit of men wlho have let their letter writing lag. , He used to ride horses, but now he says he is out to get a couple of jackasses Hitler and Hirohito. He is former jockey at such stadia os Churchill Downs, Santa Anita, Jamaica, Hialeah, and Belmont Now he is Pvt. Samuel, trainee, at Kearns. 5696. Behind Army Serial Number that identification symbol, with half the usual number of digits, lies the story of Pfc. James P. Dunn, Jr. shorthand-tyipist- $1.50, to $3.00 Broadway and WestTemple Basic Training News Six oo THE U.S. SERVICE (Continued From Page One) has recently been promoted to the rank of Master Sargeant. In a letter received by his wife, Jackie Gray Kennedy, he said that he had just returned from a two weeks stay at a rest camp in the mountains and had enjoyed it1 very much, being his first leave from active duty for quite a long time. Dean Nicholls, son of Mrs. Velda Nicholls is reported to be in North Africa and has been promoted to the rank of Seaman 1st Class in Uncle Sams Navy. Wallace Snowball is going to school N. J., and is taking specialized training for future duty with He expects to have Rigid Airships. his by the end of training completed in Laketihurst, July. ar has Served in seven engagements of World War I, was finally accepted. ' Now he is Stationed at this army air forces basic training center A soldier in one of the PXs noticed that the jeep sitting across from him always bought two bottles of beer and Wonderdrank them simultaneously. ment prompted him to ask how come. Im used to 6 percent brew the GI replied this way I get the same thing. First officer of the Auxiliary to ar-i- e at Kearns for duty is Third Officer Janet M. Lindner, Buffalo, N. Y., .. ho came as head of a cadre of twelve members of tihe womens organization. The cadre is already at work preparing for the arrival of more 'WAACS. In a letter frost Sgt. Clayton Longhurst dated July 12, we quote the last part of his letter: Were still getting along fine in Africa. Certainly had a treat yesterday. Had real steak for our dinner and then for dessert we had Wasnt like good old Amcantalope. erican cantalope but still plenty good. We have our own mess hall now. get all we want to set. Cen-tain- ly Suppose by now you have read all about the invasion of Sicily. So far we have had a ringside seat, and wee hoping all goes well. We get to listen to a radio. Cart tune in on Germany, Italy and England. Certainly good to listen to a little American jazz once in a while. A lot of programs are broadcast in English. Wnodering how everything is at home. Hope you are all well. Think a lot about home. The pea patch should be about ready to pick now. Still as hot as ever. The flies are thick in the day time, and the mosquitoes thick at night. But we dont mind it so bad. So long for now, Clayton. Hie War Bonds should meai something more to you tha' just a good sound inves' ment. Figure it out yourscl' . Wltai fyfou Buy WUlt WAH BONDS " Electrification has made , Rural great strides during the past ten years, bringing to thousands of farm Mrs. Jean Wilson, formerly Miss Elva Wilson, and her eight montn old son, Jean Carlton, axe visiting in Randolph with friends and relatives. Her husband, Lt. Jean Wilson, is with the fighting forces in the North African homes the conveniences of their city area. brothers. Today, however, copper wiring, fixtures all the materials 4-Club Meetings which are required for rural electrification are out for the duration. Continued from Page one , H Work Young on Angel Food cakes. period was spent making cakes. Gloria Mae Lamborn, reporter. The Good Will club of Laketown had their first outing at the Ideal Beach on July 13th. Visitors were invited and were Laura Myers, Irene Robinson, Hazel Weson, Ella Mae Willis. Time was spent swimming, having supper and dancing. - We all had a good time. Gloria Mae Lamborn, reporter. I Probate and Guardianship The farmers of the nation, however, can start now buying rural electrification and all the equipment which goes with it through purchase of War Bonds. Your War Bonds today will buy rural electrification tomorrow and give you back $4 for every $3 you invest. U. i. Tieatury Department FQ&yiCTORY M BUY UNITED STATES WAR NOTICES CONSULT CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT OR THE RESPECTIVE SIGNERS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In The District Court of the First . Judicial District of the State of Utah, in and for Rich County In the Matter odf the Estate of LOUISA M. CHENEY, Deceased.' Creditors will present their claims, vouchers, to the undersigned Joseph A. Cheney, Administrator of the estate of Louisa M. Cheney, deceased, at the office of M. C. Harris, 208 Cache Valley Bank Bldg., Logan, Utah, on or before the 11th day of Sept. 1943. Dated this 9th day of July, 1948. JOSEPH A. CHENEY, Administrator of the estate of Louisa M. Cheney, deceased. Dated of publication: July 9, 16, 23, 30 Wbonds f AND and August 6, 1943. "THEY GIVE THEIR LIVES YOU LEND YOUR MONEY" STAMPS Bay an Additional Bond Now A |