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Show w a. LAS1 CUT TBE 3ESSS5T KSWg SIX - I1HI DAY BIBLE' r a. lut lee XMI AT TABERNACLE tri? M " Km u u Beard ToPrcriia T7crii Harris, Pionaer. M thu tryutrt su Utu rml stuUsuu, and tucu play, tur this lb big ahtmtlg tmmm uft ha ptaau u kaow usr worth. (1 hsutr ht lot uf bust tuu aoaall to HU thrtr bvrtA.J Thu bus. h guy rtf cry karts. Utu holy Iras, hru s yurt at urury sous, hut sill tboau oust Is sajw rules ueu thruufh thu FtarwrtgbF achustut know that by thatr acuen their uws future tboy uauurr. vhilu luck uf mdarateadtag braada them as tba antatssr? Fras thesi "tie" hkraauk with yawar ask weatak Ha etc pacta ntaey thing. ssaairtuh character yhrtrayaia stay ho tutors king. Wfctto "big ahetg" aba wuuid ho tha ataca and all tha spoils divide. Is sbsars ta ceue stay ualy ha "tha (real k!f uolea autaida. ho ial'a yet la aud ylay aau yart Bo matter aer ha dlacuaaalata hacaaaa sur ataall rols where areata lacuaat tu haaa ha hsarutf sa tha act ara wa Bel ehli-drof all "Hi, whs thsttrh ha ahaatcoa us. ytltl hutau thu ayarruw'a fallT fca If waru down aad uat lut'u du uur hurt had lace tha fart, though this la net tha ruts wu crave, Hg wrttlaa la tha art. Aud whea tha great big abaw comes aft If wa sack da sue stuff, wa may fled as bavu "bcirp.d' tba bird wbs'a last a btalaat bluff. Fcr 313 Uen Projects Ready to Start Thia Week Announceij Wblta a Hand lag a priesthood At Meeting. meeting la Ike Vi htitiar ward chapKaaaaag-taat rest aad el. Rr oad East arenas. Mlcah raacia Harris About 16 men will bs put to hubday was "N'aUoaaJ Bible died uf a heart attack. Mr. Harris, work this week os meke.work Pay. .and waa flttlacty ubaarvad whs was a petnurck ta D rant ataaa. bad hues 111 fur a wuuk hot ta tba Tf barnacle at tuartai aerv-Irs- a committee funds ta Improve Mam- Now Clrlgty gad Morrif toamtad ua AUasdtng thu moating bectnaing at 1 ory park road, e.cat.t. a bear wbac u Mr. Harris served in tbu blahop-rlBosgit tne gtaUungry. t Hog Is Gardes nos. and Udar Part Edgar Yeung. at the At thu Heaafar ward tor II la Ckriatmaay desiga: aides snlveraity and Firat South Ktrat Carta Fraatdaota of thu Car years. Id uf which ha was btehug a With bright holly wreath. itneu along tbu sdgs of the la April Jill, hu wag ordained uutluh, u plala ad to thu vialtum the Room to writs ondemcath, tanput "Mwase- - uoaeuyttaa of thu Bibla. petr larch la Rummlt utahu,asearnwen Arrangemenla for paUI b. tow- - j Kldar Toung ytualded. Eduard SMd Merrio, -I- Ttota ing tu Roll Lake in 111 F. him ball waa at tba ceoaol. of triarch to Grant staku. During his comof at ebambsr tbs afernoos rust done Is Rod Laks City, bs has tha urggh Tba Invecattoa was ofmerce. of K. A. Weal, chairman of been ah Active temple worker, and fered by Elder Hyrtua J. hmitb the projects subcommittee of tb at tha temple aad tba buaudtrtlaa by Eldar AltTm. f. make-worg " aiC .dmsrr urmaaBKi .a was la attendance committee; R. A. Hart, bert T. hurting. Included ta thu Ratarday. commltues secretory, had C R Mr. Harris was bora la Hast! auditoco wars II small buy aad Fester, aeeUtant secretary. Routh glow. Monmouthshire.son a girl Hum tbu Sixteenth ward, who Other projects receiving at Thomas tba os Aug. I. listened ta thu program with defor subsequent work are aad Asa William Harris. Wha corum aud undent teJurmaaL tba Art Barn. Bonneville golf waa a bay at six. tbs family Wrtaoaaaa Tlai tor. course, capital grounds. Civic Censd tbs Atlas tie. landing ta Knw OrEldar T oung first welcomed tba alarm station. ter. fairground, fir leans. and made Its way g tbs visitor. axplamtng tba yuryaae cf Airport and construction ot George tba meeting and celling attention Mississippi by boat tu Mobraaka arches ever tbs four Washington City. tu Tttkiial Uible Huy." Tba Am-- . main highway leading Into Rail In Juno, mi, the Harris family erican