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Show ' t4r Jg & r N - DiKlO.'T TMi2 NEWS Farm PrcjecU to Boom In 1822, Agent Report; Fruit, Animal, Vegetable Life To bo Aided. Ends Wide Search FARM BUREAU Henring tar be Held in Rooms REQUESTS CUT Cowmtsa'konem ' Dec. 14. IN TAXES, PAY a eawua t Elmer 4 Nelson. Holden, bk V lerwpa a.Hit sfwctar. mixsd 14 patauw for rabbits Parowin Growers Teachers Pledge Pool 500 Turkeys Aid to Wool T Ha raws r ROW AN. Dra. tuikar rara kaaa arkiaa r, rnoaiHl A. C. Mat a paaL Tkav kaaa wsara tka k lk-- uwaa acWeala all Pavawaa taarkar. 4,, i)t p, ready tar tka a Miras la Wav at kasa ckrwiiwaa markaU Aoan Das', laaat tkrra Chnatmaa llta wkka M n Uurr aai Ryraa KaWiaaaa tram ere 1b member ef tb ntrtai ka a kaaa MSBalaclara aval kiara woal ta tka malar ladu.tr aa raaaidara la Ikia aMItaa It ta aurpart tka Hat mi4i ( AtMrtb- - I I ,rHf Tmarr m I'ta m(y oa at wt pi. ka Pr,dhii , u er ad ml-ii- 4-- I First Aid Course Opens to ScoutsL. t Dr. William T.EHL Dac. Xkarttoa, anndaeta ika f rat at a k irat As aarlr wrivr tka at ika Lrkl isasms aa tka LaM lao-s- I: !ist Da-irt- cl, All May Bcaata, Sroatora kara at tka Lokl ckaplar at tka sack Craaa ala la vita 4a alias M Batudtr. . The Poplar Orovo end Went . Men will play f t i CARTLK DALE, Dse. X Only vm. sk. Leoret rhi'b p w t njf should lem arm rnm j(h champs In their roapecMvo, -- I ckv BAA. Poplar Grove and Single Application Woo t Jordan Play Seeks Drought Aid Jor-- fa. j wt taa, a. I ti Craaa. Katuraay ta tka lr RMamanat fr Lahl kaiidin. aa maa year. ra lur lat Hit EnterUin Resident of Kenosb a ky tka tommtt-i.a.r- s rtt oaths aft.r ka ka bara km aaaaMtsratMn I'HOYO, Dee, . Continued enlargement of the dairy herd aukou.k aa Dual acuaa rloyr at tba Reuldar 4aa cob. KANORH. Doc. T Tho Kooti. lakaa. work. kaa ka.a Birutlisn exten-atwork one aa of the major ectjviUea of the improvement PROVO, Dm. f.--Tkt Hia mathar, Mrs. KlUakaik N.I- - Tootla' Cookosa a auar:l!a troaoa Om at taa Aaparlimela 4a i work in Utah county is recommended in the annual report farm bttrtRti vrU a titmr aoa racism a Irttar Uam kua last froia Eaaaofc 4.4 FulMor. kal aa a targar aanraarialMM wus a at lor lo al aovM la 4 tat Faklic ill .marts. nUrtw Ika Disk la eaakir wark. alalia that ka ka of Lymaa K. Rich, agncultural agent. ewty IV lor aoaia lliae. kut Ik Boar rear- - I 4k. ar kail TkurMay vrBip Uwr4 redact la. kaaJth anil arkosa fcurt rampoibfc vm of lb treup aa member Tb aa 414.44 ( The report ia a compreUeesiv and complete summary of the Utsri la this payment yrar aural rrni.a InataUmrat itgttvMt pant Vlik 7 IS last yaas. Tka For KM lima rslativ.a frarod lac 1'u'Orrt Rt.l.iK)n. of the eateoaioa ataff consisting of IS pages of typewritten tb K' vakaaOoe. treeo. af win unit ihmmI bMbh Mni4ntife4 gg ley tmen rhrltenen ti4iv4ui qualiatia un- Tbki prufraa via raaealH t Mtt eer Ltnden Robison and Nemal Neieon. material profusely illustrated with photograph. be itego. jxrttir 4u- - tec offucra cental .aaitsa. aaturdar by meat tattotia der the Uaderthp of flay leuno tb lb three ecbeet hf'lfugnf p4 radio ttufiiy The dairy program baa been lire seed for the last few year tba uc