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Show 4 f & Released by Western Newspaper Union. Cows Should Be Fed On Basis of Milk Given 'T'HE return of Patty Berg, bril-lia- nt Minneapolis professional, to the golfing wars was a pleasant event to the thpusands of persons Feed Cannot Be Spared who watched her win ,the recent V8w8wY8V Womens Western Open golf tournaFor Low Producers ment at Chicago. As you know, the buxom Miss knows yet how the crop Nobody nrm v .yWMWjvvnyvynOTtT v.r av.v ir. WvmwM yields of corn, wheat, barley, soy- Berg was told by physicians after beans, cottonseed and linseed will an automobile accident in Texas In compare with past averages, E. J. December, 1941, that she would be Perry of Rutgers U. points out. And lucky to walk again, let alone play feed dealers cannot get deliveries golf. But the golfing galleries saw f very far in advance or in so large Patty trudging over the fairways amounts as formerly. This makes with her knee still bound tightly. it especially important to waste no Although she limps slightly, she has concentrates in feeding, but to feed good reason to be proud of the every cow strictly according to her progress. milk yield in order to meet 1943 Her heartening comeback did not come without a great deal of efgoals. fort. She explains it simply. If theres no time to mark down daily milk yields, Perry A year ago I started practicing for half an hour a day until I got so urges dairymen to do it every week or 10 days and readjust I could pivot fairly well. Then I started playing a few holes at a grain feeding accordingly. On pasture, the rate of concentrate time, finally working it up until I feeding will depend upon how good the pasture is. Early grass up to July usually has more digestible protein than the later, so much less grain is then required than in the .winter months. v l .Pasture is the most natural feed for cows and with plenty of it they will shine at the pail, and be in condition to start a good job in the barn this coming fall. It is not uncommon for a cow only medium in size to eat 100 pounds of pasture daily. Neglect of pastures and of cows on pasture is one of the bigDuring the first five days of the gest problems facing the dairymen invasion of Sicily, 1,200 prisoners today. were captured by ' Allied troops. This soundphoto shows a few of Allied forces, in one of the greatest combined land, sea and air mili- them ' being guided through mine await embarkation from the tary operations of all time, swarmed over 100 miles of southeastern Sicilian fields tozone. battle coasts commencing the sound-phot- o Men invasion. in European above are passing ammunition to attacking forces which rapidly pushed far inland. More than 2,000 Allied ships transported troops and S.; helped pound the enemy. Despite the tremendous size of the attacking forces, most units were reported to have arrived at their objectives exactly on time. Sicilian Invaders Pass the Ammunition ' long-await- , To the Rear ri V ATrm ed To Aid U. , Machine Recruits for the Army For cows giving 35 to 40 pounds of milk a day, a feed ratio of one pound of grain a day for every seven pounds of milk is about right. To help herd owners provide conditions favorable to high yields during the pasture season, Perry offers Tanks, jeeps and other types of military motor conveyances are shown lined up as far as the eye can see in the war departments Calif., tank depot. War equipment is assembled at the Ford Motor companys Richmond plant to which it is sent from eastern plants' by rail for a final check before being sent into battle. Rich-mon- Chasing the Japs From the Sea W IIIH'I" WWHWt! WWWIW" AWWM.V V v dr Henri Hoppenot, who has been appointed to succeed Admiral Georges Robert as high commissioner for the Antilles. This change was expected to put the facilities and resources of this area, including the island of Martinique, on the side of the Allies. Two French cruisers and six tankers which had been demobilized at Martinique may be refitted for Allied use. Sets New Record the following reminders: Fertilize permanent pastures and provide special summer supplementary pastures accord- PATTY BERG could go the full round only several months ago. But I never played more than 18 holes in one day until now. Going the 29 holes to win twice convinced me my comeback is a success. Recovery Route Another thing that is a tremendous help is swimming. I go to an indoor pool every morning when not in a tournament and swim for about 30 minutes. Then I straighten my knee by pumping a bicycle. Youll find me out riding a bike every day now. Then, too, she has altered her playing methods to some extent Patty credits Les Bolstad of Minneapolis, one of the Northwests n pros, with changing her swing and stance to ease the pressure on her injured knee. ing to the recommendations of the county agricultural agent. Practice rotation grazing from one plot to another. Avoid too early and too close grazing. For regular pasture, four to six inches is a good height. About Bowling Adapt the kind and amount of Despite the many obvious handito the kind and amount of grain confronting it, bowling recentcaps is in pasture. Early pasture high wound up one of the most sucly mixdigestible protein and the grain ture used can have 3 or 4 per cent cessful seasons in history and still less protein than is usually needed retains top place as the most popular participant sport. for winter feeding. A report released by the AmerFor the higher testing breeds, a good trial starting rate for a cow ican Bowling Congress shows that which gives 30 pounds of milk a there are 16,000,000 Americans now day is one pound of grain for five spilling pins. This total includes pounds of milk, and for the lower 13,500,000 men, 2,000,000 women and testing breeds, those giving 35 to 40 approximately 500,000 youngsters. pounds a day, a good rate is one Of these, 14,200,000 bowl against tenpound of grain for every seven pins the big pins and 1,800,000, pounds of milk, Perry says. Using principally along the eastern and and watching the scales carefully southern seaboards, roll against will tell the story and yield dividuckpins and candlepins. dends for the owner and the country. It may surprise you to learn that In hot weather, the herd will be the busiest bowling proprietor In the better off in the barn during the lat- country is your Uncle Sam, who ter half of the afternoon, especially manages 2,027 alleys at army, navy, if the bam is cool and the flies are marine and coast guard stations. partially controlled. Figures also show that where bowling is made available to men in the armed forces it is one of the Prevent Farm Fires most popular recreations, in Fifty per cent of our farm fires the majority of cases supporting itare preventable, states F. W. self and providing additional funds general agent of the Farm for other recreational facilities. Credit administration of St. Louis. Statistics arent the most fascinatEvery farmer should take extra precautions to see that fires are not ing things in the world, but it may caused by defective flues, sparks on be fairly interesting to learn that the roof, smoking, spontaneous com- the ABC estimates that 6,000,000 bustion and improper handling of men and women between the ages of 40 and 50 are regular bowlers. gasoline and kerosene. Five million are found between the the For duration it will be exages of 30 and 40, and so on down tremely difficult to obtain the lum- the age classifications. ber, hardware, roofing and labor to The hold bowling has taken rebuild. The WLB has limited construction to that which, regardless throughout the nation is a strong of cost, (a) is essential to meet one. There are approximately bowling alley beds in 10,000 production goals, (b) is consistent with sound agricultural practices, establishments over the country. This is approximately a 300 per cent (c) uses a minimum of scarce materials, and (d) does not interfere increase in the availability of bowling over figures. with labor essential to war indus' best-know- year-roun- d WVAVT on-po- st Nie-mey- l.wH.d Witt Old Glory lyiny from submarine enters an Arctic port after the enemy in the Pacific. The Jap Uai sent three enemy warships and two merchantmen to JT Gunder Hagg, Swedish runner, is shown as he broke the tape to set a new official record of 8 minutes and 53.9 seconds for the two mile event in the Los Angeles coliseum. He failed to beat his own unofficial she indicate that time of 8 minutes and 47.8 seconds. the botto m. 70,-0- 1935-3- 6 tries - . 00 , |