Biblu aauactalKm had naked Present Refusal Lake. Beck to PubOff b left Nebraska City for I'tah, whore all Christina socle tu consider n R- V Tbs make .work committee street. Girdncr. Ill part of, and Id devote eurne alter. ion ta It' Then to Reach Address they arrived la tbs ta toiler lic Lend Bill at tba new Hsaafsr. d. rectory manager for met Monday afternoon With a view ta spreading tba inSeptember, at uhat chamber building to consider tbs Aa a young Bias. Mr. Harris madejth Mountain States Telephone allotment af funds to tha various fluents uf tbu BIMa, ha bald. Upheld. several trips acroes the ptolne, and "Wa art glad ta comply with Telegraph company, died In projects and a policy to datormlae Hits request, said Elder Toung. bringing freight gad Utbsr sgppUns Pocatello, Idaho, use of funds for employment af I bo settler. fallowing a heart uktllsd for Reims wa believe "A a 1 tter-dy- y worker. Mr. Harris attack. 1111. Congressman Del B. Colton g le- II, January la tba Bible, and us baileys that E. W. Kelly to chairmen sd tb ta n r ! h b U married Mary Jane Bund. Eleven and greeting cards ts ranch J Mr. Gardner, oa tbs Amertraa Blbl society to doing who wag b committee. teral f children were bora ts thu anion. business aiSCb dvallnalton hufors Christ- argtng a aaw. or bv Gov Thu four surviving ara George trip, waa token 111 early j, ceamwdU tbs mat acre anueunced Monday atady sad saw Interaat in a letter ta rt kcjeorgalL barn Henefer; Joeepb B. Hartta. In the day and died a few hours shirk la gurely needed. Ioel.'imeter John Mr J her. Tiroenttlve Colton.la y Bland Ing: David O. Harris. Barley, later in a Pocatello hospital a great collection of 'latest dat--- g for mailing at halt Tba Bible-tnight. Mi. Gardner went ts Idaho; Hynint B. Harris, Balt Lake. books, written br prophets, and we Lake artHar-n- s lo Mr. tbs ts to Salt and bring body Hie wife died Is Dor. hold the Bible to be sacred aa it' Austria, llec. T. Belgium. Locatefor burial. married Agnes Peterson Jonue Aone, Dec. It; gives accounts of ancient people II. ratiama tana! Oevho-HoaklMr. Gardner. 41 years bo was g uf C. Jones In Logan, Ray Imc. lilt. It. have learned that th great aplrlt Iuha Thera was ntvsy .tlm history had been a director of the have taarned tht the great aplrti lire. 7. Drumark. England. Franca. 'national! ark landa t the gavaru-o- f fooler eon. aleo survives. had lived old. Bait Lake ha club and a when brotherly loss was mors Adiertlatug For the last year Cod has bran oith mankind Germany. Inland.. Holland. of bla non, Hjrum B. member of the Ktwants club. He nsedad than now, J. A .Barclay, Dee. 11: Fin- What would the human race do to- - land and Kw tx W( , rectal ly proposed that at the home I tit west Reeond Routh had held hi present position for past exalted ruler of Salt Labs 'land. Grier. Hungary, Norway, me state bo given in Harris. day without II T" yu.u street. Other survivor include II three year. Ha waa born la Am- lodgs Ns. IS. B. F. O. E.. declaredy ere Boland. Rumania. Spain. uhleh to accept or reject tba Elder Toung aatd there at annual memorial services erican Fork. Sept. 14. 1IIL grandchildren aad 14 grsat-graarlena regarding the Bible Rwadrn, Kusaia and Tugonlavth, poanl, Ha ta eurthed b hie widow, svenlng la tbs Aasambly HalL and mans Inlet prrta'lona of tha Her 7: Italy llec. I. Fa name. Uevariur Darn aa.d that mbits lw children. Hs urged tbs necessity of tbo Mrs Deaeia Bigelow Gardner, five could Pot properly oppong tba inncrtplursA bill mat there waa one Dec. 17; I'orto Rico, Dec. It. eons and daughters by g prior practice of the cardinal principles year pioposaU it waa DU thought sure nay, and that through that marriage Mra Naomi" FderYad f tbo Benevolent and Protective the govammant ohniild ndo.it . .. . man , apint of Ood hlh eeiT nd dectorad that Allan R Gardner, both of bf Rtb a do homing policy durliuj