cded Mas Rrunn have a farm bur roaaltlN oMitm lrct of tb eeuety. at cnduited throubeut the In produtieg a ipaoi-icar- r a lor kim for Fork. as one of the major activities of the externum work. The proh-ah- le af Bit J. CU)iu. Amerlc erj xiever ' ud. latkllvt sttimala A. II. J vilie net Hail. a for 1441 kasa kara Das by Cmr lur. re new development rombova Th meek Neat Waxaick. d.partmrat hoads as follows. Ika C for next year will he the organisation of Ppaaiah Fork. W. R. Nwsmoa watt ihHOW UOllCge first f.urra v.ocaaalln goir.g re Fait Lake, mhrrg they mill a Got apis Guild, disease control measures on tuberculosis end Plena neat urove. Ik aa Tba prepo! for tba laalj ca.ramoat, Winner of OfAtory pley. of tatet met with tba ap- per ebortion, H elube end particularly that of registered tb year. County altr- dairy sires. fayaent of tba remailMianara. al- figure ney. MSJ4. MU; general fund jdj M.4KAIM v proval Aatmal kMkaMrr iiw college shI Df lh though they pointed oat that lela antsccliA neons, Hcbcr J. trani or- mora H,1JI ff. tVtVk'rUil contew particular. intive tctiog a on Id be .at 41 aorkla Says to 441.4. auditor. 11 arc anuoucced First a, ly wik nsoar la ltn, ikHS aal la Ik. fi.14 an US days ia th I H ekdi clerk. carry the chant late effect, tter $1S 14 M Redmond, erojacta aa lnli pjare ttpal v ta r d IndigeBt, la effto. Circular letters Ktit ut. It. mi ever Ittbamafrepoatl roocd pla e Miller lumgaard, b- awk, lk ttstri aa ,a. -n .that la rue ; eld U7 duc hou aaimric 1.441fcu!!e letters penaionn. Kpb- erml r,,. jf Paaltry rtwr4 Xa,in sM farm ealarte- - of I tab county officer, (umr ; infirmarv, ItSSSd. 1154 1h . uhje.t ma the M I A aoroant proiaca ara rttia ad'i'." l,h .l total attanrlaara.kal. the lS 2. rjlllll ' n are low atreadv ci.mparlaon courthouse grout'd !! F la oo Skapa, kut ail farmers mumI f.r Ihjaltal voR other counties of the state M courtly btghwesa. 1124444. casBot m iHTtrd te beep Bcettr! Tb 4iry improvement program mitb Health tbrigb ntl and bpcf ,tuai In rgard I egualiaatton of t t Inepecter, ,.1tbe countj' ehlrb we Moid of ag1eult'rm rteerdg, lie foliew-giohaernne tork1 ! J n n . at explained ercMulturnl ngot. M .. nr mill rece.tx M 1b Sim In tBee 4nn, tern U.vtaiol plfce Ir th of impmtcmenta;bt t'xrouah. h Batioeal county temmiwmMia 14UMr. R.cb. best y 4lry cooteel i In appratawl 111 H. out the rountv mill be undertak n ;s4, naeor i bertkemar teor people eluded in tbe county agent report county yat $14 144 tl44i sheriff b reach e4 o H Rich bew the County Agent l.yme I40, 24414 HUM; recorder Alu ef proper ihiaeiag of freest flv.a a frsa trip ta tba t. Lauls' 1C ELIMlKR SFCAKS. $4Ml county recorder. fc4. 14444. b4 prening of tree. aa I Ions I dairy show. !lk In-- . ppcllst on which I IM R 1X1. Ketlmatw Mr Foftr ftgure Mteiaec t ret ihs 4fmu ia ' A of th hr. din, la Hi suriry lent veer were not available are, fljarnaaon nata rupervtaor of format loo before lb groor rV UUlcUl ibowa th variety of activl report J4J44; pension grammar grade and junior high county surxeyor oe44.oa empbaasa abooig be tie I which th voenty exteneion for the blind, $1444; widow's pe- in Ephraim recently iaeoet control t improve ,1 a aaurvey gvo Shop thoec Among bond sinking fund itnabing of the personnel ef ion ioo Uty a4 to obtala higher Hated r engaged animal huebaa Ube poultry, on $24.444. 00. tra Interest 14. fon of Pouth Sanpete bond, king ft. U. 1 bo. pereeatag of conwork, tnaert gra4 dry horticulture, Special dietnct Rhiie in Ephraim bespoke fruit. v i.iie hums demonatretor $4id, trol plant disease, cooperative marlec t - km PIUUU to uent of Kne.u roileg on $. "bom pbaaea of crop pro4aclioa ket ng farm sreounp, crop pro- tor doer of Orem ha1 bteu appoint land the jrndmthr of f'onrtu aoe4 to bo nor carefully planned duction, of ed the ferm bettter and bom chairman fair and fertilisers, Cov ermreot and 'Folk f the rural d particularly la regarft to paeture rodents, drought relief, recreation ho tp a commUe iitoool of vnmk an4 alfalfa pro4uctlon. Well of Utah cou tv according to triita publicity ig. pe4 project her woolft be f ud-- i announcement MatuUav bj Mrs Cred.t for coopt ratton eRtcoded, an tnl4 benefit. Alfalfa l home out esUntion stnff is gen tm Ann Leigh Jonr tnut be folle4 bp ia co tothe tbe demonstration agent on MT Il. BAN NT. county commie 7c t.-Tk- e Rrlg)im b1 t d a operattoa with the l RAC. eg Toung nppouitmM univerlt frm bureau ..The Kisraal a Thristmas R Mvyioi k Rena Mrs penmenf stuttoii ftepartipept iiiafrt l mill k. .rrarkts li Iks First club pro- PmHh'Hughehigh divertor formt 'ontlnuta of director of the state eiienaion er- - li f'ho.l, rsbylrrlan churrh t I pw. kun-gram. emphaeiaing anility of work ice rhntri department f I'.c I) k Ik. rhurrk cboragriculture with mor time with 4vnre4 publu Are Alwaya Welcome aeafted by W...tcb Academy erte count' member t aee44 a well a 4ef county inspection 9 he vi r ua slid orchestra cooperative da'rv punt cixlr luh Provo Intt outline oa crop rtub !cunt ll be !.e)d I t tx f tr Ui board ceuf d Poultrymen couruile, pratxlen rectuid city Mtraer m In Hi I'nkr hh ' e f'r the Kerry effort will be med to ee. etc. and the oioit are Mrs p aa evteaeloa drptnmmt lu f the of ho To Vote on Project pentation !"Tl trnettf W H HU. Mr The eitermion H fr cor1 t of Margaret Ftacley of the county paper a Rom fitnieil ftppi " and maea meet r Rcaumann Mia Hanr Thelma H Provo Huh fex' f Anaor them have already started gent t nr. Rj rr uh U'all p laxpa !IUo, the i: lirunger mho are affiliated mRh aatant agent Mr Am' men ng te tax re n local arid rtate poultry produc The report club rork Leigh Jones home Oeinnnitrat Rr how 442 members enrolled oiatUna ate aked te meet itenojraphe l4Oh TO 1T4I i ofg'nt. eorg whom 14? are In dairy elube. The Thur4v exeniogfor inth the citv andj 1on HKHFTKLP. Iv. rtniHt; work was supervised by ll male) purpoee of icuntv building f liitam I. 1f Vx on Imo propoeal of flaw offhrr submitted Hub aa 4 wowt.i. Is.4vr lk Join PrOtext . voting v t1 orgamaallon A full attend 12. F A A M n lit Ukc pl i were organised fn a county Per fhe iffimr-fod aaaoolatloB. The projects of the preceding u banquet Mens Oa Pott Office Site a"r " desired b the board of MT PLEA RANT Pec. T. Mr 4 14, the M direcora and the president, O. H Fairtent beya end girls were f per coming jrar re M Krtckaen 7 - Provo