Lo;0rd,r year tins woman and child has n right to On Jailed, Another more than over before, C T J, k w C.eraner of Balt- "tbla It la bin opinion that the parlod. C I have, ta come to an understand Ing w call of distress the muet heed iLaka. and Fonteltain daufhtcrm govornment ahnjld lainiaThe holy booh! Injured in 3. L. running of the scriptures " la and leOnella. alao of Salt Lake. and bring a measure of bepplneoe h Cfbabllllutlo ot teachea there Is one God. tha Fa-A the result of h knifing scraps, (.i Tbreo bandits robbed Bort l ub'u, domain. jhia mother Mra. KUen Gardner of to every child In need." Ih.e of 111 all Jesus Thnat. and Henry L. F.ggerteon duff spoke oa the Mart.nei. lt, w in tha coun- - "Tba Sadaral govammant allowed yell, taxicab driver. American Fork, and two sudor. ? Emma Mjera, American Fork nnrpoee of memorial day; Exalted Tamplo otroot bf hla taxicab rans4 "..nd Mrs. Laprlel Hyer, Lewiston. Ruler Harry 8 Joseph and other day night and left him Twenty-flrt Twenly-fira- t hast and officer dedicated tbe slier end De-- , told he streets. end South performed the Elks ritual; w like aA rHew an Insht to tho In rfarttn tho afftav. tectlves M. D. McGInneee aad Basil Edwards pronounced the a uu fcundar. finite power of ow It to toachM At E. Egglsaton. Masons Confer Order - eulogy. . . R. Apelyrea aad W. C. Hmlth VrAnlUin LIiClcaYwr Immortality and thr fart that las taggell said the men entered, oond nd w"'n; U 1 ample on Two Men sons learned her and the pow r ert called lo Fifth Weal and kU cab Week ced Arran . ond Houth etreeta ty Frank Uar-streets an" ordered him to drltei her live a on and on. na mho told them iner had boen Thlrtoenth East street and at: The Order of the Temple waa1 En-- i' ntm Chrtolton for Arrangements KliW Tounf aaid ha hopod fhe a knife haMIo. deavur Weak Januarr 11 Feh. bla point one of tha men drew kjconferred upon Charles F. Barrett! found Tha llartlnaa dette'hea aoon would Hina whan lh tn'or.d Alan A. dteelo Raturday night "?. ord,r,d ruary - , were' made by Utah oeat, Bible would be read bv all peoples apparently In a serious raidltloa1 u,v orai a at gocloty ivmpie y meeting!?, wore bound behind hla, rhb Masons In special nd J0b hltn to the amergency f tb bod of all nation, and thtt If It truth conclave, council Bat ur I?d be were underrtood there wou.d .k the SUd E,nlB Blr Har' Rlh, V.oY.VvVm! I. 1)04 r.7V-he- r, torttoea1S. 1 VRtg.H ,W! had .ne.udedtb.l-- rd SS pxxt commander of El Monte com Ihe- - arrested. r:od' Martins, waa I. a cud Meditation. Id aad IT. tha eounell naighhorhood drove Rteggoll to mandery No. tof Ogdon, and sov forgiveness, ani,tB( ,rrap jg, aocerdlng to WillJanuary old hymn tune arranged be the or pol.re reportx meet la Salt Lake to grand Inapectw general of Sugar Heuso wbara ho telephoned erclgn Scotiiah Rita Msionry in Paul C. Brown, pacific roe Utah, ganiet, and Prayar" In O flat for the police. Mr. re (ary for the International society, and knighted Mr. Barrett HOME RANSACKED Steele. mem peak. Officer aad eounell Heed Fell Tenk on were a din ber Weil High Debater church at unite g Pasa key burglars Invaded the before tbe evening evasion Rtnl.y' Carter, Of S. L. Truck Worker Funerel Rite Held Meet Ogden Dec. 10'bmc OfNorth street Sunday. ru- .Fourth For Uteh Seed Men Norman B Hatton, tl. son of Resolved that United Rtate sacked tha rooms la tho abeenre Final Rite Held Mra B. A. Hatton lil weot Sixth war of the family, and decamped with should cancel ihe allied S. For Hotel Men will be the luhject of a a fur coat, two women's suite, debts'' between Ogden hi aad Meat high school high December It. Moore and John Joe R. Brow. worihlpful m- - trB'cVVorlhe Rlo "tirandV Motor j waa SOX BORN Tb 'rTc hir'd' matva'rtda'f'or by opening prayar chr ',m In... wht tha accident bap- - Joseph rreac and tho benediction "Iw.yx M,Ska .P. d r v f was tha ,UI!am H