lodge bo Bard Tmen. .f the Pee banks. master Frank PJUIX) preatdant nnrahipful completed' t eth W Reside entury club ha announ'ed R Pars, sen or vjrden dairy club there were $44r R. P. O Elk ha gene on In The that the club mill aponaor an orig- W Jonea club ru; wratMtln, th. srsetion of ... junior M nrder w 4BD am following project ML B pub7 inal Cir satmae atory contest optu beef. gheep, tresfurrr, baby poultry, innvv toat the Provo poet off' Ph. H S Bell, truster To ris futtdf atudenta of North Renpete high n the; the present it MIPVALK, Pec building forertry. need and garden, entoni school and Maatch Academy for geiiral and charitable purpose ology. rlrl' club, including can- - ettv and countv building blrk to ELDFR must be Tue The submitted in d at oner mill etorlra Uat a member be foods. the the end ntng. clothing iodg given (iratj (.tmn HOME A the Judges. Mrs. (lr mour Jeoaen The etlvltte of tbe county ev- - meeting paaaed a resolution oppoa - mrd amuaement hall Thursday keel on theve 1 lw kut tip RR'HFIELP 1. 7 poa!d G George Madsen and Mrs ten Ion. taff shows f 444 farm leg tbe move and In favof of ntep program mil! be g ven In tha as Mr son of Mr and Mr Henrj mlortahlc felt ,ltprrt make ti vtffifed. t$4l office CBlte ansmered that would bring a nem post nf - aemblv room and after tha d'nner a T W Jensen, before Friday Pec PetaraoM. two jearg n 11. 2.4 1& phene rail The first prit will be IL end aPaterton, who fnlabored The fle building on a new site answered and I hem country store ' will he conducted. in both tho 4ntra ata. missionary the second prtae $2. recently returned bom. more durable Cushion vW. a. TAX FAX MK4IS 44X1IE PARfiWAV, tWw ?.Amr4tRF fb U County rittr ttuiet. tAA peymentb r coming mi a ereli blt the oa)or per ia lnt year, (to ef tb lorn) tiiea nr nsoeHy few 4ny, Mr. tb ni4 4ertBg feel tbet tb onUeon ras b toaatdartd 1 m enoowregttig tbfcen ef the wbn is aeeovnt 4refbt nn4 4epreien ef tb poet movo. tw.. Ik. esuiStrtlM si Ik 1 will; fr lit iv. ksi lh !s Luk OMSMIaeiM M Relative af Ei k. PROVO, Ore. bM Mt.ll Dm. ti. Group AaLs Reduction r' rkwmkar mr baiaok Prove gnd btmht reaaRa,aaa4a (rsa Ik. vartoua Hustj4 a. t ka. reel.. uvrd f r.ta kia. k Survey Begin Was, ks rsMIas i. t'anloraia SiImm was faarad l.Sila..l. la kata la k? 4Wa mils sskiltr.jk,, Wr, kills wks aa wav was Cowboy At Once. Tka rasa. alt Sara i.a raoairr fraa kin for aavaral 4 J ira - report 1144 1, MM .kl .ikr. (tack sards, anMr. aik.ra r.,eri 111t.rgs kills. anotherRoki. lut prrr.ra si, at Watt, Dm. 4. T !? ; A kwl, rt kills 4 4Wa SIH It I, local ItTMIt Uk4 weak. Basalts kav, km v.ry Stmllfyln,. WssksuH BrMh. Provo, StAte He Wu III; Now Recovering. art 1931 IJOO BUNNIES POISONED NEAR HOLDEN IN DRIVE EESET Writes Letter, SETS 7 DfcX'fcLBLK Lost Worker UTAH CCIHinf Utah County Dairymen Plan Herd Enlargement MONDAY CITY JLAKiS HJLLT ,,i..ik boiiBlw 1 hi tats that div muni and strong eontondmr for tot tho loan, to OpPf divisional laurels. A Urg have Jlod I watch the The tlmok for makmg appitcationg crowd eapoctod at Monday. ixp4rwd match. ' .1 t t ; ' If! j a 1. I j i 1,1 I i ! i T , an'a l-- Oaaiaa-(tratlw- peary . Pr u - , ' , pri;t. Jt-l- nf 0pei tff fr fVm vlvlll Wnm,n Tuesday Ride The Street Cars! Bargain Fare 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. fit,, 1 THIULLinC GIPT UGGGTion or Christmas Shopfiery, - xalu-lfto- o p gr. I f-- d 4ieo eoa-tro- A m ran-ta'- a Meet at Richfield to-o- H d .J, Gift Olippcrs t ) ai si h The Gift Unusual UmusumUj Imexpetuirtl L.-Aw- f i tbh 4 if $C - Church Prepares tinl To Give Cantata Taxpayers to i tr ! j m poultrv-xolum- a,l-ym- n t Qub Sponsors Story Contest rsi-o- Kid-trimme- i Felt Everetts lti U', al lopcrttd Bowls, Jars . . . harmon- Faacmating origiml izing colors . . . you'll like these bowll, jar, and raaea. rfmpea vases an 0E(G3 j good-loo- Word of Wisdom Exhibition Slated The RANGE -- It in your opportunity to present to ihe entire family a beauty, deanHnera and economy for many years to yift that bring come. fitting to the orcss ion that deiidoua foods can be prepared for tha table Christmas day without tho omul drudgery and 79c . - LtlVC NF.PHI North oanpete etak quarterly conference be held in Fundny, l Ier, PLEAFANT. 7 -- Fair. 11, - The PLEASANT. Dec. 7 rth ward bundey school under the 7 The Red CIts Her CATHODE tn in Springville Scouts Win Merit Awards RPRrNOVItJJS. De. Prt i In chare, of th. Bird T Br K'h .take B f A honor court for held Bandar rnln tn the Ftrat ward chap.L The program ii furnlahcd lr Troop 1 aa IoIIob. duct, NcbcII Cornet and tromb-inIVc'sht and Richard t.ovcrldac. duct rlo.ln koto, Laon Dallln! cornetLorrr-IdeRichard Oaklcr and Richard of - Oardncr preat. Mcnrr Palmpra (taka and rtec prealdent council B. 0. A of tha TlBipanoco era, tha apaakcr. V. C Brout Commlaalonar ti happr arcr tha prorrea, made durlnr tha pa,t yanr In ftcout-land fecla that cvcr parent behind thil movement chould Aararda were made aa follows : Jdontr Grooibeek. merit Troop hada; Dee Sanford. Flrat Clack badge; Quentin Flatchar. aacond clax kadca; Troop (X merit badee, K Ciarton. Ham Sorenioa. Doali Oledhlll, lfaa Umx Kwd Chrlat Minn, Frank Brlnaharat, Robert Hunt in (ton. Ctareaoa Banc. Kl hkil Boron aon. Howard Hapmond, Francli Borer Milan Metcalf, John Ttarrett. Tad Kindred, Bnrton John-oMorris Bird. Kart Bird, Welt, Clarence Rrlncharat; etar ,aeaca and Morris Bird. Max Lar-- t. second clam badae. Troop (.Merit bad(aa. Warwick SMCi SScsIiiliniGC Cro East Juab coun- ty sucre every vv .on. the financial indi. present sidenng lions. One hundred memberships neye taken out in the cltias of phi and Levan mi:) mao making small ion tonard tne .fund This is the laraest member ln d enrollment th.a strict sh'p No. 460 is Sheer Chifjonl Gifty" in evefy way! Dainty picot top flattering French heel and cradle foot, for aatisfactory wear! V-wi- ll The opgning eslnn for stake snd ward officers and Priesthood will be held In the Mi IVlaaant sin North ward chapel at 7 14 Fatur-- j day evening. Dec. 12 U. WARD PREPARE CONtERT MT. He drive conducted e the war. - E. A. Region Meet Set at Cedar City DF.DAR K r!, 7 - Th. A 32 regions! conferena fNr for Iron, Beaver. disWsnrgtoi R nd tricts, Dixie roll ! rcction ef their superintendent. A i;. Jone wifi present 4 aacrd con rrt and a Christmas cantata, 'The Bill bo held here Ie ember Mir of Bethlehem. 