waa ruahed lo tho by lmrl B. Naodham. Edwaal H principal speaker. Mr.pnBd. ni b 1 court announce Wey wag burte In the Argaatoem.rgncy hoopllal and later dedicated th grata in City den 1? mooth. birth f a- bojr on Jrembr L !ode vinlt la lit. Olivet ctmtrr. mevM to Holy Cro Cemetery. honptuL At tu. sln4, Wg 7 155T S.LJcbCreati:n Heart Attack IWn Fatal to Franc U arar. Wtl Ilk. U W prirlpl M b! tkm oa tu rub! Much ntn'i iimu1 trust (ki "csut thus trust tbu utru "auk. Thu great 'D4r.ci.r alt uisut gag watch qv. tf ta Elder Lri Edgar Young Ejrplaiaa Church Stand On Scriptures. DECEMBER Pttrac!) Diu At Pnll:: C::t THE SHOWDOWN OBSERVED MONDAY nrww' .9 4k n f Uir CirU Ftioutijr Lecfeam Monday Aa addrsaa wui ha gdvua Moa-da- y duba'g sveaiftg ai p aa. at Ktstb East Epwrspal ChsrcA. Mias Arnold. Francos street, by field uueratary f thu Girl's Friesd-S- r Honty at Aaeurtca. aa Mias Arautwhu ta a tour t.' Htapautms. will upuad twa weeks la I tah apeak mg tu tbu wmiui It lilt rui.da aad axaiudartaa , AKUWED. Arrangement fur a Chriutauto dancing party at tbu Nuwbusau hotel sa Doc. ft, worn rom plated lk ARCS at a meeting uf the Ephraim Junior club bun day afierssua at the be.el Eld os Frost Is ehairaisa of tha ea lertalnment committee; Gene yol-- , "okhlp. aad WUium UNITED AIR u LINES 0"-grott- o aa uYu sm JANUARY PniCEO EFFECTIVE RIGHT k Don Contends ennaid-eratio- lll, ANY GARMENT IN THE HOUSE -- Action of Colton Mut bf j L'lab-IUah- s ' r4 Run-da- s III, Brotherly Love Declared Vital suits, tc?::ats, ocoits, tuxedos lit f rtitawtti, itM Ctritfltttfc lot A FURMBILT SUIT LS A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT hcot-lB1,- rU-td- j 1 y Bus-da- d Three Bandits Rob Taxi Oliver An1' fn:Cn. 1 -- bkt MM Uk Itttf MAIN STREET 118 SOUTH Ftr Ytttf SALT LAKE CITY MORRIS ROSEN, Mr. Dtcma flJ.il.m 1 , Kdin. eln, thA.MJ SToTpe" A::rpra.r.m r ruth K? No Furnace Worries j with tUwt!nr L P Si 'la Modernise your heating system with Natural Gas and you will enjoy a new freedom from furnacg cares. Just Imagine! A fully automatic. Natural Gas horns heatinc system for $5.00 down and $2.10 a month! How can we do It? Why do w do it? Well, here is the story! WE KNOW that Natural Gas is the cleanest, quickest, most satisfactory foci you can nae. WE KNOW it costa no more than other fuels, all thing considered. A complete service of cook in, refrigeration, water heating and heating by Natural Gan under the NEW LOW RATES costs less than by any other pta. The Event All Salt Lake Has Been W aiting For! 150 EXTRA SAI.ESPF.OPm The AtortmenU Are Tremendous! WELL-TRAINE- D Every department Partidpates! We believe we can convince yon of these facts if given an opportunity. So we decided to make yoa thin unusual offer to test Natural Gas at our risk. Try it in your horn thia winter or longer if you desire! Ask us to take it out if you think you can we take do without it. You have had the service lose! Yon cant all the loss. K Are you interested if the cost is within your reach? Then come in or phone for a heating engineer for more information. We will install before Christmas. DAY ONLY! TUESDAY-O- NE UTAH 6AS OGDEN GAS COMPANY All The Pans 88c Day excite interest but this is greater than ever before! Gifts for everyone! For men, women, boys, girls, infants! Gifts for the home! Every item has been carefully checked and represents the best value possible for the money! TUESDAY ONLY - SnHgOsM - Early To Get The Bes t Values! , : mm;.. ;i C' ft v WASATCH 1 rrinm -- ..a tl GAS CO. Ttmh ( MMaalt! wrtnn Irpt, torrirq, C Rent It or Buy It For S2.10 a Month STREET CAR FARES - - - 5c To and from" the Down Town business district between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. through the cooperation of the Utah Light and Traction Co. Come CO. I SffMSf lab Lak Cby The Best Items In Every ; No Ashes to Carry No Dirt to Sweep iHtliiStftiSi |