7 In4 thm ward The p hapel, De. It, at will be used for the proceed visit ef Rant Claus with candy and nut for the children. an easy gift to buy And bow rv ,5 Proves Sucessful MT ELECTRIC Boys Sizes fe-nr- a J North Sanpete Sets Qurterly Conference Automatic CHRISTMAS lt 09c Kr 4f 4 Word MT PLEAFANT T'ipd'vm xhiblt like that ebow. at j Jun will be held In ?alt Fairview Iwr. II, Ib th new ftouth warl chapel. Jdtan Life After Runday the exhibit willo he turned over to th Fatrview M ra I who will rontinue KCQ A. off Irtr b Then It will U for one week la Mt. JMeaaant and bprlng City. lke Vwrestiiighcnisa Ll R E1TUTAUERI RirMriELD, Pee. t.- - The Reedy pep club, epoe sored by Lueli Hood ntrtined member of the Pevant club Returday n ght at the a format Rlrnfleld high arhrnl. ignrheon end dancing prtv vu h fifty rouplea participating tlons nnd program portrayed OR A i IS xilk-plat- Childrens Felt Hylo Slippers Menc Fancy Gift 49c SCsg The velour collar cm be turned Red oe op lor greater warmth' e blue Sire 8 5 'A Sizes ll'i 8lj-Siz- ottchinq! Mercerized top, toe and heel for added strength at points of strain. Jacquard patterns; some All-ov- with docks. A- Meals cook automatically while mother 1 out of the kitchen. She ia And HOW free to enjoy herself with other members of the family. EASY IT IS to have such a delightful gift. ONLY A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Eaay Monthly Terms Your Purchase Price Includes COMPLETE INSTALLATION IN YOUR HOME n rt bda, Pa Ifrev man, B.alne Rowland, liam R. Clrdo, Oraat Kialaoa. You ara invited to caH at our store and see these finp rates Electric Ranges on display. Ask about our step-dow-n for complete electric aerrku hi your home. Do it now. Ride the Street Cars down town Tuesday, 5c fare 9 a. m. to 4 Wheeler. Troop (X Utafi Power&7$gfit gfc Fred Merit badree. Mart bad: Iran Felix, completes far sacla bedre; Valdoa Joaaa, Erln Patersoa. Richard Dor. Lean DalirllfA Edmund Roundr. lln. Carl Peterson, rant Weixht Robert WetxbL Newell Wetpht, Hoamer Bjorn son, (tar bade. Tralntns classaa for seotttmaetere and aasiatants (re bald ererr Wed-'- erealnx ta tbe kltrli echoot with E, M. Graeebeck, leader. life p. m. Wil- ROAB BROW (FT. 7 The enn-ta- t MOROVf, read phew of ehe Moroni etake bar bee" acfcedul-- d f--r Tueadari Pea. I. Each ward will praaaat a flf- - hr. taaa miaata akatch. Sik 69 12 are Rayon and M4 Leather Kid roxmt xtttH M CtUOPHANI Guard your health by keeping a box of Bromo Quinine tablet handy take them promptly when yon feel the least symptom of cold. Doudoir Slippers Nothing mor retful!y soft t firmly upporting' Colorful Pom-Poto mat'h. All Color. $1.19 Ladies Bromo Quinine is the world' standard remedy for oold because it I toft and mott rfettive. Felt Slippers 69c The Gift Supreme for Modern Boys I Goggle Helmets (a)' Startling value . . . even for Penney! Yes, genuine leatherette, with detachable amber goggle Aiao, knit lined for extra warmth. Styled in tha authoriat&tive Aviator manner all boy a want! n JqqIPIIKIIIIV HJDrJDRJE 1 l A X AT I V C2 ini 400C 404 441$ (o- - 25? flgNATVftt Anv Spjf STATE S imOATOftY ISsf L . 1 |